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08-19-2011, 04:24 AM
All deportations of illegal entrants will now be halted as each and every case is examined to see whether the case is a 'priority' for deportation. It's a topsy-turvey way of effecting stopping all deportations while denying that's the objective. Now the Obama administration will defend the failure (refusal) to deport these illegal aliens on the grounds that they've not yet decided whether deporting each one is a priority. this, of course, will ensure it takes longer to deport those cases which would be a 'priority' for deportation, as they will wait until Hell freezes for their case to be reviewed- instead of actually being deported.

Is it so much to ask for Obama to be honest and just admit he wants to do all he can to prevent the deportation of illegal entrants?

Bowing to pressure from immigrant rights activists, the Obama administration said Thursday that it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria, such as attending school, having family in the military or having primary responsible for other family members’ care.
The move marks a major step for President Obama, who for months has said he does not have broad categorical authority to halt deportations and said he must follow the laws as Congress has written them.
But in letters to Congress on Thursday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she does have discretion to focus on “priorities” and that her department and the Justice Department will review all ongoing cases to see who meets the new criteria.


The top House Republican on the Judiciary Committee (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/judiciary-committee/) said the move is part of a White House (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/white-house/) plan “to grant backdoor amnesty to illegal immigrants.”

“The Obama administration should enforce immigration laws, not look for ways to ignore them,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican.


08-20-2011, 11:43 AM
All deportations of illegal entrants will now be halted as each and every case is examined to see whether the case is a 'priority' for deportation. It's a topsy-turvey way of effecting stopping all deportations while denying that's the objective. Now the Obama administration will defend the failure (refusal) to deport these illegal aliens on the grounds that they've not yet decided whether deporting each one is a priority. this, of course, will ensure it takes longer to deport those cases which would be a 'priority' for deportation, as they will wait until Hell freezes for their case to be reviewed- instead of actually being deported.

Is it so much to ask for Obama to be honest and just admit he wants to do all he can to prevent the deportation of illegal entrants?


The Obama administration pisses on the law again. What's new? He's scraping for the Hispanic vote at the expense of even more of what's left of the shambles he's made of our economy.

08-20-2011, 03:46 PM
He's scraping for the Hispanic vote

It's interesting that Democrats have long assumed that all Hispanics either are illegal or have helped family members jump the border...

08-20-2011, 03:48 PM
It's interesting that Democrats have long assumed that all Hispanics either are illegal or have helped family members jump the border...


08-20-2011, 03:57 PM

Yep. Rachel Madddow and her hosts, Obama, and other Democrats have a habit of going on about how amnesty and DREAM effect the 'hispanic community' and declaring any attempt to enforce the border to be racist because, in their mind, 'hispanic' and 'illegal' are pretty much interchangeable. They assume that supporting illegals does and ought to secure the support of hispanics and they tell and expect hispanics to support them because they promise to help the family members they assume are here illegally (or are waiting to hop the fence) get amnesty.

Pay attention to any debate over our national sovereignty and you'll notice that it's the Democrats who like to jump from 'illegal entrant' to 'immigration' (NOT the same thing; illegals are not immigrants) and suddenly start talking about the 'hispanic community' as though it were synonymous with 'illegal aliens'.

08-20-2011, 04:10 PM
Yep. Rachel Madddow and her hosts, Obama, and other Democrats have a habit of going on about how amnesty and DREAM effect the 'hispanic community' and declaring any attempt to enforce the border to be racist because, in their mind, 'hispanic' and 'illegal' are pretty much interchangeable. They assume that supporting illegals does and ought to secure the support of hispanics and they tell and expect hispanics to support them because they promise to help the family members they assume are here illegally (or are waiting to hop the fence) get amnesty.

Pay attention to any debate over our national sovereignty and you'll notice that it's the Democrats who like to jump from 'illegal entrant' to 'immigration' (NOT the same thing; illegals are not immigrants) and suddenly start talking about the 'hispanic community' as though it were synonymous with 'illegal aliens'.

