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View Full Version : Obama Administration: if You Hire Whites, We'll Revoke Your Contract

09-13-2011, 03:47 AM
More not-racism from the post-racial president's totally non-racist administration (http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2011/sep/hire-minorities-or-lose-govt-contracts)..

09-13-2011, 05:32 AM
Nice PC post JT. Hard to broach the subject of affirmative action w/o sounding racist; but regardless of your tongue in cheek, I'd like to see the test. Maybe it asks questions like- 'If your start time is 7AM, what time do you show up for work: a) 7AM, B) 6:59AM, C) 6:45AM, or D) the white devil ain't my master?'

Clearly that would have a "disparate impact".:laugh:

09-13-2011, 11:56 AM
Here is how the DOL determined that the company, Leprino Foods, is biased against the previously mentioned ethnic groups; only 49% of “otherwise qualified minorities” passed its jobs skills assessment exam compared to 72% of “non-minority” applicants. That means the test “adversely impacted minority applicants,” according to the DOL’s reasoning.

Obama’s Assistant Attorney General in charge of civil rights, open borders advocate Thomas Perez, claims the exams have a " disparate impact" because they disproportionately screen out people of a particular race even though the tests “present the appearance of objective, merit-based selection.”

If more minorities don’t get hired quickly the Denver-based producer of mozzarella cheese will be stripped of its lucrative government contracts and banned from entering any future deals with Uncle Sam, according to the feds’ ultimatum. It’s safe to bet that Leprino will oblige since the company stands to lose north of $5 million in government contracts. That’s a lot of cheese!

Sounds like gangster government bullying to me.

09-13-2011, 12:24 PM
They can remove Asians as a discriminated minority from the list. That's just comedy.
This all boils down to education where Whites and Asians are typically better educated. Not necessarily because they can afford higher education but because far more Whites and Asians actually complete high school and are in a better place to compete for low end jobs as opposed to Blacks and Hispanics that suffer from high dropout rates.

Oh, and one last thing: They need to stop using the term Hispanics because what they really mean is Mexicans and Central Americans which are a subset of Latinos which in turn are a subset of Hispanics. I always take issue with that, but that's because I am descended from White European Hispanics, the original Hispanics :p

09-13-2011, 03:04 PM
They can remove Asians as a discriminated minority from the list. That's just comedy.
This all boils down to education where Whites and Asians are typically better educated. Not necessarily because they can afford higher education but because far more Whites and Asians actually complete high school and are in a better place to compete for low end jobs as opposed to Blacks and Hispanics that suffer from high dropout rates.

Oh, and one last thing: They need to stop using the term Hispanics because what they really mean is Mexicans and Central Americans which are a subset of Latinos which in turn are a subset of Hispanics. I always take issue with that, but that's because I am descended from White European Hispanics, the original Hispanics :p

Here's my question, though: How many minorities are there in Colorado who are trying to become cheesemakers??

09-13-2011, 05:07 PM
Here's my question, though: How many minorities are there in Colorado who are trying to become cheesemakers??

I suspect not as many as those in siler city north carolina hoarding all the chicken factory jobs......:laugh2:

09-13-2011, 05:16 PM
Another aspect of the problem might be due to the fact that a little over 81% of the people in Colorado are White according to the Census Bureau. Blacks are only 4%. They need to ship some more minorities into that state.

09-13-2011, 05:23 PM
Another aspect of the problem might be due to the fact that a little over 81% of the people in Colorado are White according to the Census Bureau. Blacks are only 4%. They need to ship some more minorities into that state.

Holy crap this is terrible, but my first thought was of course their aren't that many blacks there, slave traders couldn't sail their ships over the rockies.

09-13-2011, 05:27 PM
Holy crap this is terrible, but my first thought was of course their aren't that many blacks there, slave traders couldn't sail their ships over the rockies.

Denver is pretty diverse racially, I used to live there just off martin luther king blvd:laugh2:, and from what I understand colorado springs has a big hispanic population.

09-13-2011, 05:49 PM
Denver is pretty diverse racially, I used to live there just off martin luther king blvd:laugh2:, and from what I understand colorado springs has a big hispanic population.

:laugh: That's about as representative of diversity as if there were a Harvey Milk Blvd in SLC's gay district.:laugh2:

09-13-2011, 05:57 PM
:laugh: That's about as representative of diversity as if there were a Harvey Milk Blvd in SLC's gay district.:laugh2:

the avenues 16th street mall is denvers gay area, I didnt say it wasn't segregated, but they definately have more race and ethnicity in colorado then utah. :rolleyes:

I'll never forget my adventure at the 23rd parrish in denver........:laugh2:

09-13-2011, 06:04 PM
the avenues 16th street mall is denvers gay area, I didnt say it wasn't segregated, but they definately have more race and ethnicity in colorado then utah. :rolleyes:
Not so fast Chloe, Utah is 86% White. Anyone who has a cheese making outfit in Utah should be sweating bullets!

09-13-2011, 06:11 PM
Not so fast Chloe, Utah is 86% White. Anyone who has a cheese making outfit in Utah should be sweating bullets!

Utah doesn't sweat anything, they have there own laws thank you very much;)

09-13-2011, 06:50 PM
I used to live there just off martin luther king blvd.

Boondocks told me about streets named that...


09-13-2011, 06:53 PM
Not so fast Chloe, Utah is 86% White. Anyone who has a cheese making outfit in Utah should be sweating bullets!

It's diff in UT, LDS has an interest in the cheese industry, religious freedom trumps race.

the avenues 16th street mall is denvers gay area, I didnt say it wasn't segregated, but they definately have more race and ethnicity in colorado then utah. :rolleyes:

I'll never forget my adventure at the 23rd parrish in denver........:laugh2:

When I was 15 I went to Vancouver with my parents and we happened upon the gay district there, which I don't realize until a passerby made the comment "You're in the wring part-a-town" I wanted to say "Fuck you motherf'r, or is it fatherf'r" (No offense C H L O E ♥)

09-13-2011, 11:17 PM
How soon before the DOL mandates that a state has to balance it's population or lose all federal funding?

09-14-2011, 09:36 AM
What an unconstitutional joke. Freedom of assembly means I can assemble with whomever I want. Meaning if I own a company and only want certain people there, then that is my right.

The ONLY good thing about this administration is that it has pissed enough people off that it is going to be a LONG time before a closet racist black man is allowed to have power again. His whole administration is racist and stinks.

09-14-2011, 10:29 AM
Did you just claim 'the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances' is about businesses hiring people?

09-14-2011, 01:46 PM
It's diff in UT, LDS has an interest in the cheese industry, religious freedom trumps race.

When I was 15 I went to Vancouver with my parents and we happened upon the gay district there, which I don't realize until a passerby made the comment "You're in the wring part-a-town" I wanted to say "Fuck you motherf'r, or is it fatherf'r" (No offense C H L O E ♥)

why would that offend me?;)