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View Full Version : Ron Paul’s Campaign Mastermind Died Of Pneumonia, Penniless And Uninsured

09-14-2011, 11:07 PM
As it turns out, Paul was not speaking purely in hypotheticals.


Libertardianism in action

09-15-2011, 12:04 AM
So he had access to health care and was being treated.

...his hospital costs amounted to $400,000.
and government regulations that encouraged employer based health care strike again.

*The Kansas City Star quoted his sister (http://www.redpills.org/?p=1230) at the time as saying that a "a pre-existing condition made the premiums too expensive."
and the author makes his bias known right up front and infers an answer that was not made.

Paul would not concede that much outright, instead responding with a personal anecdote, the upshot being that in such a case, it was up to churches to care for the dying young man. So basically, yeah. He'd let him die.


Libertarianism has not failed because Libertarianism has not been tried.

09-15-2011, 12:34 AM
So he wouldn't have died otherwise?

This idea that the government can make us immortal is absurd.