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View Full Version : Online Gamers Slaughter "Tea Party Zombies"

red states rule
09-07-2011, 03:23 AM
Ah, more tolerance and civility from the left.

Are you fed up with Tea Party members openly opposing Obama's tax and spend agenda? Well, you can do something about it and do like Jimmy Hoffa said and take the SOB's out!


Good news: Angry liberals can now vicariously hunt down and kill the world's most dangerous prey. No, not human beings; Tea Party Zombies. The Left continues to usher in our great new age of selective "civility" with the introduction of TeaPartyZombiesMustDie.com (http://teapartyzombiesmustdie.com/), at which anyone -- from White House messaging gurus (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2011/08/22/spot_the_white_house_talking_point_patriotism_edit ion), to talentless "comedians," (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/08/18/garofalo_herman_cain_being_paid_to_run_he_suffers_ from_stockholm_syndrome.html) to Congressional Black Caucus members (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2011/09/01/cbc_member_to_tea_party_im_not_sorry), to New York Times columnists (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2011/08/02/endless_the_left_ratchets_up_tea_party_terrorists_ narrative) -- can quench their (projected) bloodlust by massacring avatars of Tea Party activists. These zombified targets include "generic pissed off old white guys," Glenn Beck, a blood-drenched Sarah Palin, and a two-headed Koch brothers creature, among others. Enlightened gamers can choose from a wide array of weapons, including crow bars, crossbows, and firearms, with which to dispatch their living-dead political foes.


09-07-2011, 07:34 AM

09-07-2011, 10:23 AM
And if a tea party member is REALLY shot will this game be blamed? Or any of the other over the top or mundane negative ANTI Tea Party commentary? Probably not. Only the right is incites crazies, the crazies on left know it's only a joke.
No problem.

09-07-2011, 03:25 PM
A new video game out allows players to hunt down and kill various "Tea Party Zombies."
I instantly thought "this game will be immensely popular on DP."
Of course, I could be wrong. :cool:


09-07-2011, 03:56 PM
A new video game out allows players to hunt down and kill various "Tea Party Zombies."
I instantly thought "this game will be immensely popular on DP."
Of course, I could be wrong. :cool:

http://teapartyzombiesmustdie.com/Did you buy it gabbs?????

09-07-2011, 06:45 PM
A new video game out allows players to hunt down and kill various "Tea Party Zombies."
I instantly thought "this game will be immensely popular on DP."
Of course, I could be wrong. :cool:


SO the liberal zombies get to live? That's horseshit. Death to all zombies!!!

09-07-2011, 08:17 PM
A new video game out allows players to hunt down and kill various "Tea Party Zombies."
I instantly thought "this game will be immensely popular on DP."
Of course, I could be wrong. :cool:


What a stupid thread and waste of bandwidth. About what I've come to expect from you though. If ANYONE has no right to call ANYONE a zombie, it's damned-sure a DemLemming.

09-07-2011, 08:43 PM
Gotta get this game for my son! More productive than any civics or government class!

09-07-2011, 10:00 PM
What a stupid thread and waste of bandwidth. About what I've come to expect from you though. If ANYONE has no right to call ANYONE a zombie, it's damned-sure a DemLemming.

Nah, you are the waste of bandwidth. When was the last time you had a thought that wasn't psychotic? More proof that the military needs to offer more mental health care to demented veterans.

Did you buy it gabbs?????

No, I'm not a gamer. But I did try it out online. It's a lot of fun. Even my husband thought it was a funny idea.

09-07-2011, 10:03 PM
I can't wait to get my AK-47. I will be totally prepared for the next outbreak of teabagger zombies. :slap:

09-07-2011, 10:15 PM
Nah, you are the waste of bandwidth. When was the last time you had a thought that wasn't psychotic? More proof that the military needs to offer more mental health care to demented veterans.

No, I'm not a gamer. But I did try it out online. It's a lot of fun. Even my husband thought it was a funny idea.

Really? Which of us voted for that major fuck up Obama? I rest my case. You're nothing but a stupid, sheeple, leftwing hack. I hope (in some other country) you get the political BS you rant and rave for. You and your ilk will be the first ones with tears welling in their eyes, but you'll never admit you did it to yourselves.

09-07-2011, 10:17 PM
I can't wait to get my AK-47. I will be totally prepared for the next outbreak of teabagger zombies. :slap:

Naw ... better you sit around and wait for Big Brother to save "lil ol' you" when you get attacked. I'll be looking forward to seeing the case on Forensic Files.

09-07-2011, 10:18 PM
Hey Gunny, while you're here, why don't you make yourself useful and merge the threads?

09-07-2011, 10:23 PM
Gabby with an ak (http://www.allstupidjokes.com/video/girl-shoots-an-ak-47)

Stupid bitch would end up killing herself and everyone around her- if she could figure out how to hold the damn thing :laugh:

red states rule
09-08-2011, 02:01 AM
And if a tea party member is REALLY shot will this game be blamed? Or any of the other over the top or mundane negative ANTI Tea Party commentary? Probably not. Only the right is incites crazies, the crazies on left know it's only a joke.
No problem.

Who would get blamed? The Tea Party of course

In the liberal media, it is Tea Party that provoked the loving and tolerant left into violence with their beliefs of les spending and smaller government

red states rule
09-08-2011, 02:05 AM
Did you buy it gabbs?????

I am sure she will. Not only can she murder Tea Party members, but she can also kill employees of Fox News. How could any tolerant liberal pass that up?

Lesser-known targets include "factory made blonde Fox News Barbie who has never had a problem in her life zombie" or the "Koch industries Koch Whore lobbyist pig zombie." Fox News logos and a recreation of its studios can be seen in blood-spattered screengrabs posted on the company's website.

Attention to the game's release has heightened after violent rhetoric from Teamsters President James P. Hoffa, who in a speech over the weekend told President Obama that his supporters would "take out the son-of-a-bitches" in the Tea Party who were waging "war" against unions.

"The liberal media have been preaching for years that conservatives are the ones who invoke violent imagery and rhetoric. Yet in the space of two days, the radical, pro-Obama left calls us 'son-of-a-bitches' and says they want to 'take us out.' And they follow that with a hideously violent game where they do just that -- depicting ways of shooting prominent conservatives, presidential candidates and journalists," said Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center. "The news media would be in an uproar if violence had been incited against liberals. Their silence disgusts me."

The game's developer, Jason Oda, of Brooklyn, N.Y., did not respond to FoxNews.com requests for comment. But the 32-year-old Connecticut native is no stranger to violent, politically-themed video games (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/entertainment/video-games/video-games.htm#r_src=ramp).


09-09-2011, 07:49 PM
in his “Worst Persons” segment. Olbermann even urged viewers to boycott StarvingEyes until they “pull the plug” on the violent game.