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View Full Version : French Outcry Over List of Accomplish Jews

09-17-2011, 07:49 AM
“Jew or not Jew?”: That is just part of the question.

An iPhone app bearing this name has been yanked from Apple’s App Store in France amid threats of a lawsuit and demands for its removal.
The app, still available elsewhere, pulls together a database of thousands of famous Jews – including movie stars, musicians, Nobel Prize winners and more – and offers insights into their backgrounds. Jewish mother? Jewish father? A convert? For $1.99 in the United States, app owners can know.
In an iTunes store description, it says: “Hey, did you know that Bob Dylan is Jewish? Of course I did! But was Marilyn Monroe really Jewish? And what about Harrison Ford? How many times have we had this conversation without being able to know for sure? You can now find the answer.”
The intention was all in fun, app creator Johann Lévy told Le Parisien (http://www.leparisien.fr/societe/johann-levy-je-n-ai-jamais-voulu-ficher-quiconque-14-09-2011-1606805.php). The 35-year-old research and development engineer, who is British, French and Jewish, said he doesn’t understand the outcry.



Who knew France was full of Democrats?

09-17-2011, 10:36 AM
I take it you hate jews:laugh2:

09-17-2011, 11:11 AM
:gives: Doesn't matter to me what religion a person is or the color of his/her skin.