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08-25-2011, 10:44 PM
"Make the most of life on earth, because it will probably be the only one you get". "Personally I have no talent for believing in life after death," Mr Hendrikse says. "No, for me our life, our task, is before death."
Nor does Klaas Hendrikse believe that God exists at all as a supernatural thing.

God is not a being at all... it's a word for experience, or human experience”
Rev Klaas Hendrikse

"When it happens, it happens down to earth, between you and me, between people, that's where it can happen. God is not a being at all... it's a word for experience, or human experience."
Mr Hendrikse describes the Bible's account of Jesus's life as a mythological story about a man who may never have existed, even if it is a valuable source of wisdom about how to lead a good life.


A study by the Free University of Amsterdam found that one-in-six clergy in the PKN and six other smaller denominations was either agnostic or atheist.


08-26-2011, 07:19 AM

to be honest, they should come up with a new name......"Christ"ians who deny the existence of a Christ causes only confusion.....

08-26-2011, 07:25 AM
JT you are doing it wrong. This is a stupid thread you've started. Posting link, then leaving without expressing any original thought on the topic is lame.

08-26-2011, 11:45 AM
JT you are doing it wrong. This is a stupid thread you've started. Posting link, then leaving without expressing any original thought on the topic is lame.

Doing it wrong is all JT knows, and furthermore do you REALLY think that this thread would have been any less stupid if the troll would have included his own opinion on the matter?

The Christiaphobe is a troll , nothing more.

08-26-2011, 12:22 PM
The deist/theist thing pretty much describes my wife. I'm an atheist and always have been. When we met 20 yrs ago she called herself a christian, but in the last few years she's admitted to not believing Christ was devine/son of God. She really hasn't explained why she's evolved her views this way to me, but she is adamant she does NOT want her to parents to find out. The in-laws are holiday Methodists who my wife says pretend they brought their kids to church much more than they ever did. The in-laws also have a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas. Even my wife finds this kinda freaky. My 8 yr old just enjoys another opportunity to eat cake.

And ConHog and others, if JT posted his opinion you'd attack it since you already know you'll violently disagree.

I found the article interesting. I also found the part that said 1 of 6 of the clergy of the Protestant Church of the Netherlands to be agnostics or atheists bizarre. Why would anyone be part of a belief system they didn't buy into?

08-26-2011, 12:44 PM
The deist/theist thing pretty much describes my wife. I'm an atheist and always have been. When we met 20 yrs ago she called herself a christian, but in the last few years she's admitted to not believing Christ was devine/son of God. She really hasn't explained why she's evolved her views this way to me, but she is adamant she does NOT want her to parents to find out. The in-laws are holiday Methodists who my wife says pretend they brought their kids to church much more than they ever did. The in-laws also have a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas. Even my wife finds this kinda freaky. My 8 yr old just enjoys another opportunity to eat cake.

And ConHog and others, if JT posted his opinion you'd attack it since you already know you'll violently disagree.

I found the article interesting. I also found the part that said 1 of 6 of the clergy of the Protestant Church of the Netherlands to be agnostics or atheists bizarre. Why would anyone be part of a belief system they didn't buy into?

A birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas is odd, especially given that it is accepted that even though we celebrate it, Jesus was not actually born on Dec,25th.

We agreed on JT, adding his opinion would have added nothing of value to a valueless thread. You and I both know this was just him taking another shot at Christians.

08-26-2011, 01:26 PM
A birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas is odd, especially given that it is accepted that even though we celebrate it, Jesus was not actually born on Dec,25th.

We agreed on JT, adding his opinion would have added nothing of value to a valueless thread. You and I both know this was just him taking another shot at Christians.

The funniest thing about the cake is that it came from a bakery. Other customers saw it and wanted one. It turned into a pretty good profit item for the bakery. :lol:

And you're probably right about JT's motives, but is the post offensive? I'd say no, but then I'm an atheist and try not to debate JT on anything.

08-26-2011, 01:40 PM
The funniest thing about the cake is that it came from a bakery. Other customers saw it and wanted one. It turned into a pretty good profit item for the bakery. :lol:

And you're probably right about JT's motives, but is the post offensive? I'd say no, but then I'm an atheist and try not to debate JT on anything.

I said the post was stupid, not offensive.

JT is funny to "debate" with. His ego is huge, his intellect small.

08-27-2011, 08:19 AM

Yet another thread espousing your religion of non-belief. One thing you can't claim ... having an ounce of originality.

Can't you just drone on in one of the myriad other threads you've posted on the same topic instead of continuously creating new threads to spout the same crap?

Abbey Marie
08-27-2011, 02:15 PM
JT you are doing it wrong. This is a stupid thread you've started. Posting link, then leaving without expressing any original thought on the topic is lame.

And against board guidelines...

08-27-2011, 02:25 PM
I am C-R-U-S-H-E-D. The "Mighty J" and his infinite rep power has neg'd me for laying his thread to waste and calling it what it is. I'm sure I'll NEVER recover.:laugh2:

08-27-2011, 02:51 PM
I am C-R-U-S-H-E-D. The "Mighty J" and his infinite rep power has neg'd me for laying his thread to waste and calling it what it is. I'm sure I'll NEVER recover.:laugh2:

Unless he also left some stupid remark like " Here to make yourself look less stupid read this opinion and accept it as fact" along with a link to some whacko website you haven't provoked him enough.

08-27-2011, 03:12 PM
Unless he also left some stupid remark like " Here to make yourself look less stupid read this opinion and accept it as fact" along with a link to some whacko website you haven't provoked him enough.

