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05-13-2007, 04:51 PM
The ability to make the CHOICE to practice a queer lifestyle is born out of a mental short circuit which is treatable either through intensive psychotherapy or drugs despite what the politically compromised APA tells you.

Queer lifestyle choice perversionists don't really want to get married they just want legitimization of their perversion of choice and marriage is just the vehicle they want to drive to get there.......only the engine has some fundamental flaws and is blowing up long before they reach their destination.

05-13-2007, 06:24 PM
The ability to make the CHOICE to practice a queer lifestyle is born out of a mental short circuit which is treatable either through intensive psychotherapy or drugs despite what the politically compromised APA tells you.

So which is it? Are homosexuals really just heterosexuals who choose to engage in homosexuality or is there actually something physically/mentally different about them?

You can make all the claims you care to, but if their actions are being driven by an actual physical/mental difference, it's hardly a choice. You might as well argue that parapalegics are choosing a wheelchair lifestyle.

05-13-2007, 06:46 PM
So which is it? Are homosexuals really just heterosexuals who choose to engage in homosexuality or is there actually something physically/mentally different about them?

You can make all the claims you care to, but if their actions are being driven by an actual physical/mental difference, it's hardly a choice. You might as well argue that parapalegics are choosing a wheelchair lifestyle.

There is a mental shortcircuit which allows them to make such a bad decision. Kinda the same as the guy who likes to play in his own shit.

05-13-2007, 06:52 PM
There is a mental shortcircuit which allows them to make such a bad decision. Kinda the same as the guy who likes to play in his own shit.

I agree that it's more than likely a mis-wiring of the brain that causes homosexuality. Until we get into the brain transplant business, I seriously doubt it's treatable. As for the choice matter, I disagree. Just because I choose to engage in heterosexual sex, it doesn't mean I chose to be heterosexual.

05-13-2007, 07:13 PM
It’s possible that its a chemical imbalance....Most likely brought on through genetics or other environmental factors. There are a lot of theories about things that can go wrong during the fetus’s life in the womb.

What is known though, is that people are born with this. Most people, when asked "When did you know you were gay?" will reply with "For as long as I can remember". But they add that it really became clear during puberty, when sexual attractions start occurring.

Someone cannot "choose" to feel a certain way.
OCA, do you have a girl? The feelings you have for her...Did you "chose" those?? No. Those feelings were natural.

The only thing homosexuals can "chose" is whether or not to actually engage in a sexual act. But humans need to be loved. Saying that they "just shouldn't have sex" is horrible. How would you feel if someone told you that? They cannot help their attractions, therefore for them to be happy we must let them have sex with who they choose.

05-13-2007, 07:17 PM
What is known though, is that people are born with this.

Care to provide the evidence for this that modern science has never been able to find?

The chemical imbalance shit is supposition and theory only without a shred of credible evidence to back it up.

05-13-2007, 07:17 PM
Care to provide the evidence for this that modern science has never been able to find?
How else do you want to explain people always knowing from the time they could think that they were gay??????

Pale Rider
05-13-2007, 07:21 PM
Care to provide the evidence for this that modern science has never been able to find?

The chemical imbalance shit is supposition and theory only without a shred of credible evidence to back it up.

But OCA, osama likes to argue that THEORY is FACT. Just ask him about the theory of evolution. He'll tell you it's a fact.

05-13-2007, 07:22 PM
How else do you want to explain people always knowing from the time they could think that they were gay??????

Fallacy, they had enablers who were unable to give them exactly what they needed, a boot in the ass telling them to straighten the fuck up.

Instead they had some pussy who instead of telling them the truth fed them some bullshit lie about being born queer, the truth being that you are going to fuck your life up if you make this terrible choice, you were born hetero like every other living human on this planet so start flying right.

Pale Rider
05-13-2007, 07:22 PM
How else do you want to explain people always knowing from the time they could think that they were gay??????

Most people do know when they're happy.:slap:

05-13-2007, 07:23 PM
How else do you want to explain people always knowing from the time they could think that they were gay??????

Oh I also forgot to provide a translation for your post:"I can't provide any evidence because there is none so i'll make up some bullshit"

You can thank me later.

05-13-2007, 07:44 PM
Fallacy, they had enablers who were unable to give them exactly what they needed, a boot in the ass telling them to straighten the fuck up.
Stop making shit it up to please your agenda.

What about all the gay people who had hard ass dads?????

Your argument makes no sense

Read this dumbshit:

Science is rapidly converging on the conclusion that sexual orientation is innate. It has found that homosexuals often act differently from heterosexuals in early childhood, before they have even heard of sex. A recent study by Simon LeVay, a neurobiologist at the Salk Institute, reported a difference in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that develops at a young age, between homosexual and heterosexual men.

It's not PROVEN...But it is the most likely scenario that people are born differently.

05-13-2007, 07:46 PM
Instead they had some pussy who instead of telling them the truth fed them some bullshit lie about being born queer, the truth being that you are going to fuck your life up if you make this terrible choice, you were born hetero like every other living human on this planet so start flying right.
Any proof of this horrible opinon?
Didn't think so.

