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View Full Version : Reaching out to JT

08-28-2011, 08:07 PM

I understand you just had a birthday . Congrats on that. I won't ask how old you are, but I assume you are fairly young, well compared to me and others anyway.

Let me tell you this is sincere, and I mean it from my heart, you can ask around to a few who I have spoke to about it.

I think you're an intelligent person and could add a good voice to any community , but I think you are full of hate; and not only is just not fun to read you spouting hate all the time, it's unhealthy for you.

We get it, you don't like organized religeon, that's fine, but there is no reason for you to be spouting off about it at almost a nonstop pace. It seems like you have a post blasting religeon , especially Christianity and Judaism, almost daily. Why? Why insult someone's beleifs just because YOU don't believe the same? I highly doubt Christains are out to do you harm, and I don't see any on here trying to convert you, so why do you feel the constant need to insult us? Can you just let it go; I mean sure okay in threads about religeon, absolutely people need to expect to see you give your opinon, but that doesn't mean you have to start multiple threads on it daily.

Same with racism. We get it, you really don't like black people. That's your right, but they aren't animals and your constant referring to them as such is disgusting young man.

I guess in short I'm asking you to use your intelligence for good, instead of evil. Don't tell us that you admire Hitler. That's disgusting. Even more disgusting when in another thread you are posting that Jesus was a turd or some such.

Can we get you to be a more enjoyable poster? Do you care to be? I can't beleive you'd be here if you wanted everyone to dislike you, could you?

Or you can just laugh at this whole thread, call ConHog an asshole and continue on your way, but I hope you will consider my advice in the spirit it was given.

I hope others will give their 2 cents as well.

08-28-2011, 09:34 PM

I understand you just had a birthday . Congrats on that. I won't ask how old you are, but I assume you are fairly young, well compared to me and others anyway.

Let me tell you this is sincere, and I mean it from my heart, you can ask around to a few who I have spoke to about it.

I think you're an intelligent person and could add a good voice to any community , but I think you are full of hate; and not only is just not fun to read you spouting hate all the time, it's unhealthy for you.

We get it, you don't like organized religeon, that's fine, but there is no reason for you to be spouting off about it at almost a nonstop pace. It seems like you have a post blasting religeon , especially Christianity and Judaism, almost daily. Why? Why insult someone's beleifs just because YOU don't believe the same? I highly doubt Christains are out to do you harm, and I don't see any on here trying to convert you, so why do you feel the constant need to insult us? Can you just let it go; I mean sure okay in threads about religeon, absolutely people need to expect to see you give your opinon, but that doesn't mean you have to start multiple threads on it daily.

Same with racism. We get it, you really don't like black people. That's your right, but they aren't animals and your constant referring to them as such is disgusting young man.

I guess in short I'm asking you to use your intelligence for good, instead of evil. Don't tell us that you admire Hitler. That's disgusting. Even more disgusting when in another thread you are posting that Jesus was a turd or some such.

Can we get you to be a more enjoyable poster? Do you care to be? I can't beleive you'd be here if you wanted everyone to dislike you, could you?

Or you can just laugh at this whole thread, call ConHog an asshole and continue on your way, but I hope you will consider my advice in the spirit it was given.

I hope others will give their 2 cents as well.

Wow! If I didn't know better I'd think Conhog was applying for staff. Is this an application?

08-28-2011, 09:35 PM
Here's your chance JT. Care to have a rational discussion here? Or would you rather just troll and hide behind a screen name? That's what kids do.

Conhog seems to think there's hope for you, I'm not so optimistic. But we will see.

08-28-2011, 09:38 PM
Wow! If I didn't know better I'd think Conhog was applying for staff. Is this an application?

It is what each person who reads it wishes it to be.

Seriously though, I hate to see a young man so full of hate. If JT were my son I would hope someone would give him a chance.

08-28-2011, 09:41 PM
Wow! If I didn't know better I'd think Conhog was applying for staff. Is this an application?

If Conhog turns JT into a respectable non racist poster he deserves staff. :2up:

08-28-2011, 09:56 PM
If Conhog turns JT into a respectable non racist poster he deserves staff. :2up:

Da fuck? If I accomplish that , I should be considered for nomination as Pope. :laugh:

08-28-2011, 09:56 PM
It is what each person who reads it wishes it to be.

Seriously though, I hate to see a young man so full of hate. If JT were my son I would hope someone would give him a chance.

Seems to me if one wishes to be invited to staff, they need to refrain from flaming, no? You've been known to do a bit of that from time to time.

Please keep in mind that staff visits various forums, ahem.

08-28-2011, 10:01 PM
Seems to me if one wishes to be invited to staff, they need to refrain from flaming, no? You've been known to do a bit of that from time to time.

Please keep in mind that staff visits various forums, ahem.

Eh a little flaming is fun. I'm not advocating that JT not flame. Hell he had some good ones today that made me laugh. And I've seen plenty of staff flame; that wasn't the intent of this thread at all.

I sincerely think that JT could be a good poster if his posts weren't all tinged with either racism or his hatred of religion. That's all I personally object to.

08-28-2011, 10:03 PM
Eh a little flaming is fun. I'm not advocating that JT not flame. Hell he had some good ones today that made me laugh. And I've seen plenty of staff flame; that wasn't the intent of this thread at all.

I sincerely think that JT could be a good poster if his posts weren't all tinged with either racism or his hatred of religion. That's all I personally object to.

I wasn't referring to JT, who I think has little or no desire to mod.

08-28-2011, 10:07 PM
I wasn't referring to JT, who I think has little or no desire to mod.

I know who you were referring to. I'm just saying , that has no bearing on why I started this thread. I sincerely started it for HIS benefit.

08-28-2011, 10:09 PM
J.T will be on 'vacation' for 24hrs while he considers whether or not to obey board rules.

08-28-2011, 10:12 PM
J.T will be on 'vacation' for 24hrs while he considers whether or not to obey board rules.

I'm sorry to hear that.

08-28-2011, 10:12 PM
J.T will be on 'vacation' for 24hrs while he considers whether or not to obey board rules.

That settles that for a day then. No wonder he was so quiet.

08-28-2011, 10:30 PM
That settles that for a day then. No wonder he was so quiet.

Wish I had known that before I started this thread. :laugh2:

08-29-2011, 12:51 AM
<object height="345" width="420">

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08-29-2011, 03:36 AM
We get it, you don't like organized religeon, that's fine, but there is no reason for you to be spouting off about it at almost a nonstop pace. It seems like you have a post blasting religeon , especially Christianity and Judaism, almost daily. Why? Why insult someone's beleifs just because YOU don't believe the same? I highly doubt Christains are out to do you harm, and I don't see any on here trying to convert you, so why do you feel the constant need to insult us? Can you just let it go; I mean sure okay in threads about religeon, absolutely people need to expect to see you give your opinon, but that doesn't mean you have to start multiple threads on it daily.


Oh the hypocrisy. JT maybe incessant in his anti-religious posts, but I think everybody on here has a fetish for some social "ailment", typically many. You think Christians aren't out to convert people to their belief system? I can't tell you how many times jehovah's witnesses come round and drop the watchtower off at my house despite a sign clearly stating "NO SOLICITATION, that means you!" What harm one may expect from such beliefs is open to interpretation. You may think faith in a higher power is comforting, while JT feels it undermines the individual's responsibility to defend their own judgement. You're both right, that's the rub man. I would say the majority of religious people are content in believing what others tell them is right, preferring a predisposed source of fortitude, and organized religion provides this. As my dad once told me when I asked if Catholicism was right, "It's right for me!" But that doesn't mean I can't be vehemently opposed and say so at every opportunity. It's when somebody does take an interest, as you have in posting this, that one should take countenance of their biased perceptions. JT would certainly find a more receptive audience were he to temper his flagrancy--- but he need not compromise his beliefs in doing so.

red states rule
08-29-2011, 03:41 AM
It is what each person who reads it wishes it to be.

Seriously though, I hate to see a young man so full of hate. If JT were my son I would hope someone would give him a chance.

You have extended to olive branch and we will soon know if it has been accepted, or if you are thrashed with it

08-29-2011, 08:15 AM

Oh the hypocrisy. JT maybe incessant in his anti-religious posts, but I think everybody on here has a fetish for some social "ailment", typically many. You think Christians aren't out to convert people to their belief system? I can't tell you how many times jehovah's witnesses come round and drop the watchtower off at my house despite a sign clearly stating "NO SOLICITATION, that means you!" What harm one may expect from such beliefs is open to interpretation. You may think faith in a higher power is comforting, while JT feels it undermines the individual's responsibility to defend their own judgement. You're both right, that's the rub man. I would say the majority of religious people are content in believing what others tell them is right, preferring a predisposed source of fortitude, and organized religion provides this. As my dad once told me when I asked if Catholicism was right, "It's right for me!" But that doesn't mean I can't be vehemently opposed and say so at every opportunity. It's when somebody does take an interest, as you have in posting this, that one should take countenance of their biased perceptions. JT would certainly find a more receptive audience were he to temper his flagrancy--- but he need not compromise his beliefs in doing so.

All I'm attempting to do is to ask JT to slow his role on bashing Christians and the mean old Negroes at every opportunity.

Abbey Marie
08-29-2011, 08:46 AM
Great post, Con. And I think it is sad that someone sees hypocrisy where you have taken a step back and tried to reach out to someone who is clearly running on a tank full of haterol.

You may never know what effect this has on the heart. Of anyone reading it, for that matter. A true WWJD witness, imo.


08-29-2011, 09:26 AM
Great post, Con. And I think it is sad that someone sees hypocrisy where you have taken a step back and tried to reach out to someone who is clearly running on a tank full of haterol.

You may never know what effect this has on the heart. Of anyone reading it, for that matter. A true WWJD witness, imo.


It's just sad to see someone so young , and with so much potential, be so hateful. It isn't even a matter of politics, Heck on many things political JT and I agree, it's a matter of being a decent human about it. I truly hope he considers what I have written.

08-29-2011, 10:16 AM

08-29-2011, 10:26 AM


08-29-2011, 12:49 PM
It's just sad to see someone so young , and with so much potential, be so hateful. It isn't even a matter of politics, Heck on many things political JT and I agree, it's a matter of being a decent human about it. I truly hope he considers what I have written.

By what standard do you establish decency-- Judeochristian values? While I appreciate the spirit of your post, I find it riddled with hypocrisy and trite with the cliche, can't we all just get along! How are you and KRB getting along? I'd bet a penny to a pound JT will find your post condescending and hypocritical, and thus read little into what your intent was.

WWJD? The world around us is flush with indecency by most any standard, yet we scream foul only when people act out against our established beliefs, not those of others. If we truly sought to do good for goodness sake and support the peaceful resolve of all people; how do you explain our interest in the ME over that of tibet. We brand Islam as crazy malcontent extremists, expend billions to suppress them; while The Dalai Lama remains in exile. He's a man of peace, far more so than any Israeli jew IMO, yet we continually allow ourselves to be led about by motives which fulfill our selfish desires.(cheap oil, cheap goods) Sorry to burst anybody's bubble, but that's not what Jesus would do.

08-29-2011, 01:48 PM
By what standard do you establish decency-- Judeochristian values? While I appreciate the spirit of your post, I find it riddled with hypocrisy and trite with the cliche, can't we all just get along! How are you and KRB getting along? I'd bet a penny to a pound JT will find your post condescending and hypocritical, and thus read little into what your intent was.

WWJD? The world around us is flush with indecency by most any standard, yet we scream foul only when people act out against our established beliefs, not those of others. If we truly sought to do good for goodness sake and support the peaceful resolve of all people; how do you explain our interest in the ME over that of tibet. We brand Islam as crazy malcontent extremists, expend billions to suppress them; while The Dalai Lama remains in exile. He's a man of peace, far more so than any Israeli jew IMO, yet we continually allow ourselves to be led about by motives which fulfill our selfish desires.(cheap oil, cheap goods) Sorry to burst anybody's bubble, but that's not what Jesus would do.

I asked JT not to continuously bash Christians and exhibit racism. That's it, I didn't even ask him to stop flaming me. I flame, it's harmless. Racism and intolerance for a religion is not harmless though. You ask if I am using the CHristain definition of decency here? No sir, I know plenty of non Christians, even atheists, who oppose bashing the religion of others and or racism. So unless you contend that only Christians do so, then I would have to say no.

As for KRB and I, he obviously got heated last night, I have no idea how he feels, but as for me ; I have no problems with him as a person or as a poster. But again, I don't know what that has to do with anything, because I'm not asking jT to get along with everyone here.

I can't help it if JT chooses to take my post as condescending or insulting, all I can do is offer my thoughts with a genuine heart.

What I don't understand is why YOU chose to try to come in here and tear it apart, is trying to connect with a troubled young man so foreign to you that you must reject those who do so?

Abbey Marie
08-29-2011, 03:32 PM
By what standard do you establish decency-- Judeochristian values? While I appreciate the spirit of your post, I find it riddled with hypocrisy and trite with the cliche, can't we all just get along! How are you and KRB getting along? I'd bet a penny to a pound JT will find your post condescending and hypocritical, and thus read little into what your intent was.

WWJD? The world around us is flush with indecency by most any standard, yet we scream foul only when people act out against our established beliefs, not those of others. If we truly sought to do good for goodness sake and support the peaceful resolve of all people; how do you explain our interest in the ME over that of tibet. We brand Islam as crazy malcontent extremists, expend billions to suppress them; while The Dalai Lama remains in exile. He's a man of peace, far more so than any Israeli jew IMO, yet we continually allow ourselves to be led about by motives which fulfill our selfish desires.(cheap oil, cheap goods) Sorry to burst anybody's bubble, but that's not what Jesus would do.

You seem to be confusing world politics with individual actions.

Con is trying to get JT to tone down/stop the hate. His hate. If you cannot see the issue here, either you are not reading JT's posts, are you are deliberately obfuscating. Trying to deflect Con's point by comparing this with other problems or inconsistencies in the world, just ain't working.

08-29-2011, 03:38 PM
You seem to be confusing world politics with individual actions.

Con is trying to get JT to tone down/stop the hate. His hate. If you cannot see the issue here, either you are not reading JT's posts, are you are deliberately obfuscating. Trying to deflect Con's point by comparing this with other problems or inconsistencies in the world, just ain't working.

Exactly, I'm not trying to solve the world's problems, just wanting to try to get one young man to see that hatred is not the path. Maybe a black Christian did something to JT in his formative years that he just can't get past. I don't know , but I'd like to find out, and see if we can't find a kinder, gentler JT. Not a nice JT, just a less brash JT.

PS - I realize this thread makes me look like a flaming queer, I just don't care.

Abbey Marie
08-29-2011, 03:43 PM
PS - I realize this thread makes me look like a flaming queer, I just don't care.

Well, it's not at the level of a bromance, so it's all good. ;)

08-29-2011, 03:46 PM
Well, it's not at the level of a bromance, so it's all good. ;)

Oh KartRacerboy and FJ2000 are all the bromance this site needs, so no I won't go there. :laugh2:

08-29-2011, 05:06 PM
You seem to be confusing world politics with individual actions.

Con is trying to get JT to tone down/stop the hate. His hate. If you cannot see the issue here, either you are not reading JT's posts, are you are deliberately obfuscating. Trying to deflect Con's point by comparing this with other problems or inconsistencies in the world, just ain't working.

You're far too coy about one's individual responsibility in politics.

I'm all for that; I just think he's going about it the wrong way! I've lit into JT many times for his posts; so don't think for a minute I'm empathetic to his animus. The problem here is con seeks to reach out to JT under the auspices of selfless concern; by which JT, IMO, is unsympathetic. JT's been railed against, called names and banned; deservedly so perhaps, but nonetheless those actions cause him to fortify his position. So now Con's trying a different approach--but the good cop/bad cop ploy ain't gonna work on JT. I've no doubt of con's "genuine heart", but even a young whippersnapper like me can sense the condescending undertones of his post--which personally, I find more insulting than any racist or religious diatribe of JT's.

For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged by better information, or fuller consideration, to change opinions even on important subjects, which I once thought right, but found to be otherwise. It is therefore that the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment, and to pay more respect to the judgment of others.Most men indeed as well as most sects in Religion, think themselves in possession of all truth, and that wherever others differ from them it is so far error. Steele a Protestant in a Dedication tells the Pope, that the only difference between our Churches in their opinions of the certainty of their doctrines is, the Church of Rome is infallible and the Church of England is never in the wrong. But though many private persons think almost as highly of their own infallibility as of that of their sect, few express it so naturally as a certain french lady, who in a dispute with her sister, said "I don't know how it happens, Sister but I meet with no body but myself, that's always in the right — Il n'y a que moi qui a toujours raison."--Ben Franklin

PS - I realize this thread makes me look like a flaming queer, I just don't care.

Didn't think that; guess my gay-dar needs a system upgrade!

08-29-2011, 05:16 PM
Oh KartRacerboy and FJ2000 are all the bromance this site needs, so no I won't go there. :laugh2:

Has your wife told you what a jealous bitch you are? Cz she should.And you both should work on your reading skills. :laugh:

08-29-2011, 05:20 PM
You're far too coy about one's individual responsibility in politics.

I'm all for that; I just think he's going about it the wrong way! I've lit into JT many times for his posts; so don't think for a minute I'm empathetic to his animus. The problem here is con seeks to reach out to JT under the auspices of selfless concern; by which JT, IMO, is unsympathetic. JT's been railed against, called names and banned; deservedly so perhaps, but nonetheless those actions cause him to fortify his position. So now Con's trying a different approach--but the good cop/bad cop ploy ain't gonna work on JT. I've no doubt of con's "genuine heart", but even a young whippersnapper like me can sense the condescending undertones of his post--which personally, I find more insulting than any racist or religious diatribe of JT's.

I'm sorry you're insulted by my concern for JT. Now please remove yourself from this thread if you have nothing constructive to add.

08-29-2011, 05:38 PM
I'm sorry you're insulted by my concern for JT. Now please remove yourself from this thread if you have nothing constructive to add.

It's OK, no hard feelings-- just wanted to express my opinion. I'm too am sorry if you see my criticism as non-constructive. Best of luck!:thumb:

08-29-2011, 05:49 PM
It's OK, no hard feelings-- just wanted to express my opinion. I'm too am sorry if you see my criticism as non-constructive. Best of luck!:thumb:

No hard feelings on my end either. I just don't see how you questioning my motives for this thread could be constructive. Just seems like I've already told you my reason so now all you're doing is questioning my honesty.

08-29-2011, 06:02 PM
No hard feelings on my end either. I just don't see how you questioning my motives for this thread could be constructive. Just seems like I've already told you my reason so now all you're doing is questioning my honesty.

Forgive me my trespasses.

08-29-2011, 06:04 PM
Forgive me my trespasses.

LOL it isn't all that now come on.

08-30-2011, 03:10 AM
I asked JT not to continuously bash Christians and exhibit racism. That's it, I didn't even ask him to stop flaming me. I flame, it's harmless. Racism and intolerance for a religion is not harmless though. You ask if I am using the CHristain definition of decency here? No sir, I know plenty of non Christians, even atheists, who oppose bashing the religion of others and or racism. So unless you contend that only Christians do so, then I would have to say no.

As for KRB and I, he obviously got heated last night, I have no idea how he feels, but as for me ; I have no problems with him as a person or as a poster. But again, I don't know what that has to do with anything, because I'm not asking jT to get along with everyone here.

I can't help it if JT chooses to take my post as condescending or insulting, all I can do is offer my thoughts with a genuine heart.

What I don't understand is why YOU chose to try to come in here and tear it apart, is trying to connect with a troubled young man so foreign to you that you must reject those who do so?


You start this thread after crying to dmp because you got your feeling hurt a month ago? :laugh:

And you're the biggest fucking hypocrite of them all- you're the one who likened a Jess finding happiness with a good man (a hardheaded idiot in many regards, IMO, but still a good man) whom the children adore and who is more of a dad to them than any man they've ever known to feeding them excrement (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?32182-For-the-Sake-of-the-Children).

Fuck off, you worthless sack of shit. You're the biggest liar and troll here. I don't know why I even bother with you, as though you could ever contribute anything remotely intelligent or meaningful to any discussion. If anything, you've become even more of a troll since USMB.

I treat you with zero respect because you deserve zero respect, because you're a lying, idiotic, condescending troll. You want to be treated with a modicum of respect? Then act like you deserve it. I disagree with Jess, for instance, in many regards. Yet we can discuss matters intelligently, acknowledge our differences of opinion, acknowledge each other's points, and remain on good terms and entirely civil, even if there are some things we'll simply never agree upon. Why is that? because unlike you, she can have an honest discussion. She doesn't have to lie or twist words to make her point- and she doesn't troll, twist people's words, or act anything like you. The same goes for some of the folk I've spoken with at various IWW, Young Republicans, and other political meetings I've attended at different points in time, as well as many theists I've known. We'll never agree on many things, but they can have an intelligent and honest discussion and so we can civil and respectful discussions. That you're incapable of doing likewise is neither my fault nor my problem. You can remain a sack of shit all your life if you wish. Just don't expect to be treated as anything but a sack of shit so long as you do.

please remove yourself from this thread if you have nothing constructive to add.
Words cannot express the irony...

red states rule
08-30-2011, 03:16 AM
You have extended to olive branch and we will soon know if it has been accepted, or if you are thrashed with it

Well, JT answered that question

08-30-2011, 08:43 AM
ConHog has NEVER reported ANYTHING you've said to him. I saw the bullshit you posted on his Visitor wall; ConHog didn't mention it.


You start this thread after crying to dmp because you got your feeling hurt a month ago? :laugh:

And you're the biggest fucking hypocrite of them all- you're the one who likened a Jess finding happiness with a good man (a hardheaded idiot in many regards, IMO, but still a good man) whom the children adore and who is more of a dad to them than any man they've ever known to feeding them excrement (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?32182-For-the-Sake-of-the-Children).

Fuck off, you worthless sack of shit. You're the biggest liar and troll here. I don't know why I even bother with you, as though you could ever contribute anything remotely intelligent or meaningful to any discussion. If anything, you've become even more of a troll since USMB.

I treat you with zero respect because you deserve zero respect, because you're a lying, idiotic, condescending troll. You want to be treated with a modicum of respect? Then act like you deserve it. I disagree with Jess, for instance, in many regards. Yet we can discuss matters intelligently, acknowledge our differences of opinion, acknowledge each other's points, and remain on good terms and entirely civil, even if there are some things we'll simply never agree upon. Why is that? because unlike you, she can have an honest discussion. She doesn't have to lie or twist words to make her point- and she doesn't troll, twist people's words, or act anything like you. The same goes for some of the folk I've spoken with at various IWW, Young Republicans, and other political meetings I've attended at different points in time, as well as many theists I've known. We'll never agree on many things, but they can have an intelligent and honest discussion and so we can civil and respectful discussions. That you're incapable of doing likewise is neither my fault nor my problem. You can remain a sack of shit all your life if you wish. Just don't expect to be treated as anything but a sack of shit so long as you do.

Words cannot express the irony...

08-30-2011, 08:45 AM

You start this thread after crying to dmp because you got your feeling hurt a month ago? :laugh:

And you're the biggest fucking hypocrite of them all- you're the one who likened a Jess finding happiness with a good man (a hardheaded idiot in many regards, IMO, but still a good man) whom the children adore and who is more of a dad to them than any man they've ever known to feeding them excrement (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?32182-For-the-Sake-of-the-Children).

Fuck off, you worthless sack of shit. You're the biggest liar and troll here. I don't know why I even bother with you, as though you could ever contribute anything remotely intelligent or meaningful to any discussion. If anything, you've become even more of a troll since USMB.

I treat you with zero respect because you deserve zero respect, because you're a lying, idiotic, condescending troll. You want to be treated with a modicum of respect? Then act like you deserve it. I disagree with Jess, for instance, in many regards. Yet we can discuss matters intelligently, acknowledge our differences of opinion, acknowledge each other's points, and remain on good terms and entirely civil, even if there are some things we'll simply never agree upon. Why is that? because unlike you, she can have an honest discussion. She doesn't have to lie or twist words to make her point- and she doesn't troll, twist people's words, or act anything like you. The same goes for some of the folk I've spoken with at various IWW, Young Republicans, and other political meetings I've attended at different points in time, as well as many theists I've known. We'll never agree on many things, but they can have an intelligent and honest discussion and so we can civil and respectful discussions. That you're incapable of doing likewise is neither my fault nor my problem. You can remain a sack of shit all your life if you wish. Just don't expect to be treated as anything but a sack of shit so long as you do.

Words cannot express the irony...

Really? That's the best you can do?

First of all, I make it QUITE clear that I wasn't even concerned with how you treated me. I'm neither black , nor do I push my religeon so how you act in either regard does not reflect on me.

You call ME a troll? Brother please.

I made an honest attempt, I won't make that mistake again.

ConHog has NEVER reported ANYTHING you've said to him. I saw the bullshit you posted on his Visitor wall; ConHog didn't mention it.

I tried to tell him that, but he just chose to believe otherwise.

But, here's an idea, don't post shit on people's wall that is against the rules and perhaps you don't have to worry about getting in trouble, either because a mod/admin happened to see it, or it was reported.


You start this thread after crying to dmp because you got your feeling hurt a month ago? :laugh:

And you're the biggest fucking hypocrite of them all- you're the one who likened a Jess finding happiness with a good man (a hardheaded idiot in many regards, IMO, but still a good man) whom the children adore and who is more of a dad to them than any man they've ever known to feeding them excrement (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?32182-For-the-Sake-of-the-Children).

Fuck off, you worthless sack of shit. You're the biggest liar and troll here. I don't know why I even bother with you, as though you could ever contribute anything remotely intelligent or meaningful to any discussion. If anything, you've become even more of a troll since USMB.

I treat you with zero respect because you deserve zero respect, because you're a lying, idiotic, condescending troll. You want to be treated with a modicum of respect? Then act like you deserve it. I disagree with Jess, for instance, in many regards. Yet we can discuss matters intelligently, acknowledge our differences of opinion, acknowledge each other's points, and remain on good terms and entirely civil, even if there are some things we'll simply never agree upon. Why is that? because unlike you, she can have an honest discussion. She doesn't have to lie or twist words to make her point- and she doesn't troll, twist people's words, or act anything like you. The same goes for some of the folk I've spoken with at various IWW, Young Republicans, and other political meetings I've attended at different points in time, as well as many theists I've known. We'll never agree on many things, but they can have an intelligent and honest discussion and so we can civil and respectful discussions. That you're incapable of doing likewise is neither my fault nor my problem. You can remain a sack of shit all your life if you wish. Just don't expect to be treated as anything but a sack of shit so long as you do.

Words cannot express the irony...

Oh, one other thing, anyone who can read can obviously tell in that thread that I did not compare anything to feeding a child feces. Why come at us with that dishonesty?

Grow up

08-30-2011, 10:16 AM
I have decided to give JT his worst nightmare. That's right, I'm going to pray for him every night. I ask that yall join me.

08-30-2011, 11:46 AM
This thread may go down as the biggest fail in the history of the internet. I am just shocked at JT's almost violent response. Just ridiculous JT.

08-30-2011, 11:53 AM
I have decided to give JT his worst nightmare. That's right, I'm going to pray for him every night. I ask that yall join me.

Dude, I'm in!

08-30-2011, 11:54 AM
Dude, I'm in!

I've already put him on my church's prayer email list. You know that will make him madder than anything I could say about him on here.

08-30-2011, 12:00 PM
You do recall I'm an atheist, right? :dance:

08-30-2011, 12:03 PM
You do recall I'm an atheist, right? :dance:

I do, and that's your loss, but as I said, I'm not here to push my religeon on anyone.

BTW , there are no atheists in foxholes, you'll come around one day. Praise the Lord. :2up:

08-30-2011, 12:09 PM
BTW , there are no atheists in foxholes, you'll come around one day. Praise the Lord. :2up:

I disagree with the foxholes thing, but I hope never to have that tested on me.

My wife gave up on me believing in God right after the birth of our daughter. She asked me if after the "miracle of birth" I had changed my mind. Nope.

08-30-2011, 12:41 PM
BTW , there are no atheists in foxholes

There are no Christians at the doctor's office

08-30-2011, 12:50 PM

There are no Christians at the doctor's office

What the hell does that even mean? May as well say no Christians in any mechanic shops, nope we all just pray that our car gets repaired when it needs it.

Good grief you are irrational.

08-30-2011, 12:51 PM

There are no Christians at the doctor's office

That's correct Christian Scientists do not go to the Doctor.

08-30-2011, 12:52 PM
I disagree with the foxholes thing, but I hope never to have that tested on me.

My wife gave up on me believing in God right after the birth of our daughter. She asked me if after the "miracle of birth" I had changed my mind. Nope.

I'm sorry that that is your opinion, but you're welcome to it, thank YOU for not shitting on me my having mine. That really was the only point I was trying to get across to JT as concerns religion.

08-30-2011, 12:53 PM
That's correct Christian Scientists do not go to the Doctor.

good thing not all CHristians have to be Christian scientists b/c when I get sick I go to a doctor.

08-30-2011, 01:03 PM
What the hell does that even mean? May as well say no Christians in any mechanic shops, nope we all just pray that our car gets repaired when it needs it.

Good grief you are irrational.

The bible says that if you lay hands and pray (beg), god will heal the sick.

Furthermore, one will live or die according to God's will and nothing Man can do can change what God has already willed. If we could, we'd be more powerful than God. Surely you don't intend to declare yourself greater than God.

If they believed in their god, they wouldn't turn top godless science to heal them. They wouldn't believe the godless heathens who teach that 'germs' can be cured with 'medicine'- they would remember Jesus' words and they would cast out the wicked spirits which cause disease.

Why do they so readily give up their god and turn to blasphemous materialist medicine? oh yeah, because otherwise their children die. Thy will be done...

There are no christians in tornado shelters. Why run and hide among the godless heathens if you have the Holy Spirit? Do you not trust your god to protect you? Do you not wish for his will to be done?

good thing not all CHristians have to be Christian scientists b/c when I get sick I go to a doctor.

You don't believe in or trust your god? Why do you turn to godless heresies the moment your faith is challenged by hardship?

08-30-2011, 01:11 PM
good thing not all CHristians have to be Christian scientists b/c when I get sick I go to a doctor.

My mom & step dad were christian scientists, and my real dad was in "rays of the dawn" me and my sister were "beamers" Rays of the dawn is a book written by a man in the military, both religions I was indoctrinated in from birth. I have never joined any church as an adult. I had a real interest in learning about main stream christian beliefs for a long time but I recently learned a big life lesson and time and time again I find atheists practice ethics and morals and also kindness and compassion more religiously then religious people do. Even at this board it was a "religious" person who told me to kill myself. wink!!!

The first time I ever saw a doctor was when I was married to my 1st husband, I was 16. I remember being really afraid of doctors.

08-30-2011, 01:18 PM
My mom & step dad were christian scientists, and my real dad was in "rays of the dawn" me and my sister were "beamers" Rays of the dawn is a book written by a man in the military, both religions I was indoctrinated in from birth. I have never joined any church as an adult. I had a real interest in learning about main stream christian beliefs for a long time but I recently learned a big life lesson and time and time again I find atheists practice ethics and morals and also kindness and compassion more religiously then religious people do. Even at this board it was a "religious" person who told me to kill myself. wink!!!

The first time I ever saw a doctor was when I was married to my 1st husband, I was 16. I remember being really afraid of doctors.

When a Christian is good, it is because he fears punishment. How many times have he heard a Christian ask how someone can resist the temptation to steal, rape, and murder without the threat of eternal damnation. When a Christian is evil, he is not responsible for his actions- it is the devil and the sin he has inherited which absolves him or personal responsibility. He seeks redemption in another's sacrifice. An Innocent (Jesus) must suffer for his crimes and he must do nothing but 'sin no more'.

When an atheist is good, it is because he is a good man who does good because it is his nature and character. If he does evil, it is because he is evil. He has no excuses and his actions, both good and ill, emanate from himself alone. he alone is liable for his actions and he alone can atone for the wrongs he commits upon others by seeking to rectify the harm done and redeem his name through his future acts.

08-30-2011, 01:25 PM
This thread may go down as the biggest fail in the history of the internet. I am just shocked at JT's almost violent response. Just ridiculous JT.

Nobody likes hearing "i told you so", but it is fun saying it.:coffee:

08-30-2011, 01:30 PM
Forgive me my trespasses.

oh all right I forgive you pass me the bowl....:laugh2:

08-30-2011, 01:35 PM
Nobody likes hearing "i told you so", but it is fun saying it.:coffee:

Credit where credit is due, you did opine that the asshole would respond well , like an asshole. I should have listened. Instead I thought we could reason with the douche bag.

08-30-2011, 03:09 PM

There are no Christians at the doctor's office

You are wrong, sir. There are no Christian SCIENTISTS at the doctor's office.

EDIT: Ah crap! Chloe beat me to it!!! :laugh:

08-30-2011, 03:22 PM
You are wrong, sir. There are no Christian SCIENTISTS at the doctor's office.

EDIT: Ah crap! Chloe beat me to it!!! :laugh:

Yep, my pastor will tell you to get your butt to a doctor if you aren't feeling well. :laugh2:

08-30-2011, 04:12 PM
Christian scientists is a misnomer as they are neither christian nor scientists.

08-30-2011, 06:46 PM
Yep, my pastor will tell you to get your butt to a doctor if you aren't feeling well. :laugh2:

Ask him why he trusts heathen materialism over God's word

08-30-2011, 06:51 PM
Ask him why he trusts heathen materialism over God's word

How about you first answer why you favor being the biggest prick in the building over civil discussion.

Then try thinking about how few belief systems are absolute in the minds of the believers. Cafeteria Catholics, for example, who regularly ignore the extreme dictates of the church but somehow still enjoy their belief system. It kind of moderates the whole process. Humanity is a lot like that everywhere. Think about, big shot, while you contemplate getting a GED.

08-30-2011, 06:51 PM
Ask him why he trusts heathen materialism over God's word

Same reason that when our cars break down we go see a mechanic we don't just stand on the side of the fucking road praying that our vehicles will be healed.

Same reason that if we wonder what's in outer space we buy a fucking telescope and look and see for ourselves. Because we believe that God gave man the ability to heal and learn for a reason.

Same principal as why when we are hungry we cook a meal and eat it, we don't just pray that God will cure our hunger.


08-30-2011, 06:55 PM
I see Steel Cage in this thread's future. That would be at least two Steel Cage threads for you ConHog if my prediction comes true. You're up 2-0 on me.v:beer:

08-30-2011, 07:03 PM
I see Steel Cage in this thread's future. That would be at least two Steel Cage threads for you ConHog if my prediction comes true. You're up 2-0 on me.v:beer:

Wouldn't hurt my feelings if this thread was closed and shit canned. JT absolutely took what was an honest effort by me to get him to play nicer and shit all over me with it. Fuck him.

I won't make the mistake of treating that piece of shit like a fellow human being who just needs someone to understand him again.

08-30-2011, 07:08 PM
Same reason that when our cars break down we go see a mechanic we don't just stand on the side of the fucking road praying that our vehicles will be healed.

Same reason that if we wonder what's in outer space we buy a fucking telescope and look and see for ourselves. Because we believe that God gave man the ability to heal and learn for a reason.

Same principal as why when we are hungry we cook a meal and eat it, we don't just pray that God will cure our hunger.


After a delightful day, we started our journey home. Again, I felt a deep need to pray for our protection. We had gone only a few miles in heavy traffic. Our car was in the second lane to the left when we stopped for a red light. I was aware of a truck approaching in the third lane. He hit his brakes and some very long and very thin pipes shot off the bed of the truck and I felt an impact. The driver of the truck got out and gathered up the pipes and nothing seemed to be wrong until we started to move. Then it was obvious we had a flat tire. One of the long, thin pipes had hit the tire and punctured it.

At the same time, the driver of the truck saw what had happened. The traffic yielded harmoniously to our car and the truck and we pulled across the lanes of traffic into a parking lot -- of a tire dealership! In no time -- dare I say "flat"? -- the driver of the truck paid for a new tire and our punctured tire was replaced. The tire repairman told us that our spare tire in the new car was a "donut" and was only good for a few miles. He said the tire he removed could be repaired and used as a much better spare. We were on our way in just a few minutes. It was interesting that my friends of other Protestant religions joined me in giving thanks to God for his guidance and protection! The Bible tells us to give thanks always, to pray without ceasing, which to me means the same thing. I receive help from God so often and am not aware of it until it comes to mind later. I am so grateful for the Master Christian, Christ Jesus, and his faithful follower, Mary Baker Eddy.


Those christian scientists would pray for a solution to the car problem. Trust me I know, when I was little my dad locked me in a car in Phoenix arizona and it was like 120 degrees outside, he said he'd be right back but forgot about me and back then the cars had metal locks that you had to pull upward to unlock, I remember that I turn my backside toward the windows of the sun shining into the car. I was probably around 5 or 6 yrs old. Some Beakins movers saw me suffering and broke in and got me out. Anyway my mother called a christian science practitioner for the burns on my backside I never even saw a doctor. After all the blisters were gone they said I was healed

08-30-2011, 07:10 PM
I see Steel Cage in this thread's future. That would be at least two Steel Cage threads for you ConHog if my prediction comes true. You're up 2-0 on me.v:beer:

Let OCA get in here and watch how fast it goes to the steel cage. An hour later it will be closed. :laugh:

08-30-2011, 07:30 PM
Let OCA get in here and watch how fast it goes to the steel cage. An hour later it will be closed. :laugh:

That Muppet has steered well clear of me since the boxing I gave his ears a few weeks ago. :laugh2:

08-30-2011, 07:31 PM

Those christian scientists would pray for a solution to the car problem. Trust me I know, when I was little my dad locked me in a car in Phoenix arizona and it was like 120 degrees outside, he said he'd be right back but forgot about me and back then the cars had metal locks that you had to pull upward to unlock, I remember that I turn my backside toward the windows of the sun shining into the car. I was probably around 5 or 6 yrs old. Some Beakins movers saw me suffering and broke in and got me out. Anyway my mother called a christian science practitioner for the burns on my backside I never even saw a doctor. After all the blisters were gone they said I was healed

See that's just crazy. God gave man the ability to become a doctor so that he could heal man. Sheesh.

08-30-2011, 07:36 PM
See that's just crazy. God gave man the ability to become a doctor so that he could heal man. Sheesh.

Now you know why, even tho she was raised that way she doesn't believe in it.

08-30-2011, 07:42 PM
Same reason that when our cars break down we go see a mechanic we don't just stand on the side of the fucking road praying that our vehicles will be healed.

the bible says nothing bout laying hands on your car and healing damaged engines

why do you always have to be so dishonest?

08-30-2011, 07:50 PM
the bible says nothing bout laying hands on your car and healing damaged engines

why do you always have to be so dishonest?

Likewise the Bible says nothing about not making use of doctors. Why do YOU have to be so dishonest?

Look, I get it, you're happy with being nothing but a troll. Sorry I made the effort to connect with you.

I HONESTLY don't care if you agree with my religion or not. enjoy your life JT; even though I know you do not because you are OBVIOUSLY a very unhappy young man.

08-30-2011, 07:55 PM
the bible says nothing bout laying hands on your car and healing damaged engines

why do you always have to be so dishonest?

Go back and read my post #62. You obviously have some kind of warped belief system. Do you adhere to it 100% of the time? Do you think all religious people adhere all the time, too?

You're just stuck on some warped "logic" game. But in doing so, you're not being logical.

08-30-2011, 07:58 PM
Go back and read my post #62. You obviously have some kind of warped belief system. Do you adhere to it 100% of the time? Do you think all religious people adhere all the time, too?

You're just stuck on some warped "logic" game. But in doing so, you're not being logical.

Forget it KRB, it's obvious that he just can't let his hatred of Christianity go, and he for sure proved what appealing to him would gain , NOTHING.

Ooooh I believe in God, I must be some horrible monster......................

Hey JT you better watch it Christaphobe, I hear that the mean old Christians are praying for you tonight.

Sir Evil
08-30-2011, 08:05 PM
A four page thread for J.T? :laugh2:

Tried to be nice to him and he was a dick so screw you Hannibal...... :fu:


08-30-2011, 08:06 PM
A four page thread for J.T? :laugh2:

Tried to be nice to him and he was a dick so screw you Hannibal...... :fu:


I tried, that's all I can do.

Sir Evil
08-30-2011, 08:15 PM
I tried, that's all I can do.

How did that work out for ya? :laugh2:

08-30-2011, 08:20 PM
How did that work out for ya? :laugh2:

As I said, I didn't do it for me. No different than when I give money to charity, all i can do is give with a good heart, and trust that the money will be used for good.

I tried, it's not my fault that JustTrolling rejected my effort.

08-30-2011, 08:21 PM
How did that work out for ya? :laugh2:

Kinda like that hope and change shit.

Sir Evil
08-30-2011, 08:22 PM
As I said, I didn't do it for me. No different than when I give money to charity, all i can do is give with a good heart, and trust that the money will be used for good.

I tried, it's not my fault that JustTrolling rejected my effort.

An A for effort sir!

Sir Evil
08-30-2011, 08:23 PM
Kinda like that hope and change shit.


Ain't no hope there at all, and sure can see a change for the worse...

08-30-2011, 09:02 PM

Ain't no hope there at all, and sure can see a change for the worse...

I don't regret trying.

08-30-2011, 11:23 PM
Likewise the Bible says nothing about not making use of doctors.
It says to lay hands upon the hick and pray and heal them.

Why would you need heathen materialist doctors who spread the devil's lies about 'germs' and discourage people from casting out the unclean spirits?

Do you think all religious people adhere all the time, too?

Very few of them truly believe their own bullshit. Those who do end up in prison when their children die.

08-30-2011, 11:29 PM
It says to lay hands upon the hick and pray and heal them.

Are you trying to flame conhog? :laugh: j/k

Very few of them truly believe their own bullshit. Those who do end up in prison when their children die.

To be fair, it's not "their bullshit", they get it from a book!

08-31-2011, 02:21 AM
Despite failing miserably, I commend conhog for trying to make a change for the better.

And it is in that spirit that I present something not even JT can deny as a higher power which brings love and cooperation to the world.


Note: boombox -- a drug cocktail; a mix of GHB and MDMA.

I heard, from a certain someone who shall remain nameless, its quite the rage in jamaica .