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09-21-2011, 08:06 PM
I am sick and fucking tired of right wing douchebag pussies who never served, or barely served, besmirching my service.

I will post two links for anyone who will have the balls to walk the walk and bet me some serious money that will show that: 1. I did indeed graduate from USNA, and 2. I did indeed get awarded the DMSM for my service in Lebanon in 1981-82.

It will only cost you $100K to prove me wrong.

any takers?

I didn't think so.

09-21-2011, 08:09 PM
I am sick and fucking tired of right wing douchebag pussies who never served, or barely served, besmirching my service.

I will post two links for anyone who will have the balls to walk the walk and bet me some serious money that will show that: 1. I did indeed graduate from USNA, and 2. I did indeed get awarded the DMSM for my service in Lebanon in 1981-82.

It will only cost you $100K to prove me wrong.

any takers?

I didn't think so.

Who cares what you're sick of? Stop lying and people will stop calling you a liar.

09-21-2011, 08:20 PM

09-21-2011, 08:28 PM
Who cares what you're sick of? Stop lying and people will stop calling you a liar.

stop calling me a liar, and I'll leave this alone... if you want to admit that, even though my politics are not the same as yours, I am, indeed a retired commander and an annapolis graduate and that I am entitled to my left wing political beliefs in spite of my background, then be man enough to admit it..

I already gave you a chance to, at best, make $100K, and at least, show me to be a lying sack of shit, and you have not taken me up on it. Why IS that? Because, just maybe, you realize that you have stepped in a bit deeper than you would like and don't have the grace to step back? That's MY guess/

09-21-2011, 08:29 PM

The fuck fairy gives a fuck I suppose.

09-21-2011, 08:31 PM
I'll admit you are, now what?

09-21-2011, 08:32 PM
stop calling me a liar, and I'll leave this alone... if you want to admit that, even though my politics are not the same as yours, I am, indeed a retired commander and an annapolis graduate and that I am entitled to my left wing political beliefs in spite of my background, then be man enough to admit it..

I already gave you a chance to, at best, make $100K, and at least, show me to be a lying sack of shit, and you have not taken me up on it. Why IS that? Because, just maybe, you realize that you have stepped in a bit deeper than you would like and don't have the grace to step back? That's MY guess/

Virgil, I have NEVER said you are not entitled to be a left wing dumb fuck if that is what you want to be. That is your right. And it is a right you take full advantage of.

Furthermore, I don't give a shit if you served or not, you have the right to your political beliefs, so right there you're lying when you say that because I don't believe you went to Annapolis that means that I deny you have the right to your political beliefs. So you just got caught in another lie, why would you act surprised that people think you're a liar?

09-21-2011, 09:45 PM
Virgil, I have NEVER said you are not entitled to be a left wing dumb fuck if that is what you want to be. That is your right. And it is a right you take full advantage of.

Furthermore, I don't give a shit if you served or not, you have the right to your political beliefs, so right there you're lying when you say that because I don't believe you went to Annapolis that means that I deny you have the right to your political beliefs. So you just got caught in another lie, why would you act surprised that people think you're a liar?

still running away from an easy chance to either make a hundred Kay, or make me out to be a liar. WHy would you do that, if you are so fucking sure that I am lying?

09-21-2011, 09:47 PM
I'll admit you are, now what?

get your butt buddies to quit calling me a liar, and it'll all be done. cornholedog seems to be too fucking scared to put his money where his mouth has been. He only wants to denigrate me... without cause. fucking pussy.

09-21-2011, 09:49 PM
I'll admit you are, now what?
you earn a polite, THANK YOU. I enjoyed the shit out of serving you and the rest of our countrymen for a quarter of a century... it was a blast.

09-21-2011, 09:52 PM
still running away from an easy chance to either make a hundred Kay, or make me out to be a liar. WHy would you do that, if you are so fucking sure that I am lying?

Didn't you bet RSR he couldn't prove it was you who sent him a nasty PM on another board the other day? If memory serves he proved it was you.

You're a proven liar Virgil, so I gain nothing by accepting your silly wager that you would NEVER pay anyway. FACT if you were willing to prove you're not lying for $100K you would prove it for free. You're a liar. PERIOD.

09-21-2011, 10:03 PM
Didn't you bet RSR he couldn't prove it was you who sent him a nasty PM on another board the other day? If memory serves he proved it was you.