You have the worst fucking argument on this subject that only the most insanse and fucking stupid ignorant right-wingers decide to come up with.

You have no scientific studies (I do!)...

Grow up.

05-13-2007, 07:50 PM
Oh I also forgot to provide a translation for your post:"I can't provide any evidence because there is none so i'll make up some bullshit"
Please mother fucker...the only shit you ever type is your own opinions based on your own fucking internal insecurities.

I bet you love sucking cock, your just too fucking dumb to admit it.

Talking shit about gay people is therapeutic for you. It gives you a way to project things that you don't like about yourself onto others.

Your just one of the many sexual hypocrites that has become part of a grand right-wing tradition where you state opinions that contradict your private behavior.

05-13-2007, 07:56 PM
I'm going to make one request to stop the vulgarity and keep the discussion mature, and to the topic...

05-13-2007, 08:25 PM
Please mother fucker...the only shit you ever type is your own opinions based on your own fucking internal insecurities.

I bet you love sucking cock, your just too fucking dumb to admit it.

Talking shit about gay people is therapeutic for you. It gives you a way to project things that you don't like about yourself onto others.

Your just one of the many sexual hypocrites that has become part of a grand right-wing tradition where you state opinions that contradict your private behavior.

Once again Obamas's maturity shows. You can disagree with someone, but that was uncalled for. If you want to continue talking on here maybe you should grow up, then maybe someone on here will take you seriously..........

Pale Rider
05-13-2007, 08:31 PM
Quote pasted by osama...

Science is rapidly converging on the conclusion that sexual orientation is innate. It has found that homosexuals often act differently from heterosexuals in early childhood, before they have even heard of sex. A recent study by Simon LeVay, a neurobiologist at the Salk Institute, reported a difference in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that develops at a young age, between homosexual and heterosexual men.

So if this is true, then all attempts at helping little johnny while he's young should be made.

We are a society that is supposed to HELP the sick, not let them stay ill, or enable their sickness to progress.

05-13-2007, 08:43 PM
Quote pasted by osama...

So if this is true, then all attempts at helping little johnny while he's young should be made.

We are a society that is supposed to HELP the sick, not let them stay ill, or enable their sickness to progress.

I also think being molested in the past has something to do with someone being attracted to the same sex. I know several people who are Gay and Lesbians and they were molested as children, it is sad. Im not saying it is what caused it, and a trauma like that could definatly screw someone up bad, I know from experience.

05-13-2007, 09:03 PM
You have no scientific studies (I do!)...

Care to provide these scientific studies that provide irrefuteable evidence of existence of a queer gene?

Why do we have to provide evidence of the innate attraction to the opposite sex of all humans at birth? Didn't you pass biology 101?

05-13-2007, 09:04 PM
I'm going to make one request to stop the vulgarity and keep the discussion mature, and to the topic...

I ain't the one spewing out the over the top shit Jimmy.

There was a reason I banned this idiot way back when, why he was allowed back i'll never know.

05-13-2007, 10:53 PM
The ability to make the CHOICE to practice a queer lifestyle is born out of a mental short circuit which is treatable either through intensive psychotherapy or drugs despite what the politically compromised APA tells you.

OCA, you are not a psychologist, nor do you do scientific research. You are merely another deluded conservative who thinks only what he is taught or programed to think. The fact that you refuse to accept the finding of trained and accredited experts in their fields is proof of such.
It's not just you, though. It is ALL the radical fundamentalists and evangelical nutcases who refuse to enter the 21st Century.
Homosexuality is no more a "choice" than gender, race and heredity. It's simple genetics. Next time you see someone in a wheelchair, or with some birth defect, ask them why they made that "choice." Tell them that they can be treated through intensive psychotherapy or drugs.
Otherwise, go line up behind Fred Phelps and his loony bunch. Because if you believe homosexuality is a "choice," then you are closer to Fred's bunch than you are to a normal human being.

05-14-2007, 01:16 AM
I am sick of reading these homosexual bashing threads, I think they should be banned, and when the perps insist on starting them up again they should be closed immediately and the perp should be banned.:cool:

Abbey Marie
05-14-2007, 01:37 AM
I am sick of reading these homosexual bashing threads, I think they should be banned, and when the perps insist on starting them up again they should be closed immediately and the perp should be banned.:cool:

Against freedom of speech, Roomy? Tsk tsk. You know what they say when someone is offended by violence or porn, right? If you don't like it, change the channel. Or in this case, scroll on by. :poke:

05-14-2007, 01:51 AM
Against freedom of speech, Roomy? Tsk tsk. You know what they say when someone is offended by violence or porn, right? If you don't like it, change the channel. Or in this case, scroll on by. :poke:

You have to realize that gay bashing is typically ignorance and fear of the unknown.

Abbey Marie
05-14-2007, 01:52 AM
You have to realize that gay bashing is typically ignorance and fear of the unknown.

What do you consider "bashing"?

05-14-2007, 01:59 AM
What do you consider "bashing"?

