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View Full Version : Obama's job-approval rating falls below 50%...... in CALIFORNIA???

09-14-2011, 03:36 PM
When the extreme-leftists in the union's most far-left state are ready to dump him, you KNOW Obama's got a problem.

But, does Obama know?



Field Poll: Californians sour on Obama

by David Siders
Published: Wednesday, Sep. 14, 2011 - 12:00 am | Page 1A
Last Modified: Wednesday, Sep. 14, 2011 - 12:40 pm

Even in heavily Democratic California, President Barack Obama's job approval rating has plummeted among voters, largely on his handling of the economy, according to a new Field Poll.

Though Obama is strongly favored to win California in his re-election bid next year, the poll suggests many Democrats may vote for him only begrudgingly, and it is yet another indication of weakening support nationwide.

"When you're seeing vulnerability in a state like California, I think that really is ominous for his national standing," Field Poll director Mark DiCamillo said.

For the first time since Obama took office in 2009, less than half of California voters – 46 percent – approve of the job he is doing, just two percentage points more than disapprove, according to the poll.

Obama's decline has been quick and widespread: As little as three months ago, his approval rating in California was 54 percent. Since June, his rating has suffered double-digit percentage drops among Democrats, nonpartisans, Central Valley residents, men, African Americans, Asian Americans and voters over 65.

It has fallen nearly 20 points since Field's post-inaugural measure in March 2009 had him at 65 percent approval.

red states rule
09-14-2011, 04:52 PM
I am surprised Obama's approval number is that high

I wonder if Virgil, i.e beanerboy, will offer a response? A couple months ago he was bellowing how Obama was still up when it came to the RRp averages

Well, things have changed given the sinking Obama economy

Any comment Virgil?

President Obama Job Approval

Polling Data


RCP Average

8/27 - 9/13





Gallup (http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/Gallup-Daily-Obama-Job-Approval.aspx)

9/11 - 9/13

1500 A




Rasmussen Reports (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/obama_approval_index_history)

9/11 - 9/13

1500 LV




CNN/Opinion Research (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/13/cnn-poll-president-gets-no-bounce-from-speech-but-disapproval-rating-peaks/)

9/9 - 9/11

1038 A




Bloomberg (http://media.bloomberg.com/bb/avfile/rcBTdobXyUWg)

9/9 - 9/12

997 A




Reuters/Ipsos (http://www.ipsos-na.com/download/pr.aspx?id=10985)

9/8 - 9/12

1134 A




ABC News/Wash Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/polls/postabcpoll_090111.html)

8/29 - 9/1

1001 A




Politico/GWU/Battleground (http://www.politico.com/static/PPM170_090611_battlegroundpoll_results.html)

8/28 - 9/1

1000 LV




FOX News (http://www.foxnews.com/interactive/politics/2011/09/01/fox-news-poll-60-disapprove-president-obama-on-job-creation/)

8/29 - 8/31

911 RV




NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl (http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/NEWS/A_Politics/_Today_Stories_Teases/Correct_NBCWSJ_poll.pdf)

8/27 - 8/31

1000 A






09-14-2011, 05:04 PM
Oh man!! I hope this is a sign that California will turn red, at least for a little while :chinese:

red states rule
09-14-2011, 05:06 PM
Oh man!! I hope this is a sign that California will turn red, at least for a little while :chinese:

CA voted against Carter so they might turn of Jimmy Carter Jr :laugh2:

09-14-2011, 05:19 PM
CA voted against Carter so they might turn of Jimmy Carter Jr :laugh2:
If we score the hat-trick and throw out Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein, I'm hosting a party and you're all invited!!

09-14-2011, 05:46 PM
If we score the hat-trick and throw out Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein, I'm hosting a party and you're all invited!!

Get rid of pukelosi too and your on.

red states rule
09-14-2011, 05:49 PM
Get rid of pukelosi too and your on.

Don't forget Henry Waxman. That clod has been in DC way to long

09-14-2011, 06:33 PM
about where dubya was at this point... and he won a second term.

red states rule
09-14-2011, 06:37 PM
about where dubya was at this point... and he won a second term.

Lets see..........

Unemployemnt under Bush was around 6.5% - Obama it is 9.1%

Gas under bush was around $1.80/gal - double that for Obama

The national debt was $4 trillion less under Bush and we stil have 1 1/2 years of Obama to add to it

The annual budget deficit was around $500 billion under Bush - Obama has it over $1.5 TRILLION

Record number on food stamps under Obama

Record number in poverty under Obama

Record number people losing their homes under Obama

and this is the hope and change Obama was talking about?

