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08-17-2011, 04:18 PM
My oldest is about to leave for college, he' going for a degree in Electrical Engineering.

While I am so proud of him I can't imagine him not being here. Saturday is going to be such a hard day for me. I'm already getting sad just thinking about it.

My youngest (9) has been like a second skin on him all week. He keeps saying things like "will you play this game for me ONE LAST TIME before you leave?". He's also been practically sitting on his lap when we are watching TV as a family. I know it will be hard of the 9 year old when my oldest leaves.

I'm not ready for this :(

08-17-2011, 04:45 PM
My oldest is about to leave for college, he' going for a degree in Electrical Engineering.

While I am so proud of him I can't imagine him not being here. Saturday is going to be such a hard day for me. I'm already getting sad just thinking about it.

My youngest (9) has been like a second skin on him all week. He keeps saying things like "will you play this game for me ONE LAST TIME before you leave?". He's also been practically sitting on his lap when we are watching TV as a family. I know it will be hard of the 9 year old when my oldest leaves.

I'm not ready for this :(

My oldest is 19. We have another boy living with us, same age, his home life was umm HORRIBLE and he moved in with us when he was 16. They both have jobs and go to school. I am not pushing either to move out.

08-17-2011, 05:16 PM
Trigg, hugs! How far from home is the university? Are you all taking him to school on Saturday? If so, perhaps you can stop in athletic office and pick up some tickets for football games? Usually in September or early October most schools have a family weekend, book hotel NOW! If possible, pick one with pool for the 9 year old, perhaps even plan on him asking a friend to come that weekend, as big brother probably won't be free 'all the time.'

My boys are much closer in age, but the youngest really missed the older for the two years he was 'alone' in high school. But because of the age, he was able to go visit for weekends. What was funny though, after a bit he really did like being 'the only.' ;)

08-17-2011, 06:58 PM
Trigg, hugs! How far from home is the university? Are you all taking him to school on Saturday? If so, perhaps you can stop in athletic office and pick up some tickets for football games? Usually in September or early October most schools have a family weekend, book hotel NOW! If possible, pick one with pool for the 9 year old, perhaps even plan on him asking a friend to come that weekend, as big brother probably won't be free 'all the time.'

My boys are much closer in age, but the youngest really missed the older for the two years he was 'alone' in high school. But because of the age, he was able to go visit for weekends. What was funny though, after a bit he really did like being 'the only.' ;)

He's only an hour away (thank goodness ) I don't think I could take it if he were farther away lol. He's going to be on the wrestling team and I know we will make any meet that he will participate in. My youngest also wrestles, anything to be like his big brother.

My 9 year old is much closer to him than my 15yr old (daughter) or 13yr old (son) the youngest just idolized him.

I am not looking forward to packing up his room......aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

08-17-2011, 07:08 PM
He's only an hour away (thank goodness ) I don't think I could take it if he were farther away lol. He's going to be on the wrestling team and I know we will make any meet that he will participate in. My youngest also wrestles, anything to be like his big brother.

My 9 year old is much closer to him than my 15yr old (daughter) or 13yr old (son) the youngest just idolized him.

I am not looking forward to packing up his room......aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Oh, so he won't be the 'only.' ;) Well the good thing is there's the computer, so emails and phone calls put him close. The meets will be great, the little one will certainly be looking forward to those. When is wrestling season?

08-17-2011, 07:35 PM
Oh, so he won't be the 'only.' ;) Well the good thing is there's the computer, so emails and phone calls put him close. The meets will be great, the little one will certainly be looking forward to those. When is wrestling season?

No, I have a few more at home, but he will be the first one to leave, so I'm having a hard time with it.

Wrestling is a winter sport and he's done it since he was in 6th grade, it's a sport he loves, so I'm glad he will get to continue.

08-17-2011, 08:28 PM
No, I have a few more at home, but he will be the first one to leave, so I'm having a hard time with it.

Wrestling is a winter sport and he's done it since he was in 6th grade, it's a sport he loves, so I'm glad he will get to continue.

I do remember that. My daughter actually started at the community college, so I lost both her and the middle son to universities the same year! It took some adjustment for sure. It was just weird to have the empty bedrooms and just cooking for the youngest and myself. LOL! Often made enough to feed an army, since we were used to friends being in. Got to say though, the first Saturday doing laundry did bring a smile, until the first weekend they came home, bringing I swear, all their clothes to be washed! :laugh2:

My daughter was just about an hour and a half away and we made all of her concerts. For the other son, (same university the youngest also went to), it was over 3 hours away. So we did parents weekend, family weekend, and homecoming. My brother, (also an alum of that school) went down there 3 times a year for recruitment fairs for law enforcement, so he'd take the boys out then. I'd say they averaged coming home about every other month, once they settled in.

08-19-2011, 03:47 PM
Well tomorrow is the big day. Our first leaves the nest for college. I hope Trigg holds it together tomorrow. I'm not sure how I will, he is such a fine young man and I hope he post on here a little when he's away and lets us know how things are going.

He jumps right into wrestling on Saturday with a practice/meeting of all the new guys. On Monday he has his first Air Force ROTC meeting and than travels to Notre Dame on Tuesday for his "leadership lab". Should be busy and exciting for him. Keep him and us in your thoughts. :salute:

08-19-2011, 04:06 PM
Well tomorrow is the big day. Our first leaves the nest for college. I hope Trigg holds it together tomorrow. I'm not sure how I will, he is such a fine young man and I hope he post on here a little when he's away and lets us know how things are going.

He jumps right into wrestling on Saturday with a practice/meeting of all the new guys. On Monday he has his first Air Force ROTC meeting and than travels to Notre Dame on Tuesday for his "leadership lab". Should be busy and exciting for him. Keep him and us in your thoughts. :salute:

Congrats to him for making it to college, and sympathies to you for losing him to said college.

08-19-2011, 06:20 PM
Congrats to you all. Big changes!

08-19-2011, 08:07 PM
Congrats to him for making it to college, and sympathies to you for losing him to said college.He's a great kid. Good solid head on his shoulders. All my kids are good well rounded individuals.. He will do very well in his mechanical engineering classes. He has one of those type of minds :laugh:

08-19-2011, 08:08 PM
Congrats to you all. Big changes!Thanks D. He actually isn't too far from you now!!:beer:

08-19-2011, 08:18 PM
Thanks D. He actually isn't too far from you now!!:beer:


Lemme know if he needs anything, if I can get there before y'all.

08-20-2011, 02:36 PM

Lemme know if he needs anything, if I can get there before y'all.Thanks!!!!:beer: