View Full Version : Michele Bachmann -- total idiot (again!)

08-16-2011, 04:02 PM
If you support this incompetent loony tunes piece of political trash, you need your pumpkin head examined.

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann got her Elvis Presley dates all shook up during a campaign stop in South Carolina.
The congresswoman from Minnesota played the Elvis tune "Promised Land" on Tuesday at a restaurant in Spartanburg, and told the crowd of 300 that she wanted to say happy birthday to the King of Rock and Roll.
But Aug. 16 is the anniversary of Elvis' death, in 1977, and someone in the crowd shouted back, "He died today!"
Bachmann didn't respond and launched into her speech.

Well of course, Bachmann obviously had other things on her mind at the time.


08-16-2011, 04:11 PM
If you support this incompetent loony tunes piece of political trash, you need your pumpkin head examined.

Well of course, Bachmann obviously had other things on her mind at the time.


I would too... A FOOT LONG corndog for only $6 bucks!!!

08-16-2011, 04:14 PM
If you support this incompetent loony tunes piece of political trash, you need your pumpkin head examined.

Well of course, Bachmann obviously had other things on her mind at the time.


I'm sure thats not the first one she's had that big nor the darkest.

Abbey Marie
08-16-2011, 04:27 PM
Lordy, that looks disgusting.

Prince Lemon
08-16-2011, 04:28 PM
If you support this incompetent loony tunes piece of political trash, you need your pumpkin head examined.

Well of course, Bachmann obviously had other things on her mind at the time.


I don't support both parties anymore.They both packed with socialists indoctrinated on Marxist dogma of political correctness.They are not in favour of real traditional Americans,they are in favour of special interest groups whom they abet.

Sir Evil
08-16-2011, 05:10 PM
If you support this incompetent loony tunes piece of political trash, you need your pumpkin head examined.

Well of course, Bachmann obviously had other things on her mind at the time.


Well damn Gabs, that was a real laid out post, You really put alot of thought into this on eh? Care to explain why you feel she is political trash? I think you are likely just jealous because she can do things with that corndog that you can't.

08-16-2011, 05:24 PM
Well damn Gabs, that was a real laid out post, You really put alot of thought into this on eh? Care to explain why you feel she is political trash? I think you are likely just jealous because she can do things with that corndog that you can't.

I might be willing to let Gabs see if she can.

Sir Evil
08-16-2011, 06:20 PM
I might be willing to let Gabs see if she can.

Can you do it?


08-16-2011, 06:26 PM
Can you do it?


No.........the superhuman sense of manhood and right and wrong that I possess would not allow it.

Sir Evil
08-16-2011, 06:35 PM
No.........the superhuman sense of manhood and right and wrong that I possess would not allow it.

It's a superhuman sense? Yeah well nobody is superhuman so no wonder you sensed wrong.... :laugh:

08-16-2011, 06:36 PM
It's a superhuman sense? Yeah well nobody is superhuman so no wonder you sensed wrong.... :laugh:

I'm a little more than the usual.

Sir Evil
08-16-2011, 06:41 PM
I'm a little more than the usual.

Damn, no wonder you were gone for a long time, you must get plain bored looking down on the rest of us...:laugh2:

08-16-2011, 06:54 PM
Damn, no wonder you were gone for a long time, you must get plain bored looking down on the rest of us...:laugh2:

Shepherding......but some are unsaveable and need to be cut from the herd.

Sir Evil
08-16-2011, 07:14 PM
Shepherding......but some are unsaveable and need to be cut from the herd.


08-16-2011, 07:20 PM

Kiss the ring


Abbey Marie
08-16-2011, 07:35 PM
Our board pecker contests usually aren't so obvious, lol. :laugh:

08-16-2011, 09:53 PM
Sorry, but no one should support a candidate that doesn't know Elvis Presley's birthday.

Well damn Gabs, that was a real laid out post, You really put alot of thought into this on eh? Care to explain why you feel she is political trash? I think you are likely just jealous because she can do things with that corndog that you can't.

I am willing to bet that Bachmann can do things with a corn dog (and other such objects) that I have never even thought of.
I am pretty sure Bachmann has the "Deep Throat" voting populace locked up. Though she might face a battle from Palin for the hearts and votes of porn-watching Republicans.

Sir Evil
08-16-2011, 10:00 PM
Sorry, but no one should support a candidate that doesn't know Elvis Presley's birthday.

Yeah, good way to pick relevance of a candidate..:smoke:

Wouldn't matter if she bent over and kissed your ass, so long as she has that rapublican tag your dumbass couldn't see a glimpse past it.

Joyful HoneyBee
08-16-2011, 10:12 PM
Tsk tsk....too bad she didn't have enough confidence in her platform to help her overcome the urge to buy votes for the Iowa straw poll


08-16-2011, 10:17 PM
Among the present candidates she's number 1 on my list.

Joyful HoneyBee
08-16-2011, 10:35 PM
I have no confidence in her ability to do anything to fix the problems we face in this county. In order to do so, she would first have to understand them, to comprehend their root causes and then exercise the power and authority to offer true and valid solutions. I just don't perceive a hint that she's equipped to do anything differently than to keep plowing the same row they've plow over and over. Politics in this country have been like a pendulum - swinging back and forth in a never ending sway of confusion and chaos. I'm so sick of politics as usual and I'm sick of all these candidates that are mouthpieces without substance. There is only one person who has been consistent, true to his constituents and has truly stood up for American's - even when they have ignored him and his efforts or called him unelectable.

My vote goes for RON PAUL for President in 2012. :salute:

08-16-2011, 11:30 PM
I keep hearing the same argument about Bachmann, she's doesn't know anything, she has no experience, she doesn't understand how things work. In interviews and speeches she comes across very clear and definite on her views. Just like Ron Paul. But she's not an isolationist. How did that work out in 1914 and 1939? She doesn't propose bills with pork for her constituents and then vote against it to keep up the appearance of a consistent voting record. She didn't blame 911 on this countries policies. Just to name a few things.

08-16-2011, 11:55 PM
I keep hearing the same argument about Bachmann, she's doesn't know anything, she has no experience, she doesn't understand how things work. In interviews and speeches she comes across very clear and definite on her views. Just like Ron Paul. But she's not an isolationist. How did that work out in 1914 and 1939? She doesn't propose bills with pork for her constituents and then vote against it to keep up the appearance of a consistent voting record. She didn't blame 911 on this countries policies. Just to name a few things.

I wonder if those who condemn her have ever listened to her or if they just listen to the snippets shown on the MSM.

08-17-2011, 12:41 AM
I wonder if those who condemn her have ever listened to her or if they just listen to the snippets shown on the MSM.

The scary thing is that I have listened to her. And the more I listen to her, the more I hope she gets the GOP nomination. Because she is genuinely loony tunes. She makes speeches (obviously prepared by writers) and doesn't have a clue on how to expand on the key issues.
Bachmann tries to make points and falls flat on her face.
If you are going to bring up Elvis Presley's birthday in a campaign speech, at least know when he was born and not when he was born.
And if you show up late to a campaign rally, don't lie about why you were late:


But I am guessing Bachmann scored a lot of points with the corndog. Teabaggers are known to be good at those sorts of things. :cool:

08-17-2011, 12:50 AM
The scary thing is that I have listened to her. And the more I listen to her, the more I hope she gets the GOP nomination. Because she is genuinely loony tunes. She makes speeches (obviously prepared by writers) and doesn't have a clue on how to expand on the key issues.
Bachmann tries to make points and falls flat on her face.
If you are going to bring up Elvis Presley's birthday in a campaign speech, at least know when he was born and not when he was born.
And if you show up late to a campaign rally, don't lie about why you were late:


But I am guessing Bachmann scored a lot of points with the corndog. Teabaggers are known to be good at those sorts of things. :cool:

I'll bet she knows that there are only 50 states....and that corpsman is not pronounced "corpseman".

Should I go on about how stupid your man sounded during his campaign? And that doesn't count all the looney tune things he's said since becoming POTUS....like this one.

