View Full Version : Why Virgil Is Held In Contempt Across the Board

red states rule
09-22-2011, 05:38 PM
We all know Virgil wished me death several times, and laughed about my cancer treatments; we know the digusting sexual insults he has leveled at female posters; now I am sharing this PM I got while posting on another board

I want to make it clear the authoir does NOT post here but I sharing this since Virgil seem to want to paint himsl;ef as a victim of right wing hate


If you hear about it from Damo or Grind, it sounds as if this were some 'mutual' squabble between MM and myself, which just got out of control, and that was never the case. I will chronicle the events as they happened and let you decide. I already know what I think, and I believe Damo, Grind, and others, are being deliberately more 'fair' to MM than he deserves.

On the old Politics.com forum, and on the FullPolitics.com forum, one of the main rivalries was that of MM and myself. We often had very heated and intricate debates over a host of 'left/right' issues. Virgil is a smart guy, he knows a great deal, and his ability to form a believable argument from any perspective, is astounding. One example is this... We were debating the details of John Kerry's 1971 testimony over Vietnam, where he admitted to burning down villages and bore witness to electrical shocking of genitalia on enemy POW's. My argument was, this amounted to "war crimes" on the part of Kerry, for one, participating in such acts, and two, for not immediately reporting such things to his superiors. Well, of course, MM argued in favor of Kerry, citing his superior knowledge of the Geneva Convention, and maintaining Kerry's admissions didn't meet the criteria of violation. The villages which were burned, were strategic areas not in protected territory, therefore were not covered in the GC. His witnessing of torture was second-hand accounts he didn't actually witness... etc... etc... etc... you know the drill. In any event, he made this 'compelling' argument for why Kerry wasn't a war criminal, and demanded I apologize for calling him one! LOL

Less than a year later, MM was arguing that ALLEGATIONS and RUMORS of US soldiers abusing alQaeda prisoners, amounted to "war crimes!" Never mind that alQaeda is not a country, much less a country which was a signatory to the Geneva Conventions, and never mind that these were just allegations and rumors! Basically, all of the loopholes he conveniently used to excuse John Kerry, were invalid in offering even the least amount of defense for US troops. Aside from this being a prime example of how two-faced the bastard can be, it also serves as the catalyst for our Final Showdown. MM had posted this scurrilous tirade of speculative garbage, and posed the question of what should be done about the US troops who were, in his mind, already convicted of these allegations.

Several months before, a poster known as "toby" had made a few posts in the forum, accusing MM of pedophilia. He claimed he had tacked Virgil to several underground pedophile forums on the internet, where he was posting regularly to other pedophiles. Of course, the board Admins jumped in and censored the threads, banned toby, and took MM's side in the whole affair. And I don't know if any of the allegations were true or not, but MM certainly did "protesteth too much" if you know what I mean. To this day, he is still very sensitive to the allegations. Okay.... so we are in one of our famous heated debates over these relatively new allegations coming out in the media, regarding prisoner abuse at Abu Grahb. MM was all over the forums, practically ready to just hang these soldiers without a trial, he was absolutely convinced everything we had heard was the truth, and no further questions even needed to be asked! I interjected the poignant and valid point... Maineman? How would you feel, if people were posting the allegations about your pedophilia in the forum, as if they were true, without giving you the opportunity to defend yourself? How would you like it, if people were assuming those allegations to be true, without anything more than a rumor or speculation from a media report?

Well, ol' Virgil blew a gasket! You will note, I didn't "accuse" him of anything, I simply asked how he would feel if someone did to him what he was doing to these troops? I felt like it was a point well made, and I put it in a context which he could certainly relate to. He didn't see it that way. He immediately claimed that I was spreading lies about him, and demanded I be banned from the forums! OF course, I wasn't banned, but this just angered him more, so he set out to find all kinds of personal information about me. Some of it, I had made public through the forums... innocently talking about my daughter, whom I was proud of for graduating with honors, etc... He posted my full name and address at one point. it was taken down almost immediately, but he continued to post the information in conspicuous ways, almost as if he was using a 'secret code' in posting, as to avoid direct references or violation of board policy. This is the primary reason Damo is so sensitive about "personal information" being posted. That instance, is the one which prompted the rule, and Damo's position on it.

Now, one would think, after having posts deleted and being warned about it several times, MM would have been satisfied to let it go. But noooo.... he was not through yet! In the third week of this hissy fit of his, he cut loose with one of the most outrageous and obscene posts I have ever seen on ANY message board!

He began by talking about my beautiful daughter. His post quickly turned into a "fantasy" type post, of what he would like to do to her. He said he wanted to rape her at gunpoint. In his warped fantasy, he was accompanied by a disease-ridden biker gang, who were going to take turns raping my daughter and "jizzing in her face" as he watched. I'm telling you, it was SICK beyond belief! He went on and on, in sick perverted detail, and it just got worse and worse. It was the most disgusting, perverted and sick depiction I have ever read in my life, and it came right out of MM's fingers for the whole forum to see.

Of course, and again, the threads were deleted by the Admin, and MM was warned. But what was ironic... I was ALSO warned! Apparently, I had provoked this outburst by "accusing" him of pedophilia! To this date, I have NEVER directly accused him of anything!

After this episode, a few days had passed, and MM came out with an "apology" to me... It amounted to... I am sorry you made me do that! I promise I won't do that again, if you apologize for your actions! ....LMFAO! He admitted he was "drunk" when he posted that stuff, and it didn't reflect what he really thought at all... something he managed to conveniently forget when Mel Gibson used essentially the same excuse. I refuse to apologize, I didn't do anything to apologize for! Since then, he has routinely tried to 'make peace' with me, to 'bury the hatchet' to 'forgive and forget' and to 'let bygones be bygones' between us. I refuse to forget or forgive him, he has not shown true remorse for what he did, in my opinion.

Before the "raping my daughter at gunpoint" thread, I kind of gave him the benefit of the doubt on all of these 'pedophile' charges, and I didn't really think he was the person toby had claimed. I was willing to even forgive him for posting my personal information repeatedly, because that was an attack on me personally, and I can turn the other cheek... but when you involve my family members the way he did, that is something I can't overlook or forgive. I now believe everything alleged about him is the absolute truth, and we've barely scratched the surface.

I can't divulge the information I obtained on him, but it did come from a pedophile watchdog group on the internet, and they are familiar with Virgil Bozeman. This guy is one more sick perverted puppy, and he better hope we never cross paths in real life.

09-22-2011, 05:57 PM
Virgil, did you really write a post about raping a little girl?

red states rule
09-22-2011, 05:59 PM
Virgil, did you really write a post about raping a little girl?

Now CH you really do not expect Virgil to tell the truth now do you?

09-22-2011, 06:01 PM
Makes one wonder about the real reason for moving to mexico.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:02 PM
Makes one wonder about the real reason for moving to mexico.

I had the same thought

and I pity the kids within a 100 mile radius of Virgil.

09-22-2011, 06:04 PM
Virgil, did you really write a post about raping a little girl?

It's a long story, of which you are not getting the complete picture, to be sure... but, to answer your question, NO. I did not write a post about raping a little girl.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:06 PM
It's a long story, of which you are not getting the complete picture, to be sure... but, to answer your question, NO. I did not write a post about raping a little girl.

and you are a LIAR Virgil

Folks here is more on the story. (Yes Virgil I have LOTS of material on you that I have saved over the years)

Again, this poster does NOT post here and this PM was NOT obtained on this board

You are well known on the net Virgil

Well, the name of the group is Perverted Justice and I contacted them after the 'daughter' thread, just because I was so outraged by it. I told them all about Virgil, everything I knew. A few days later, I was contacted by one of their main people, and she told me they had a file on him and he had been under investigation for a while. She also told me not to mention it to anyone under any circumstance, it could compromise the investigation or any potential 'sting' operations being planned. I promiesed not to say a word, and I haven't, until now.

Damo is just trying to be 'tolerant' and not take a hard line approach. You have to understand the board we all came from, and how the previous Admin was. He wanted to micromanage everything, tell people what they could say and what they couldn't, and play favorites. Damo tries hard to not get in the way, he doesn't want personal info being put out there, but other than that, he will let it all slide.

The 'daughter' thread happened on the other forum, and it was SR's decision to allow MM to remain a member in good standing, and even 'reprimand' me for provoking MM! Shortly after that, SR implemented some kind of phony 'board' to help 'police' the forum... MM was appointed one of the leaders! He then decided that was too dictatorial of him, and we had 'elections' for these leaders. This is when Grind, LadyT, and myself, threatened to sabotage the system by electing a candidate who would never vote with the 'group' on anything, thus rendering it impotent. SR threatened to ban us for it, and Damo started the new forum. ...Lots of history there!!

09-22-2011, 06:11 PM
It's a long story, of which you are not getting the complete picture, to be sure... but, to answer your question, NO. I did not write a post about raping a little girl.

That right there tells me you wrote SOMETHING inappropriate. See if someone asked me, "hey CH you ever write a post about raping a little girl?" My answer would a simple and emphatic "Not just no, fuck no" No need for explanations or yammerings.

By the way if you REALLY want to press this issue we can press it.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:16 PM
That right there tells me you wrote SOMETHING inappropriate. See if someone asked me, "hey CH you ever write a post about raping a little girl?" My answer would a simple and emphatic "Not just no, fuck no" No need for explanations or yammerings.

By the way if you REALLY want to press this issue we can press it.

Now Virgil just posted "it's a long story" which means there is something to what I posted

Here is a PM Virgil sent me on another board when I confronted him with those posts. I have removed the name of the poster in question folks. That is the ONLY edit to the quote below

the posts in question were NOT made and we both know that if you could produce anything written by me that was anything like what **** claimed that I wrote, you would have done so long ago.

My wife and I have very few disagreements, and if we do, we talk through them like the friends and partners that we are. I do indeed have a temper, but I never lose my temper with her. AND... I have NO sexual perversions whatsoever.

AND... I don't have cancer.http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

How's that redneck hog that you claim to date, by the way?

09-22-2011, 06:20 PM
Now Virgil just posted "it's a long story" which means there is something to what I posted

Here is a PM Virgil sent me on another board when I confronted him with those posts. I have removed the name of the poster in question folks. That is the ONLY edit to the quote below

That's what I was saying. If someone asks me if I ever wrote about raping anyone let alone a small child, I don't have to offer explanations. Most sane people wouldn't.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:21 PM
That's what I was saying. If someone asks me if I ever wrote about raping anyone let alone a small child, I don't have to offer explanations. Most sane people wouldn't.

Here is more form Virgil CH - via a PM to me on another baord. Again you can see the different tone he has now VS then

maineman (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?13-maineman)

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http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/statusicon/user-offline.png Banned <!-- http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_neg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highneg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highneg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highneg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highneg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highneg.png http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/reputation/reputation_highneg.png -->

<DL class=userstats><DT>Join Date</DT><DD>Jul 2006</DD><DT>Location</DT><DD>maine</DD><DT>Posts</DT><DD>5,889</DD><DT>Thanks</DT><DD>0</DD><DD style="DISPLAY: inline; WHITE-SPACE: nowrap; FLOAT: left">Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts</DD><DT>Groans</DT><DD style="DISPLAY: inline; WHITE-SPACE: nowrap; FLOAT: right">0</DD><DD style="DISPLAY: inline; WHITE-SPACE: nowrap; FLOAT: left">Groaned 0 Times in 0 Posts</DD></DL><DL class=user_rep><!-- <dt>Rep Power</dt> <dd id="reppower__13">0</dd> --></DL>
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/icons/icon1.png gang rape of daughters?
got any proof of that claim, cancer boy, or are you just blowing smoke that somebody else told ya?

Please link me to the post on any message board where I EVER posted about such a subject.

We both know that you can't and we both know why... because such a post doesn't EXIST!

09-22-2011, 06:22 PM
That right there tells me you wrote SOMETHING inappropriate. See if someone asked me, "hey CH you ever write a post about raping a little girl?" My answer would a simple and emphatic "Not just no, fuck no" No need for explanations or yammerings.

By the way if you REALLY want to press this issue we can press it.

it wasn't a "little girl", it was the grown daughter of another poster. THAT poster had repeatedly accused me of anally raping MY twelve year old son. I counterpunched hard.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:25 PM
it wasn't a "little girl", it was the grown daughter of another poster. THAT poster had repeatedly accused me of anally raping MY twelve year old son. I counterpunched hard.

Now Virgil's story changes again :laugh2:

Here is another PM from Pastor Virgil. Again the only edit was the name of the poster

you have already posted that slander from ***** in a PM on another site.

I have already contacted "perverted justice" and they have already denied that they have any ongoing investigations against me.

you're a fucking slanderous lying asshole and so is *****.

what else ya got, you cancerous fucking moron?

and gee...I DO hope you beat the odds that say that anyone with stage three colon cancer has only a 10% chance of living five years. I MAY get a chance to visit your gravesite on the way south... although that would fill me with sorrow... to be sure.

09-22-2011, 06:26 PM
it wasn't a "little girl", it was the grown daughter of another poster. THAT poster had repeatedly accused me of anally raping MY twelve year old son. I counterpunched hard.

You counterpunched by threatening to commit a crime, a VERY violent crime on someone who wasn't involved in your argument? So when you and your wife are out and about and someone pisses you off do you punch her in the face? Do you beat up the person who pissed off's kid?

Jesus, who talks abour raping someone? Are you a Muslim?

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:28 PM
You counterpunched by threatening to commit a crime, a VERY violent crime on someone who wasn't involved in your argument? So when you and your wife are out and about and someone pisses you off do you punch her in the face? Do you beat up the person who pissed off's kid?

Jesus, who talks abour raping someone? Are you a Muslim?

No, he is an asshole

You know I have so MUCH saved stuff on this guy it might take me several days to post all of it

Here is more of Virgil's Greatest Hits

the fact is: there is no ongoing investigation of me...I have never done ANYTHING that warranted any such investigation... and perverted justice has verified that.

and you and your butt buddy ***** just don't quite know how to deal with the fact that they have blown your slanderous cover.

I am not screaming about anything, cancer boy... I am merely stating fact. I have never done or said anything that would cause anyone to think that I was anything other than a law abiding heterosexual, happily married man..... because that is what I am!

sorry. you lose.

and give the survival rate for stage three colon cancer, we both know that you lose big....sooner than later.

damn.... tough luck.

sorry about that.

I hope they give you good drugs at the end, because I hear that it is wicked painful.


my prayers go out to you, big guy.

09-22-2011, 06:29 PM
You counterpunched by threatening to commit a crime, a VERY violent crime on someone who wasn't involved in your argument? So when you and your wife are out and about and someone pisses you off do you punch her in the face? Do you beat up the person who pissed off's kid?

Jesus, who talks abour raping someone? Are you a Muslim?

I didn't threaten anything.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:31 PM
I didn't threaten anything.

Is it me, or has Virgil became very quiet and restrained all of a sudden? Where is that loud obnoxious twit we have come to know and loathe?

09-22-2011, 06:32 PM
I didn't threaten anything.

No, you just fantasized about it. That's SOOOOOOOOooo much better. What a scumbag.

And all the hateful wishing to see RSR suffer, you're pitiful. Tell you what, I have kin in Baja,MX. He'd be happy to meet you and "council" you about your disgusting behavior.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:35 PM
No, you just fantasized about it. That's SOOOOOOOOooo much better. What a scumbag.

And all the hateful wishing to see RSR suffer, you're pitiful. Tell you what, I have kin in Baja,MX. He'd be happy to meet you and "council" you about your disgusting behavior.

Here is more CH. Virgil has such a way with words, and it is very telling about what the "man" is really made of

you - and ***** - are dead wrong about any investigations about me concerning child molestation. I am pure as the driven snow regarding my personal life. But you should be careful about just how far and how publicly you continue this slander. It might come back to bite you in the ass...

and, given the fact that, by the time any civil case makes its way through the system, you will, in all likelihood, be dead, you don't want a judgment against you to fall on your heirs, do you?

09-22-2011, 06:39 PM
Here is more CH. Virgil has such a way with words, and it is very telling about what the "man" is really made of

He seems to be pretty damned defensive don't he?


if ALL of those things were untrue, one would think Virg wouldn't be so defensive, especially given that in the other thread right now he is claiming that he doesn't care what people think.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:41 PM
He seems to be pretty damned defensive don't he?


if ALL of those things were untrue, one would think Virg wouldn't be so defensive, especially given that in the other thread right now he is claiming that he doesn't care what people think.

and so defensive.......

it is not true, btw.

and, because it is not, you should be careful about how your transmit such false information.

I would hate to go after your heirs for every measly penny you had in your will.... well, actually, that is not true... I wouldn't mind one bit.

beware... that is simply a word to the wise....beware.

I will stick it to you even after you are in the grave if you continue this slander.

think about it long and hard.

09-22-2011, 06:45 PM
and so defensive.......

This reminds me of another poster from USMB who got accused of being into children, his name was Yukon, and he too claimed to be a former pastor. Anyway some on there were accusing him of talking about such things on another board, and when I asked him if it was true, he PMed me threatening to sue me . LOL

Good luck winning a judgement for something written on a fucking message board.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 06:47 PM
This reminds me of another poster from USMB who got accused of being into children, his name was Yukon, and he too claimed to be a former pastor. Anyway some on there were accusing him of talking about such things on another board, and when I asked him if it was true, he PMed me threatening to sue me . LOL

Good luck winning a judgement for something written on a fucking message board.

I am soooooooooo afraid CH.:laugh2:

But I do feel good over showing the folks here the other side of Pastor Virgil

09-22-2011, 07:03 PM
I am soooooooooo afraid CH.:laugh2:

But I do feel good over showing the folks here the other side of Pastor Virgil

Notice how he ran away from this thread AND his own thread.

red states rule
09-22-2011, 07:04 PM
Notice how he ran away from this thread AND his own thread.

It is called be exposed to light of truth and saying "feet do your stuff"

09-22-2011, 07:12 PM
It is called be exposed to light of truth and saying "feet do your stuff"

Are you saying Virgil is like a cockroach?

red states rule
09-22-2011, 07:15 PM
Are you saying Virgil is like a cockroach?

That is a cheap shot towards cockroachs everywhere

Virgil is more like film that builds up on the walls of a sewer

09-22-2011, 07:30 PM
Yeah, Virgil/Maineman has always been a lowlife piece of shit but Terry.......................you want me to drop dime on what I got on you?:dance:

09-22-2011, 07:33 PM
Yeah, Virgil/Maineman has always been a lowlife piece of shit but Terry.......................you want me to drop dime on what I got on you?:dance:

No one kicked your dumpster, just slide on back under the rock you crawled out from under.

09-22-2011, 07:34 PM
No one kicked your dumpster, just slide on back under the rock you crawled out from under.

Not sure if I quoted you...................speak only when I directly speak to you, learn your place here boy.

09-22-2011, 07:39 PM
Not sure if I quoted you...................speak only when I directly speak to you, learn your place here boy.

LOL @ you thinking your place is anywhere but the bottom of my shoe.

09-22-2011, 07:45 PM
LOL @ you thinking your place is anywhere but the bottom of my shoe.

Better than your current place which is your chin underneath my balls lol.

09-22-2011, 07:47 PM
Better than your current place which is your chin underneath my balls lol.

This is about the 3rd time that you have vocalized your dream of having sexual contact with me. It isn't happening OCA , so just get over it.

09-22-2011, 07:48 PM
Anyway before I was rudely interrupted bt the new board Ray.........................Virgil/Maineman is def a piece of shit but Terry.....................do you want me to drop dime on what I have on you? Do you rerally think it wise to be saying anything about anybody else?

Those in glass houses...............................

09-22-2011, 07:49 PM
This is about the 3rd time that you have vocalized your dream of having sexual contact with me. It isn't happening OCA , so just get over it.


09-23-2011, 11:16 AM
Virgil has decided to leave the board, again, for like the 10th time now. He voluntarily left, but also left a jolly good post on his way out. While voluntary, I did him a favor and ensured he couldn't log in again. I can't speak for any allegations that he wrote other than what he stated I said to him via email. For those of you who may have read it before I moved it, I did in fact make those statements. Unlike Virgil, I don't lie. His continual comments to me AND my brother via PM before his last ban AND his subsequent even more vulgar comments via email after his ban, lead me to make some nasty and probably irrational comments in return. While I admit my comments were way out of line, I make no apologies.

Odd though, that he would bail right after allegations come forward about him with children.