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View Full Version : Binghamton Area flooding

09-10-2011, 09:29 AM
Hi everyone

We had another bad storm out here in New York, as you probably already know. The area where I live (Binghamton, New York) got hit really bad. I don't know how much rainfall we got on Wednesday but the estimate is somewhere between 7 and 10 inches. The ground was already saturated so it was an accident waiting to happen. Add to this the fact that we live near two rivers (the Susquehanna and the Chenango) and you can imagine the results.

Personally, I'm OK. I was lucky. Neither I, my g/f, or my family suffered any loss. However, others were not as fortunate. About 20,000 people were evacuated in my county alone (Broome County's population is about 189,000). Almost all major highways were closed for a day or two. The National Guard is here, the Governor came here. Many people cannot return to their homes for weeks, if at all. The river got so high that the flood walls could not keep it all back. Fortunately, they did not collapse, but the river just went over them in some cases. Some towns are underwater.

We had a flood back in 2006. We thought that was bad, but this is far worse. If you pray, please remember the people out here.


09-10-2011, 11:44 AM
I was there with the Red Cross in 2006 and that was bad so I can't imagine what it's like there now. Floods suck.
Hope things dry out for you and your neighbors.

09-10-2011, 11:56 AM
Hi everyone

We had another bad storm out here in New York, as you probably already know. The area where I live (Binghamton, New York) got hit really bad. I don't know how much rainfall we got on Wednesday but the estimate is somewhere between 7 and 10 inches. The ground was already saturated so it was an accident waiting to happen. Add to this the fact that we live near two rivers (the Susquehanna and the Chenango) and you can imagine the results.

Personally, I'm OK. I was lucky. Neither I, my g/f, or my family suffered any loss. However, others were not as fortunate. About 20,000 people were evacuated in my county alone (Broome County's population is about 189,000). Almost all major highways were closed for a day or two. The National Guard is here, the Governor came here. Many people cannot return to their homes for weeks, if at all. The river got so high that the flood walls could not keep it all back. Fortunately, they did not collapse, but the river just went over them in some cases. Some towns are underwater.

We had a flood back in 2006. We thought that was bad, but this is far worse. If you pray, please remember the people out here.


Prayers with all the people out there.

09-10-2011, 01:11 PM
I was there with the Red Cross in 2006 and that was bad so I can't imagine what it's like there now. Floods suck.
Hope things dry out for you and your neighbors.

Yes, I remember that you came out this way in 2006. The 2006 was called a 100 year flood. We didn't expect this kind of devastation.

09-10-2011, 06:02 PM
sounds like you and Jim are in the same boat sorry to hear of the troubles.

09-11-2011, 07:00 AM
sounds like you and Jim are in the same boat sorry to hear of the troubles.

Thanks, Chloe, but as I said, I didn't get anything in my basement. Jim is the one who got whacked, not me. The people who I want prayers for are those who lost their homes and most of their possessions. My family and I are are all OK.

Thank God that the flood waters are receding fast and that people are slowly returning back to their homes. Unfortunately, some low lifes are taking advantage of the power outages and are looting homes and businesses.

09-11-2011, 12:13 PM
Anyone heard from RSR since the flooding started?