Anything said thats negative about another person. Do I need to put you in the corner?:slap:

05-14-2007, 03:44 AM
Against freedom of speech, Roomy? Tsk tsk. You know what they say when someone is offended by violence or porn, right? If you don't like it, change the channel. Or in this case, scroll on by. :poke:

I am against hate speech.

05-14-2007, 05:09 AM
OCA, you are not a psychologist, nor do you do scientific research. You are merely another deluded conservative who thinks only what he is taught or programed to think. The fact that you refuse to accept the finding of trained and accredited experts in their fields is proof of such.
It's not just you, though. It is ALL the radical fundamentalists and evangelical nutcases who refuse to enter the 21st Century.
Homosexuality is no more a "choice" than gender, race and heredity. It's simple genetics. Next time you see someone in a wheelchair, or with some birth defect, ask them why they made that "choice." Tell them that they can be treated through intensive psychotherapy or drugs.
Otherwise, go line up behind Fred Phelps and his loony bunch. Because if you believe homosexuality is a "choice," then you are closer to Fred's bunch than you are to a normal human being.

Care to provide the irrefuteable evidence that queerness is hereditary? The evidence that modern science has been unable to find?

05-14-2007, 05:10 AM
I am against hate speech.

This board is way over your elementary head.

05-14-2007, 05:23 AM
Science is rapidly converging on the conclusion that sexual orientation is innate. It has found that homosexuals often act differently from heterosexuals in early childhood, before they have even heard of sex. A recent study by Simon LeVay, a neurobiologist at the Salk Institute, reported a difference in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that develops at a young age, between homosexual and heterosexual men.

I'd be the last one to dismiss a scientific conclusion because it's old (the LeVay study you mention is from 1991, I believe). Hell, if it stands up to all efforts at refutation, over a long period of time, maybe there's something to it.

Unfortunately for those who were pinning their hopes on this one, though, LeVay's conclusions were blown out of the water years ago. The trouble is that the hypothalamus glands studied were those of autopsied adult male homosexuals. See the problem? Adult, confirmed homosexuals. Who can say, then, that the behavior itself does not trigger changes in the hypothalamus gland? No one, that's who. The conclusions are shot to pieces.

05-14-2007, 05:40 AM
This board is way over your elementary head.

And you are the epitomy of stupidity.

05-14-2007, 06:27 AM
I am sick of reading these homosexual bashing threads, I think they should be banned, and when the perps insist on starting them up again they should be closed immediately and the perp should be banned.:cool:

That's what used to happen.

05-14-2007, 07:28 AM
That's what used to happen.

I don't believe we ever banned anyone for starting threads about gay marriage. All we ask is that the threads remain on topic, and mature.

Pale Rider
05-14-2007, 08:26 AM
I am sick of reading these homosexual bashing threads, I think they should be banned, and when the perps insist on starting them up again they should be closed immediately and the perp should be banned.:cool:

There ya go. More proof of what I've said a whole bunch of times over already. These faggot lovers will NOT be happy until they can SILENCE ALL VOICES OF OPPOSITION.


And there's something you faggot enablers need to know, we NORMAL people find you just as disgusting, hateful, and bigoted as you find us. Thing is though, we have nature, normality, God, and the majority of people in the world behind us. You people in here trying to push this, "homosexuality is normal" bullshit off on us are completely full of shit, and we will NEVER buy it. There is not a more perverted and sick act a man can commit on another man than to. That is the EPITOME of disgust and perversion, and there is NOTHING NORMAL ABOUT IT! These people need their head examined, and intense psychotherapy.

Post Edited

I'm going to make one request to stop the vulgarity and keep the discussion mature, and to the topic...

05-14-2007, 09:16 AM
There ya go. More proof of what I've said a whole bunch of times over already. These faggot lovers will NOT be happy until they can SILENCE ALL VOICES OF OPPOSITION.


And there's something you faggot enablers need to know, we NORMAL people find you just as disgusting, hateful, and bigoted as you find us. Thing is though, we have nature, normality, God, and the majority of people in the world behind us. You people in here trying to push this, "homosexuality is normal" bullshit off on us are completely full of shit, and we will NEVER buy it. There is not a more perverted and sick act a man can commit on another man than to. That is the EPITOME of disgust and perversion, and there is NOTHING NORMAL ABOUT IT! These people need their head examined, and intense psychotherapy.

I don't know how that load of childish bullshit would apply to me, I am heterosexual and have never in my life promoted homosexuality as a normal act.You need to get a new act pal, this one is old and worn out.

Pale Rider
05-14-2007, 09:35 AM
I don't know how that load of childish bullshit would apply to me, I am heterosexual and have never in my life promoted homosexuality as a normal act.You need to get a new act pal, this one is old and worn out.

Right room... you're the one that wants everybody to be silenced.

My act is old? Why? Because I'm normal? Normal people are "worn out?"

Get a grip pal.

05-14-2007, 09:41 AM
Right room... you're the one that wants everybody to be silenced.

My act is old? Why? Because I'm normal? Normal people are "worn out?"

Get a grip pal.

If you were normal you would let people be, to live their own lives the way they see fit, within the confines of the law of course.You are behaving like a screaming spoilt brat who cannot get his own way, grow up pal.

05-14-2007, 09:53 AM
So which is it? Are homosexuals really just heterosexuals who choose to engage in homosexuality or is there actually something physically/mentally different about them?

You can make all the claims you care to, but if their actions are being driven by an actual physical/mental difference, it's hardly a choice. You might as well argue that parapalegics are choosing a wheelchair lifestyle.

So queers were in some sort of accident> A cutoffadickfromme?

05-14-2007, 09:54 AM
I don't believe we ever banned anyone for starting threads about gay marriage. All we ask is that the threads remain on topic, and mature.

And you are the epitomy of stupidity.

Like that?


Pale Rider
05-14-2007, 10:28 AM
If you were normal you would let people be, to live their own lives the way they see fit, within the confines of the law of course.You are behaving like a screaming spoilt brat who cannot get his own way, grow up pal.

For Christ sake room... we're on a "message board." We're NOT out in public. This where people COME to express their opinions muttonhead. I treat people with respect and dignity in public, unless they treat me different.

Can you say something relevant?

Hagbard Celine
05-14-2007, 10:39 AM
There ya go. More proof of what I've said a whole bunch of times over already. These faggot lovers will NOT be happy until they can SILENCE ALL VOICES OF OPPOSITION.


And there's something you faggot enablers need to know, we NORMAL people find you just as disgusting, hateful, and bigoted as you find us. Thing is though, we have nature, normality, God, and the majority of people in the world behind us. You people in here trying to push this, "homosexuality is normal" bullshit off on us are completely full of shit, and we will NEVER buy it. There is not a more perverted and sick act a man can commit on another man than to. That is the EPITOME of disgust and perversion, and there is NOTHING NORMAL ABOUT IT! These people need their head examined, and intense psychotherapy.

I don't think you have to accept it as normal. I just think you have to accept that it exists and that these people consider themselves to be a distinct minority group within society. Homosexuality isn't something new, but what is new is society's willingness to accept these people's existence and move-on without being bigoted about it. Just because it's now acceptable (in the majority of society) for gays to live and work out of the closet doesn't mean they're "taking over society." To me it means that a quite large group of people are on the path to accepting themselves for who they are and I think it's great that society is allowing that to happen. I also think your anger and hatred on the subject is seriously over the top. When you yell and type in huge red font you really show yourself to be a hater. And as far as I know, you really don't have any reason to be other than your opinion of gay people. :dunno:

Pale Rider
05-14-2007, 10:46 AM
I don't think you have to accept it as normal. I just think you have to accept that it exists and that these people consider themselves to be a distinct minority group within society. Homosexuality isn't something new, but what is new is society's willingness to accept these people's existence and move-on without being bigoted about it. Just because it's now acceptable (in the majority of society) for gays to live and work out of the closet doesn't mean they're "taking over society." To me it means that a quite large group of people are on the path to accepting themselves for who they are and I think it's great that society is allowing that to happen. I also think your anger and hatred on the subject is seriously over the top. When you yell and type in huge red font you really show yourself to be a hater. And as far as I know, you really don't have any reason to be other than your opinion of gay people. :dunno:

I type in large red letter for emphasis, not to show hate. I'm surprized I had to explain that to you. But, like others that want to silence all people that voice disgust, and feel homosexuality is immoral and a sickness, you think that only your opinion is acceptable. That makes "YOU" the BIGOT, not me. My opinion comes from the majority, backed by nature and God. I think I'll stick with that.

Hagbard Celine
05-14-2007, 11:01 AM
I type in large red letter for emphasis, not to show hate. I'm surprized I had to explain that to you. But, like others that want to silence all people that voice disgust, and feel homosexuality is immoral and a sickness, you think that only your opinion is acceptable. That makes "YOU" the BIGOT, not me. My opinion comes from the majority, backed by nature and God. I think I'll stick with that.

But I don't hate anyone. I'm just pointing out that your hatred of gays qualifies as bigotry. How does pointing out bigotry make me a bigot? I'm not trying to silence your opinion. You can be a bigot if you really want to be. But that doesn't mean I won't stop pointing it out.

05-14-2007, 11:18 AM
For the LAST TIME:

I'm going to make one request to stop the vulgarity and keep the discussion mature, and to the topic...

Hagbard Celine
05-14-2007, 11:26 AM
For the LAST TIME:

I really hope this wasn't directed at me because I haven't said anything even remotely hostile or vulgar in my two posts on this thread.

05-14-2007, 11:51 AM
I don't think you have to accept it as normal. I just think you have to accept that it exists and that these people consider themselves to be a distinct minority group within society. Homosexuality isn't something new, but what is new is society's willingness to accept these people's existence and move-on without being bigoted about it. Just because it's now acceptable (in the majority of society) for gays to live and work out of the closet doesn't mean they're "taking over society." To me it means that a quite large group of people are on the path to accepting themselves for who they are and I think it's great that society is allowing that to happen. I also think your anger and hatred on the subject is seriously over the top. When you yell and type in huge red font you really show yourself to be a hater. And as far as I know, you really don't have any reason to be other than your opinion of gay people. :dunno:


05-14-2007, 12:41 PM
I really hope this wasn't directed at me because I haven't said anything even remotely hostile or vulgar in my two posts on this thread.