You're a proven liar Virgil, so I gain nothing by accepting your silly wager that you would NEVER pay anyway. FACT if you were willing to prove you're not lying for $100K you would prove it for free. You're a liar. PERIOD.

I realize you would never actually put any of your own money up to disprove me. Here is a taste of why that was a smart, albeit cowardly move on your part:

I await your apology, although I realize you don't have the grace, or the stones, to give it.

09-21-2011, 10:10 PM
I realize you would never actually put any of your own money up to disprove me. Here is a taste of why that was a smart, albeit cowardly move on your part:

I await your apology, although I realize you don't have the grace, or the stones, to give it.

How does that prove you went to Annapolis you idiot, which is the ONLY thing I doubted.

09-21-2011, 10:16 PM
[QUOTE=ConHog;494934]How does that prove you went to Annapolis you idiot, which is the ONLY thing I doubted.[/QUOTE']

go to this link and enlarge the page:http://www.e-yearbook.com/yearbooks/United_States_Naval_Academy_Lucky_Bag_Yearbook/1972/Page_809.html


09-21-2011, 10:27 PM
what a fucking sorry assed loser your are... fucking pathetic..... you won't put your fucking money where your mouth has been, and now, you won't even acknowledge that you were wrong. what a bright and shining example you are of principled conservative debate. unbelievable.

09-21-2011, 10:34 PM
:: crickets chirping ::

09-21-2011, 11:18 PM
you earn a polite, THANK YOU. I enjoyed the shit out of serving you and the rest of our countrymen for a quarter of a century... it was a blast.

get your butt buddies to quit calling me a liar, and it'll all be done. cornholedog seems to be too fucking scared to put his money where his mouth has been. He only wants to denigrate me... without cause. fucking pussy.

Sure, Thank You for serving My Country, is it still your Country too or are you now a Mexico citizen ?

At any rate yes anyone earns my gratitude for putting there life on the line for me and my country, and that includes Conhog (Army), Gaffer (Airforce & Army) I include you as well Sir (Navy).

Still, I have heard about a Virgil (who has posted here under different names over the years), and that man wished "death" on someone posting at this messageboard who was being treated for cancer at the time, and that makes my heart sink.

I am not sure why such an "accomplished" man needs anyone at Jim's board to validate who he is offline but at any rate you got it. :salute:

I admire Conhog for standing up for himself and others who can't do that for themselves, he will take a ribbing from you or anyone else and continue to post his beliefs and opinions in spite of tactics to reduce his portfolio with the possible intention to intimidate him into silence.

If the purpose is a pissing contest of who you are offline and all you wanted is to say you won more medals fine, but if its about politics then just win your battle based on your political opinion, stand strong with that argument and you will earn even more gratitude.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 04:00 AM
Virgil please stop whining about how you are treated here. You have earned all the contempt that is shown to to

You have wished death on me several times. You have used disgusting terms toward female posters. You have gone after the children of another poster on another board. You have insulted and smeared the people here yet you beg to come back after every ban. Why?

You have been caught in more lies then I can list, yet you pretend to be a man of honor

In one post you preach the word of God, and in the next you are making vile sexual insults toward another member

Only a condescending sanctimonious hypocrite like you would not understand the treatment you recieve here

09-22-2011, 08:45 AM
any takers?

I thought you said you were not this person or his/your many aliases.

09-22-2011, 09:36 AM
Am I the only one who immediately flashes to the booking scene in Trading Places when I hear the name Virgil Bozeman III ?

I'm gonna start calling Virgil Winthorp. :laugh:

09-22-2011, 10:00 AM
I thought you said you were not this person or his/your many aliases.

Virgil is confused on many things including his identity, both actual and sexual. :laugh2:

09-22-2011, 11:02 AM
Virgil is confused on many things including his identity, both actual and sexual. :laugh2:

why am I not surprised at your lack of integrity and grace?

09-22-2011, 11:34 AM
Sure, Thank You for serving My Country, is it still your Country too or are you now a Mexico citizen ?

At any rate yes anyone earns my gratitude for putting there life on the line for me and my country, and that includes Conhog (Army), Gaffer (Airforce & Army) I include you as well Sir (Navy).

Still, I have heard about a Virgil (who has posted here under different names over the years), and that man wished "death" on someone posting at this messageboard who was being treated for cancer at the time, and that makes my heart sink.

I am not sure why such an "accomplished" man needs anyone at Jim's board to validate who he is offline but at any rate you got it. :salute:

I admire Conhog for standing up for himself and others who can't do that for themselves, he will take a ribbing from you or anyone else and continue to post his beliefs and opinions in spite of tactics to reduce his portfolio with the possible intention to intimidate him into silence.

If the purpose is a pissing contest of who you are offline and all you wanted is to say you won more medals fine, but if its about politics then just win your battle based on your political opinion, stand strong with that argument and you will earn even more gratitude.

and regarding the inappropriate wish regarding RSR, first, I have profusely apologized for it on several occasions. secondly, as indefensible as it is, I can only say that, when someone who willingly, proudly served their nation in uniform for a quarter of a century is repeatedly called an unpatriotic traitor who hates his country, it tends to get on one's nerves after a while and sometimes, the anger bubbles to the surface in unfortunate ways. Not an excuse, just an explanation. I shouldn't have said what I said, but it was not without provocation.

Oh, and I will ALWAYS be an American citizen. I have no intention of ever seeking Mexican citizenship.

09-22-2011, 12:11 PM
and regarding the inappropriate wish regarding RSR, first, I have profusely apologized for it on several occasions. secondly, as indefensible as it is, I can only say that, when someone who willingly, proudly served their nation in uniform for a quarter of a century is repeatedly called an unpatriotic traitor who hates his country, it tends to get on one's nerves after a while and sometimes, the anger bubbles to the surface in unfortunate ways. Not an excuse, just an explanation. I shouldn't have said what I said, but it was not without provocation.

Oh, and I will ALWAYS be an American citizen. I have no intention of ever seeking Mexican citizenship.

It is not easy to be nice to someone whom you feel hurt by them, I had someone at this board allude I should kill myself all because I doubted the existence of God, obviously I took it pretty personal and it made me feel real bad, still in spite of it I had to realize that when people say stuff like that it's what they think and it doesn't reflect on who I am as a person, not everyone at the board or in life will like me and they don't have to.

Not everyone will like you or rsr, conhog or psycho but we should be kinder to each other in spite of our personal posting styles and opinions. I think telling anyone who actually does have cancer that you hope they die is probably one of the most cruelest things to say or wish on another person.

I can't imagine how that would have made me feel but I can most certainly bet I would not be able to resist carrying a grudge against such a person.

Maybe you should try a little tenderness and realize like my ex husbands Grandma used to say, "Dear be careful what you say to someone in anger because when you calm down you will forget what you said but the person you said it to will never forget it." :salute:

09-22-2011, 12:22 PM
It is not easy to be nice to someone whom you feel hurt by them, I had someone at this board allude I should kill myself all because I doubted the existence of God, obviously I took it pretty personal and it made me feel real bad, still in spite of it I had to realize that when people say stuff like that it's what they think and it doesn't reflect on who I am as a person, not everyone at the board or in life will like me and they don't have to.

Not everyone will like you or rsr, conhog or psycho but we should be kinder to each other in spite of our personal posting styles and opinions. I think telling anyone who actually does have cancer that you hope they die is probably one of the most cruelest things to say or wish on another person.

I can't imagine how that would have made me feel but I can most certainly bet I would not be able to resist carrying a grudge against such a person.

Maybe you should try a little tenderness and realize like my ex husbands Grandma used to say, "Dear be careful what you say to someone in anger because when you calm down you will forget what you said but the person you said it to will never forget it." :salute:

all I can do is apologize, which I have done. rsr, by the way, has NEVER apologized, or even withdrawn any of his insulting and hateful attacks on my military service. go figure.

09-22-2011, 12:26 PM
and regarding the inappropriate wish regarding RSR, first, I have profusely apologized for it on several occasions. secondly, as indefensible as it is, I can only say that, when someone who willingly, proudly served their nation in uniform for a quarter of a century is repeatedly called an unpatriotic traitor who hates his country, it tends to get on one's nerves after a while and sometimes, the anger bubbles to the surface in unfortunate ways. Not an excuse, just an explanation. I shouldn't have said what I said, but it was not without provocation.