"The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system." --in remarks after a health care roundtable with physicians, nurses and health care providers, Washington, D.C., July 20, 2009

Give it a break Gabby, you are sucking air on this one.

red states rule
08-17-2011, 03:17 AM
The scary thing is that I have listened to her. And the more I listen to her, the more I hope she gets the GOP nomination. Because she is genuinely loony tunes. She makes speeches (obviously prepared by writers) and doesn't have a clue on how to expand on the key issues.
Bachmann tries to make points and falls flat on her face.
If you are going to bring up Elvis Presley's birthday in a campaign speech, at least know when he was born and not when he was born.
And if you show up late to a campaign rally, don't lie about why you were late:


But I am guessing Bachmann scored a lot of points with the corndog. Teabaggers are known to be good at those sorts of things. :cool:

So you would rather have a President who does not know what year it is?

During a trip to London’s Westminster Abbey, President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011

or a President who does not know the geography of the US?

Not only does Obama not know how many states there are, he also doesn’t know where they are. During the 2008 primary campaign, he explained why he was trailing Hillary Clinton in Kentucky: “Sen. Clinton, I think, is much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it’s not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle.” Obama’s home state of Illinois, and not Arkansas, shares a border with Kentucky

or a President who does not know what januguage is spoke in the country he is visting?

In April 2009, on one of his many foreign trips, President Obama mused, “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” Oops, Mr. President. There is no Austrian language

or a President who inflates the number of dead during a tornado?

After a devastating tornado hit Kansas, Obama discussed the tragedy without help from a teleprompter, saying, ''In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died—an entire town destroyed.'' He was only off by 9,988 as the twister killed 12 people

or a Presient who does not know how old his own children are?

The President last month thought he was so clever, unfavorably comparing Republican procrastination on the debt limit to his daughters finishing their homework early. In his remarks, Obama made a reference to daughter Malia, saying she was 13 years old, when at the time she was 12. Imagine the press reaction if Michele Bachmann (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#)​ made a misstatement about any of her five children or 23 foster kids


Need more Gabby? Or does the "D" at the end of Obama's name give him a apss on all the above in your book?

08-17-2011, 09:45 AM
she does come off dumb as a box of rocks. Or just blames Obama.

08-17-2011, 06:30 PM
So tell me RSR, does one person saying stupid things justify another person saying stupid things? Because you offer this "defense" a lot.
I know a person's education and intelligence level doesn't mean much to you, but it does matter to me. I don't want a total idiot in the highest office in the world. Though I understand how this kind of stupidity would appeal to you.


08-17-2011, 07:41 PM
I don't want a total idiot in the highest office in the world.

How do you justify your voting record then?

08-17-2011, 08:35 PM
So tell me RSR, does one person saying stupid things justify another person saying stupid things? Because you offer this "defense" a lot.
I know a person's education and intelligence level doesn't mean much to you, but it does matter to me. I don't want a total idiot in the highest office in the world. Though I understand how this kind of stupidity would appeal to you.


She didn't go to Harvard, but did go to William and Mary for tax law. I mean if 'education' means 'smart':


I wouldn't vote for her, but your argument is weaker than RSR's. He's basically saying that 'candidates get things wrong, sometimes hilariously so'. You are saying, 'it's ok for Obama, ignore those, but crucify those you disagree with.' Then something about how 'education counts,' Okay then.

Abbey Marie
08-17-2011, 08:40 PM
She didn't go to Harvard, but did go to William and Mary for tax law. I mean if 'education' means 'smart':


I wouldn't vote for her, but your argument is weaker than RSR's. He's basically saying that 'candidates get things wrong, sometimes hilariously so'. You are saying, 'it's ok for Obama, ignore those, but crucify those you disagree with.' Then something about how 'education counts,' Okay then.

Tax law is complex, and William & Mary not easy to get into. Ms. Bachman is hardly stupid or looney. I think Democrat women attacking any and all Republican female candidates as dumb should be ashamed of themselves. I guess there are no feminists left in the Dem party.

08-17-2011, 08:48 PM
Tax law is complex, and William & Mary not easy to get into. Ms, Bachman is hardly stupid or looney. I think Democrat women attacking any and all Republican female candidates as dumb should be ashamed of themselves. I guess there are no feminists left in the Dem party.

Indeed, which is why I focused on that rather than the Oral Roberts, which Gabby would ridicule. She doesn't see that she's an elitist snob or that her assumption that degrees=smart. One step further she believes that elite universities=smartest. Now I'm just guessing that fills some need of hers, but the fallacy is obvious.

08-17-2011, 08:59 PM
She didn't go to Harvard, but did go to William and Mary for tax law. I mean if 'education' means 'smart':


I wouldn't vote for her, but your argument is weaker than RSR's. He's basically saying that 'candidates get things wrong, sometimes hilariously so'. You are saying, 'it's ok for Obama, ignore those, but crucify those you disagree with.' Then something about how 'education counts,' Okay then.

I know you are not saying that RSR "EVER" takes Repubs to task for anything.

08-17-2011, 09:02 PM
Indeed, which is why I focused on that rather than the Oral Roberts, which Gabby would ridicule. She doesn't see that she's an elitist snob or that her assumption that degrees=smart. One step further she believes that elite universities=smartest. Now I'm just guessing that fills some need of hers, but the fallacy is obvious.

Kathianne I agree with you on the "degrees don't always=smarts" but when you are running for the highest office in the land you kinds want someone in there with something going on upstaisrs...........hence the reason Sarah Palin polls around 2%, she is great to look at but dumber than a box of rocks.

08-17-2011, 09:12 PM
Kathianne I agree with you on the "degrees don't always=smarts" but when you are running for the highest office in the land you kinds want someone in there with something going on upstaisrs...........hence the reason Sarah Palin polls around 2%, she is great to look at but dumber than a box of rocks.

I wouldn't vote for her either, but she's far from dumb. Both she and Bachmann remind me of why I detested and still do, Obama. Hubris, narcissism, ideological to a fault, lack of connections with others that differ in opinions, inexperience...

08-17-2011, 09:19 PM
I wouldn't vote for her either, but she's far from dumb. Both she and Bachmann remind me of why I detested and still do, Obama. Hubris, narcissism, ideological to a fault, lack of connections with others that differ in opinions, inexperience...

So you prefer someone kinda weak and wishy washy?

Sir Evil
08-17-2011, 09:25 PM
So you prefer someone kinda weak and wishy washy?

Dude, maybe you should make a run for office. :laugh2:

08-17-2011, 09:52 PM
So you prefer someone kinda weak and wishy washy?

Hardly, but one must pick their own priorities. I've no delusions you'd agree with my thinking, thus I just post my pov.

I'll find someone to vote for, but won't be Obama, Bachmann, or Palin. That's what I know, now.

08-17-2011, 10:09 PM
Kathianne I agree with you on the "degrees don't always=smarts" but when you are running for the highest office in the land you kinds want someone in there with something going on upstaisrs...........hence the reason Sarah Palin polls around 2%, she is great to look at but dumber than a box of rocks.

If Bachmann is so smart, why does she say and do such stupid things?
Bachmann's main problem in this campaign is that she does not have a filter. As OCA said, people who judge Bachmann want to know what is going on upstairs. If you keep shooting yourself in the foot, eventually people are going to get tired of looking at your feet.
Believe it or not, most Americans don't gravitate to the far right or far left. They are in the middle. Bachmann does not appeal to those in the middle.

Sir Evil
08-17-2011, 10:16 PM
If Bachmann is so smart, why does she say and do such stupid things?


the pot calling the kettle black!

08-17-2011, 10:21 PM
If Bachmann is so smart, why does she say and do such stupid things?
Bachmann's main problem in this campaign is that she does not have a filter. As OCA said, people who judge Bachmann want to know what is going on upstairs. If you keep shooting yourself in the foot, eventually people are going to get tired of looking at your feet.
Believe it or not, most Americans don't gravitate to the far right or far left. They are in the middle. Bachmann does not appeal to those in the middle.

And Obama? Putting himself as more maligned than Lincoln? Give me an f'ing break. I'm not in the position of defending Bachmann, I don't like her and think she'd be bad for the country. Which of course is right there with my opinion of Obama.

08-17-2011, 11:48 PM
So tell me RSR, does one person saying stupid things justify another person saying stupid things? Because you offer this "defense" a lot.
I know a person's education and intelligence level doesn't mean much to you, but it does matter to me. I don't want a total idiot in the highest office in the world. Though I understand how this kind of stupidity would appeal to you.


Seriously???? Seriously??? Gabby, what do you think you've got there now?

08-17-2011, 11:56 PM
I know you are not saying that RSR "EVER" takes Repubs to task for anything.

