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View Full Version : Yet another Federal court rules Obamacare mandate unconstitutional

09-13-2011, 01:16 PM
It's not looking too good for President Obama's only real legislative accomplishment.

Without the "mandate" to force everyone to participate whether they want it or not, Obamacare will quickly collapse under its own weight.

Just a matter of time before the Supreme Court rules on it... and then it will be all over for him.


http://www.philly.com/philly/news/breaking/20110913_ap_pafederaljudgerulesagainstinsuranceman date.html

Pa. federal judge rules against insurance mandate

Posted on Tue, Sep. 13, 2011
by Chris Mondics

President Obama's plan to require individual Americans to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty exceeds the powers granted both the president and Congress by the Constitution, a federal district court judge ruled Tuesday in Harrisburg

Federal District Judge Christopher C. Connor said the federal government's power to regulate interstate commerce does not give it the power to compel individual citizens to purchase products against their will.

"The nation undoubtably faces a health-care crisis," Conner said. "Scores of individuals are uninsured and the costs to all citizens are measurable and significant.

“The federal government, however, is one of limited enumerated powers,” Conner continued, “and Congress' efforts to remedy the ailing health care and health insurance markets must fit squarely within the boundaries of those powers."

The lawsuit was brought by a married couple in York County who sued Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who is overseeing the health-care plan, to overturn the law. The couple, Barbara Goudy-Bachman and her husband, Gregory Bachman, said they had dropped their own health coverage because it exceeded the cost of their mortgage payments.