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View Full Version : Let's make new rules for election

08-18-2011, 01:25 AM
We were having a discussion today at work about all the "political crap" and here are some ideas that were thrown out there. Mind you this is coming from a group of people from all ages (even had a 16 year old intern) and socio-economic groups.

No media coverage of any candidate for 18 months prior to election (everyone is sick of the sniping).
All candidates have to declare within one year of election and not before 18 months (everyone is sick of the election cycle).
No media ads of any type.
Candidates can mail their propaganda to voters (just like in the pre-media days).
The only time the candidates will be on TV or radio is if they are in a debate.
Everyone has a set budget and no one gets to spend more than any other candidate.
All lobbying/lobbyists will be eradicated.
All donations from all sources go into one pot and is divided among those that have declared so they can print and mail out their platform.
No one gets to vote without showing valid picture I.D.
No more electoral college.
Disband the Federal Reserve.
No more foreign donations (someone said it was stupid to borrow from China, and pay interest on it and then turn around and send that money to places like Haiti...just so we can look like we are the saviors of the world)

I think there were a few more that were pretty radical but I can't remember what they were.

So, if you could wave a magic wand ... what would you want the political world to look like.

08-18-2011, 08:27 AM
We were having a discussion today at work about all the "political crap" and here are some ideas that were thrown out there. Mind you this is coming from a group of people from all ages (even had a 16 year old intern) and socio-economic groups.

No media coverage of any candidate for 18 months prior to election (everyone is sick of the sniping).
All candidates have to declare within one year of election and not before 18 months (everyone is sick of the election cycle).
No media ads of any type.
Candidates can mail their propaganda to voters (just like in the pre-media days).
The only time the candidates will be on TV or radio is if they are in a debate.
Everyone has a set budget and no one gets to spend more than any other candidate.
All lobbying/lobbyists will be eradicated.
All donations from all sources go into one pot and is divided among those that have declared so they can print and mail out their platform.
No one gets to vote without showing valid picture I.D.
No more electoral college.

So your pals were mostly for eliminating freedom of speech and the constitutional basis for presidential elections?

Disband the Federal Reserve.
No more foreign donations (someone said it was stupid to borrow from China, and pay interest on it and then turn around and send that money to places like Haiti...just so we can look like we are the saviors of the world)

I think there were a few more that were pretty radical but I can't remember what they were.

So, if you could wave a magic wand ... what would you want the political world to look like.

Not sure what the Federal Reserve would have to do with that discussion and I think foreign contributions are already illegal.

I think there are better alternate methods out there but it boggles me why some states have different rules for choosing Federal representatives like why a runoff isn't required if the election doesn't result in 50% +1 especially in the case of electors to the electoral college. I think if a runoff were required then 3rd party candidates wouldn't feel that their vote was being thrown away as they would have the chance to vote in the runoff if applicable. I think that would be a simple change that would allow more voice to third parties without being hugely radical.

08-19-2011, 12:35 AM
So your pals were mostly for eliminating freedom of speech and the constitutional basis for presidential elections?
Nah .. they are a bunch of lawyers and paralegals ... they're just tired of politics and say that it seems like it's a never ending campaign season.


Not sure what the Federal Reserve would have to do with that discussion and I think foreign contributions are already illegal.[/quote]

Someone in the group has it in for Bernanke and Geitner and mentioned it.

I think there are better alternate methods out there but it boggles me why some states have different rules for choosing Federal representatives like why a runoff isn't required if the election doesn't result in 50% +1 especially in the case of electors to the electoral college. I think if a runoff were required then 3rd party candidates wouldn't feel that their vote was being thrown away as they would have the chance to vote in the runoff if applicable. I think that would be a simple change that would allow more voice to third parties without being hugely radical.

What I think is scary is that we, the voters, vote for the electors and they vote for the President ... who says they have to vote with the majority????

08-19-2011, 06:47 AM
I think there should be a new requirement of eligibility for political office.....candidates should not be really, really stupid.....and if they later show signs of having hidden their stupidity from voters they should be removed from office immediately......