What was it I said? Oh yea, to Gabby:
I wouldn't vote for her, but your argument is weaker than RSR's. He's basically saying that 'candidates get things wrong, sometimes hilariously so'. You are saying, 'it's ok for Obama, ignore those, but crucify those you disagree with.' Then something about how 'education counts,' Okay then.

No other words, but thanks for the attempt.

red states rule
08-18-2011, 02:43 AM
So tell me RSR, does one person saying stupid things justify another person saying stupid things? Because you offer this "defense" a lot.
I know a person's education and intelligence level doesn't mean much to you, but it does matter to me. I don't want a total idiot in the highest office in the world. Though I understand how this kind of stupidity would appeal to you.


Gabby, you say you do not want a total idiot in the highest office in the world - look who we have now.

Everytime he speaks he blames someone else for his failures. He acts like he is an innocent bystander. All he offers as "solutions" is the same thing he has already tried and falied

You have a long history of jumping on any gaffe made by a Repubican yet when the tables are tunred you act indignant and offended

Like another poster who recently returned, your sole purpose of posting here is to remind people of your intellectual superiority and that "smart" people are now in charge. Well look at the results the "smart" people have given America. You may have your college degree Gabby but you do not have an ounce of common sense or common courtesy

Like the other poster, when you are unable to counter facts, you allow your elitist snobbery to take over. Both of you think you can brow beat anyone into submission

Deep down you are worried that your party screwed up so bad they will lose this election like they did the 2010 miterm. You are seeing candidates like Ms Bachmann starting to appeal to the "little people" you dislike so your only course of action is to attack Ms Bachmann and the people your party claims to care so much about

red states rule
08-18-2011, 03:04 AM
What was it I said? Oh yea, to Gabby:

No other words, but thanks for the attempt.

Kat, I guess some posters here are to busy telling us how damn smart they are to read the threads I have started :laugh2:


With Obama what people voted for is very different from what they got


08-18-2011, 10:51 AM
Bachmann was in South Carolina and said she will get gas under $2 a gallon again. Didn't offer any explanations as to how she could do it.

She is a nut case. Pure and simple.

08-18-2011, 01:22 PM
Bachmann was in South Carolina and said she will get gas under $2 a gallon again. Didn't offer any explanations as to how she could do it.

She is a nut case. Pure and simple.

She obviously isn't a PURE nutcase, but she does seem to enjoy uttering random garbage from her mouth.

and libs like you and Gabby contimue to utter endless examples of liberal civility

If only the left would hold their fellow liberals to the same standards they want to hold everyone else to

08-18-2011, 02:21 PM
What was it I said? Oh yea, to Gabby:

No other words, but thanks for the attempt.

You said RSR said that "candidates sometimes get things wrong", can you please point me to the post where he has called out a Repub directly for being wrong.

08-18-2011, 02:23 PM
Bachmann was in South Carolina and said she will get gas under $2 a gallon again. Didn't offer any explanations as to how she could do it.

She is a nut case. Pure and simple.

Thats what candidates on both sides of the aisle say when campaigning knowing all along its impossible, its just offering fresh meat to the masses which are dumber than a box of bricks.

08-18-2011, 02:26 PM
You said RSR said that "candidates sometimes get things wrong", can you please point me to the post where he has called out a Repub directly for being wrong.

The comparison between obama and bachmann's gaffes. C'mon Oca, you're better than this.

08-18-2011, 02:38 PM
The comparison between obama and bachmann's gaffes. C'mon Oca, you're better than this.

Seriously, you are dodging. Please point me in the direction of RSR calling out a Repub WITHOUT in the same sentence also vaguely excusing said Repub because a Dem made the same gaff etc. etc.

You know thats his M.O.........just be willing to say 2+2=4. You usually have no qualms about calling me on my M.O...........be fair.

Sir Evil
08-18-2011, 02:40 PM
You usually have no qualms about calling me on my M.O...........be fair.

Shut up Mr. Dos Equis! :laugh2:

08-18-2011, 02:41 PM
Shut up Mr. Dos Equis! :laugh2:

Enjoying a Dos Equis dark right now while waiting for Kath's reply.

08-18-2011, 02:48 PM
Seriously, you are dodging. Please point me in the direction of RSR calling out a Repub WITHOUT in the same sentence also vaguely excusing said Repub because a Dem made the same gaff etc. etc.

You know thats his M.O.........just be willing to say 2+2=4. You usually have no qualms about calling me on my M.O...........be fair.

I am being fair. If he was questioning your 'bias' in the same way and you responded with an implied acquiescence, I'd tell him the same.

08-18-2011, 02:53 PM
I am being fair. If he was questioning your 'bias' in the same way and you responded with an implied acquiescence, I'd tell him the same.

Well "implied aquiescence" or not I think you know exactly what i'm talking about, we will just leave it at that.

08-18-2011, 02:56 PM
Well "implied aquiescence" or not I think you know exactly what i'm talking about, we will just leave it at that.


red states rule
08-18-2011, 03:44 PM
She obviously isn't a PURE nutcase, but she does seem to enjoy uttering random garbage from her mouth.

and libs like you and Gabby contimue to utter endless examples of liberal civility

If only the left would hold their fellow liberals to the same standards they want to hold everyone else to

and you and Gabby continue to sprew endless examples of liberal civility

Perhpas some day the left will hold their own to the same standards they hold everyone to

red states rule
08-18-2011, 03:46 PM
The comparison between obama and bachmann's gaffes. C'mon Oca, you're better than this.

You may want to start a thread on that Kat. That is a topic that is definitely open to debate :laugh2:

08-18-2011, 04:07 PM
You may want to start a thread on that Kat. That is a topic that is definitely open to debate :laugh2:

She agreed with me but won't say it out in the open.

Prince Lemon
08-18-2011, 04:17 PM
Too sad that old time politicians are not given rights to claim America back.Why?Because they are not Politically Correct.

08-18-2011, 04:22 PM
and you and Gabby continue to sprew endless examples of liberal civility

Perhpas some day the left will hold their own to the same standards they hold everyone to

Dear god, have you read ANY of your own posts???? Every post you make about Democrats mocks them in some fashion.

You're a funny man, even if you don't mean to be.

red states rule
08-18-2011, 04:25 PM
Dear god, have you read ANY of your own posts???? Every post you make about Democrats mocks them in some fashion.

You're a funny man, even if you don't mean to be.

It was liberals who "demanded" more civility and all you and Gabby seem to post are personal attacks.

I post what liberal say, do, and the results of their policies and that seem to qualify as a personal attack in your world

But I am an equal opportunity basher. As I posted on this thread before, I did start a thread where I took alot of heat from my fellow conservatives here


but alas some posters here are too busy telling us how great they are or in your case sprewing theri civility to take time to read it

08-18-2011, 05:12 PM
It was liberals who "demanded" more civility and all you and Gabby seem to post are personal attacks.

I post what liberal say, do, and the results of their policies and that seem to qualify as a personal attack in your world

But I am an equal opportunity basher. As I posted on this thgread before, I did start a thread where I took alot of heat from my fellow conservatives here


but alas some posters here are too busy telling us how great they are or in your case sprewing theri civility to take time to read it

Oh yeah..............you really took some heat there...........lol.

"I post what liberals say, do"....................you are in freakin lala land, you post nothing but hate and disdain for liberals all the while excusing conservatives for every dispicable action they partake in.

Hey, whatever happened to that 2nd account you created, making up a liberal who you said was your friend and had good things to say about you and who posted 1 minute apart from you and from the same IP?

Can you teach me how to be the town rightwing nutbag writing daily letters to the editor making them laugh at you?:laugh:

08-18-2011, 05:19 PM
I just figured out Rino rules.....................3 blacks in the avatar, I understand the Obamas but Jesse Jackson? Awwwwwwwwww you needed a 3rd black......................very distasteful indeed.

The sheet looks great on you.

Sir Evil
08-18-2011, 05:24 PM
I just figured out Rino rules.....................3 blacks in the avatar, I understand the Obamas but Jesse Jackson? Awwwwwwwwww you needed a 3rd black......................very distasteful indeed.

The sheet looks great on you.


Saw this coming a mile away! Can't say it wasn't warranted but adding fuel to the fire doesn't make it any better... eh, screw you!

red states rule
08-18-2011, 05:29 PM

Saw this coming a mile away! Can't say it wasn't warranted but adding fuel to the fire doesn't make it any better... eh, screw you!

The race card is all he has left Evil

The reason for Jackson is he has joined Maxine Walters in their growing disappointment in Obama

Walters asked permission from a black crowd to "go after" Obama. The crownd yelled "yes"

Jackson was on DNCTV and said Obama is acting like he does not need black support anymore

Not racism in my avatar - just the facts. Seems Obama is losing support across the board

Sir Evil
08-18-2011, 05:36 PM
The race card is all he has left Evil

Not suggesting that myself, just saying the chemistry in this thread can wind up being explosive is all.

red states rule
08-18-2011, 05:39 PM
Not suggesting that myself, just saying the chemistry in this thread can wind up being explosive is all.

Maybe when Virgil was here - but lately the only fireworks seems to come from a Greek megalomaniac whose greatest brainstorm is a slight drizzle. And the fireworks fizzle

08-18-2011, 05:48 PM
The race card is all he has left Evil

The reason for Jackson is he has joined Maxine Walters in their growing disappointment in Obama

Walters asked permission from a black crowd to "go after" Obama. The crownd yelled "yes"

Jackson was on DNCTV and said Obama is acting like he does not need black support anymore

Not racism in my avatar - just the facts. Seems Obama is losing support across the board

Evil said he couldn't say it was warranted..............lol.

Its Maxine Waters, get your facts straight.

I'm spot on with the avatar, there are many whites inside the DNC who are displeased with Obama but Rino rules decided to play the race card................can't say i'm surprised coming from a Rino though!

08-18-2011, 05:50 PM
Maybe when Virgil was here - but lately the only fireworks seems to come from a Greek megalomaniac whose greatest brainstorm is a slight drizzle. And the fireworks fizzle

I haven't even begun to unleash the torrent of scandalous new info. i've acquired on you in the last few days. You know what i'm talking about, thats why you went on the flame right off the bat.

Sir Evil
08-18-2011, 05:52 PM
And the chemical begin to mix..... :scared:

08-18-2011, 05:57 PM
And the chemical begin to mix..... :scared:

Nah Evil, i'm gonna wait for a more appropriate time to reveal Mr. RSR. Somebody has to check this clown.

08-18-2011, 05:59 PM
Nah Evil, i'm gonna wait for a more appropriate time to reveal Mr. RSR. Somebody has to check this clown.

IF you have something on him and IF you post it on this board - the ban comes out! I'm not gonna stand for that taking place here and you know it.

/moving thread to cage before the lock

08-18-2011, 08:31 PM
IF you have something on him and IF you post it on this board - the ban comes out! I'm not gonna stand for that taking place here and you know it.

/moving thread to cage before the lock

We've already talked about this but i'm not going to take his running around like a little bitch quoting others but talking shit about me much longer.

He needs to man up and speak to me directly or shut the fuck up about me forever.

I won't drop the 411 on him on the board, not saying I won't drop it just that I won't drop it on the board.

08-19-2011, 12:52 AM
Bachmann was in South Carolina and said she will get gas under $2 a gallon again. Didn't offer any explanations as to how she could do it.

She is a nut case. Pure and simple.

If she's a nut case, then what do you call Obama. He's been President for over two years and still can't explain how he's going to create jobs.....perhaps he doesn't know the campaign is over and now it's time to shut up or put up???

08-19-2011, 02:19 PM
If she's a nut case, then what do you call Obama. He's been President for over two years and still can't explain how he's going to create jobs.....perhaps he doesn't know the campaign is over and now it's time to shut up or put up???

Known liar and smearer.............opinion ignored.

08-19-2011, 03:03 PM
Nah Evil, i'm gonna wait for a more appropriate time to reveal Mr. RSR. Somebody has to check this clown.

The irony of OCA calling anyone a clown is beyond belief.

08-19-2011, 05:12 PM
The irony of OCA calling anyone a clown is beyond belief.

The balls of having someone who is enough of a dumbfuck to flame in the "lounge" section of the board and then come here and question me, I mean really, the legendary OCA, is absolutely insane.

I think you've revealed quite nicely your absolute lack of character this week, I thank you for that.

08-19-2011, 05:17 PM
Here is what is really funny, Laffer goes around thanking everybody when it concerns me but doesn't have the balls to speak directly to me...................I piss on people like that.