Defensive, much? :tinfoil:

05-14-2007, 01:07 PM
Defensive much, I'd say that about a lot of folks on this board. Specially our dear mods.

05-14-2007, 01:20 PM
There ya go. More proof of what I've said a whole bunch of times over already. These faggot lovers will NOT be happy until they can SILENCE ALL VOICES OF OPPOSITION.


And there's something you faggot enablers need to know, we NORMAL people find you just as disgusting, hateful, and bigoted as you find us. Thing is though, we have nature, normality, God, and the majority of people in the world behind us. You people in here trying to push this, "homosexuality is normal" bullshit off on us are completely full of shit, and we will NEVER buy it. There is not a more perverted and sick act a man can commit on another man than to. That is the EPITOME of disgust and perversion, and there is NOTHING NORMAL ABOUT IT! These people need their head examined, and intense psychotherapy.

Post Edited

Wait a minute, how do you know whos side God is on? God is about loving ALL PEOPLE even those who sin in the church's eyes. Again im very from from homosexual and it makes me sick thinking about it, but remember ALL people are created equal, that includes people who are of the alternative lifestyle so who are we to judge another human being. Im not a Religion major but I think there is something in the bible about casting judgment on another human being.

05-14-2007, 01:27 PM
Defensive much, I'd say that about a lot of folks on this board. Specially our dear mods.

I find most of the mods very open minded and tolerant. With one exception. :cool:

Pale Rider
05-14-2007, 01:31 PM
Wait a minute, how do you know whos side God is on? God is about loving ALL PEOPLE even those who sin in the church's eyes. Again im very from from homosexual and it makes me sick thinking about it, but remember ALL people are created equal, that includes people who are of the alternative lifestyle so who are we to judge another human being. Im not a Religion major but I think there is something in the bible about casting judgment on another human being.

Here we go again... :uhoh: I've posted over and over and over what the bible says... what GOD says about homosexuality. I'm not going to post it again, but I will tell you, Leviticus is the most specific, God says that it is an abomination, and that the blood of the homo will be on their own hands, and that they will surely be put to death, meaning they will NOT enter heaven. So it isn't ME judging queers, it's GOD! I simply go by what he says.

05-14-2007, 01:31 PM
But I don't hate anyone. I'm just pointing out that your hatred of gays qualifies as bigotry. How does pointing out bigotry make me a bigot? I'm not trying to silence your opinion. You can be a bigot if you really want to be. But that doesn't mean I won't stop pointing it out.

I don't see Pale Rider as a bigot. I think he justs wants queers to stop lying to everyone, by saying that their choice is not a choice, that its natural, normal, and healthy. Its nome of those things. Then top it off and they want to redefine marraige.

I for one hate to be lied to, and I despise people who have contempt for such important traditions, without such society would be at a loss. It doesn't matter if the liars and defilers are queer or not.

05-14-2007, 01:39 PM
Here we go again... :uhoh: I've posted over and over and over what the bible says... what GOD says about homosexuality. I'm not going to post it again, but I will tell you, Leviticus is the most specific, God says that it is an abomination, and that the blood of the homo will be on their own hands, and that they will surely be put to death, meaning they will NOT enter heaven. So it isn't ME judging queers, it's GOD! I simply go by what he says.

That may be the case or it may not be. How do we know exactly what the bible says is true. Believe it or not im very religious and to sum up what the bible teaches is to love your fellow man. You have to realize that when the bible was written, people were scared of what they didn't understand and being gay was one thing they definatly did not understand.

05-14-2007, 01:54 PM
That may be the case or it may not be. How do we know exactly what the bible says is true. Believe it or not im very religious and to sum up what the bible teaches is to love your fellow man. You have to realize that when the bible was written, people were scared of what they didn't understand and being gay was one thing they definatly did not understand.

If it's written in the Bible then it is true, by definition.

05-14-2007, 01:58 PM
Depends on who's definition you go by. Not to mention the bible can be interupretid in many different ways and is.

I'd say pale, you, and OCA are bigoted against gays. Disagreeing fine, but calling people names like faggot, ect. shows your hatred and goes beyond that.

05-14-2007, 02:18 PM
Depends on who's definition you go by. Not to mention the bible can be interupretid in many different ways and is.

I'd say pale, you, and OCA are bigoted against gays. Disagreeing fine, but calling people names like faggot, ect. shows your hatred and goes beyond that.

Wow, I definatly must not be feeling well, I actually agree with LN.

Hagbard Celine
05-14-2007, 02:23 PM
If it's written in the Bible then it is true, by definition.

That's a scary mindset you have there. If we're going to hold steadfast to every law in Leviticus, then let's stop eating shellfish and pork! By all means, let's fire all priests and preachers that have physical abnormalities--and are female. While we're at it, let's not forget about stoning those who use God's name in vain! Nevermind that the new testament says clearly that gentile Christians are precluded from following Jewish law or the fact that Jesus fulfilled a new testament--separate from the previous one the Jews had made with God.

Seems all you "conservatives" are picking and choosing which old-testament laws you will and won't follow according to your own prejudices.

Hypocrisy is lame folks. Very lame. Hast thou forgottest the Golden Rule?

05-14-2007, 02:24 PM
Depends on who's definition you go by. Not to mention the bible can be interupretid in many different ways and is.

I'd say pale, you, and OCA are bigoted against gays. Disagreeing fine, but calling people names like faggot, ect. shows your hatred and goes beyond that. I've never used the word faggot. But the word simply means "bundle" as in fagot of sticks. Sometime in the last ten years or so the queers decided they didn't like the word and banned it. Some people don't like to be told what words they can and can not use.

05-14-2007, 02:25 PM
That's a scary mindset you have there. If we're going to hold steadfast to every law in Leviticus, then let's stop eating shellfish and pork! By all means, let's fire all priests and preachers that have physical abnormalities--and are female. While we're at it, let's not forget about stoning those who use God's name in vain! Nevermind that the new testament says clearly that gentile Christians are precluded from following Jewish law or the fact that Jesus fulfilled a new testament--separate from the previous one the Jews had made with God.

Seems all you "conservatives" are picking and choosing which old-testament laws you will and won't follow according to your own prejudices.

Hypocrisy is lame folks. Very lame. Hast thou forgottest the Golden Rule?

You need to read the entre Bible in context. You do realize that the Christ fullfilled the Old Testament scriptures, don't you?

Hagbard Celine
05-14-2007, 02:29 PM
You need to read the entre Bible in context. You do realize that the Christ fullfilled the Old Testament scriptures, don't you?

Well then it's settled. We've got to stop eating shrimp and ham! I'll start making pamphlets and you get started making witty signs like "God hates crawtaters" and "preachers with glasses are an abomination." I'll meet you at tonight's NRA meeting and we'll go from there. ;)

05-14-2007, 02:31 PM
Well then it's settled. We've got to stop eating shrimp and ham! I'll start making pamphlets and you get started making witty signs like "God hates crawtaters" and "preachers with glasses are an abomination." I'll meet you at tonight's NRA meeting and we'll go from there. ;) I was trying to be serious. But if you want to meet at the range, blow some holes in tagets then have a beer that's fine with me. :cheers2:

Hagbard Celine
05-14-2007, 02:32 PM
I was trying to be serious. But if you want to meet at the range, blow some holes in tagets then have a beer that's fine with me. :cheers2:

That sounds like a plan to me :beer:

05-14-2007, 02:37 PM
Oh the misconceptions are at an all time high for the homosexual lifestyle choice perversionist enabler crowd here.

The bible tells one to love the sinner and hate the sin, it tells you that you are not to engage in the sin or condone it in any way, shape or form. I DO NOT HATE homosexual lifestyle choice perversionists, if they simply wanted to live their life in the style they see fit that would be great within the confines of the law of course which includes no marriage and should include no partner benefits. What I do hate however is their political push to get their perversion of choice accepted by society as normal through the judicial and educational system, I hate their foisting of lies about what they do and why they do it upon society, I hate the fact that if you speak the truth and expose their lis by simply asking for evidence of the claims they make you are labeled a "bigot" or "homophobe" simply because thats the only argument they have. Queers deep down know that what they do is wrong and that they are lying about the reasond behind it and kind of like a child who gets caught with his/her hand in the cookie jar they make up any knee jerk excuse they can to get out of it and accept everyone to believe what they say even though there is not a shred of evidence to it.

I will not and nor have I ever bashed a homosexual lifestyle choice perversionist but I would not associate with one be it in a social or business setting same as I would not associate with a drug addict.

Pale Rider
05-14-2007, 02:52 PM
That may be the case or it may not be. How do we know exactly what the bible says is true. Believe it or not im very religious and to sum up what the bible teaches is to love your fellow man. You have to realize that when the bible was written, people were scared of what they didn't understand and being gay was one thing they definatly did not understand.

Whaa? Are you saying GOD, the CREATOR, didn't know what he was doing? Are you sure you have that question right? I think he knew what he was saying when he said, "a man shall not lay with a man as a woman." The Bible is full of condemnation of homosexuality. Oh yeah, they knew what it was nm, and they found it just as disgusting and perverted back then as we do now.

Pale Rider
05-14-2007, 02:53 PM
That sounds like a plan to me :beer:

HEY!.... I'm going too... :dance:

05-14-2007, 02:53 PM
Defensive much, I'd say that about a lot of folks on this board. Specially our dear mods.

Take 24

05-14-2007, 02:54 PM
I find most of the mods very open minded and tolerant. With one exception. :cool:

Take 24.

Abbey Marie
05-14-2007, 02:59 PM
So, all it takes is guns and beer to bring people together, ey? :beer:

Pale Rider
05-14-2007, 03:00 PM
I'd say pale, you, and OCA are bigoted against gays. Disagreeing fine, but calling people names like faggot, ect. shows your hatred and goes beyond that.

