View Full Version : The moment my life was made...

09-07-2011, 08:12 AM
As a few if you may know I'm a MASSIVE Morrissey fan, like huge.

Anyways I went to see him a few Weeks ago in concert at Vicar Street, Dublin. And I made it to the stage. Like, I've been trying for years to get to the stage, but the security have always got me. But not this time.

I made it in one leap from the barrier to the stage, during his encore, a security man grabbed my foot mid-air and held on, tripping me, but I was able to hold onto the stage moniter with on hand hold the other out to Morrissey, and shouted "Morrissey" so he turned to me said "God bless you" held my arm by the wrist as I did his, said "thank you" and let go, all over in an instant. Then the security on the stage got to me and threw me off, landing backwards, at which point a few of the tossed me back and forwards a bit, go allot of bruises, but it was so so so worth it.

Also, found a few videos of the event,

This ones really bad quality, but you can kinda see me, like 10 seconds in.

This ones much better quality, though you don't see me at all (except my hand) you see Morrisseys reaction that just makes me all ucjbcudjsmidi, about 1:15 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSZLlHR0acY&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Also my Mum took great pleasure in the fact that off all the things Morrissey could of said to me, it had to be "God bless you" xD

09-09-2011, 02:21 PM
was this you?.....


09-12-2011, 01:18 AM
As a few if you may know I'm a MASSIVE Morrissey fan, like huge.

Anyways I went to see him a few Weeks ago in concert at Vicar Street, Dublin. And I made it to the stage. Like, I've been trying for years to get to the stage, but the security have always got me. But not this time.

I made it in one leap from the barrier to the stage, during his encore, a security man grabbed my foot mid-air and held on, tripping me, but I was able to hold onto the stage moniter with on hand hold the other out to Morrissey, and shouted "Morrissey" so he turned to me said "God bless you" held my arm by the wrist as I did his, said "thank you" and let go, all over in an instant. Then the security on the stage got to me and threw me off, landing backwards, at which point a few of the tossed me back and forwards a bit, go allot of bruises, but it was so so so worth it.

Also, found a few videos of the event,

This ones really bad quality, but you can kinda see me, like 10 seconds in.

This ones much better quality, though you don't see me at all (except my hand) you see Morrisseys reaction that just makes me all ucjbcudjsmidi, about 1:15 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSZLlHR0acY&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Also my Mum took great pleasure in the fact that off all the things Morrissey could of said to me, it had to be "God bless you" xD

Luv your Mum!