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red states rule
09-20-2011, 03:57 AM
Obama is a desperate and patgjetic liberal - like most of his remaining supporters, So when his polcies fial fallback on lies

One thing about the Obama White House: you can't fault them for a lack of optimism. Obama has been operating on little more than "hope" for three years now, with rosy predictions of economic improvement just around the corner. Back in June 2010, the president kicked off (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/administration-kicks-recovery-summer-with-groundbreakings-and-events-across-country) "recovery summer" with "groundbreakings and events across the country." When that recovery failed to materialize, he insisted that we were just going through a "soft patch." We're still in that soft patch, which is starting seem more like an endless swamp.

No problem. When rosy predictions fail, one can always resort to lies.

The monthly jobs report issued by the Department of Labor has not provided much cause for hope lately. Following weak reports in June and July, the August report showed an increase of precisely zero. That report, the first time a jobs report had shown zero improvement (http://www.kansascity.com/2011/09/02/3118109/august-jobs-reports-a-biz-zero.html) since 1945, grabbed the media coverage. But at the same time it was issued, the June and July numbers were revised downward by 58,000. Month after month, it seems, Obama's Labor Department has come up with rosy numbers that have to be adjusted downward. If that trend continues, we'll be up to full employment in no time, but no one will actually be working.

Maybe they've been playing too much fantasy football, or basketball, at the White House these days to know the difference. Obama is particularly fond of the kind of large numbers that impress small minds, "millionaires and billionaires" being a prime example. Aside from the fact that millionaires and billionaires are two very different classes of individuals -- there are plenty of millionaire retirees who are getting by on municipal bonds that currently yield 2.40% a year -- the president seems to have no conception of how capital creation is related to jobs. Every dollar that government confiscates from millionaires and billionaires is one fewer dollar invested in businesses that create jobs. Obama shows no more understanding of how this works than does his buddy, James Hoffa, Jr., head of the Teamsters Union.

Appearing with Hoffa at a Labor Day rally in Detroit, Obama appeared to second Hoffa's "declaration of war (http://www.kansascity.com/2011/09/02/3118109/august-jobs-reports-a-biz-zero.html)" against the Tea Party. In a CNN appearance the same weekend, Hoffa questioned the patriotism of businesses that have held back on investing their capital in the face of new regulation and taxation.

It is a charge that Obama's supporters have been kicking around for months. If only businesses would put all their reserve capital to work, millions of new jobs would be created. Of course, part of the reason they do not is prudence in the face of a deteriorating economy. Another is that excessive regulation has foreclosed business opportunities. Drilling has been all but banned in the Gulf of Mexico, in Alaska, and on federal lands elsewhere. Construction of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner in South Carolina has been threatened by Obama's National Labor Relations Board. Businesses face uncertainty over increased taxes associated with ObamaCare and possible expiration of the Bush tax cuts.


09-20-2011, 07:30 AM
Obama is a desperate and patgjetic liberal - like most of his remaining supporters, So when his polcies fial fallback on lies

It is a charge that Obama's supporters have been kicking around for months. If only businesses would put all their reserve capital to work, millions of new jobs would be created.

If BO wins we can expect another Undistributed Profits Tax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undistributed_profits_tax) to come out of DC and the nightmare that would be.

red states rule
09-21-2011, 03:00 AM
If BO wins we can expect another Undistributed Profits Tax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undistributed_profits_tax) to come out of DC and the nightmare that would be.

Obama may win the election in the MSNBC newsroom, but not across the nation