Oh, and I will ALWAYS be an American citizen. I have no intention of ever seeking Mexican citizenship.

Insulting your military service =/= wishing death on someone, especially a guy who is in fact sick.

Why you feel you should be untouchable simply b/c you served is beyond me. Several of us have served. It in noway makes us immune to being ridiculed by others, nor should it.

PS Does is the fact that you don't have the Navy avie next to your name indicate that the owner of this site wonders whether you served as well?

09-22-2011, 12:50 PM
Insulting your military service =/= wishing death on someone, especially a guy who is in fact sick.

Why you feel you should be untouchable simply b/c you served is beyond me. Several of us have served. It in noway makes us immune to being ridiculed by others, nor should it.

PS Does is the fact that you don't have the Navy avie next to your name indicate that the owner of this site wonders whether you served as well?

never said it was equal. never said I was untouchable. re: Navy logo, never asked, don't intend to.

and now you are saying that you STILL doubt my service when earlier, the only thing you claimed that you doubted was my alma mater. ah well. I gave you the proof you needed and still no retraction. As I said earlier, not at all surprising.

09-22-2011, 01:19 PM
never said it was equal. never said I was untouchable. re: Navy logo, never asked, don't intend to.

and now you are saying that you STILL doubt my service when earlier, the only thing you claimed that you doubted was my alma mater. ah well. I gave you the proof you needed and still no retraction. As I said earlier, not at all surprising.

I didn't doubt your service. I do doubt your lntelligence though. I simply asked if Jimmy questioned it.

09-22-2011, 01:26 PM
How does that prove you went to Annapolis you idiot, which is the ONLY thing I doubted.

time to retract the doubt, eh?

09-22-2011, 01:36 PM
time to retract the doubt, eh?

Yes indeed, I retract where I previously doubted that you are an idiot. I apologize for my error.

09-22-2011, 02:55 PM
all I can do is apologize, which I have done. rsr, by the way, has NEVER apologized, or even withdrawn any of his insulting and hateful attacks on my military service. go figure.

I see, well for the record I believe you served our country and for the most part I think you are who you say you are. Still you must admit you have used several "screen names" and perpetuated a sort of "I lie" and "decieve" online personna, I can appreciate there may be a personal justification for you as to why you do that, but still you have done that yes?

As for expecting someone who has had cancer and been severely ill treated as if there death would be welcomed by you I wouldn't have an expectation they forgive you nor that they turn the cheek or apologize for any insult they said to you. Wishing death on someone who is getting chemotherapy trying to beat the odds of death is just mean.

If you apologized with an expectation then it was an insincere apology and you might as well have not done it. If you apologized with no expectations then move forward and realize some people can't forgive things and that's that.

You seem concerned that people don't believe the sacrifices you have made for our country, but if you want to be seen as credible behave in a credible fashion. Don't make new screen names and then pretend you are not doing that only to be "found out" later. It takes away from any points you might have been sincere in trying to make.

Your reputation online at this board is that of a person who will turn vicious, mean, offensive and even threaten others with bodily harm. Your reputation here is the person who experiences your wrath need only disagree with you politicially and then they will be on the receieving end of the kind of meanness you are capabable of. If its not true then prove it in your actions and behavior if it is true I will stay out of your way in political threads, but I doubt others will and you will experience there rage too.

Good luck !:salute:

09-22-2011, 03:09 PM
all I can do is apologize, which I have done. rsr, by the way, has NEVER apologized, or even withdrawn any of his insulting and hateful attacks on my military service. go figure.

You HAVE apologized to RSR, I witnessed it myself. I also watched you do it time and time again since that apology, which IMO makes the initial apology worthless and a lie. And outside of wishing death upon him, you have also "laughed" about his illness on countless occasions. That PM you sent him on the other board was LONG after you initially went after him about his illness and subsequent "apology".

If you don't want to be known as a liar, then don't lie and/or purposely try and "stretch" the truth when posting.

09-22-2011, 03:14 PM
I realize you would never actually put any of your own money up to disprove me. Here is a taste of why that was a smart, albeit cowardly move on your part:

I await your apology, although I realize you don't have the grace, or the stones, to give it.

Pretty funny when you put that "Virgil Bozeman III" character into Google. You'll find a lot of things about church activity in Maine, and his son, and you might even think for a second that he is regarded as an upstanding citizen. Then you read posts from many of his identities here and wonder how it's possible that they can be one and the same.

