View Full Version : Spiritual Causation

08-18-2011, 12:42 PM
When dealing with dis-ease it is different than dealing with tribulations and persecutions. The Bible says that we will suffer persecution and that we will endure hardships. (Matthew 5:11-12) But I found that by dealing with our own heart condition and developing a strong and intimate relationship with God, it will increase our faith and build a trust that says, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." (Job 13:15).

Behind every health issue and every emotional or spiritual problem resides the "Spirit of Fear." The Spirit of Fear is the Devil's faith working in people by using lies to control them. And if we dwell on those lies long enough, we will begin to believe them, thus resulting in responding to them which can lead to all kinds of problems. We need to discover the root behind our problems.

The things that we experience may be a manifestation of a root. (Refer to the teaching on Fear) But thank God, we have an advocate, Jesus Christ, who is our Savior and the Truth that sets us free! (Romans 7:24-25, 8:2) He gives us His mind (I Cor. 2:16). He gives us the power to cast down all imaginations and lies. (II Cor. 10:5) We need to discover what our weapons are to cast out the lies from our minds. (Ephesians 6:14) The Bible says that the Devil is the father of lies! (John 8:44) So we need to learn more about Truth so we can discern the lies and get rid of them. As we get closer to our Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus, we shall "know" the truth that sets us free. If we stay in fear, we are not made perfect in Love, and it's the love that casts out all fear - God's love. (I John 4:18) we are not living in truth (faith), and long-term fear could manifest all sorts of problems - physically, mentally and spiritually. (Proverbs 26:2)
Restoring you to our Heavenly Father is our main concern. It's vital to every believer whether or not they have a dis-ease. Revelation 2:4-5 tells us of a church that did so many wonderful things but they lacked in the area of the "Love of God." Having our relationship restored to God is the first step that opens to us the truth that sets us free. The closer we get to our Heavenly Father the more light is shed on our heart, and the more light that is shed on our heart the more "junk" is exposed that are not of Him. People don't understand their part in all this. Jeremiah 5:25 says it's our sins and iniquities that prevent good things from happening to us. Hosea 4:6 says that God's people perish for lack of knowledge. Isaiah 59:1-2 says to Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear; but our iniquities have separated between us and our God, and our sins have hid His face from us, that He will not hear.

Back Problems

Root can be in self-rejection. However, it has been noted that the occultism and false religions are usually associated with back problems.

Bladder Problems

Rooted in compromised immune system. (See compromised immune system in description for details.)

Bone problems

Ps. 31:10 – Iniquity causes us to be weakened and our bones waste away. Sorrow in relationships with God, self or others. Proverbs 3:6-8 – By acknowledging God in all our ways, but fear the Lord (departing from evil) – not taking your own advice but believing the Word of God, THEN it shall be health to thy navel and MARROW TO THE BONES. Disobedience to God’s word will cause your bones to dry up.




ROOT - Potential Point of Origin

Accident Prone

Could be a spiritual rooted problem. (Low self image, fear)

Adult on-set Diabetes

Rooted in self-rejection, self-bitterness and self-hatred. Usually from long term rejection, abuse, abandonment from a parent or guardian or spouse. The pancreas is being attacked by the white corpuscles that are supposed to guard us from disease. Yet because this individual has been attacking themselves for years with guilt and self-hatred, the body begins to attack as well.

Acoustic Neuroma

This is a rare tumor, hereditary, a gene missing in that person. Rooted in high stressful situations, fear.


All allergies are rooted in fear, anxiety and stress. Compromised (broken) immune system. Something happened to cause this person to be broken to the point of almost no return. Took a long time to get over… "A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones" Allergies are connected with the bone marrow being dried up! Medically proven. It is not because a person is reacting to a chemical or smell. It doesn’t show up on a RAS test. Compromised immune system here. Some people believe it’s because they have been exposed to too many chemicals. That is a lie! What broke the system are long-term fear and anxiety and stress. When you have a compromised immune system, you’ll have allergies. Long term fear and anxiety and stress will destroy your immune system. When you have a breakdown in this area, you may be allergic to more than one thing, this is a phobic disease and panic attacks are associated with it. Deut 28:65-68 – Anxiety comes to one who does not fear the Lord. Separation between us and God – the sin of unforgiveness.

ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

Serotonin deficiency: Self-hatred, self-bitterness, reversal would be to get the individual to love themselves.


White corpuscle deviate behavior. Problem with self.


Rooted in fear and anxiety.


Rooted in self-hatred, self-rejection, self-bitterness, and lack of self-esteem, insecure. The serotonin levels are lowered, caused by not feeling good about yourself. If you felt good about yourself, your serotonin levels would be normal, and you would not have these diseases. This person becomes "driven" in everything. Having to perform to be accepted. It could be genetic as well, but the root is still spiritual from that ancestor. Also can be from spirit of "control" matriarchal witchcraft, etc. This is also known as a self-mutilation. Anytime there is cell mutation it is a result of bitterness. This is a hidden addiction to food.

Desire to eat but won’t because have a fear they won’t be able to stop
Feel of no value
Feel rejected, unloved (also toward self)
Need to identify the person(s) involved in this and begin the healing through confession and forgiveness.