He's a fucking joke.

08-19-2011, 06:50 PM
The balls of having someone who is enough of a dumbfuck to flame in the "lounge" section of the board and then come here and question me, I mean really, the legendary OCA, is absolutely insane.

I think you've revealed quite nicely your absolute lack of character this week, I thank you for that.

Look here Muppet, how long do you intend to cry like a pussy about me commenting on a picture YOU posted? It's not like I found your facebook page and posted the pic and wrote about the slump buster, YOU posted the pic, asking people to comment, and you were no doubt eating it up when you were being told how beautiful she is (liars) so where do you get the audacity to have such fauxrage at someone saying she isn't?

You're a bitch, simple as that. You come in here talking all hard about how badass you are, then you're stupid enough to post a picture of your family on the board, then you cry like a little girl when someone posts something unfavorable..

Put your big boy panties on and deal with it.

08-19-2011, 07:29 PM
Look here Muppet, how long do you intend to cry like a pussy about me commenting on a picture YOU posted? It's not like I found your facebook page and posted the pic and wrote about the slump buster, YOU posted the pic, asking people to comment, and you were no doubt eating it up when you were being told how beautiful she is (liars) so where do you get the audacity to have such fauxrage at someone saying she isn't?

You're a bitch, simple as that. You come in here talking all hard about how badass you are, then you're stupid enough to post a picture of your family on the board, then you cry like a little girl when someone posts something unfavorable..

Put your big boy panties on and deal with it.

Fuck you, you have zero morals, probably one of those military queers who got in on 'don't ask, don't tell".

Really, seriously, you would probably fuck your own sainted mother out of a nickel. The fucking crackhead I saw today ranks higher on the social ladder.

This is probably why they shitcanned your sorry ass from USMB..................LOWFUCKINGLIFE BEHAVIOR.

08-19-2011, 10:45 PM
Known liar and smearer.............opinion ignored.

He's calling me a liar because I posted that he was posting around 10:00 AM ... when in fact he started posting at 12:19 ... which is technically in the afternoon. Ooops, forgive me for being off by 2 hours ... point I was making is that you are on here during normal working hours and you were blasting someone else for doing the same.

PS.....you still have not responded to my challenge....which means you are afraid of something, aren't you little man?

08-19-2011, 10:57 PM
This thread has turned nuttier that Bachmann. :clap:

08-19-2011, 11:20 PM
This thread has turned nuttier that Bachmann. :clap:

Spot on ... sorry that I let myself fall into the gutter with that nasty little man. My apologies TK!

08-19-2011, 11:44 PM
Fuck you, you have zero morals, probably one of those military queers who got in on 'don't ask, don't tell".

Really, seriously, you would probably fuck your own sainted mother out of a nickel. The fucking crackhead I saw today ranks higher on the social ladder.

This is probably why they shitcanned your sorry ass from USMB..................LOWFUCKINGLIFE BEHAVIOR.

Well you could take 'your wife' and put her in 'his Ferrari' and drive away. Then all would be good and evens.

08-20-2011, 07:24 AM
He's calling me a liar because I posted that he was posting around 10:00 AM ... when in fact he started posting at 12:19 ... which is technically in the afternoon. Ooops, forgive me for being off by 2 hours ... point I was making is that you are on here during normal working hours and you were blasting someone else for doing the same.

PS.....you still have not responded to my challenge....which means you are afraid of something, aren't you little man?

Cut and paste the 12:19 post on a weekday, I dare ya.

Again there is ALWAYS, during the week, a 16 hr gap between the last posts in the p.m. and the posts the next day except for maybe 1 post while the coffeee is brewing around 6a.m.

You are a liar and a 60 yr old one which makes it even more shameful.

08-20-2011, 07:51 AM
Ok here is the original accusative post from Sassy, post#288 in the "Calamitous Events" thread

And look at when you started posting today (10:00 AM)? Are you going to tell us that Tuesday's are your day off?

Here is my last post time from Monday night Aug.15 to Tues. Aug.16:

08-15-2011 09:31 PM

08-16-2011 03:38 PM

No 12 noon posts, no 12:19 posts no nothing for usually 16 hrs during the week.

I know this is a small thing and insignificant but you take every opportunity you can to prove people liars, especially when its so easy.