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View Full Version : AFL-CIO head: Labor to ditch Democrats

red states rule
08-27-2011, 04:10 AM
Some how I think the Dems will pay some price (with out tax dollars) to secure the continued money laundering operation with union dues flowing into the Dems campaigns

Maybe another "stimulus" that will go to keep union workers on the government payroll. Thus the union dues are taken from the pay check paid for with "stimulus" money. Then part of those dues ends up in the re-election fund of Obama and other Dems

The Mafia would be proud of such a massive money laundering operation

And I thought Dems and the liberal meida were for getting "special interest" money out of politics. I guess they only want "special interest" money out of Republican elections

The growing rift between labor and their Democratic allies (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/55368.html) was on full display Thursday, as AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/55368.html) told reporters that labor groups are planning to scale back their involvement with the Democratic Party in advance of the 2012 elections.

Going forward, Trumka said, the labor movement will build up its own political structures and organizations rather than contribute to and depend on the Democratic Party’s political operation.

“We’re going to use a lot of our money to build structures that work for working people” Trumka said. “You’re going to see us give less money to build structures for others, and more of our money will be used to build our own structure.”

Trumka’s remarks follow the news that the AFL-CIO will set up a so-called super PAC (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/61858.html), allowing the nation’s largest labor federation to spend unlimited amounts of money on political activity for next year’s elections and beyond. Trumka confirmed Thursday that the union is moving forward with plans to create the PAC.

Labor has traditionally been a major contributor to Democratic candidates and causes around the country. Trumka said that their outside effort will help keep union-backed candidates more accountable for promises made on the campaign trail.

“Let’s assume we spent $100 in the last election,” he said, explaining the union’s position.
“The day after Election Day, we were no stronger than we were the day before,” said Trumka. “If we had spent that [$100] on creating a structure for working people that would be there year round, then we are stronger.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/62057.html#ixzz1WELT1qvZ

08-27-2011, 07:44 AM
I never could understand how unions, with their tax exempt status, are able to contribute to the campaigns of political candidates and, in some cases, campaign for them outright without running into trouble with the IRS. Many tax exempt organizations have to stay away from politics or risk losing their tax exempt status. Of course, it depends on the organization's classification, some political organizations are tax exempt...

You often hear the mantra that most corporations don't pay taxes. That's true. That's because most corporations are tax exempt organizations (hospitals, charities, cemeteries, unions, churches, etc.)

red states rule
08-27-2011, 07:51 AM
I never could understand how unions, with their tax exempt status, are able to contribute to the campaigns of political candidates and, in some cases, campaign for them outright without running into trouble with the IRS. Many tax exempt organizations have to stay away from politics or risk losing their tax exempt status. Of course, it depends on the organization's classification, some political organizations are tax exempt...

You often hear the mantra that most corporations don't pay taxes. That's true. That's because most corporations are tax exempt organizations (hospitals, charities, cemeteries, unions, churches, etc.)

The same way Media Matters has a tax exempt status?

As long as the group supports Dems and pushs the liberal agenda they usually get a pass

Being a union member is one of the worst things you can do. The government takes a huge chunk of your earnings then the union takes another bite and used that money to keep Dems in office who want to take MORE of the money you earn (or the case of some government employees the money they are paid)

08-27-2011, 09:12 AM
The same way Media Matters has a tax exempt status?

As long as the group supports Dems and pushs the liberal agenda they usually get a pass

Being a union member is one of the worst things you can do. The government takes a huge chunk of your earnings then the union takes another bite and used that money to keep Dems in office who want to take MORE of the money you earn (or the case of some government employees the money they are paid)

I disagree that being a union member is one of the worst things one can do. The concept behind trade unions is a valid and good one. It is one means to a modicum of financial security for middle - lower class people. It's a wash really. If you don't pay union dues, you still have to use the money to provide for your financial security, usually involving much higher risk.

The problem is, the union itself forgot what it stands for ... the worker. Instead, the union is about self-perpetuating the bureaucracy it has become. They've lost a lot of their power in most places; especially, the South. They price themselves out of business because independent contractors don't have to meet the insatiable overhead of union bureaucracy.

The unions need to be reformed every bit as much as our burgeoning yet inept Federal government.

red states rule
08-27-2011, 09:35 AM
I disagree that being a union member is one of the worst things one can do. The concept behind trade unions is a valid and good one. It is one means to a modicum of financial security for middle - lower class people. It's a wash really. If you don't pay union dues, you still have to use the money to provide for your financial security, usually involving much higher risk.

The problem is, the union itself forgot what it stands for ... the worker. Instead, the union is about self-perpetuating the bureaucracy it has become. They've lost a lot of their power in most places; especially, the South. They price themselves out of business because independent contractors don't have to meet the insatiable overhead of union bureaucracy.

The unions need to be reformed every bit as much as our burgeoning yet inept Federal government.

Why should you let someone else determine your worth? I started out on the phones in C/S and hated it. I busted my ass, blew the standards out of the water - and now I am off the phones and could not be happier (and making more money) I worked my off the phones and into Written Customer Contact.

With a union, I could not have done that. I would have had some hack determining my future