Aneurysms, strokes, heart attacks from exploding blood vessels, varicose veins and hemorrhoids all have something in common, unresolved rage and anger


See Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rooted in fear and anxiety. John Hopkins University in Baltimore Marylyn agreed that Asthma is a fear and anxiety disorder. It wasn't what the person was breathing that caused the attack. There was something internally that was stiffening the wall. Cell wall rigidity. The toxins are building up in the person from the spiritual root. It only appears those "allergic" things is causing it, but that is the deception. We begin avoiding things now, now we have avoidance behavior on top of the real root! Fear is now even stronger, because fear promotes avoidance. Once these individuals are healed of the spiritual root, their toxin levels were gone!

Antigen also known as White Blood Cells.

God created in every cell two enzymes which are tied to your immune system, they are called anti-unconogens. If you have two in every cell, you will NEVER get cancer. Two dimensions can destroy the cells, something internal and something external. Inherited cancer normally means that one anti-unconogen is present, and if that is destroyed, cancer can begin at any time. External destruction can be brought on by radiation, chemicals, PCB’s. Internal destruction is where the spiritual root needs to be dealt with, broken relationship of some kind. With God, self or others. This too can destroy the anti-unconogens resulting in cancer.

Auto-immune disease

Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Crone’s Disease, and other white corpuscle-deviate behavior. (The manifestations of self-hatred, self-guilt, self-conflict, self-rejection, self-bitterness, self-conflict, etc.) As the person attacks himself spiritually, the body attacks the body physically, and the enemy joins in. When we attack ourselves with self-hate and bitterness, we are giving the white corpuscles permission to attack us as well, and giving the enemy permission to do the same!

Back Problems

Root can be in self-rejection. However, it has been noted that the occultism and false religions are usually associated with back problems.

Bladder Problems

Rooted in compromised immune system. (See compromised immune system in description for details.)

Bone problems

Ps. 31:10 – Iniquity causes us to be weakened and our bones waste away. Sorrow in relationships with God, self or others. Proverbs 3:6-8 – By acknowledging God in all our ways, but fear the Lord (departing from evil) – not taking your own advice but believing the Word of God, THEN it shall be health to thy navel and MARROW TO THE BONES. Disobedience to God’s word will cause your bones to dry up.

Bowel Problems

Medical terminology: Cell Wall rigidity = Causes the body to dry up the liquids that should soften the excretion – but it hardens instead and causes problems. Spiritual root is fear – being abandoned, rejected, resulting in self-rejection, self-bitterness, and self-hatred. Not accepting self, due to a broken relationship with another. Other causes: Inherited curse. Nehemiah 2:9 – we are to break the curse on our life and on our children’s by confessing the sins of the father(s) Ezekiel 18:60-62 - Could be from jealousy of a husband that brings a curse on the wife resulting in infidelity. Thoughts or intents of the heart, needs to be confessed. This can result in disease of bowel, intestines, thighs, and baron ness, bloating stomach. Adultery can cause bowel problems too – Numbers 5:19. People have to seek the truth for their life.

Breast Cancer

Can be inherited, breast-feeding of newborns helps prevent cancer (God’s natural way of prevention), exposure to radiation (mammograms). Most breast cancer is a result of a spiritual problem. 10% of all breast cancer is caused by mammograms. National statistic! Why? Because 10% of all women have a genetic code defect. Women should take a test before this test to be sure their unconogens are in each cell. We need 2, if there is only one, it will be destroyed by the x-ray and is guaranteed that individual will get breast cancer. If the two unconogens are present, you will NEVER get breast cancer. (See anti-unconogen for more details) Deep rooted bitterness and resentment either with a mother or one or more sisters results in breast cancer. We need to get right with our family members! Especially if our husbands are un-nurturing because cancer attacks the nurturing part of the woman’s body (breasts, etc.).

Cancer cells develop in each of us all day long, but a peaceful heart and mind kills the cells! Peace with others/self/God.
Peace of Mind is the antidote to cancers.

Resulted in outside or inside destruction. Outside could be from radiation, chemicals, PCB’s etc. So begin to be aware of your surroundings, what you put in your mouth, household chemicals, and so forth. Inside results from broken relationship with God, Self or others. Both destroy the anti-unconogens and when 2 are not present in all cells, it results in cancer. So what’s going on inside of you? There’s an old saying that goes, "it eats at you like a cancer". When you start to meditate on hatred against an individual who has wronged you, as you start to focus on that with resentment, anger, hatred, retaliation, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Long term, your body is a chemical manufacturing toxins out of bitterness and anger. These will create a volume of toxins and destroy antioncogenes, cell is compromised and you have cancer, just like that! Helplessness breeds cancer.

Cancer – Throat

Broken spirit, unforgiveness, unresolved conflict with others, self, fear and anxiety

Colon Cancer

Not sure right now the exact root, but unforgiveness is definitely part of it. We need to search our heart and ask God who we have not forgiven from our heart!

Cancer – Pancrease

Rooted in Self- bitterness, self-rejection, self-hatred and self- rejection. The white corpuscles attack the pancrease. Normally this disease is diagnosed in early stages as Diabetes. But long term, has a likelihood of developing into cancer.


Viruses are not spiritually rooted. However, if the immune system is down, colds will take root. Spiritual rooted problem is in a broken immune system. People tend to get sick more when an event is about to take place in their life. Why? Because the pressure is on – people get offended easier, and brokenness of heart happens – self-doubt, guilt and so forth roots up and now you have a broken immune system open to any floating virus. The virus itself is not a spiritually rooted problem, but letting it in, is. Keep protected by walking daily – especially during stressful times – in forgiveness with others and toward self. You are just as valuable when the even is NOT happening as when it is. Monitor your heart daily – don’t think something little between you and another won’t matter – any borkennes matters – get it resolved quickly, then the virus cannot take root. "The enemy traffics in darkness"

Cancer – Prostrate
(Uterine cancer – same with women)

Self- conflict with being a man. Self-rejection, self-hatred.


Is a peripheral disease along with yeast infections, fibromyaligia, catatonia, hypo-thyroidism, organic brain syndrome, retention of toxins, etc. They are not the problem, they are the manifestations of anxiety and fear brought on by being broken by a past relationship! Candida albicans is found in the mouth, vagina (vaginitis) intestinal tract. It also causes severe disease in persons with AIDS and chemotherapy patients. The immune system is broken! (See drying of bones in description section.)

Cerebral Palsy

Is not a spiritual rooted disease. It’s caused from a birth defect. Such as no oxygen to the brain, or preemie baby. This will take a creative miracle from God.

CFS – Chronic Fatigue syndrome

Fear and anxiety brought on by a breakdown in relationship with parent or guardian, mostly of a father or male figure resulting in exhausted all the time, droopy, for no apparent reason). Drivenness to meet the expectations of a parent in order to receive love and acceptance. (See Parkinson’s disease – they have the same components.)

Compulsive Behavior

Rooted in serotonin deficiency. Self-problems.

Congestive Heart Failure

Rooted in fear and anxiety, bitterness and self-rejection. "Men’s heart’s fail them for fear" Proverbs. Lack of self-esteem.

Crones Disease

White corpuscle deviate behavior (autoimmune disease). The white corpuscles begin to eat the lining of the colon, causing massive loss of flesh and ulceration. Rooted in self-hatred, self-rejection, and guilt of not performing perfectly to gain love, affection, and acceptance of an unloving parent.


Generic term. It is a result of chemical imbalance and each person needs to have considerable investigation. Depression is caused from an unloving spirit toward self, resulting in self-rejection or rejection of another. Anytime you come into rejection of self, this will manifest in your body. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" Proverbs 13:2.

A loss of expectation si life, producing crushing of the human spirit
Lack of self-esteem
Chronic depression can be caused by suppressed anger. Crying is a natural cleanser. Confess your sins (faults) that you may be healed (James 5:16). Time to become trusting again and vulnerable.
Depression comes from anxiety.


White corpuscle deviate behavior (autoimmune disease). Self-rejection, self-hate, guilt, self-bitterness. However, it began with separation from another. The seed is rejection of a father. Father establishes the emotional welfare of a child. Fear of man sets in. Hatred of man sets in.


Rooted in rage and anger. Brought on by fear and anxiety. Medical definition: infection causing lower abdominal pain, may feel like appendicitis.


Needs to be dealt with on an individual basis. Can be caused by MCS/EI. Lack of oxygen! First thing to start paying attention to your breathing! Shallow breathing will result in dizziness. Take a conscientious approach and breath deeply when you think about it. Vertigo – fluid in the ear – not sure what this is caused from.





Hope deferred makes the heart sick

Proverbs 13:12

Depression, self-pity, doubt and unbelief, heart problems, anxiety and stress, parkinsons

A merry heart does good like a medicine

Proverbs 17:22

Joy, peace, health

A broken spirit dries up the bones

Proverbs 17:22

Brittle bones, allergies, fear

Shame to a husband is rottenness to his bones

Proverbs 12:4

When women shame their husbands, it can produce health issues in a husbands bones

A curse causeless shall not come

Proverbs 26:2

There is a reason to everything that happens. Take a look at Deuteronomy 28 to see the list of diseases - these are listed as curses.

Envy is rottenness to the bones

Proverbs 14:30

Another bone disease

Critical and perverse lips

Proverbs 4:24

Bitterness, strive and every evil thing

God has not given us the spirit of fear

II Timothy 1:7

Fear is a spirit that God has not given. Many roots to dis-ease starts with fear.

He that hates reproof shall die

Proverbs 12:1

Not much clearer than that. The body begins dying at the cellular level. We have time to get things right in our heart long before final death happens.

He that trusts in the Lord happy is he

Proverbs 16:20

When we truly trust God, we will have peace and peace produces health and health produces happiness

Death and life are in the power of the tongue

Proverbs 18:21

Our words do matter, it can cause others to feel good or to feel terrible which can, if long term, produce illness.



Well they didn't list FAT or Obesity......I guess it's not spiritually caused:laugh2: