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View Full Version : One in four Democrats wants to dump Obama

red states rule
08-31-2011, 03:03 AM
Looks like the lib voters are starting to have enough of the Hope and Change Kid and want someone else to lead the party

Hillary perhaps?


A new poll (http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/08/29/130.poll.pdf) by CNN and ORC International finds that 27 percent of Democrats would like to see their party nominate a candidate other than Barack Obama for president in 2012.

In response to the question, "Do you think the Democratic party should renominate Barack Obama as the party's candidate for president in 2012, or do you think the Democratic party should nominate a different candidate for president in 2012?" -- 72 percent said they wanted to see Obama renominated. But 27 percent, slightly more than one in every four, said they wanted to see Democrats nominate a different candidate. One percent had no opinion.

The poll was taken August 24-25. In a survey taken in early August, 28 percent of Democrats said they wanted a different candidate. Polls taken in July and before showed Obama in a stronger position, with no more than 22 percent saying they preferred a different candidate. The current poll is based on interviews with 463 Democrats and has a margin of error of 4.5 percent.


09-01-2011, 08:59 AM
I think the ones that truly want to dump him are those to the left of BO, Hillary is not that.

09-01-2011, 01:37 PM
Wait, so 3/4 of those polled want four more years of this guy? Why?

09-01-2011, 02:27 PM
Because he's their best and brightest.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

red states rule
09-01-2011, 05:09 PM
Obama is heading for Bush territory and if his numbers keep sinking (like the Obama economy) there will be more Dems who will want to dump Obama for anyone

Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low

<FORM method=get><TBODY>
President Barack Obama's overall job approval rating has sunk to an all-time low, as American voters disapprove 52 - 42 percent, compared to 47 - 46 percent approval in July, and among whites and men his approval has dropped into the 30s, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Congressional leaders rate even lower in the public eye.

Voters nationwide are more pessimistic about the economy, saying 49 - 11 percent that it is getting worse rather than improving, a precipitous drop from a July 14 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University, in which voters said 32 - 23 percent the economy was worsening and January 18, when voters said 36 - 20 percent it was improving.

The economy is in a recession, 76 percent of voters say, and is not beginning to recover, voters say 68 - 28 percent.

Voters trust Obama more than congressional Republicans to handle the economy 44 - 41 percent, but they say 46 - 42 percent that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney would do a better job than Obama. They are split 43 - 41 percent on whether Obama or GOP candidate Rick Perry would be better on the economy.


09-01-2011, 10:40 PM
Because he's their best and brightest.

Because they see the alternative and it is more frightening than Obama is.

red states rule
09-02-2011, 06:32 AM
Because they see the alternative and it is more frightening than Obama is.

I guess to you Gaby is is frightening to rein in deficit spending, to put people back to work, get them off government programs, stop the decline of the housing industry, repeal Obamacare and stop the Feds takover of the nations health care industry, and actually have an energy policy (not the green energy crap) that would lower the cost of energy

Yea, that would scare the crap out of any big government loving liberal like you

09-02-2011, 07:45 AM
Because they see the alternative and it is more frightening than Obama is.

Bless your heart, you should pay more attention to context unless your stating that the other Dem possibilities are more frightening than BO; is that what you're saying? Besides, he is already having trouble against the R frontrunners and against the generic ticket so who's frightened.

red states rule
09-02-2011, 07:47 AM
Bless your heart, you should pay more attention to context unless your stating that the other Dem possibilities are more frightening than BO; is that what you're saying? Besides, he is already having trouble against the R frontrunners and against the generic ticket so who's frightened.

and another jobs number came out this morning, so I suspect even more libs will start to get scared over Obama being the face of their party as well as the face of the US economy

09-02-2011, 09:27 AM
I think the ones that truly want to dump him are those to the left of BO, Hillary is not that.


red states rule
09-02-2011, 09:48 AM

\It would be funny to meet someone who thnks Obama has not been liberal enough, has not spent enough money, that thinks Obamacre did not go far enough, believes Obama is too moderate, and has not been firm enough with his political opponents

These same people may also believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, and government is the only enity that creaste jobs and prosperity

09-02-2011, 09:54 AM
^They're out there.

09-02-2011, 10:24 AM
\It would be funny to meet someone who thnks Obama has not been liberal enough, has not spent enough money, that thinks Obamacre did not go far enough, believes Obama is too moderate, and has not been firm enough with his political opponents

These same people may also believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, and government is the only enity that creaste jobs and prosperity

That's me, but I don't believe that the govt "is the only entity that creates jobs and prosperity." However, when the market can't do it, the govt can help with fiscal spending.

I think Obama has been a very poor leader. He lets the fight go on in Congress and only jumps in if he thinks his side might lose. Examples? The 1st stimulus bill and Obamacare. That seems to be his style. It's not that he wants to win. He just doesn't want to lose.

09-02-2011, 10:55 AM
\It would be funny to meet someone who thnks Obama has not been liberal enough, has not spent enough money, that thinks Obamacre did not go far enough, believes Obama is too moderate, and has not been firm enough with his political opponents

These same people may also believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, and government is the only enity that creaste jobs and prosperity

I know right! Ive even heard it said that some of them believe in a 'god' such foolery never ceases to amaze!

red states rule
09-02-2011, 11:11 AM
That's me, but I don't believe that the govt "is the only entity that creates jobs and prosperity." However, when the market can't do it, the govt can help with fiscal spending.

I think Obama has been a very poor leader. He lets the fight go on in Congress and only jumps in if he thinks his side might lose. Examples? The 1st stimulus bill and Obamacare. That seems to be his style. It's not that he wants to win. He just doesn't want to lose.

How could Obama lose the 1st "stimulus" and Obamacare when Dems ran both the House and had 60 votes in the Senate?

Instead of doing his job< Obama let Reid and Pelosi write the bills while he went out and played golf. R's could do nothing to stop either bill'

Dems got everything they wanted and brother we are seeing the results

09-02-2011, 11:47 AM
I know right! Ive even heard it said that some of them believe in a 'god' such foolery never ceases to amaze!


red states rule
09-02-2011, 12:17 PM
Looks loike another post and instead of Kart responding all we have are crickets chirping :laugh2:

09-02-2011, 12:54 PM
Looks loike another post and instead of Kart responding all we have are crickets chirping :laugh2:

Oh, you've so frightened me with your giant intellectuallism that I had run off to wipe my tears.

Or it might be that there are people worth having a debate with on this board but you aren't one of them. I like smart people.

red states rule
09-02-2011, 12:58 PM
Oh, you've so frightened me with your giant intellectuallism that I had run off to wipe my tears.

Or it might be that there are people worth having a debate with on this board but you aren't one of them. I like smart people.

One thing about you Kart you have very big mouth but nothing to back it up with. Like most libs you brag about your political beliefs and how they are so much better - but when the time comes to prove it you fold up like a beach chair

Much like Obama does

09-02-2011, 12:59 PM
Why have the republicans broken their promise in the last election to create jobs?

Zero jobs in the result of republicans in the house flipping the bird to American workers after they won an election on a promise of jobs.

red states rule
09-02-2011, 01:05 PM
Why have the republicans broken their promise in the last election to create jobs?

Zero jobs in the result of republicans in the house flipping the bird to American workers after they won an election on a promise of jobs.

Zero jobs is aresult of the Obama stimulus and economic policies

Remember DNC Chairwomen Schultz said Obama and the Dems own the economy

The only thing she has siad that is 100% correct

red states rule
09-02-2011, 01:12 PM
Libs are the biggest bunch of cry babaies you could ever meet. They can't debate/. they can't defend the policies of Obama

But they are damn good at making exuses and ignoring the real world