Pffft ..... I got called a "failtard".:laugh:

08-27-2011, 03:34 PM
Pffft ..... I got called a "failtard".:laugh:

Isn't the irony of him calling anyone a fail or a troll or stupid just sad?

08-27-2011, 04:17 PM
Isn't the irony of him calling anyone a fail or a troll or stupid just sad?

He's just misunderstood.:laugh:

08-27-2011, 05:32 PM
Methinks you guys are a little hypersensitive and perhaps insecure about your beliefs. Otherwise, you wouldn't be ripping into JT when all he did was post an article on religion in Europe. What's with that?

08-27-2011, 05:43 PM
Methinks you guys are a little hypersensitive and perhaps insecure about your beliefs. Otherwise, you wouldn't be ripping into JT when all he did was post an article on religion in Europe. What's with that?

KRB - JT is a known Christaphobe who is constantly bashing those he fears, so when we call him out for posting something as lame as this, it isn't JUST because of this thread.

08-27-2011, 05:57 PM
Methinks you guys are a little hypersensitive and perhaps insecure about your beliefs. Otherwise, you wouldn't be ripping into JT when all he did was post an article on religion in Europe. What's with that?

Spoken like a true noob. All J.T DOES is post articles on religion. Any religion. He hates them all. Except his own, of course. Gets old after a few years.

08-27-2011, 06:05 PM
All J.T DOES is post articles on religion.













Are you liar, a retard, or both?

08-27-2011, 06:08 PM










http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?32245-ATF-Promotes-Three-‘Fast-and-Furious’-Agents (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?32245-ATF-Promotes-Three-%E2%80%98Fast-and-Furious%E2%80%99-Agents)


Are you liar, a retard, or both?

Nope. I do ignore the majority of your threads though. If you've branched out from your usual rants, then I stand corrected. Otherwise, troll on, fuckwit.

08-27-2011, 06:08 PM












Are you liar, a retard, or both?

Apparently you're even dumber than I originally feared. Absolutely everyone, except you apparently, realized that Gunny was using hyperbole to make a point.

Maybe you should log off for a bit, and climb out of your mom's basement and seek actual physical contact with a woman, or a man whichever is your want. Maybe it would help you hate less.

Abbey Marie
08-31-2011, 02:56 PM
If my dog relieves himself on my neighbor's lawn 20 times a week, and occasionally goes on ours too, my neighbor will probably think that all he does is relieve himself on theirs.

Just sayin'.

08-31-2011, 03:21 PM
If my dog relieves himself on my neighbors lawn 20 times a week, and occasionally goes on ours too, my neighbor will probably think that all he does is relieve himself on theirs.

Just sayin'.

But JT isn't pissing on your lawn. He's posting a thread you're fully capable of ignoring. Again, I see other members post articles with no comment and no criticism. He said nothing offensive. I think you're all gunshy and defensive.

I'm not saying that JT is a nice guy. In fact I think he's a prick. Just saying (unlike Perry and GWB, I can pronounce my g's)...

08-31-2011, 03:24 PM
But JT isn't pissing on your lawn. He's posting a thread you're fully capable of ignoring. Again, I see other members post articles with no comment and no criticism. He said nothing offensive. I think you're all gunshy and defensive.

I'm not saying that JT is a nice guy. In fact I think he's a prick. Just saying (unlike Perry and GWB, I can pronounce my g's)...

Not gunshy, just sick of him shitting all over Christians and our faith at EVERY turn. Hell KRB in another thread he just called Christians vermin, that bullshit is uncalled for. If anything he's gotten nastier since my thread where I nicely asked him to at least curtail his attacks on Christianity.

Abbey Marie
08-31-2011, 03:33 PM
But JT isn't pissing on your lawn. He's posting a thread you're fully capable of ignoring. Again, I see other members post articles with no comment and no criticism. He said nothing offensive. I think you're all gunshy and defensive.

I'm not saying that JT is a nice guy. In fact I think he's a prick. Just saying (unlike Perry and GWB, I can pronounce my g's)...

Actually, as a long-tme member and admin of this board, and a Christian, he is pretty much pissing on my lawn, lol. But analogies are not meant to be carbon-copy comparisons. That's why they are called analogies. They are analagous.

I might say that you too are free to ignore these posts. Though I often find that a weak argument.

08-31-2011, 03:41 PM
Actually, as a long-tme member and admin of this board, and a Christian, he is pretty much pissing on my lawn, lol. But analogies are not meant to be carbon-copy comparisons. That's why they are called analogies. They are analagous.

I might say that you too are free to ignore these posts. Though I often find that a weak argument.

Oh the smell of irony is strong.

09-01-2011, 12:09 PM
Actually, as a long-tme member and admin of this board, and a Christian, he is pretty much pissing on my lawn, lol. But analogies are not meant to be carbon-copy comparisons. That's why they are called analogies. They are analagous.

I might say that you too are free to ignore these posts. Though I often find that a weak argument.

I am indeed free to ignore this thread. I often ignore RSR's threads as well as JT's threads. Unfortunately, while I find both of them to be ridiculous quite often, they are they master thread starters on this board. Both seem to have an opinoin on everything. :laugh:

09-01-2011, 01:30 PM
You guys are all showing your intolerance in this thread. Just because their church leaders believe differently than you, you throw a hissy fit. Typical.

09-04-2011, 11:29 AM
You guys are all showing your intolerance in this thread. Just because their church leaders believe differently than you, you throw a hissy fit. Typical.

The hilarity of you calling someone intolerant is just too much too bear.