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09-11-2011, 11:52 AM
What were you doing when you found out that the United States was under attack?

I listening to the radio on my way to work . At first I thought I was listening to a report of a fire that was happening in my hometown. Then I realized that the voice of the announcer belonged to Peter Jennings. He then said that the WTC had been hit by a plane. I thought it was an accident, shortly afterwards he said that the 2nd tower was hit. I realized that moment that we were under attack.

09-11-2011, 11:56 AM
I was doing paperwork at my National Guard unit and of course my first thought was "I wonder where we will be sent." Ended up being Iraq in 2003, weird and slow response, but there you have it.

09-11-2011, 12:07 PM
It's not important what _I_ was doing at that moment.

09-11-2011, 01:26 PM
It's not important what _I_ was doing at that moment.yes it is

09-11-2011, 01:35 PM
Was in Year Eight, English Class, last of the day, when our teacher left and came back and said there'd been a terrorist attack in America.

Gotta be honest, to some of us it seemed really quiet bizarre that so much was being made of a terrorist attack since we got them often enough, Wasn't til later I realised the scale.

09-11-2011, 09:59 PM
Living on the West Coast, I was asleep. And as the TV in our home was never on in the morning, I didn't find out what happened until I got to school.

09-11-2011, 10:21 PM
I was asleep. My neighbor woke me up with the news. As a Desert Storm veteran I have never recovered.


09-11-2011, 11:01 PM
As a Desert Storm veteran I have never recovered.


How do you connect being a veteran with not recovering? Just wondering.

09-11-2011, 11:03 PM
It was my day off work and i remember seeing it on tv. It was shocking.

09-11-2011, 11:46 PM
What were you doing when you found out that the United States was under attack?

I listening to the radio on my way to work . At first I thought I was listening to a report of a fire that was happening in my hometown. Then I realized that the voice of the announcer belonged to Peter Jennings. He then said that the WTC had been hit by a plane. I thought it was an accident, shortly afterwards he said that the 2nd tower was hit. I realized that moment that we were under attack.

yeparoo, friend banging on my bedroom door, "ron, ron, the whole world is blowing up:" I never thought about this before, but the Prez had to consider all possibilities now, as to what the terrorists might do, and better safe than sorry, no safe haven for them, gotcha !

Great response by our Prez. he made everyone feel more secure, while pissing off the ultra idiot liberals at the same time..hahahhahaha

09-12-2011, 01:01 AM
What were you doing when you found out that the United States was under attack?

I listening to the radio on my way to work . At first I thought I was listening to a report of a fire that was happening in my hometown. Then I realized that the voice of the announcer belonged to Peter Jennings. He then said that the WTC had been hit by a plane. I thought it was an accident, shortly afterwards he said that the 2nd tower was hit. I realized that moment that we were under attack.

I was in bed (on the West Coast) and my husband (who is in the military) called me and told me to turn on TV .... sat here all day and watched non-stop....I knew that everything as we knew it was changing...

09-12-2011, 10:08 AM
I was on the 24th floor at 767 5th avenue, about 1-2 miles north of ground zero. First we heard a small plane had hit the WTC. Then a few of us went on a smoke break. The lobby of our building held CBS and they had their news aired on this HUGE tv that we could watch while we smoked. We saw the 2nd plane hit live on air. We went back upstairs thinking the city was under some sort of attack. After the 1st tower fell, we were instructed to stay indoors on that floor until further instructions. We left about 30 seconds later of course. I finally got a hold of my wife who was even further downtown... She met me up my way, we hopped in my car, and took a 4 hour ride home (which was normally 30-40mins). We were speechless and listening to radio stations the entire time.

Abbey Marie
09-12-2011, 10:38 AM
I was wondering how long it would take for you idiots to move on and stop letting the government as an excuse to continually grab for ever more power.

Seriously, it's been ten years, we're at war in two countries, and the TSA wants to feel up old women and high school kids attending a school prom. Does it ever end?

Not until terrorism and hatred ends. Read: never.

09-12-2011, 11:21 AM
yes it is

Was driving my kids and their friends to middle school here in San Diego, heard on the radio that a tower in NYC had "fallen". I thought they must be referring to one of those radio-antenna towers, made of thin steel girders, not an occupied skyscraper. Thought it must have been a big radio-mast tower, for such a relatively unimportant event to be on the national news. Then heard the announcer say that the southern part of Manhattan was "blanketed in smoke", and wondered what that could have to do with a radio-mast tower falling over - they have no combustible material. Maybe it fell on a car? I hoped nobody was killed.

Then heard the words, "World Trade Center", and pulled over to listen. Still thought it must have been a horrible accident, maybe a super-foggy day in NYC and a pilot got lost (though inconceivable any pilot would fly below 1,000 feet in fog without radar guidance in that area).

Then heard that TWO planes had hit separate towers.

Dropped the kids off (maybe wrong move?), then went back home instead of going to work. Told my wife that something had happened, turned on the TV. Saw there was no fog in NYC. Remarked to her that less damage than that had been done, and probably fewer people had been killed, at Pearl Harbor, and this attack meant we were at war. No one new many details at that point, I had guessed there might be anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 people in the two towers. No one knew if anyone had gotten out, or how many.

Went to work, donated blood that day.

A year later, changed jobs, went to work for the company that builds the Predator unmanned drone. Made some T-shirts for my friends that borrowed a slogan from an old potato-chip commercial. Showed a picture of our planes, with the words, "Crunch all you want. We'll make more."

Made LOTS of planes.

09-12-2011, 12:07 PM
My wife and I were enjoying a relaxing week at home after getting married 3 days earlier. My mother-in-law called us in the morning on 9/11 and told us to turn on the TV. We were pretty much glued to it for the rest of the day.

09-12-2011, 01:17 PM
I was in State route 16, just north of Gig Harbor, WA, enroute to my job at Fort Lewis, WA.

Take a few minutes and share your stories from 911 - what moved you? Have any instances you'd care to share on this infamous day?

12 September 2001

Beewding Fah Down?

There are times in life where we are tempted to raise our fists to the sky and shout “WHY, GOD???” We witness events happen beyond our control, imagination, and fears. We look to make reason out of insanity. We struggle with blame and cause.

Last night, while watching the never-ending broadcasts, they showed what was left of one section of the Pentagon. My thoughts drifted to MAJ Williams, a man I served in the Army with, who left Fort Lewis to work at the Pentagon. I wondered if he was safe. I wondered if his friends and loved ones were alive. I wondered if he was trapped under piles of burning rubble even I sat comfortably on my couch. As I started to cry, I lowered my head, slightly, so as not to disturb my 2 yr old daughter, Alaina. The disguise did not work. From across the living room, Alaina walked over to me and stood by me. She looked up at her mother and asked, “Daddy Cry?” I raised my head, and took her by the hand, bringing her close to me. I told her, “Yes, baby. Daddy is crying” Alaina put her arm around my neck and pulled my head close to her, comforting me with “Daddy, T’okay”.
At this point she looked up at the television to see the images of one of the World Trade Center buildings crash down upon itself. Alaina turned once again to me and said “Uh-Oh! Beewding Fah down?” I answered with, “Yes, love, Building Fall Down. That is why Daddy is crying.”
Alaina “oh Daddy…. T’okay Daddy…. I love yooo”.

With that, she released her hug and started walking towards her bedroom. I asked her if she wanted to watch more of the building. She replied, “Laina want color!” as she wobbled along down the hall to her room.

How refreshing it was to be around Alaina’s innocence, at a time like this. To hear her complete trust that, “everything would be okay”. And that even though the “beewding fah down” Alaina still loves her Daddy. Last night I couldn’t be away from Alaina more than a few minutes. I took solace from Alaina. Something about they way her little pony-tail would flop as she ran through the house helped me escape the horror of yesterday’s events, and find a still small place in my own mind. A place where I could just be 2 again. A place where people weren’t killed, planes were not crashed, and nobody hated anyone.

Alaina saved me last night. And the beauty of it is, she wasn’t even TRYING to. Once more I asked God, “Why? What did I do to ever deserve such a wonderful girl?”

My daughter is 9 years old now. I doubt very much she remembers much if anything about that day, years ago. She probably doesn’t know that one moment in time she changed her Daddy. She’ll probably live the rest of her life not knowing how I became a different person in a small way, because of her, and the events of that day. Sometimes I pray about what happened then. People tell me it’s too late – that God won’t change the past. I believe in God. I believe God can do just about anything. I believe God is not constrained by time. When I pray, I ask God to be with those people who suffered that day. I ask that God would have sent his Spirit to comfort them – provided them safety or companionship or warmth as they may have felt the cold steel and concrete fall around them. I ask that God hold them in his arms, as they passed on to the next life.

I have a son who has no concept of that day. In the last seven years my life has had wild swings of 'good' and 'bad' - but through it all I've found strength in the words spoken by my little girl more than a half-decade ago.

Well, now my oldest is 12. While we watched TV yesterday, she walked into the room and sat with me as the footage ran and re-ran. She still has a great ability to help me see things in perspective. I couldn't be more-proud of her.

09-12-2011, 01:53 PM
I was on the 24th floor at 767 5th avenue, about 1-2 miles north of ground zero. First we heard a small plane had hit the WTC. Then a few of us went on a smoke break. The lobby of our building held CBS and they had their news aired on this HUGE tv that we could watch while we smoked. We saw the 2nd plane hit live on air. We went back upstairs thinking the city was under some sort of attack. After the 1st tower fell, we were instructed to stay indoors on that floor until further instructions. We left about 30 seconds later of course. I finally got a hold of my wife who was even further downtown... She met me up my way, we hopped in my car, and took a 4 hour ride home (which was normally 30-40mins). We were speechless and listening to radio stations the entire time.

Thanks for that. Serioiusly, I would love to hear more from you about that day and days afterwards.
I had a collegue who was in the towers, never made it out.

To me, the most horrifying thing was, and this is unusual cuz usually Im all about the kids, but this was even worse than any kids that died, was the people jumping. I just cant get over that.

Every time Im reminded or think about that, it really pisses me off. I have to visualize the evil monstorous dead osama, I I bitch slap him till he is bleeding and begging for mercy.

09-12-2011, 01:57 PM
So Afghanistan is a forever war and the police state is here to stay?

All according to plan...

So, share with us what you were doing that day.

Abbey Marie
09-12-2011, 04:08 PM
So Afghanistan is a forever war and the police state is here to stay?

All according to plan...

You are being deliberately obtuse. That is not acceptable in a debate.

09-12-2011, 04:49 PM
going to clean the crap out of this thread; so the OP doesn't lose intent. If YOUR Crap was cut from this, don't get butt-hurt.

09-12-2011, 05:01 PM
going to clean the crap out of this thread; so the OP doesn't lose intent. If YOUR Crap was cut from this, don't get butt-hurt.

can we get a JT ban as well. Sick of seeing him shit all over the memory of those poor lost souls.

The images of those people jumping out of windows was disgusting. Seriously made me want to nuke someone. All complaints about Bush aside, he should be commended for showing considerable restraint in his response. I would have turned Afghanistan into a sheet of glass.

09-12-2011, 05:40 PM
It's not important what _I_ was doing at that moment.

:laugh2: Inquiring minds want to know......:laugh2: :laugh2::laugh2:

09-12-2011, 05:49 PM
I was at work on my break watching the tv when the news broke in telling all about it. I saw it all unfold in front of my eyes and then I got up, walked to the front of the store, and told everyone within hearing what had happened. I told customers they needed to go home and check out the news for themselves.

Oddly enough, I can remember two huge events/catastropies in my life. That was the second one. The first one was in Nov. 1963, the day President Kennedy was asassinated. I was in typing class when another teacher came in and pulled my teacher aside and told her what had happened. I was sitting in the front row and heard it all. The other teacher brought in a tv on a cart and we spent the rest of the class period watching the whole thing on the news. Yep, I'm old. Deal with it. LOLOLOL!

09-12-2011, 06:24 PM
You are being deliberately obtuse. That is not acceptable in a debate.

Nothing obtuse. You said the wars and strip-searching gramma at the airport never ends. Your wording, not mine.

Seriously made me want to nuke someone.
Interesting that it made you want to 'nuke someone' and not 'make sure nothing of the sort ever happens again'.

09-12-2011, 06:32 PM
JT removed from thread.

09-12-2011, 08:37 PM
I was at home getting ready for work. Had the TV on to see what the weather would be like that day...don't remember ever finding out, but went to work, fedex at the time, and had to go deliver packages and explain to customers their "overnight" shipments would have to go by truck due to the grounding of all civilian craft. At the time I lived less than mile from the airport and I'll never forget the silence during those following days, and that was just near a small metro airport--I can't imagine the silence in near a major one, let alone the boroughs and downtown Manhattan.

Abbey Marie
09-13-2011, 12:48 AM
Nothing obtuse. You said the wars and strip-searching gramma at the airport never ends. Your wording, not mine.

Interesting that it made you want to 'nuke someone' and not 'make sure nothing of the sort ever happens again'.

I said the terrorism and hatred will never end. You really must learn to read more carefully.

