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View Full Version : Could Dems Lose Weiner's House Seat?

red states rule
09-12-2011, 05:12 AM
This could be a sign of things to come if it happens. Obama is not polling well in the NY disctrict and the liberal media's reaction if R's pick up this seat will be fun to watch

The fact the left is already making excuses before the vote is also telling

The race to fill Anthony Weiner's former House seat is actually pretty meaningless -- New York's 9th District is liable to be redistricted out of existence soon -- but it's getting plenty of attention, because Democrats might be about to lose (http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2011/08/30/weiner_replacement) a formerly safe seat in New York City, of all places. Democrat David Weprin has run a lousy campaign, and Republican Bob Turner is having quite a bit of success running mostly on the platform that Weprin will team up with Barack Obama to destroy Israel. Siena college now has Turner at 50%, with Weprin at 44%. (http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/09/poll-finds-turner-strong-against-weprin-in-race-to-replace-weiner/) That's within the margin of error, but it's obviously a bad sign for Democrats.

Turner has the support of former Mayor Ed Koch, who endorsed the Republican to send a bullshit message to Obama about not "throwing Israel under the bus." Hilariously, Weprin is actually an Orthodox Jew, while Turner is... not. But the "pro Israel" crowd lately sees right-wing Christians as more loyal to Zionism than liberal Jews, because liberal Jews sometimes offer the opinion that endless occupation of Palestine is perhaps unsustainable. (Not that Weprin is actually remotely left-wing on Israel (http://www.politickerny.com/2011/07/14/david-weprin-calls-obamas-israel-policy-outrageous/) -- his primary crime is being a Democrat.)

This is an older district with a large conservative and Orthodox community -- remember how Anthony Weiner always thought Israel could do no wrong? (http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2010/06/01/anthony_weiner_israel_liberals) -- and some residents are a bit... wary of President Obama. Turner has already campaigned on the "Ground Zero Mosque" (which Weiner notoriously refused to have a position on (http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2010/08/06/anthony_weiner_mosque_statement)), with a fear-mongering, misleading TV ad (http://foresthills.patch.com/articles/turner-releases-campaign-ad-on-ground-zero-mosque#youtube_video-7340220). Ironically, Turner endorser Koch -- whose face has been prominent on Turner mailers -- came out in favor (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ed-koch/what-distinguishes-the-un_b_587805.html) of the "mosque" last year, writing, (http://www.citylimits.org/conversations/109/mosque-near-ground-zero) "Let's be calm now and not need the passage of time to bring us to our senses and years later apologize."


red states rule
09-12-2011, 03:08 PM
Dems now bring out Bubba to try and save the cause. Those internal polls must really be looking bad

Former President Bill Clinton (http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/12/clinton-cuomo-make-robo-calls-for-weprin-in-ny-special-election/#) and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo are throwing their weight behind Democrat David Weprin in New York’s 9th Congressional district, recording robo-calls that will run Monday and Tuesday.

Both calls emphasize the New York Times’ Weprin endorsement, his support of the middle class and Medicare, and say that he will create jobs.

“I’ve known David for many years, and I’ve known him to be a leader who stands up for what’s right. In Congress he’ll stand up for middle class families and he’ll fight to preserve Social Security (http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/12/clinton-cuomo-make-robo-calls-for-weprin-in-ny-special-election/#) and Medicare (http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/12/clinton-cuomo-make-robo-calls-for-weprin-in-ny-special-election/#). David will bring jobs to New York and get our economy moving. That’s why he’s also been endorsed by the New York Times,” says Cuomo, in a call that voters will receive on Monday.

Cuomo is an incredibly popular governor in the district, with a 59 percent approval rating and just 16 percent of residents disapproving.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/09/12/clinton-cuomo-make-robo-calls-for-weprin-in-ny-special-election/#ixzz1XmZMBLbR

09-12-2011, 06:14 PM
Another seat lost to the republicans.

red states rule
09-12-2011, 06:16 PM
Another seat lost to the republicans.

I wonder what Virgil would say since he said it was no big deal Weiner stepped down

He said it was "a safe Dem seat" :laugh2:

This is another vote on Obama and his policies - and Dems lose

09-12-2011, 06:35 PM
Another sample of what's coming Nov 2012.

red states rule
09-12-2011, 06:37 PM
Another sample of what's coming Nov 2012.

and it could not happen to a nicer guy

red states rule
09-13-2011, 02:15 AM
Found this story from the AP this morning. You have to go to the 11th paragraph before the latest poll numbers are mentioned

They are worried about the PR hit Obama will take in Dems lose this seat

and they should be

Special election a measure of Obama's strength

NEW YORK (AP) -- Democrat David Weprin faced an unusually tight race against Republican Bob Turner in a special election Tuesday in New York's heavily Democratic 9th Congressional District, where voters unhappy with President Barack Obama could elect a Republican for the first time.

The contest to replace disgraced Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner has become too close to call, with public opinion polling showing a slight edge for Turner, a retired media executive with no previous political experience.

Panicked at the prospect of an embarrassing loss, Democrats have poured cash into the race and sent in their stars to try to save Weprin, a state lawmaker who has been forced to defend Obama's economic policies even as he tries to stress his own independence and close ties to the community.

Republicans are working to frame the race as a referendum on Obama, even though turnout is usually low in a special congressional election.

On Monday, House Republican Leader Eric Cantor argued that a Turner victory would be an "unprecedented win" and the latest evidence of voter dissatisfaction with Obama.