Multiple personality disorder?

09-22-2011, 03:37 PM
I see, well for the record I believe you served our country and for the most part I think you are who you say you are. Still you must admit you have used several "screen names" and perpetuated a sort of "I lie" and "decieve" online personna, I can appreciate there may be a personal justification for you as to why you do that, but still you have done that yes?

As for expecting someone who has had cancer and been severely ill treated as if there death would be welcomed by you I wouldn't have an expectation they forgive you nor that they turn the cheek or apologize for any insult they said to you. Wishing death on someone who is getting chemotherapy trying to beat the odds of death is just mean.

If you apologized with an expectation then it was an insincere apology and you might as well have not done it. If you apologized with no expectations then move forward and realize some people can't forgive things and that's that.

You seem concerned that people don't believe the sacrifices you have made for our country, but if you want to be seen as credible behave in a credible fashion. Don't make new screen names and then pretend you are not doing that only to be "found out" later. It takes away from any points you might have been sincere in trying to make.

Your reputation online at this board is that of a person who will turn vicious, mean, offensive and even threaten others with bodily harm. Your reputation here is the person who experiences your wrath need only disagree with you politicially and then they will be on the receieving end of the kind of meanness you are capabable of. If its not true then prove it in your actions and behavior if it is true I will stay out of your way in political threads, but I doubt others will and you will experience there rage too.

Good luck !:salute:

Chloe is exactly correct here, beanerboy. You've created so many lies, there simply is not a way to believe what you say about your service. I'm sorry that's the way it is, but you made that bed, bb. You can't simply expect to lie and deceive on that level without people disbelieving your honest claims. That's the core problem of being known as a liar, is that people just don't believe you.

show us over time a person who is thoughtful, honest, and doesn't degrade people constantly, then offer fake apologies, our opinion of you will improve. But it is on you, and not us to change that opinion.

09-22-2011, 03:37 PM
Pretty funny when you put that "Virgil Bozeman III" character into Google. You'll find a lot of things about church activity in Maine, and his son, and you might even think for a second that he is regarded as an upstanding citizen. Then you read posts from many of his identities here and wonder how it's possible that they can be one and the same.

Multiple personality disorder?

Or perhaps stolen identity?

09-22-2011, 04:42 PM
Pretty funny when you put that "Virgil Bozeman III" character into Google. You'll find a lot of things about church activity in Maine, and his son, and you might even think for a second that he is regarded as an upstanding citizen. Then you read posts from many of his identities here and wonder how it's possible that they can be one and the same.

Multiple personality disorder?

Or perhaps stolen identity?

or maybe I'm just a retired navy guy who spent some time as a preacher who also is a passionate and fervent liberal who wandered into conservative mutual admiration society and found there, an old nemesis, whom I had known on other boards from long ago and had grown to absolutely despise... one who had lied and broken promises, one who had, for years, called me a coward, a queer and a traitor... and I found myself letting my anger at him, and his fawning cohorts get the best of me. Jim booted me off. I had some changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes and I lost a lot of my anger. I know that my nemesis will not change, and that he will never provide me with any real intellectual stimulation that I could not otherwise get by reading the conservative websites where he cuts and pastes all his material... but I know that I have changed. I am still a passionate democrat, and always will be. I am still a patriotic American, and always will be, but I live in a country now that soothes my soul. People here are genuinely nice and they show it all the time... and that has and will continue to make me nicer and calmer and gentler and way less prone to letting anger control my thoughts and my words.

You guys want to believe that I can fake pages from a yearbook or fake 25 year old newspaper stories? that's fine with me. Like I said, my Navy retirement check spends just as nicely whether you think it's real or not. And the toucan that hangs out in the tree in my backyard is real whether you think he is or not. Hasta la vista.

09-22-2011, 05:07 PM
Hey everyone, I'm Bill Gates. You don't believe me? Here's proof.


Now apologize for not believing me.


09-22-2011, 05:22 PM
Hey everyone, I'm Bill Gates. You don't believe me? Here's proof.