Re: Your second sentence- I never said anything about nuking anyone. Now you are confusing me with someone else.

I am running out of patience for this nonsense.

09-13-2011, 10:24 AM
I said the terrorism and hatred will never end. You really must learn to read more carefully.

Re: Your second sentence- I never said anything about nuking anyone. Now you are confusing me with someone else.

I am running out of patience for this nonsense.

Perhaps a reread would reveal that comment followed a conhog quote.

09-13-2011, 02:28 PM
I was at work on my break watching the tv when the news broke in telling all about it. I saw it all unfold in front of my eyes and then I got up, walked to the front of the store, and told everyone within hearing what had happened. I told customers they needed to go home and check out the news for themselves.

Oddly enough, I can remember two huge events/catastropies in my life. That was the second one. The first one was in Nov. 1963, the day President Kennedy was asassinated. I was in typing class when another teacher came in and pulled my teacher aside and told her what had happened. I was sitting in the front row and heard it all. The other teacher brought in a tv on a cart and we spent the rest of the class period watching the whole thing on the news. Yep, I'm old. Deal with it. LOLOLOL!

I was eight, but I dont remember the Kennedy thing.
Im surprised you didnt mention the landing on the moon. To me that was the single most historic even most people could ever live thru, goes up their with winning the revolutionary war.

09-13-2011, 02:37 PM
I was at home getting ready for work. Had the TV on to see what the weather would be like that day...don't remember ever finding out, but went to work, fedex at the time, and had to go deliver packages and explain to customers their "overnight" shipments would have to go by truck due to the grounding of all civilian craft. At the time I lived less than mile from the airport and I'll never forget the silence during those following days, and that was just near a small metro airport--I can't imagine the silence in near a major one, let alone the boroughs and downtown Manhattan.

Yea, I was watching the weather report too.
San Diego,, today will be warm, sunny and clear.
7 day forecast is for more sunshine, clear skies and warm weather.
Long term 12 month forecast, continued sunny and warm, clear blue skies
and finally, the long, long term 10 year forecast,,,continued.....

I would imagine there were alot of surreal scenes all over new york, that and the following days.

I saw the San Diego freeway, (which by the way is in LA, and isnt in San Diego,,go figure) which is one of , if not the busiest freeways in the country, and NOBODY, NO CARS, NO NOTHING was on it,,,except our van. I tooled it up over 100 mph,,it was really bizarre.

As for 9/11
I have one thing to say. I have heard lots of people say alot of things, we lost our innocence, (I think we lost that in the 60s)
It makes all of us feel vulnerable now (I still dont)
It showed everyone what the face of evil looks like ( I think even more it showed the face of courage and great heros, from ordinary people.

BUT most of all, it showed us that everyone, every single one of us is important. Equally important.

09-13-2011, 03:00 PM
What were you doing when you found out that the United States was under attack?

I listening to the radio on my way to work . At first I thought I was listening to a report of a fire that was happening in my hometown. Then I realized that the voice of the announcer belonged to Peter Jennings. He then said that the WTC had been hit by a plane. I thought it was an accident, shortly afterwards he said that the 2nd tower was hit. I realized that moment that we were under attack.

I was praying that I wasn't an only child. My sister worked in Tower 1, my brother in law was doing contract computer work in Tower 2, and my brother Michael took the PATH train over from Jersey City to go to his private school, and was supposed to meet Heather for breakfast that morning. If Heather had made it to work that day, she would have been above where the plane hit, Dorian might have gotten out, but not likely, and knowing my brother, he would have either been with Heather, or tried to get to her.

Honestly, I've gotten more pissed off every year I go home and see that big gaping hole at Ground Zero. It is a fucking insult to every single man and woman lost in that tragedy, and those who survived them.

09-13-2011, 04:54 PM
I was praying that I wasn't an only child. My sister worked in Tower 1, my brother in law was doing contract computer work in Tower 2, and my brother Michael took the PATH train over from Jersey City to go to his private school, and was supposed to meet Heather for breakfast that morning. If Heather had made it to work that day, she would have been above where the plane hit, Dorian might have gotten out, but not likely, and knowing my brother, he would have either been with Heather, or tried to get to her.

Honestly, I've gotten more pissed off every year I go home and see that big gaping hole at Ground Zero. It is a fucking insult to every single man and woman lost in that tragedy, and those who survived them.

most of those seem more like cindy sheehan types and are more concerned about WHAT THEY WANT TO DO WITH IT than about the fallen and their families.