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09-01-2011, 06:25 PM
It appears California has single handedly solved the illegal immigrant problem for the other 49 states, now all illegal immigrants will be moving to California.....

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law on Monday a bill allowing illegal immigrants to receive privately funded scholarships to attend the state's public colleges and universities. The bill, dubbed the California Dream Act, passed the state Legislature earlier this month and aims at helping illegal immigrants who earned a diploma after attending at least three years of high school in the state.

09-01-2011, 09:43 PM
Jerry Brown is weird, but he at least let this bill get through. Good for him.

09-02-2011, 11:16 AM
Jerry is a good man and this is a good decision

09-02-2011, 11:20 AM
What a wonderfully stupid idea.

@truthmatters, what is it about this exactly that yout think makes this a good decision?

09-02-2011, 11:25 AM
You cant make thesse people JUST DISSAPEAR.

When you reward GOOD behavior you help our society.

I dont think any sane person would want kids who have done what society asks of them ( excell in school and stay out of trouble) should be punished.

You cant make them just disapear by Forcing them into permanent underclass poverty for life.

09-02-2011, 11:27 AM
You cant make thesse people JUST DISSAPEAR.

When you reward GOOD behavior you help our society.

I dont think any sane person would want kids who have done what society asks of them ( excell in school and stay out of trouble) should be punished.

You cant make them just disapear by Forcing them into permanent underclass poverty for life.

Disapear? No, but you can deport them to whatever country they are citizens of.

09-02-2011, 11:30 AM
So to reward kids for doing good you would deport them?

Why have we not deported them all already?

09-02-2011, 11:38 AM
So to reward kids for doing good you would deport them?

Why have we not deported them all already?

That is a bloody good question!

Regardless of how good they are at Maths or some other such thing they should either apply to become a citizen legally or be forced to leave.

09-02-2011, 11:42 AM
Here is why


Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested CropsBy Megan McArdle
<fb:like id="facebookLike" class=" fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget" action="recommend" width="125" show_faces="false" layout="button_count" font="" href="http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/06/georgias-harsh-immigration-law-costs-millions-in-unharvested-crops/240774/"><iframe style="border: currentColor; width: 130px; height: 21px;" id="f1cba903f0fdc1e" class="fb_ltr" title="Like this content on Facebook." src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?action=recommend&api_key=100770816677686&channel_url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.ak.fbcdn.net%2Fcon nect%2Fxd_proxy.php%3Fversion%3D3%23cb%3Df2ffab071 1161e8%26origin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.theatlant ic.com%252Ff2a3788ee81891c%26relation%3Dparent.par ent%26transport%3Dpostmessage&href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fbusiness%2 Farchive%2F2011%2F06%2Fgeorgias-harsh-immigration-law-costs-millions-in-unharvested-crops%2F240774%2F&layout=button_count&locale=en_US&node_type=link&sdk=joey&show_faces=false&width=130" frameBorder="0" allowTransparency="true" name="f2e569b43f84a78" scrolling="no"></iframe></fb:like><iframe style="margin: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 90px; height: 20px; visibility: visible; position: static;" id="I1_1314981712162" title="+1" tabIndex="-1" vspace="0" marginHeight="0" src="https://plusone.google.com/u/0/_/+1/fastbutton?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2F business%2Farchive%2F2011%2F06%2Fgeorgias-harsh-immigration-law-costs-millions-in-unharvested-crops%2F240774%2F&size=medium&count=true&annotation=&hl=en-US&jsh=r%3Bgc%2F23579912-2b1b2e17#id=I1_1314981712162&parent=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com&rpctoken=111807524&_methods=onPlusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_re sizeMe" frameBorder="0" width="100%" allowTransparency="true" name="I1_1314981712162" marginWidth="0" scrolling="no" hspace="0"></iframe>
Jun 21 2011, 10:45 AM ET420 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#disqus_thread)
[Adam Ozimek]

Jay Bookman provides (http://blogs.ajc.com/jay-bookman-blog/2011/06/17/gas-farm-labor-crisis-playing-out-as-planned/) some unsurprising news about Georgia's illegal immigration crackdown: there are unintended, negative consequences.

After enacting House Bill 87, a law designed to drive illegal immigrants out of Georgia, state officials appear shocked to discover that HB 87 is, well, driving a lot of illegal immigrants out of Georgia...

Thanks to the resulting labor shortage, Georgia farmers have been forced to leave millions of dollars' worth of blueberries, onions, melons and other crops unharvested and rotting in the fields. It has also put state officials into something of a panic at the damage they've done to Georgia's largest industry....