Now apologize for not believing me.


aw... no apologies needed. we both know who you are and we both know who I am...

like I said, changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes. It's a process.:laugh2:

09-22-2011, 05:30 PM
aw... no apologies needed. we both know who you are and we both know who I am...

like I said, changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes. It's a process.:laugh2:

I've seen too many lies from you to take ANYTHING you say as fact. I'm not even convinced your name is Virgil.

09-22-2011, 05:31 PM
or maybe I'm just a retired navy guy who spent some time as a preacher who also is a passionate and fervent liberal who wandered into conservative mutual admiration society and found there, an old nemesis, whom I had known on other boards from long ago and had grown to absolutely despise... one who had lied and broken promises, one who had, for years, called me a coward, a queer and a traitor... and I found myself letting my anger at him, and his fawning cohorts get the best of me. Jim booted me off. I had some changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes and I lost a lot of my anger. I know that my nemesis will not change, and that he will never provide me with any real intellectual stimulation that I could not otherwise get by reading the conservative websites where he cuts and pastes all his material... but I know that I have changed. I am still a passionate democrat, and always will be. I am still a patriotic American, and always will be, but I live in a country now that soothes my soul. People here are genuinely nice and they show it all the time... and that has and will continue to make me nicer and calmer and gentler and way less prone to letting anger control my thoughts and my words.

You guys want to believe that I can fake pages from a yearbook or fake 25 year old newspaper stories? that's fine with me. Like I said, my Navy retirement check spends just as nicely whether you think it's real or not. And the toucan that hangs out in the tree in my backyard is real whether you think he is or not. Hasta la vista.

You completely missed the point of my post, which was solely about your "apology" to RSR. WHY would you tout this apology, knowing full well you continued the behavior many, many times after the fact. THEN you come here into the cage section and basically demand to be believed about other things. At least, I hope you understand WHY so many refuse to believe you.

09-22-2011, 05:32 PM
I've seen too many lies from you to take ANYTHING you say as fact. I'm not even convinced your name is Virgil.

He'll be the first to accuse anyone who talks smack about Obama to be racist, then takes a user name with "beaner". I could be wrong, but that's not exactly endearing terms to use around his new friends south of the border.

09-22-2011, 05:39 PM
You completely missed the point of my post, which was solely about your "apology" to RSR. WHY would you tout this apology, knowing full well you continued the behavior many, many times after the fact. THEN you come here into the cage section and basically demand to be believed about other things. At least, I hope you understand WHY so many refuse to believe you.

Jimmy, I'm sorry for saying you're fat, but you're fat. THat is a Virgil apology. :laugh2:

red states rule
09-22-2011, 05:41 PM
Jimmy, I'm sorry for saying you're fat, but you're fat. THat is a Virgil apology. :laugh2:

If you, or anyone here wants more info on Virgil - go here


09-22-2011, 05:41 PM
He'll be the first to accuse anyone who talks smack about Obama to be racist, then takes a user name with "beaner". I could be wrong, but that's not exactly endearing terms to use around his new friends south of the border.

Yeah , but you misunderstand. It is ONLY racism when directed towards blacks and or Muslims. All else is okay.

09-22-2011, 05:44 PM
You completely missed the point of my post, which was solely about your "apology" to RSR. WHY would you tout this apology, knowing full well you continued the behavior many, many times after the fact. THEN you come here into the cage section and basically demand to be believed about other things. At least, I hope you understand WHY so many refuse to believe you.

I had a little epiphany recently, jim... last night, swimming in the dark... and I realized that I like to exercise my brain and relax and sit by the pool and post on internet boards during the heat of the day... and I really don't CARE whether you or anyone else believes me or not. I know that I really deeply and profoundly dislike RSR. I find him to be an absolute parrot who, in spite of the fact that he has more than twice as many posts on here as anyone else, has never been able to string five sentences together that have made any sense. It used to just make my blood BOIL that he made bets that he welched on, that conservatives like you never ever called him to task for being a cut and paste parrot, that he continually called me a traitor and a queer who hated America... and I used to lash out at him because of that... I ain't doing that any more. I am ignoring him. He was an annoying monkey on my back but he ain't there anymore. And, as I said, if you don't want to believe that I served in the Navy or that my name is Virgil, that's fine with me. CHanges in latitudes, man... it is a powerful and smooth deal.

Vaya con dios.

and congrats on stayin' away from the smokes!

red states rule
09-22-2011, 05:49 PM
I had a little epiphany recently, jim... last night, swimming in the dark... and I realized that I like to exercise my brain and relax and sit by the pool and post on internet boards during the heat of the day... and I really don't CARE whether you or anyone else believes me or not. I know that I really deeply and profoundly dislike RSR. I find him to be an absolute parrot who, in spite of the fact that he has more than twice as many posts on here as anyone else, has never been able to string five sentences together that have made any sense. It used to just make my blood BOIL that he made bets that he welched on, that conservatives like you never ever called him to task for being a cut and paste parrot, that he continually called me a traitor and a queer who hated America... and I used to lash out at him because of that... I ain't doing that any more. I am ignoring him. He was an annoying monkey on my back but he ain't there anymore. And, as I said, if you don't want to believe that I served in the Navy or that my name is Virgil, that's fine with me. CHanges in latitudes, man... it is a powerful and smooth deal.

Vaya con dios.

and congrats on stayin' away from the smokes!

Well Virgil, what did this poster do that made you to attack a CHILD?

You see, I feel you could get credit for EVERYTHING you have posted here AND on other boards.

So this thread is in your honor Virgil. I want as many people as possible to know the REAL Virgil Bozeman III


09-22-2011, 05:50 PM
or maybe I'm just a retired navy guy who spent some time as a preacher who also is a passionate and fervent liberal who wandered into conservative mutual admiration society and found there, an old nemesis, whom I had known on other boards from long ago and had grown to absolutely despise... one who had lied and broken promises, one who had, for years, called me a coward, a queer and a traitor... and I found myself letting my anger at him, and his fawning cohorts get the best of me. Jim booted me off. I had some changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes and I lost a lot of my anger. I know that my nemesis will not change, and that he will never provide me with any real intellectual stimulation that I could not otherwise get by reading the conservative websites where he cuts and pastes all his material... but I know that I have changed. I am still a passionate democrat, and always will be. I am still a patriotic American, and always will be, but I live in a country now that soothes my soul. People here are genuinely nice and they show it all the time... and that has and will continue to make me nicer and calmer and gentler and way less prone to letting anger control my thoughts and my words.

You guys want to believe that I can fake pages from a yearbook or fake 25 year old newspaper stories? that's fine with me. Like I said, my Navy retirement check spends just as nicely whether you think it's real or not. And the toucan that hangs out in the tree in my backyard is real whether you think he is or not. Hasta la vista.

And none of these things required you to lie. You could have maintained your integrity, and chose not to. RSR had no hand in that

09-22-2011, 05:52 PM
And none of these things required you to lie. You could have maintained your integrity, and chose not to. RSR had no hand in that

what lie do you think I told, beyond attempting to come back to this board under another screen name?

just curious.

09-22-2011, 05:53 PM
what lie do you think I told, beyond attempting to come back to this board under another screen name?

just curious.

About who you are, like when you pretended not to be manfrommaine. You keep changing names, and trying to act like you're not who we find you to be. Grow up

09-22-2011, 05:56 PM
About who you are, like when you pretended not to be manfrommaine. You keep changing names, and trying to act like you're not who we find you to be. Grow up

did you even read my last post?

09-22-2011, 06:01 PM
I had a little epiphany recently, jim... last night, swimming in the dark... and I realized that I like to exercise my brain and relax and sit by the pool and post on internet boards during the heat of the day... and I really don't CARE whether you or anyone else believes me or not. I know that I really deeply and profoundly dislike RSR. I find him to be an absolute parrot who, in spite of the fact that he has more than twice as many posts on here as anyone else, has never been able to string five sentences together that have made any sense. It used to just make my blood BOIL that he made bets that he welched on, that conservatives like you never ever called him to task for being a cut and paste parrot, that he continually called me a traitor and a queer who hated America... and I used to lash out at him because of that... I ain't doing that any more. I am ignoring him. He was an annoying monkey on my back but he ain't there anymore. And, as I said, if you don't want to believe that I served in the Navy or that my name is Virgil, that's fine with me. CHanges in latitudes, man... it is a powerful and smooth deal.

Vaya con dios.

and congrats on stayin' away from the smokes!

did you even read my last post?

Yes, it's bullshit. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't post on this board, plain and simple. You don't get out of lying with any of that crap above. If RSR couldn't string together understandable sentences, you wouldn't have a problem with him because you couldn't understand what he wrote to object to it, so that's bullshit. And you aren't ignoring him, as this thread clearly proves, so that's bullshit.

