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View Full Version : More Liberal Civility From Liberal Talk Radio

red states rule
09-03-2011, 07:40 AM
I am wondering if Kart is not really Randi Rhodes. Both play the race card constantly, both have the liberal civility down pat, and both continue to make excuses for Obama

Rhodes compared Rush Limbauah to a serial killer and blamed R's for the losuy jobs number

On Thursday's edition of the Randi Rhodes radio show, the liberal hate was flowing. Rhodes suggested Rush Limbaugh was a racist for being offended by Obama's transparent scheduling-over-the-debate ploy, and she suggested he facially resembled the serial child-molester/murderer John Wayne Gacy.

She also agreed with Rep. Maxine Waters that the Tea Party should go to Hell -- and will, in the long run, since they are obstructing disaster aid for spending offsets: "I don't think Jesus said 'Let people drown'!"

Here's the Gacy part:

RHODES: you know who he looks like, tell you the truth?
RHODES: John Wayne Gacy!
CALLER: Yeah! It's really creepy lately...
RHODES: Every time I look at him now I see John Wayne Gacy! You know - because he's got a webcam - that, you know whenever they uh show what he said on the radio, they are able to show the video. Every time I look at him now he looks like John Wayne Gacy in a polo shirt!

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2011/09/03/randi-rhodes-racist-rush-limbaugh-looks-serial-killer#ixzz1WtP5DsON