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View Full Version : Once Upon A Time (The Ron Paul Story)

08-16-2011, 10:29 PM
ONCE UPON A TIME, there was a guy named Ron Paul. For those of you who watch Fox News and don’t know who he is because Hannity is afraid to say his name, he’s the most consistent voting CONSERVATIVE Congressman in the US House history, having never voting one single time for raising taxes, going to war or to increase spending.
Anyway, along about the mid-eighties Ron Paul was known by a few folks as a great financial mind. He even ran for President in 1988, garnering only 400K votes of course, but nevertheless, was beginning to spread his radical views of how we needed to stop our ridiculous spending or we were going to get into serious trouble. No one listened.
During the Clinton years, after returning to the US Congress he warned us of a problem with the housing industry. We ignored him.
While supporting Harry Browne for president in 2000, he told us we were in for trouble. He said a scam of sorts was being orchestrated right in Washington that was going to destroy the housing industry, costs millions of jobs and virtually collapse our economy. No one listened.
In 2002, 2003 and 2004, Congressman Paul continued his ranting, many times completely alone, screaming that we needed to do a turn-around or we would face 15% unemployment rates by 2010 and a failed economy where our dollar would be worth less than a Canadian one. No one listened. (Other House members openly laughed at him)
All the while he continued voting, sometimes alone for YOU! He voted for your liberty, your economic freedom and against intrusion on your personal life by government. No one noticed.
As a matter of fact, Republicans and other so-called conservatives labeled him a quack, an extremist and a fool. When Ron Paul was on C-Span was a good time to go make pop-corn or get a beer. Of course while you were gone, the most brilliant mind in American economic history was busy trying to get you to listen. Instead, you laughed at him.
What always strikes me as funny is that people literally hate to admit Ron Paul has been right about it all. Why is that? Someone who would work so hard for you, staying true to his beliefs, defending your liberty and trying to keep you abreast of what was REALLY going on in Washington. Absolutely befoozles me!
Unelectable he was called in 2008. All the way down to the end of the primary, he was unelectable. Why? Because you wouldn’t vote for him.
The press is scared to death of Ron Paul. Hannity won’t say his name. One has to admit, what Republican would you really rather see debate President Obama? Talk about rivaling Ali-Frazier 4. Dr. Paul would rip his ass off of him and we all know it. Yet, we won’t even mention his name.
Why are we scared of Ron Paul? Is it that we like the Fed doing to the value of money what it has done. We love the IRS. We must. We know Ron Paul would end them both in a heartbeat. He’s warned us of the Fed’s screw-ups for thirty years…but, no one listened.
Is it because he suggested making drugs legal and taxing them? You know, that radical plan he had back in the 70’s that would have raised enough money to have us above 0 right now? Yeah, but then we would have missed all those stories at eleven about the drug dealers killing each other and that Border patrol show on TV about smugglers, wouldn’t we?
Before you even go there…yes it would have! Taxes on drugs, the reduction of all the money we have spent fighting the stupid war on drugs over thirty years and related other ridiculous expenses associated with it would have far exceeded our national debt right now. Add the cost of wars, un-necessary upkeep on vacant government buildings, security, needless research that should always be PRIVATE and we have a thriving economy. The kind Ron Paul tried to advise us to have. We didn’t listen.
Everyone who reads this knows damn well I am right. I’ve pitched it on here for years (not the last two). What did we do? Ignored it. “Ron Paul is not electable,” we said.
Oh I forgot, Donald Trump told CPAC Ron Paul wasn’t electable. That was right before he blew out everybody in the building, winning the poll.
Who is the real ‘Father of the Tea Party?’ I know…I know, it isn’t Ron Paul. Even though the Tea Party stands for the exact things he preached in the 80’s, they act as if it is new ideology. Nope, Dr. Paul ran on the platform twenty-three years ago. Oh…okay, I stand corrected, yes, he has a legalize drug policy. That makes him completely different, right?
Essentially, when Ron Paul won the Iowa Straw Poll (he did when you subtract the tickets Michelle Bachmann handed out to Randy Travis concert for anyone who agreed to vote for her), he has now insisted, and offered you another chance. One that could save your children and grandchildren’s future. Will you listen?
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I’ll get out of the way, begging your pardon for my appearance here and let you good folks debate it out. But, then again, you might just ignore me, even though like Dr. Paul, here years ago (and I can show you the threads) I agreed and predicted, back in 2005, that we would have a collapsed economy. You don’t want me to pull out those threads because some of you will be damn embarrassed at what you wrote. I was a ‘scaremonger’ of sorts, a Libertarian fanatic, like Ron Paul and well, I was right.
Told you so. Now…..
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Will you finally vote for Ron Paul or will you think of new excuses not to?
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The most qualified person for the office of President of the United States is Ron Paul.

08-16-2011, 10:37 PM
A spam account to be sure...
Even so, I will play devil's advocate and say Ron Paul is the greatest human being to run for President of ANY country on the face of the earth.
Despite that, he won't be elected.
Next thread.

08-16-2011, 11:52 PM
A spam account to be sure...
Even so, I will play devil's advocate and say Ron Paul is the greatest human being to run for President of ANY country on the face of the earth.
Despite that, he won't be elected.
Next thread.

Definitely not a spammer. With that exception, I agree he won't be elected. Paul has some very good ideas, I agree with a lot of them. However his past is his, he never shook it off. Then there is the whole isolationist bit, but in any case, he's unelectable. If he ever garnered serious poll numbers, all the newsletters and such would become very widespread.

red states rule
08-17-2011, 03:20 AM
Welome back Emmett! I am glad to see you back

However there is no way I could ever support Ron Paul after he said America brought 9/11 on itself. He lost for good with that over the top and insane comment