09-14-2011, 06:40 PM
Lets see..........

Unemployemnt under Bush was around 6.5% - Obama it is 9.1%

Gas under bush was around $1.80/gal - double that for Obama

The national debt was $4 trillion less under Bush and we stil have 1 1/2 years of Obama to add to it

The annual budget deficit was around $500 billion under Bush - Obama has it over $1.5 TRILLION

Record number on food stamps under Obama

Record number in poverty under Obama

Record number people losing their homes under Obama

and this is the hope and change Obama was talking about?

fact is: Bush had a 45% approval rating in September 2003

He won a second term

09-14-2011, 06:43 PM
fact is: Bush had a 45% approval rating in September 2003

He won a second term

And that is applicable to Obama how?

red states rule
09-14-2011, 06:44 PM
fact is: Bush had a 45% approval rating in September 2003

He won a second term

the fact is Bush's recession is much much better than Obama's "recovery"

09-14-2011, 06:44 PM
And that is applicable to Obama how?

oh... I dunno...maybe because Obama has a 45% approval rating which is precisely where Dubya stood at this point in HIS first term?

09-14-2011, 06:49 PM
oh... I dunno...maybe because Obama has a 45% approval rating which is precisely where Dubya stood at this point in HIS first term?

That election was the dems to loose, and they managed it wonderfully by running Kerry against Bush.

This election will be the republicans to loose, if they run Bachman or Paul, they'll loose. With Romney or Perry the republicans have a great chance of pushing bambam out.

09-14-2011, 06:50 PM
oh... I dunno...maybe because Obama has a 45% approval rating which is precisely where Dubya stood at this point in HIS first term?

So you're saying that since Dubya was reelected it stands to reason that Obama will likewise be reelected?

red states rule
09-14-2011, 06:53 PM
That election was the dems to loose, and they managed it wonderfully by running Kerry against Bush.

This election will be the republicans to loose, if they run Bachman or Paul, they'll loose. With Romney or Perry the republicans have a great chance of pushing bambam out.

The NY election showed if Obama is the main issue Obama will lose. That district has a 3:1 dem voter advantage and the R won by EIGHT POINTS!!!

Obama's approval in that district I think was in the high 30's

09-14-2011, 06:55 PM
The NY election showed if Obama is the main issue Obama will lose. That district has a 3:1 dem voter advantage and the R won by EIGHT POINTS!!!

Obama's approval in that district I think was in the high 30's

You're a racist! Don't be hatin' on McChimpy!!

09-14-2011, 06:59 PM
You're a racist! Don't be hatin' on McChimpy!!

God help us if the race baiter finds this thread.

09-14-2011, 07:04 PM
So you're saying that since Dubya was reelected it stands to reason that Obama will likewise be reelected?

not at all.

I AM saying that to point to Obama polling number at this point in his first term is really kind of stupid.... given that history shows that such comparisons are really not worth much.

09-14-2011, 07:07 PM
not at all.

I AM saying that to point to Obama polling number at this point in his first term is really kind of stupid.... given that history shows that such comparisons are really not worth much.

it will all come down to who runs against him. Bush won because Kerry was a tool, the dems lost that election because they picked an idiot to run.

09-14-2011, 07:12 PM
it will all come down to who runs against him. Bush won because Kerry was a tool, the dems lost that election because they picked an idiot to run.

Which of course is how Dubya got elected the first time.

09-14-2011, 07:15 PM
Which of course is how Dubya got elected the first time.

yep it was either Bush or manbearpig


red states rule
09-15-2011, 02:54 AM
not at all.

I AM saying that to point to Obama polling number at this point in his first term is really kind of stupid.... given that history shows that such comparisons are really not worth much.

I find it very telling libs are trying to compare Obama to Pres Regana. Libs have hated and smeared Pres Reagan for over 40 years

Now it desperation, they try to compare Obama, the manchild President; to a real leader like Ronald Reagan

In 1984, the economy was growing, and unemployment was going down. With Obama the economy is getting worse and people are continuing to lose their jobs and their homes

Much to your dismay Virgil, Obama will have to run on his record and some fantasy invented by his few remaining supporters like you