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View Full Version : Obama’s job approval — and favorable rating — hit new lows in NYT poll

red states rule
09-17-2011, 03:59 AM
Virgil, Gabby, and others wil not like this. Now even the NY Times poll shows people are dropping Obama like a bad habit

The article did not mention the numbers until the 5th paragraph and the NY Times is now comparing Obama to Jimmy Carter :laugh2:

Any spin there Virgil or wil you ignore this thread like the others showing what a miserable failure Obama has turned out to be?


The poll, which was conducted after Mr. Obama’s economic address to Congress (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/09/us/politics/09payroll.html?scp=4&sq=obama%20and%20speech%20and%20jobs%20bill&st=cse) last week, contains considerable warning signs for the president. The poll found a 12-point jump since late June, to 43 percent, in the number of Americans who say the economy is getting worse. And for the first time since taking office, his disapproval rating has reached 50 percent in the Times and CBS News polls.

“I don’t disapprove of Barack Obama (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/o/barack_obama/index.html?inline=nyt-per) as a person, but as a president he has disappointed me greatly,” said Ann Sheets, 69, a Democrat from Chattanooga, Tenn., speaking in a follow-up interview. Ms. Sheets added, “I’m realistic enough to know how difficult it is and I am not against compromise, but I voted for a backbone. You have to draw some lines in the sand, and I don’t think he has done that.”

The poll found a 43 percent approval rating for Mr. Obama. It is significantly higher than Jimmy Carter, who had an approval rating of 31 percent at a similar time in his presidency, according to the Times and CBS News poll, which showed Ronald Reagan with an approval of 46 percent and the elder George Bush at 70 percent.

The president’s support has fallen to its lowest levels across parts of the diverse coalition of voters who elected him, from women to suburbanites to college graduates. And a persistent effort over the past year to reclaim his appeal to independent voters has shown few signs of bearing fruit, with 59 percent of this critical electoral group voicing their disapproval.


red states rule
09-17-2011, 05:39 PM