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View Full Version : Libs Lose Again in WI

red states rule
08-27-2011, 04:24 AM
The libs can't seem to catch a break in WI. Those damn pesky R's keep finding ways to beat them at the ballot box on in the legal system

Damn voters and damn facts keep getting in the way of Dems regaining their power

Madison, Wis. (AP) - A prosecutor says she won't file any criminal charges against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser over allegations he choked a liberal colleague.

Justice Ann Walsh Bradley accused Prosser of choking her in June as the justices deliberated on a legal challenge to Republican Gov. Scott Walker's contentious collective bargaining law, which strips most public workers of nearly all their union rights.

Sauk County District Attorney Patricia Barrett is acting as a special prosecutor in the case. She says she has reviewed investigators' reports and decided there's no basis to file charges against either Walsh Bradley or Prosser.

She told The Associated Press in an interview that accounts from other justices who witnessed the apparent altercation varied, but she declined to elaborate.
