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View Full Version : Republicans Eat Obama’s Food, Drink His Beer, Then ‘Try to Kill Him’

red states rule
09-23-2011, 02:52 AM
You know the internal polls of the Dems are bad when libs come out with comments like this. If they are this irrational now just wait until the day after the 2012 election!

Congresswoman Maxine Waters offered some advice for President Barack Obama Thursday: It’s time to drop the Super Bowl parties and beer summits with the Republicans and stand up and fight them.

Speaking at a Congressional Black Caucus legislative conference in Washington, the California Democrat said Obama’s “been very nice” in his negotiations with Republicans, but now he needs to fight harder.

“He’s been on the other side of the aisle talking with people. He’s invited them up to the White House to have beer. He’s invited them to come and watch the Super Bowl games,” Waters said, as reported by The Hill (http://thehill.com/homenews/house/183311-rep-waters-obama-needs-to-drop-nice-guy-act-and-fight-gop). “He’s done all of that, and when they eat his food and drink his beer and leave, then they go and try to kill him [on Capitol Hill].”

“You’ve gotta fight – you will not win this battle without fighting,” she said.

According to The Hill, Waters said she and other Democrats believe that by fighting the Republican Party Obama can be successful — although she also suggested there are questions about whether he will keep fighting for liberal priorities when things tough.

“We love the president. We want him to be successful,” Waters said. “But does he feel our pain? Does he understand what’s going on out here?”

Waters criticized Obama last month for not paying more attention to black communities, particularly in the face of their disproportionate unemployment rate, and said black voters are hesitant to call him out (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/candid-rep-waters-to-black-voters-we-dont-criticize-obama-because-you-love-him/) because they “love him.”


09-23-2011, 08:39 AM
You know the internal polls of the Dems are bad when libs come out with comments like this. If they are this irrational now just wait until the day after the 2012 election!

... and said black voters are hesitant to call him out (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/candid-rep-waters-to-black-voters-we-dont-criticize-obama-because-you-love-him/) because they “love him.”

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/maxi...y-to-kill-him/ (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/maxine-waters-republicans-eat-obamas-food-drink-his-beer-then-try-to-kill-him/)

Why does someone love someone else that they've never met?

09-23-2011, 11:26 AM
Why does someone love someone else that they've never met?


09-23-2011, 02:11 PM
Note to congresswoman Waters:
If you're constituents are hurtin', it is YOUR job, not Obama's, to help them with the power you have been granted.
It is the President's job to be a leader for ALL Americans.

Speaking of your job, you have been in congress going on 20 years and what have you done for the 35th congressional district?
You served during the booming economy of the Clinton years and yet your district was and still remains a hell hole that people of sound mind avoid like the plague.

Fix your district and opportunity will knock on your door.

09-23-2011, 03:20 PM
Note to congresswoman Waters:
If you're constituents are hurtin', it is YOUR job, not Obama's, to help them with the power you have been granted.
It is the President's job to be a leader for ALL Americans.

Speaking of your job, you have been in congress going on 20 years and what have you done for the 35th congressional district?
You served during the booming economy of the Clinton years and yet your district was and still remains a hell hole that people of sound mind avoid like the plague.

Fix your district and opportunity will knock on your door.

Does not compute. Must blame someone, anyone, else.

09-23-2011, 05:04 PM
Excuse me, Maxine. It's OUR food and beer cuz WE paid for it. Just like we paid your salary.
Stupid bitch...

09-23-2011, 05:14 PM
Excuse me, Maxine. It's OUR food and beer cuz WE paid for it. Just like we paid your salary.
Stupid bitch...

At some point, don't we have to start blaming the idiots who keep voting for these losers to begin with? I'm getting tired of. These people ARE doing and saying EXACTLY what the idiots who elected them want them to say.

Hey if you voted for or support Maxine Watters in ANY way you are a fucking loser and an idiot to boot.

09-23-2011, 05:39 PM
This is the first stage of getting the useful idiots on the street to riot. They need a serious national crisis before next years elections and people like waters just give the rioters sanction.

09-24-2011, 06:40 AM
He’s invited them up to the White House to have beer. He’s invited them to come and watch the Super Bowl games,

perhaps it would have been better if he had invited them into the back rooms where things like the health care program were written.....then they wouldn't have had to vote on it in order to see it......

09-24-2011, 06:59 AM
Note to congresswoman Waters:
If you're constituents are hurtin', it is YOUR job, not Obama's, to help them with the power you have been granted.
It is the President's job to be a leader for ALL Americans.

Speaking of your job, you have been in congress going on 20 years and what have you done for the 35th congressional district?
You served during the booming economy of the Clinton years and yet your district was and still remains a hell hole that people of sound mind avoid like the plague.

Fix your district and opportunity will knock on your door.

She's been helping some:


Ethics scandal’s a family affair for Maxine Waters By Herald staff and wire services
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 - Updated 1 year ago

Even as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) was warned by colleague Barney Frank against interceding on behalf of a troubled bank with ties to her husband, her chief of staff, who also is her grandson, was “actively involved” in working to help the bank, according to a House Ethics Committee report released yesterday that accuses the longtime Los Angeles political figure of three ethics violations.

Around the same time that Waters set up a September 2008 meeting between U.S. Treasury Department officials and representatives of minority-owned banks, her chief of staff, Mikael Moore, sent an e-mail to the staff of Rep. Frank (D-Newton), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. According to the report, the subject of the e-mail was: “O(ne) U(nited) is in trouble.”’ ...

09-24-2011, 09:35 AM
I stand corrected Kat :p

red states rule
09-26-2011, 03:26 AM
Note to congresswoman Waters:
If you're constituents are hurtin', it is YOUR job, not Obama's, to help them with the power you have been granted.
It is the President's job to be a leader for ALL Americans.

Speaking of your job, you have been in congress going on 20 years and what have you done for the 35th congressional district?
You served during the booming economy of the Clinton years and yet your district was and still remains a hell hole that people of sound mind avoid like the plague.

Fix your district and opportunity will knock on your door.

When Waters said the Tea Party could go strraight to hell, I first thought she was inviting all Tea Party members to move into her district