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View Full Version : Jewish Guilt and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

08-16-2011, 04:08 PM
Key Points:
-Popular culture, such as Amistad, tries to always ensure slavery is painted as a White Christian crime, this largely in response to books and other sources of information than began to expose the truth

-Prominent historians- themselves Jews, including the American Jewish Historical Society- and other sources reveal that Jews played a pivotal role in the slave trade- and have for 2000+ years

-Jews were appointed by the crown to manage the slave trade early on because they controlled most of the shipping in the Caribbean. The owners and captains of the ships were mostly Jews, as were much of the crew. Jews dominated the slave trade and, indeed, the entirety of the Triangle Trade

-So pronounced was the Jewish control of the slave trade that slave auctions oft had to shut down for Jewish holidays. This was because an overwhelming majority the traders, sellers, and buyers of slaves were Jews. This was especially pronounced in Brasil, but also held true in much of the North American continent

-In the American South, less than 5% of non-Jewish Whites owned slaves (less than 2% nationwide). 40% of Jewish households owned slaves.

-Jews have attempted to hide these facts, even filing court injunctions against researchers to prevent publication of these truths.


08-16-2011, 04:47 PM
I hope you understand that this will be construed as proof that you are a bigot.

08-16-2011, 06:04 PM
Jewish Guilt, White Guilt, whatever.
Hopefully we can add Black Guilt to that list as well, since they have been engaging in the practice of slavery for the better part of all written human history, then everyone can stand as one and call slavery a stain on humanity rather pointing fingers at any one culture.

08-19-2011, 04:37 AM
Jewish Guilt, White Guilt, whatever.
Hopefully we can add Black Guilt to that list as well, since they have been engaging in the practice of slavery for the better part of all written human history, then everyone can stand as one and call slavery a stain on humanity rather pointing fingers at any one culture.

Human guilt you say...rep must be spread!

08-19-2011, 06:58 AM
Jewish Guilt, White Guilt, whatever.
Hopefully we can add Black Guilt to that list as well, since they have been engaging in the practice of slavery for the better part of all written human history, then everyone can stand as one and call slavery a stain on humanity rather pointing fingers at any one culture.

and they still are... slavery is alive and well in Africa

05-12-2012, 10:42 PM
the Jews played an initial role in the slave trade but, it as with most everything in North America, was either a white man's show or Spanish. Plus, the Jews that did participate in the slave trade were cornered to do so. The Crown did not appoint (as if it were a gift) rather, they told. They told the Jews you can only own property in the New World. You can not work any trade in Spain but, you can trade slaves... etc etc.
Also, Jews were some of the first voices in the South to oppose slavery as, with segregation not so long ago...