Wow, I definatly must not be feeling well, I actually agree with LN.

Funny how the term bigot can only be applied to someone who thinks homosexuality is disgusting and perverted. Oh well... then the MAJORITY are bigots, but only by definition from liberals, who are in fact, also bigots for not accepting our beliefs.

And I call homos, faggot and queer because there is NOTHING "happy", (gay) about homosexuality. I refuse to buy into their little game to try and make themselves sound all cutsie and warm and fuzzy. They're sick, perverted and disgusting, and they need help, not a new name.

05-14-2007, 03:23 PM
That sounds like a plan to me :beer: We got targets with a picture of bin laden on 'em, even! I like to shoot 'em first right though his ugly forehead, just like that ol' Billy Jack movie.

05-14-2007, 03:24 PM
HEY!.... I'm going too... :dance: Bin laden targets are 50 cents- I'll buy you one.

05-14-2007, 03:27 PM
So, all it takes is guns and beer to bring people together, ey? :beer:
You bet. :lmao:

05-14-2007, 05:14 PM
I am sick of reading these homosexual bashing threads, I think they should be banned, and when the perps insist on starting them up again they should be closed immediately and the perp should be banned.:cool:

Nothing like stifling free speech eh pikey?

05-14-2007, 05:26 PM
Whaa? Are you saying GOD, the CREATOR, didn't know what he was doing? Are you sure you have that question right? I think he knew what he was saying when he said, "a man shall not lay with a man as a woman." The Bible is full of condemnation of homosexuality. Oh yeah, they knew what it was nm, and they found it just as disgusting and perverted back then as we do now.

I never said God didn't know what he was doing, I was pointing out that there is more then a good chance that the bible is inacurate.

05-14-2007, 05:30 PM
I don't believe we ever banned anyone for starting threads about gay marriage. All we ask is that the threads remain on topic, and mature.

No, but people have been nailed for restarting closed threads, regardless of the subject matter..

05-14-2007, 05:31 PM
Funny how the term bigot can only be applied to someone who thinks homosexuality is disgusting and perverted. Oh well... then the MAJORITY are bigots, but only by definition from liberals, who are in fact, also bigots for not accepting our beliefs.

And I call homos, faggot and queer because there is NOTHING "happy", (gay) about homosexuality. I refuse to buy into their little game to try and make themselves sound all cutsie and warm and fuzzy. They're sick, perverted and disgusting, and they need help, not a new name.

That's your opinion.

05-14-2007, 05:33 PM
No, but people have been nailed for restarting closed threads, regardless of the subject matter..

Want the pm forwarded to you from Jimmy giving me explicit permission to restart that thread honey? With Jimmy's permission of course to forward the pm.

05-14-2007, 05:36 PM
Want the pm forwarded to you from Jimmy giving me explicit permission to restart that thread honey? With Jimmy's permission of course to forward the pm.

I'm well aware he said you could restart it. What I don't understand is why, but I've since found out things can be pretty subjective, so..whatever. While it lowers my belief in "fairness", it ain't my board. Have at it. :)

05-14-2007, 05:38 PM
I'm well aware he said you could restart it. What I don't understand is why, but I've since found out things can be pretty subjective, so..whatever. While it lowers my belief in "fairness", it ain't my board. Have at it. :)

Whats not fair? The original was closed because of vulgarity from Osama not because of topic matter, I simply started another on the same topic and to this point in QM II have been extremely polite.

05-14-2007, 05:41 PM
Holy hell!

How many hundreds of times are you guys gonna state that queers are from birth then I ask for some, hell any kind of irrefuteable proof and you guys ignore the request?

Could it be there is no evidence or proof? Gee I wonder!:laugh2:

05-14-2007, 05:43 PM
Whats not fair? The original was closed because of vulgarity from Osama not because of topic matter, I simply started another on the same topic and to this point in QM II have been extremely polite.

*shrug* I had my say, my opinion of lack of "fairness" on this particular issue stilll stands.. It ended right back in here *because* of the level of vulgarity, because it's not a topic that CAN be discussed reasonably.

On that note, have fun.

05-14-2007, 05:49 PM
Whaa? Are you saying GOD, the CREATOR, didn't know what he was doing? Are you sure you have that question right? I think he knew what he was saying when he said, "a man shall not lay with a man as a woman." The Bible is full of condemnation of homosexuality. Oh yeah, they knew what it was nm, and they found it just as disgusting and perverted back then as we do now.

Isn't it ironic that the same people who claim that there’s no evidence to support homosexuality as natural are the same ones who periodically make references to "gods" opinion???

There is so much more evidence to suggest that homosexuality is natural than there is to suggest there’s a god.

05-14-2007, 05:51 PM
OCA you keep referring to homosexuality as a "choice"...

What do you mean by "choice"????
Its a choice to engage in homo sex? Or its a choice to have feelings?

05-14-2007, 06:02 PM
OCA you keep referring to homosexuality as a "choice"...

What do you mean by "choice"????
Its a choice to engage in homo sex? Or its a choice to have feelings?

Whats generally referred to as homosexual love is in reality degenerate lust.

Yes, both are a choice in regard to homosexuality.

05-14-2007, 06:11 PM
Yes, both are a choice in regard to homosexuality.
And I'm pretty sure I shut this argument down earlier but you must have just ignored my question.

You cannot help feelings. When you break a leg, can you stop those feelings??? Sexual attraction CANNOT be helped. If it could than straight people would be making a choice to "feel straight" as well.

Is it natural to feel pain when someone you loved died? Yes.
Is it natural to feel happy when you succeed in something? Yes.
Is it natural to feel sexually attracted to other people? Regardless of whom it is? Yes.

05-14-2007, 06:50 PM
I never said God didn't know what he was doing, I was pointing out that there is more then a good chance that the bible is inacurate.
The Bible has never been proven wrong.

05-14-2007, 06:52 PM
No, but people have been nailed for restarting closed threads, regardless of the subject matter..
People should be banned for having a signature giving ol' Doniston the finger. You should STOP that. What the fuck is wrong with you?

05-14-2007, 06:52 PM
The Bible has never been proven wrong.

Actually if you watched the Documentery on Ramesis you would see that there is a scientific explination for the 10 plagues and moses parting the red sea.

05-14-2007, 06:53 PM
*shrug* I had my say, my opinion of lack of "fairness" on this particular issue stilll stands.. It ended right back in here *because* of the level of vulgarity, because it's not a topic that CAN be discussed reasonably.

On that note, have fun.

Why can't it be discussed reasonably. Because Libs aren't reasonable?

05-14-2007, 06:54 PM

Isn't it ironic that the same people who claim that there’s no evidence to support homosexuality as natural are the same ones who periodically make references to "gods" opinion???

There is so much more evidence to suggest that homosexuality is natural than there is to suggest there’s a god. OMG you are so stoopid.


05-14-2007, 06:55 PM
No, but people have been nailed for restarting closed threads, regardless of the subject matter..

Only when they are closed because of personal vendettas or complaints about board policy and/or staff. Even so, he didn't just restart it, he asked for permission first, so it's hardly the same.

I'm well aware he said you could restart it. What I don't understand is why, but I've since found out things can be pretty subjective, so..whatever. While it lowers my belief in "fairness", it ain't my board. Have at it. :)

Why do you insist on making an issue of this? What is there not fair about me allowing someone to start a new thread? The old one went downhill, and I stated it could be restarted so long as it remains civil and mature. Not sure what you think I'm being unfair about. I think saying "no" to the request to try again would have been unfair.

05-14-2007, 06:56 PM
Is it natural to feel sexually attracted to other people? Regardless of whom it is? Yes. Is it natural to want to steal money?

05-14-2007, 06:56 PM
Only when they are closed because of personal vendettas or complaints about board policy and/or staff. Even so, he didn't just restart it, he asked for permission first, so it's hardly the same.

Why do you insist on making an issue of this? What is there not fair about me allowing someone to start a new thread? The old one went downhill, and I stated it could be restarted so long as it remains civil and mature. Not sure what you think I'm being unfair about. I think saying "no" to the request to try again would have been unfair.

I'm not going to discuss this publically with you, since I know what comes next if that happens.

05-14-2007, 06:58 PM
Why does is matter if the old one got deleted? Obviously they aer allowing this one so why bring up the past, why not drop it and get back on topic? Im sure the Mod's have better things to do with their time then have to explain their actions on here, just a thought.

05-14-2007, 06:58 PM
I'm not going to discuss this publically with you, since I know what comes next if that happens.

Yet you'll come into multiple threads and complain. How about we just stop complaining then?

05-14-2007, 06:59 PM
Yet you'll come into multiple threads and complain. How about we just stop complaining then?

Where did I come in to multiple threads and complain? Show me.

05-14-2007, 07:02 PM
Where did I come in to multiple threads and complain? Show me.

Actually one thread, just thought it was 2 since it was moved. But you first protested OCA opening this thread in the beginning, and here you are again claiming unfairness about this thread a day later.

I'm just unsure as to why this subject being re-opened and discussed bothers you to the point that you need to call my fairness into question.

05-14-2007, 07:11 PM
Actually one thread, just thought it was 2 since it was moved. But you first protested OCA opening this thread in the beginning, and here you are again claiming unfairness about this thread a day later.

I'm just unsure as to why this subject being re-opened and discussed bothers you to the point that you need to call my fairness into question.

1) I merely answered posts referenced to me from both you and OCA. My comment to Roomy indicating "That's the way it used to be." was just that. A comment indicating that's the way it used to be.

2) You have a PM. I'm not stupid enough to hash this out here.

05-14-2007, 07:12 PM
Well, now........it would seem that Shattered is allowed to discuss board policy, but others get banned.

05-14-2007, 07:17 PM
You can all thank Shattered and Lily for this thread being shut down. I thought I made myself clear but apparently not.

And if OCA wishes to start ANOTHER thread about this subject, he is free too, just letting that known in advance. And if anyone chooses to complain about the board in that thread instead of discussing the subject, then they too can join the others that didn't listen to my warnings.