The only solution to this "problem" is to seal the border however that is possible and then to grant citizenship to all non-felon illegals in country already and start collecting taxes from them.

It is logistically impossible to deport all illegals, it will never happen. At least they work, they do the jobs that Americans will not do, that is already proven.

Why not grant them citizenship and then purge the welfare rolls of all able bodied Americans who are lazy and currently living the high life on the dole...............deport them but keep the willing workers.

08-20-2011, 04:29 PM
Have any of you folks heard of a Richard Posner? He's a 7th Circuit Court of Appeals judge, appointed by a republican (and a brilliant economic philosopher), who noted earlier this year or the year before that something like 80% of immigration cases decided by ALJs (bureaucratic "judges") get overturned on appeal. I'm thinking the halt on the process is maybe not such a bad thing. The system is underfunded (less govt!) and doesn't work. Don't tell that to anti-immigration zealots, though. Thought doesn't enter into it.

08-20-2011, 04:35 PM
Seems to me this whole issue is moot, as with very few exceptions law enforcement certainly hasn't been rounding up illegals and deporting them, whatever level of government we address. Those that come to attention are inevitably at odds with the law, then tried and go to jail, then deported.

That doesn't preclude the exceptions in certain locations, but they prove the rule.

08-20-2011, 04:38 PM
Have any of you folks heard of a Richard Posner? He's a 7th Circuit Court of Appeals judge, appointed by a republican (and a brilliant economic philosopher), who noted earlier this year or the year before that something like 80% of immigration cases decided by ALJs (bureaucratic "judges") get overturned on appeal. I'm thinking the halt on the process is maybe not such a bad thing. The system is underfunded (less govt!) and doesn't work. Don't tell that to anti-immigration zealots, though. Thought doesn't enter into it.

Quite frankly there shouldn't even be a hearing. Either you have the correct paperwork to be here or you don't. If you don't , the only "punishment" is deportation. Should be simple. Produce papers or get sent home. Now if there are criminal charges pending, then I of course believe they should go before a court.

08-20-2011, 04:41 PM
If you support deporting illegals then you don't care about the American economy, its as simple as that.

08-20-2011, 04:47 PM
If you support deporting illegals then you don't care about the American economy, its as simple as that.

Yeah because with 15% real unemployment it stands to reason that the few jobs that actually are being done by illegals would be left unfilled if they were removed from the picture.

Listen, I don't support trying to deport all the illegal aliens that are here now, just for the simple logistics of the situation, but to pretend like this country would fall apart if we closed our borders and removed illegals is beyond dumb.

08-20-2011, 04:55 PM
Yeah because with 15% real unemployment it stands to reason that the few jobs that actually are being done by illegals would be left unfilled if they were removed from the picture.

Listen, I don't support trying to deport all the illegal aliens that are here now, just for the simple logistics of the situation, but to pretend like this country would fall apart if we closed our borders and removed illegals is beyond dumb.

So I suppose that if unemployed you'd be willing to put in 12 hr days in 100-110 degree heat working produce in the San Joaquin Valley right now?

You'd be first in line?

There was a meat packing plant in Colorado, forget exactly where now, they deported all the illegals working there, the place needed help fast and this was after the economy hit the skids.........................they got two, count em, two applicants.

Simply put illegals do jobs neccessary to the economy, jobs that Americans because of over education and a crumbling work ethic are not willing to consider doing.

08-20-2011, 04:56 PM
Quite frankly there shouldn't even be a hearing. Either you have the correct paperwork to be here or you don't. If you don't , the only "punishment" is deportation. Should be simple. Produce papers or get sent home. Now if there are criminal charges pending, then I of course believe they should go before a court.

If it were only that simple. Constitution. Due Process. Burden of Proof. Yada, yada. The Constitutional protections apply to all in this country (or do you want to talk about how govt would focus on nonwhites if such wasn't the case?). Now some opt for quick deportation to avoid staying months or years in an immigration holding facility, but certainly not all.

And don't forget the 14th Amendment. Many kids are born in this country to illegal immigrants yet are citizens. Deport just their parents but not them?