09-02-2011, 12:00 PM
Here is why


Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested CropsBy Megan McArdle
<fb:like id="facebookLike" class=" fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget" action="recommend" width="125" show_faces="false" layout="button_count" font="" href="http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/06/georgias-harsh-immigration-law-costs-millions-in-unharvested-crops/240774/"><iframe style="border: currentColor; width: 130px; height: 21px;" id="f1cba903f0fdc1e" class="fb_ltr" title="Like this content on Facebook." src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?action=recommend&api_key=100770816677686&channel_url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.ak.fbcdn.net%2Fcon nect%2Fxd_proxy.php%3Fversion%3D3%23cb%3Df2ffab071 1161e8%26origin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.theatlant ic.com%252Ff2a3788ee81891c%26relation%3Dparent.par ent%26transport%3Dpostmessage&href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fbusiness%2 Farchive%2F2011%2F06%2Fgeorgias-harsh-immigration-law-costs-millions-in-unharvested-crops%2F240774%2F&layout=button_count&locale=en_US&node_type=link&sdk=joey&show_faces=false&width=130" frameBorder="0" allowTransparency="true" name="f2e569b43f84a78" scrolling="no"></iframe></fb:like><iframe style="margin: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 90px; height: 20px; visibility: visible; position: static;" id="I1_1314981712162" title="+1" tabIndex="-1" vspace="0" marginHeight="0" src="https://plusone.google.com/u/0/_/+1/fastbutton?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2F business%2Farchive%2F2011%2F06%2Fgeorgias-harsh-immigration-law-costs-millions-in-unharvested-crops%2F240774%2F&size=medium&count=true&annotation=&hl=en-US&jsh=r%3Bgc%2F23579912-2b1b2e17#id=I1_1314981712162&parent=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com&rpctoken=111807524&_methods=onPlusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_re sizeMe" frameBorder="0" width="100%" allowTransparency="true" name="I1_1314981712162" marginWidth="0" scrolling="no" hspace="0"></iframe>
Jun 21 2011, 10:45 AM ET420 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#disqus_thread)
[Adam Ozimek]

Jay Bookman provides (http://blogs.ajc.com/jay-bookman-blog/2011/06/17/gas-farm-labor-crisis-playing-out-as-planned/) some unsurprising news about Georgia's illegal immigration crackdown: there are unintended, negative consequences.

After enacting House Bill 87, a law designed to drive illegal immigrants out of Georgia, state officials appear shocked to discover that HB 87 is, well, driving a lot of illegal immigrants out of Georgia...

Thanks to the resulting labor shortage, Georgia farmers have been forced to leave millions of dollars' worth of blueberries, onions, melons and other crops unharvested and rotting in the fields. It has also put state officials into something of a panic at the damage they've done to Georgia's largest industry....

I was under the impression there was an unemployment problem, is Georgia exempt from such problems?

09-02-2011, 12:12 PM
Here is why


Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops

By Megan McArdle
<fb:like id="facebookLike" class=" fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget" action="recommend" width="125" show_faces="false" layout="button_count" font="" href="http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/06/georgias-harsh-immigration-law-costs-millions-in-unharvested-crops/240774/"><iframe style="border: currentColor; width: 130px; height: 21px;" id="f1cba903f0fdc1e" class="fb_ltr" title="Like this content on Facebook." src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?action=recommend&api_key=100770816677686&channel_url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.ak.fbcdn.net%2Fcon nect%2Fxd_proxy.php%3Fversion%3D3%23cb%3Df2ffab071 1161e8%26origin%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.theatlant ic.com%252Ff2a3788ee81891c%26relation%3Dparent.par ent%26transport%3Dpostmessage&href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fbusiness%2 Farchive%2F2011%2F06%2Fgeorgias-harsh-immigration-law-costs-millions-in-unharvested-crops%2F240774%2F&layout=button_count&locale=en_US&node_type=link&sdk=joey&show_faces=false&width=130" allowtransparency="true" name="f2e569b43f84a78" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></fb:like><iframe style="margin: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 90px; height: 20px; visibility: visible; position: static;" id="I1_1314981712162" title="+1" tabindex="-1" vspace="0" marginheight="0" src="https://plusone.google.com/u/0/_/+1/fastbutton?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2F business%2Farchive%2F2011%2F06%2Fgeorgias-harsh-immigration-law-costs-millions-in-unharvested-crops%2F240774%2F&size=medium&count=true&annotation=&hl=en-US&jsh=r%3Bgc%2F23579912-2b1b2e17#id=I1_1314981712162&parent=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com&rpctoken=111807524&_methods=onPlusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_re sizeMe" allowtransparency="true" name="I1_1314981712162" marginwidth="0" hspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%"></iframe>
Jun 21 2011, 10:45 AM ET420 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#disqus_thread)
[Adam Ozimek]

Jay Bookman provides (http://blogs.ajc.com/jay-bookman-blog/2011/06/17/gas-farm-labor-crisis-playing-out-as-planned/) some unsurprising news about Georgia's illegal immigration crackdown: there are unintended, negative consequences.
After enacting House Bill 87, a law designed to drive illegal immigrants out of Georgia, state officials appear shocked to discover that HB 87 is, well, driving a lot of illegal immigrants out of Georgia...

Thanks to the resulting labor shortage, Georgia farmers have been forced to leave millions of dollars' worth of blueberries, onions, melons and other crops unharvested and rotting in the fields. It has also put state officials into something of a panic at the damage they've done to Georgia's largest industry....

So those illegals in Ga. can all move to calif where they can harvest the crops that are not allowed to be planted and send their kids to the best universities at tax payer expense and live like kings in the land of el raza. I do hope truthdoesn'tmatter lives in CA.

09-02-2011, 12:14 PM
It appears California has single handedly solved the illegal immigrant problem for the other 49 states, now all illegal immigrants will be moving to California.....

Do you understand what private means?

red states rule
09-03-2011, 06:22 AM
Jerry Brown is weird, but he at least let this bill get through. Good for him.

Why would anyone be surprised that Kart and TM would be happy with libs rewarding criminal behavior?

After all they want as many undocumented democrats as possible to be given benefits so they can show their loyality to the Dems by voting for them in the next election

Hey, screw the CA taxpayers. the Dems already have all the votes they wil ever get frpm them. Now it time to tap the next huge untapped voting block

undocumented democrats