09-22-2011, 06:06 PM
If you really didn't care, you wouldn't post on this board, plain and simple.

I think most on here would be grateful if Virgil DIDN'T care if that were the case.

On the other hand, every minute that Virg spends on here is one more minute that the children of Mexico are safe, so I IMPLORE Jim to NEVER ban Virg.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:08 PM
I think most on here would be grateful if Virgil DIDN'T care if that were the case.

On the other hand, every minute that Virg spends on here is one more minute that the children of Mexico are safe, so I IMPLORE Jim to NEVER ban Virg.

:clap:Home run with that one CH! :clap:

09-22-2011, 06:14 PM
Yes, it's bullshit. If you really didn't care, you wouldn't post on this board, plain and simple. You don't get out of lying with any of that crap above. If RSR couldn't string together understandable sentences, you wouldn't have a problem with him because you couldn't understand what he wrote to object to it, so that's bullshit. And you aren't ignoring him, as this thread clearly proves, so that's bullshit.

other than attempting to post here with a new screen name after being banned, I haven't ever lied about one single solitary thing... not my service, not my past, nothing. And I told you what my primary beef with RSR was, and I AM ignoring him as I am not rising to the bait of his taunting and won't. I'll post her as long as I enjoy doing so. I hope you don't mind.

09-22-2011, 06:19 PM
other than attempting to post here with a new screen name after being banned, I haven't ever lied about one single solitary thing... not my service, not my past, nothing. And I told you what my primary beef with RSR was, and I AM ignoring him as I am not rising to the bait of his taunting and won't. I'll post her as long as I enjoy doing so. I hope you don't mind.

Actually you'll post here as long as Jim weighs that buttholes of little Mexican boys are worth protecting by keeping you online.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:50 PM
Actually you'll post here as long as Jim weighs that buttholes of little Mexican boys are worth protecting by keeping you online.

and Virgil said this about one of his previous attempts of asking Jim to come back from a ban

Yes red... I do think that someday I'll be back at DP... and maybe it might even happen in time to be able to give you some shit... or maybe the big C will take you before then. Time will tell.

good luck with the chemo

09-22-2011, 06:56 PM
Actually you'll post here as long as Jim weighs that buttholes of little Mexican boys are worth protecting by keeping you online.

Sometimes I crack myself up. I had to give myself a plus one for this one.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 07:03 PM
Sometimes I crack myself up. I had to give myself a plus one for this one.

It was a good one CH.

and it looks like Virgil has left the building. Maybe if we are lucky he will not be back given the humilation treatment he got tonight

09-22-2011, 07:15 PM
It was a good one CH.

and it looks like Virgil has left the building. Maybe if we are lucky he will not be back given the humilation treatment he got tonight

In that case, I say this with all my heart to our southern friends

madres, alerta alerta alerta, mantener a sus hijos cerca de Virgilio el molestor está al acecho.

09-22-2011, 07:25 PM
In that case, I say this with all my heart to our southern friends

madres, alerta alerta alerta, mantener a sus hijos cerca de Virgilio el molestor está al acecho.

So his wife could understand

09-22-2011, 11:08 PM
other than attempting to post here with a new screen name after being banned, I haven't ever lied about one single solitary thing... not my service, not my past, nothing. And I told you what my primary beef with RSR was, and I AM ignoring him as I am not rising to the bait of his taunting and won't. I'll post her as long as I enjoy doing so. I hope you don't mind.

How many things do you have to lie about before you are a liar? The fact you've been smacked on the lying count more than once sorta seals the deal. Posting in his threads is not ignoring him, and really it's just childish. I didn't say not to post, I said it's bullshit saying you don't care, because clearly you do, as you keep proving. People who don't care, don't post, because they're off doing shit they actually care about.

09-22-2011, 11:11 PM
How many things do you have to lie about before you are a liar? The fact you've been smacked on the lying count more than once sorta seals the deal. Posting in his threads is not ignoring him, and really it's just childish. I didn't say not to post, I said it's bullshit saying you don't care, because clearly you do, as you keep proving. People who don't care, don't post, because they're off doing shit they actually care about.

I don't care what you say................ :laugh2: