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09-13-2011, 04:09 PM
Thought i'd post another few videos from QI, this time relating to America, i got them all wrong lol.

How many states are there in the USA?
<iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OKX0T_YKrS0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How many men have been president of the USA?
<iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PA8qT5PzSS4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Where are 1% of american Adults?
<iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nPZed8af9RI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

09-13-2011, 05:00 PM
Missed the last one.

09-14-2011, 11:39 AM
Thought i'd post another few videos from QI, this time relating to America, i got them all wrong lol.

How many states are there in the USA?

How many men have been president of the USA?

Where are 1% of american Adults?

The first question is bogus. From the perspective of the Union, there are 50 states. They could call themselves whatever they want, but it doesn't change what they are within the context of the USA--states. That'd be like saying someone with an adult son or daughter doesn't have any children.

The 2nd question is a good one though; clearly phrased as 'How many men have been prez' not 'how many presidents'.

09-14-2011, 12:01 PM
The first question is bogus. From the perspective of the Union, there are 50 states. They could call themselves whatever they want, but it doesn't change what they are within the context of the USA--states. That'd be like saying someone with an adult son or daughter doesn't have any children.

The 2nd question is a good one though; clearly phrased as 'How many men have been prez' not 'how many presidents'.

Perspective isn't reality. I may perceive a bunch of little lakes further up the road, but if they're mirages caused by the heat, then it doesn't really matter what I think they are, now does it?

09-14-2011, 02:44 PM
the last question is a freaking Shame.
More people in Jail than in China. what's wrong with this picture.

09-14-2011, 03:16 PM
the last question is a freaking Shame.More people in Jail than in China. what's wrong with this picture. Yeah, the states that bare repeating;America 5% of the worlds population, 25% of the worlds prisoners. 6 times as many of their population behind bars than in China. 1 in 30 men behind bars1 in 9 black men behind bars. More black 17 year olds in Prision than in College =/

09-14-2011, 04:29 PM
Perspective isn't reality. I may perceive a bunch of little lakes further up the road, but if they're mirages caused by the heat, then it doesn't really matter what I think they are, now does it?

I understand your critique, perspective isn't necessarily reality. My critique was on the phrasing of the question.

They are commonwealths, which predates statehood-- but that doesn't mean they're not considered to be US states. If I were to refer to them singularly, that's one thing; but once defined within a context, the USA in the OP, it can no longer be considered from an alternate perspective. Else I could say, what about a state of uncertainty, or dismay, or outrage; those too are states in the USA, are they not?

To be clear as to what they were asking, they should have said-- how many states in the USA are commonwealths?

If I'm wrong, we should make a few changes; starting with our name to the USCA. "I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States and Commonwealths of America..." :laugh:

09-14-2011, 04:32 PM
the last question is a freaking Shame.
More people in Jail than in China. what's wrong with this picture.

Should we let law breakers out of prison so that we can look better statistically than China?

Yeah, the states that bare repeating;America 5% of the worlds population, 25% of the worlds prisoners. 6 times as many of their population behind bars than in China. 1 in 30 men behind bars1 in 9 black men behind bars. More black 17 year olds in Prision than in College =/

Been putting up stats like this for years and have been labeled a racist each time. I'd say that the overwhelming majority, and then some, committed crimes. You do the crime and you do the time. If people want to swear up and down that queers are "born that way" - then I guess blacks are born with some sort of criminal element in them. But, but, but... the excuses will now roll in for why they are REALLY in prison. It's never that they committed crimes but more the way the were raised or where. That makes it OK for them to be criminals, and maybe should have lesser sentences than those of us who were "better off" when being raised. Like a bell curve for criminal blacks!

09-14-2011, 11:59 PM
Yeah, the states that bare repeating;America 5% of the worlds population, 25% of the worlds prisoners. 6 times as many of their population behind bars than in China. 1 in 30 men behind bars1 in 9 black men behind bars. More black 17 year olds in Prision than in College =/

I guess other countries have more capital punishment, or carry it out faster than we do, therefore reducing their prison populations?

09-15-2011, 12:13 AM
I guess other countries have more capital punishment, or carry it out faster than we do, therefore reducing their prison populations?

No, and certainly not the EU countries. I also can't imagine even China shooting that many people.

09-15-2011, 08:02 AM
And Jim you need to factor in the Data of inequity in policing and sentencing of Blacks.
non-violent Drug offenses account for many of the Black youth in Jail, And police targeting minority neighborhoods the stiffer sentences for blacks drug offenders vs the same drug offenses for whites has been documented as well. Crack has/had stiffer sentences than meth etc..

"More blacks were sent to state prison nationwide on drug charges than for crimes of violence," Jamie Fellner, associate counsel for Human Rights Watch, wrote in the report. "Only 27 percent of black admissions to prison were for crimes of violence – compared to 38 percent for drug offenses."

For the first time since crack cocaine sparked a war on drugs 20 years ago, the number of black Americans in state prisons for drug offenses has fallen sharply, while the number of white prisoners convicted for drug crimes has increased, according to a report released yesterday. The D.C.-based Sentencing Project reported that the number of black inmates in state prisons for drug offenses had fallen from 145,000 in 1999 to 113,500 in 2005, a 22 percent decline. In that period, the number of white drug offenders rose steadily, from about 50,000 to more than 72,000, a 43 percent increase. The number of Latino drug offenders was virtually unchanged at about 51,000.
The findings represent a significant shift in the racial makeup of those incarcerated for drug crimes and could signal a gradual change in the demographics of the nation’s prison population of 2 million, which has been disproportionately black for decades. Drug offenders make up about a quarter of the prison population.

"On Sunday, the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-incarceration/2011/06/13/AGfIWvYH_story.html) featured an essay by two experts, Marc Mauer (http://www.sentencingproject.org/detail/person.cfm?person_id=3&backto=63&backtype=Staff), executive director of The Sentencing Project (http://www.sentencingproject.org/template/index.cfm), and David Cole, (http://www.law.georgetown.edu/faculty/facinfo/tab_faculty.cfm?Status=Faculty&ID=235) a Georgetown law professor, who in "Five Myths about Americans in Prison" examined the role of race in incarceration.

These men show that not only are people of color stopped more frequently by police, their communities, particularly with anti-drug efforts, receive far more attention from police. And black men are often charged and prosecuted differently than their White counterparts.
Mauer and Cole attempt to dispel the myth that there is a disproportionate number of Black people in prison because Black people commit more crimes.
They point out that although Whites and African Americans use and sell drugs at about the same rates, Black men in 2003 were almost 12 times as likely to go to prison as White men. Although Black people are 12 percent of the population and 14 percent of drug users, according to Mauer and Cole, they comprise 34 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 45 percent of those incarcerated in state prisons for such offenses.
Both men attribute disparities in incarceration rates in part to the way urban Black communities are policed.
"Police find drugs where they look for them," they wrote. "Inner-city, open-air drug markets are easier to bust than those that operate out of suburban basements. And numerous studies show that minorities are stopped by police more often than Whites."
To understand the over-incarceration of black people, one must take a good hard look at all the ways black communities are policed. When I worked as a crime reporter for a daily newspaper in Newport News, Va., it was immediately obvious to me that the city's East End -- a low-income Black urban community -- was over-policed. Whenever I drove into the East End, it seemed that I couldn't drive more than a couple of blocks without encountering a police car. I could drive miles in another part of the city without running into an officer.
Once on a police ride-a-long, the officer I rode with pulled over a Black woman who had stopped along the double-yellow line to let her grandson out to attend an afterschool program.
The officer, a White male, slammed on the brakes, hopped out and asked for her drivers' license. When she complied, he ran the license through a crime database to see if she had any outstanding warrants.
When I asked the officer why he stopped the woman, he said that it was illegal to stop in the middle of the street to let someone out. I can't imagine that in one of the wealthier and Whiter areas of the city that an older White woman would be stopped and detained under similar circumstances....
According to the Wall Street Journal (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303745304576357830596850132.html), the New York Police Department's latest data from the first quarter of 2011 shows police still stop and frisk African Americans at far higher rates than they do Whites with their odious stop-and-frisk law. Some 50.6 percent of the 183,326 who were frisked were Black in the first three months of the year, although African Americans comprise just 23 percent of the city's population. Ironically, Whites are more likely to be found with illegal drugs or weapons than Blacks or Latinos...."

09-15-2011, 08:09 AM
I guess other countries have more capital punishment, or carry it out faster than we do, therefore reducing their prison populations?

Not at all. Infact i think a major stumbling block for Turkey joining the EU was the fact that they still had the death penalty (Not sure if they still do or not though)
So it Capital Punishment is certainly not the reason as far as european countries go.

09-15-2011, 08:29 AM
And Jim you need to factor in the Data of inequity in policing and sentencing of Blacks.
non-violent Drug offenses account for many of the Black youth in Jail, And police targeting minority neighborhoods the stiffer sentences for blacks drug offenders vs the same drug offenses for whites has been documented as well. Crack has/had stiffer sentences than meth etc..

Did the overwhelming majority of the black people in jail, if not almost all of them, commit some sort of crime? Yes, they did, end of story. No matter how many whites should or shouldn't be there will change the black statistics. Stop being a black apologist and concentrate on the fact that such a miniscule portion of our population commits an inordinate amount of crimes - from drugs to rape to murder. None of your wishy washy stories about where or how they were brought up or inequality of sentencing whites will change the fact that the blacks are committing these crimes.

09-15-2011, 12:44 PM
considering the title of the third video mentioned "prison facts" I am worried about anyone that missed it......

09-15-2011, 12:53 PM
Did the overwhelming majority of the black people in jail, if not almost all of them, commit some sort of crime? Yes, they did, end of story. No matter how many whites should or shouldn't be there will change the black statistics. Stop being a black apologist and concentrate on the fact that such a miniscule portion of our population commits an inordinate amount of crimes - from drugs to rape to murder. None of your wishy washy stories about where or how they were brought up or inequality of sentencing whites will change the fact that the blacks are committing these crimes.

And so is your point is that Blacks are committing these crimes becuase they are....

09-15-2011, 01:08 PM
Did the overwhelming majority of the black people in jail, if not almost all of them, commit some sort of crime?

So you would support police beginning to target white neighborhoods with the same intensity as minority along with equal sentencing requirements, etc. to close the gap?

09-15-2011, 01:35 PM
And so is your point is that Blacks are committing these crimes becuase they are....

criminals. Seems fairly easy to grasp, IMO.

09-15-2011, 01:37 PM
So you would support police beginning to target white neighborhoods with the same intensity as minority along with equal sentencing requirements, etc. to close the gap?

ALL crime should be targeted. Increasing the stats on white crime won't suddenly lower the established numbers on blacks though.

09-15-2011, 01:55 PM
ALL crime should be targeted. Increasing the stats on white crime won't suddenly lower the established numbers on blacks though.

Exactly. That, I think, is rev's point. Then we can get into the actual discussion of what is truly crime, such as decriminalizing marijuana, and better methods of treatment. Of course not having failing schools and counterproductive welfare rules is another thread.

09-15-2011, 02:03 PM
Exactly. That, I think, is rev's point. Then we can get into the actual discussion of what is truly crime, such as decriminalizing marijuana, and better methods of treatment. Of course not having failing schools and counterproductive welfare rules is another thread.

I'd rather read a reasoned response from Rev than take your word for it. What you can sum up in a sentence or 2 - Rev seems to make into a nationwide conspiracy. But the facts remain - if you prosecute for the drug crimes, and even prosecute equally, the percentage of blacks in jail would still be the same and the percentage in jail compared to prison would be the same. In other words, those who "commit crimes" from the black race would still be the same - unless of course you are talking about legalizing all criminal activity. I guarantee you that if you even null and void marijuana activity and other petty crimes - blacks will still have an unusually high percentage of murders, rapes, muggings, drug dealing, robbery....

09-15-2011, 05:32 PM
And so is your point is that Blacks are committing these crimes becuase they are....

Certain individuals, many of whom are black, are committing these crimes because those individuals are inclined toward criminal acts.

Was that so hard?

09-15-2011, 06:39 PM
Certain individuals, many of whom are black, are committing these crimes because those individuals are inclined toward criminal acts.

Was that so hard?

Inclination has nothing to do with it. The law is clear, and if you break it, there are penalties to pay. Don't see the white man because more blacks get caught. And again, if whites WERE caught more than now - the blacks would still be committing the crimes. How many additional white people would need to be in prison right out of HS to say that there are as many in college as in prison? Yes, I agree, it's staggering.

Don't hate the messenger, hate the facts.

09-15-2011, 06:42 PM
Inclination has nothing to do with it.

Inclination has everything to do with it. You don't think someone who repeatedly commits armed robbery is inclined toward committing armed robbery?

Don't see the white man because more blacks get caught.
You have evidence that there's a mass of Whites committing the same crimes and never being caught?

09-15-2011, 06:45 PM
Inclination has everything to do with it. You don't think someone who repeatedly commits armed robbery is inclined toward committing armed robbery?

You have evidence that there's a mass of Whites committing the same crimes and never being caught?

I think someone repeatedly committing crimes is a criminal, and a fucking stupid one.

And no, I don't think there is, but allow it in to the argument to appease those stating that the reason black crime is so high is that they are targeted. The only fact is that a disgustingly high percentage of blacks are involved in criminal activity and/or in jail.

09-15-2011, 06:49 PM
I think someone repeatedly committing crimes is a criminal
No shit. And a career/repeat criminal is, by definition, inclined toward the commission of criminal acts.

09-15-2011, 06:51 PM
No shit. And a career/repeat criminal is, by definition, inclined toward the commission of criminal acts.

You annoy me.

Now tell me why you think so many blacks are "inclined" towards criminal acts?

09-15-2011, 06:59 PM
You annoy me.

Now tell me why you think so many blacks are "inclined" towards criminal acts?

What's with you suddenly trying to take it into a race issue? See post 21. Some individuals are inclined toward criminal acts for whatever reason. Why do you think so many Whites are inclined toward criminal act when the stats don't support the claim? Because you insist racism has to be to blame for the stats? Some people are criminals. Others are not. Our court systems try, once someone is accused of a crime, to determine their guilt or innocence based on whether the evidence shows that individual is guilty of the crime in question. Why can't you just accept that without trying to play the race card?

09-15-2011, 07:04 PM
What's with you suddenly trying to take it into a race issue? See post 21. Some individuals are inclined toward criminal acts for whatever reason. Why do you think so many Whites are inclined toward criminal act when the stats don't support the claim? Because you insist racism has to be to blame for the stats? Some people are criminals. Others are not. Our court systems try, once someone is accused of a crime, to determine their guilt or innocence based on whether the evidence shows that individual is guilty of the crime in question. Why can't you just accept that without trying to play the race card?

I'm not playing a card, I'm simply placing the facts out there for discussion. The fact that such a higher percentage of blacks are in prison compared to other races, and the percentage of blacks committing crimes compared to other races... I guess you want there to be a reason/explanation for this but nobody is allowed to point out the obvious - which is race? If for whatever reason blacks are "more inclined towards crime", are we not allowed to point out that those more inclined towards crime are blacks - without being called a racist or accused of playing the race card?

Btw - race was brought into the discussion from the very beginning when they showed the amount of blacks in prison and the amount of 17yr olds in college compared to prison. I simply continued and asked questions. Don't hate me man!

09-15-2011, 07:10 PM
I guess you want there to be a reason/explanation for this

Why? Why not simply examine the facts of each case? Why make it into a race issue, especially since we're always told 'race' doesn't even exist anyway?

If one 'race' is more inclined toward crime than another, then 'race' must be real... which would mean there were real differences between the 'races' that allowed you to tell them apart.

Are you saying race is real and the races are inherently different?

09-15-2011, 07:18 PM
Why? Why not simply examine the facts of each case? Why make it into a race issue, especially since we're always told 'race' doesn't even exist anyway?

If one 'race' is more inclined toward crime than another, then 'race' must be real... which would mean there were real differences between the 'races' that allowed you to tell them apart.

Are you saying race is real and the races are inherently different?

I'm not a scientist, Manson, I'm simply talking mathematics and race, in relation to criminal activity. And it's a fact that blacks commit an overwhelmingly higher percentage of those crimes, and make up a huge percentage of our prison populations. Are you angry with me for posting the truth? I'm sorry if that's the case. I will try and be more respectful of others races and religions going forth. Wouldn't wanna step on any toes, know what I mean? :coffee:

09-15-2011, 07:22 PM
IAnd it's a fact that blacks commit an overwhelmingly higher percentage of those crimes
Weren't you just saying that Whites just don't get caught for some reason?

Please make up your mind.

09-15-2011, 07:29 PM
Weren't you just saying that Whites just don't get caught for some reason?

Please make up your mind.

Stop trying to run in circles and play the gotcha game, it's stupid and doesn't answer any of the questions. See, fucker, now I have to take some Advil because of you. You happy, I think you literally gave me a headache. Please hit the donate button at the top of the board to reimburse me. These gelcap advils are expensive!

09-16-2011, 12:22 AM
Not at all. Infact i think a major stumbling block for Turkey joining the EU was the fact that they still had the death penalty (Not sure if they still do or not though)
So it Capital Punishment is certainly not the reason as far as european countries go.

Are you saying they allow more criminals to remain in the open society as opposed to putting them in jails? Could that account for the lower statistics?