It isn't black and white by any stretch of the imagination.

08-20-2011, 05:34 PM
So I suppose that if unemployed you'd be willing to put in 12 hr days in 100-110 degree heat working produce in the San Joaquin Valley right now?

You'd be first in line?

There was a meat packing plant in Colorado, forget exactly where now, they deported all the illegals working there, the place needed help fast and this was after the economy hit the skids.........................they got two, count em, two applicants.

Simply put illegals do jobs neccessary to the economy, jobs that Americans because of over education and a crumbling work ethic are not willing to consider doing.

If I , or more importantly my children, were hungry I'd do whatever job was necessary to get money for food.

08-20-2011, 07:20 PM
So I suppose that if unemployed you'd be willing to put in 12 hr days in 100-110 degree heat working produce in the San Joaquin Valley right now?

You'd be first in line?

We need illegals-- That's crap, the only people who need illegal activity to exist is government.

My grandparents did, so did my parents, as did I. Some days were hotter (132 degrees on the loading dock one day) and longer, as we got special exceptions to labor laws that allowed us to work through breaks and lunches for even more hours.(bring on the double time) I loved it, it's a great summer job. Learned how to : drive a semi, a tractor, a forklift, speak spanish, and manage a crew. Probably wouldn't do it now, as I have a family I'd never see during the summer (a special time b/c they're not in school), but single in my teens and twenties I did the work and was happy to have it. Also, I can make my own bed, wash and iron clothes, mow my own lawn, cook(not just with a microwave) and clean too. Just because you and your kids are lazy doesn't mean its the American way.

What you're really saying is you need someone to powder your bottom because you're too lazy and proud to clean their own ass! Well it smells like at least $22/ hr. When can istart? Just send me a w-4... cuz i'm legit biaaatch!

08-20-2011, 07:27 PM
We need illegals-- That's crap, the only people who need illegal activity to exist is government.

My grandparents did, so did my parents, as did I. Some days were hotter (132 degrees on the loading dock one day) and longer, as we got special exceptions to labor laws that allowed us to work through breaks and lunches for even more hours.(bring on the double time) I loved it, it's a great summer job. Learned how to : drive a semi, a tractor, a forklift, speak spanish, and manage a crew. Probably wouldn't do it now, as I have a family I'd never see during the summer (a special time b/c they're not in school), but single in my teens and twenties I did the work and was happy to have it. Also, I can make my own bed, wash and iron clothes, mow my own lawn, cook(not just with a microwave) and clean too. Just because you and your kids are lazy doesn't mean its the American way.

What you're really saying is you need someone to powder your bottom because you're too lazy and proud to clean their own ass! Well it smells like at least $22/ hr. When can istart? Just send me a w-4... cuz i'm legit biaaatch!

Oh I know, all the lanscape, sheetrock etc. etc. etc. small business owners are all wrong.

BTW.....if what you are saying is true..................you are WAYYYYYY the exception.

But thanks for proving my point.............22/hr and like most Americans I suppose you'll require 6 weeks vacation to start.

08-20-2011, 07:33 PM
Oh I know, all the lanscape, sheetrock etc. etc. etc. small business owners are all wrong.

BTW.....if what you are saying is true..................you are WAYYYYYY the exception.

But thanks for proving my point.............22/hr and like most Americans I suppose you'll require 6 weeks vacation to start.

Look beaner, just go get your green card and you can stay. But stop pretending like you personally are doing anything other than using a social security number that doesn't belong to you to collect welfare.

08-20-2011, 07:54 PM
grant citizenship to all non-felon illegals in country

yes, more amnesty... because that convinced them to stop hopping the border the last time we did it :rolleyes:

It is logistically impossible to deport all illegals, it will never happen
Operation Wetback 2...

At least they work, they do the jobs that Americans will not do, that is already proven.

Where do you get your information? I get my info straight from ICE, and they bust them working in plenty of places many honest Americans would be willing to work.

Why not grant them citizenship

Because they are an invading force. If they wanted to be Americans, they should have gotten in line like countless others before them.

and then purge the welfare rolls of all able bodied Americans who are lazy and currently living the high life on the dole

If you want to discuss abuse of the welfare system, make a thread of it. We're discussing wetbacks and yyour hatred ofg American sovereignty in this thread.

anti-immigration zealots

They're not immigrants. They're illegals- criminals in violation of our national sovereignty.

Nobody here is arguing ending legal immigration.

If you support deporting illegals then you don't care about the American economy, its as simple as that.

Is the new Democratic talking point?

Well, at least you're not shouting 'racist' at the top of your lungs...

You're still an idiot, though

just go get your green card and you can stay.


Work visas: they exist

08-20-2011, 08:07 PM
Look beaner, just go get your green card and you can stay. But stop pretending like you personally are doing anything other than using a social security number that doesn't belong to you to collect welfare.

So far teh discussion was going along - let's not just reduce this discussion to trading insults?

08-20-2011, 08:29 PM
So far teh discussion was going along - let's not just reduce this discussion to trading insults?

No problem with me.

08-20-2011, 09:26 PM
Oh I know, all the lanscape, sheetrock etc. etc. etc. small business owners are all wrong.

Well, not all of them. I was a landscape contractor in CA from '05 to '09. I went through about 45 employees in four years, running one crew; A few were illegal I'm sure, but their paperwork was in order. Not everybody's cut out for the work, I understand that, but if there's a shortage of willing workers at a given wage, you attract them with earning potential for higher wage, and more people are willing to do it. But you know what, If I offered 15/hr for workers from the start, they didn;t work any better than they would have at 8/hr. I offered wage increases at 1, 3, and 6 months. Only 3 people ever made it 15/hr(crew foreman).Is it hard work? You bet, it's a young man's job. I stopped when I knew i couldn't do the work anymore, my joints are shot. But that just means there's a new group of labor entrants with an opportunity.(unfortunately, that includes mexi's willing to work for beer money)

I had a lot of contact with illegals (especially as acting foreman for a friend's company, as i speak spanish). Most of them, even if they were offered residency, wouldn't take it. They just want to leach off the American economy and send it back to MX. And don't try and tell me they're any less lazy either-- working like mad while I'm watching, i walk off site and they're holding up shovels, just milking the clock.

BTW.....if what you are saying is true..................you are WAYYYYYY the exception.

Why thank you. I strive to be exceptional. I think that's what makes America great--exceptional-ism, and we should get back on track!

But thanks for proving my point.............22/hr and like most Americans I suppose you'll require 6 weeks vacation to start.

What point was that??? You're lazy! I didn't expect any vacation; it's not like you stop crapping for a week, let alone 6-- but of course I'm open to negotiations. Understanding your BATNA to be: wipe your own ass, NOT hiring a wetback!

08-20-2011, 09:45 PM
If wetbacks come here to work, why do they suddenly become unwilling to work when they come the legal way and get visas?

Why are we told only the illegal (criminal) ones want to work?

08-20-2011, 09:48 PM
If wetbacks come here to work, why do they suddenly become unwilling to work when they come the legal way and get visas?

Why are we told only the illegal (criminal) ones want to work?

Nice stereotype dipshit, not all that come here legally sign up for welfare. Not any truer than saying that those who come here illegally all do so to work.

08-21-2011, 08:23 AM
The simple fact remains ... if illegals get "amnesty", they become citizens and have to pay taxes. They have to be paid minimum wage; which, is not going to support them and their families. They will have to get some form of subsistence.

In the meantime, the employers currently paying less than minimum wage will be forced to pay minimum wage and taxes, and unemployment insurance. Think so? Seems rather obvious they'd just lay off the current "new citizens" and hire some additional illegals.

Great plan. It creates a new underclass and burden to our economy and encourages an even newer waver of illegals to steal jobs and burden our social infrastructure without paying into it.

Some people need to quit their partisan posturing and try opening their eyes and using their damned brains for what they are intended.