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View Full Version : School Suspends Students For Saying Homosexuality Is Wrong

red states rule
09-24-2011, 02:36 AM
More proof public schools are becoming liberal indoctrination centers.

FORT WORTH, Texas - A Fort Worth high school student was sent to the principal’s office earlier this week for telling another classmate he believes homosexuality is wrong.

Fourteen-year-old Dakota Ary spent most of the day Tuesday serving an in-school suspension. It was punishment for discussion in his German class at Fort Worth’s Western Hills High School.

“We were talking about religions in Germany. I said, ‘I’m a Christian. I think being a homosexual is wrong,’” he said. “It wasn’t directed to anyone except my friend who was sitting behind me. I guess [the teacher] heard me. He started yelling. He told me he was going to write me an infraction and send me to the office.”

An assistant principal called Ary’s mother at work to let her know he was in trouble.
“At first I was in disbelief. My son is on the honor roll with great grades. I don’t have any problems out of him,” Holly Pope said.

After hearing Ary’s explanation of what happened, the assistant principal reduced the original suspension from two days to one. But Pope was not satisfied with that.
“He was stating an opinion. He has a right to do that. They punished him for it,” she said.
Attorney Matt Krause joined Ary and his mom at a Wednesday morning meeting with the principal. They asked for the blemish to be taken off his record and reassurance there would be no retaliation.

“Students don’t lose their first amendment rights just because they go in the schoolhouse door,” Krause said.

District spokesman Clint Bond said the Fort Worth Independent School District does not comment on specific employee or student-related issues.

“We are following district policy in our review of the circumstances and any resolution will likewise be in accordance with district policy,” Bond said.

Read more on myFOXdfw.com: http://www.myfoxdfw.com/dpp/news/education/092111-student-suspended-for-saying-gay-is-wrong#ixzz1YrgH8HCw

09-24-2011, 07:57 AM
More proof public schools are becoming liberal indoctrination centers.

“Students don’t lose their first amendment rights just because they go in the schoolhouse door,” Krause said.

Unfortunately they do but this is ridiculous unless they are going to ban every opinion.

09-24-2011, 12:24 PM
Unfortunately they do but this is ridiculous unless they are going to ban every opinion.

From the perspective of someone who often makes decisions regarding upholding suspensions.

The kid apparently turned around and was talking to his friend, it wasn't part of the general class discussion. That right there is a no no, children aren't allowed to have side discussions in a class, even if the class is a discussion type class.

Second, why was homosexuality brought up at all? Was the teacher discussing homosexuality and the kid just responded, or did he just blurt out that the thinks homosexuality is wrong completely out of the blue? if it was the former I would want to know why the teacher brought homosexuality into the discussion to begin with if it was the latter I question why the child felt it was appropriate to mention it.

In EITHER case, a teacher has of course complete discretion as to what may or may not be discussed in a classroom, AND the teacher is not the one who makes suspension decisions, not at any school that I know of anyway, so I would want much more information before declaring that the school acted wrong.

In the big picture though, children do NOT have complete freedom of speech in schools though. That is of course well documented.

09-24-2011, 02:16 PM
From the perspective of someone who often makes decisions regarding upholding suspensions.

The kid apparently turned around and was talking to his friend, it wasn't part of the general class discussion. That right there is a no no, children aren't allowed to have side discussions in a class, even if the class is a discussion type class.

Second, why was homosexuality brought up at all? Was the teacher discussing homosexuality and the kid just responded, or did he just blurt out that the thinks homosexuality is wrong completely out of the blue? if it was the former I would want to know why the teacher brought homosexuality into the discussion to begin with if it was the latter I question why the child felt it was appropriate to mention it.

In EITHER case, a teacher has of course complete discretion as to what may or may not be discussed in a classroom, AND the teacher is not the one who makes suspension decisions, not at any school that I know of anyway, so I would want much more information before declaring that the school acted wrong.

In the big picture though, children do NOT have complete freedom of speech in schools though. That is of course well documented.

This is my problem with it. the kid was clearly talking during class, which is pretty much the universal "Don't do it". That in itself isn't suspendable, but I kinda have to look at the fact it's Texas, it's not exactly well known for its left-leaning tendency. A discussion of religions in Germany isn't exactly a segue into homosexuality. We also don't know much about this kid, as to attitude and such. Pretty much every parent these days says their kid is "great", but honor roll isn't a marker on attitude, just grade point. Take my brother for example, he's wicked smart, but sometimes you just want to shake the shit out of him.

For a simple glib sentence, this seems a bit extreme, but without more facts, there's just no way to comment on it.

09-24-2011, 02:24 PM
This is my problem with it. the kid was clearly talking during class, which is pretty much the universal "Don't do it". That in itself isn't suspendable, but I kinda have to look at the fact it's Texas, it's not exactly well known for its left-leaning tendency. A discussion of religions in Germany isn't exactly a segue into homosexuality. We also don't know much about this kid, as to attitude and such. Pretty much every parent these days says their kid is "great", but honor roll isn't a marker on attitude, just grade point. Take my brother for example, he's wicked smart, but sometimes you just want to shake the shit out of him.

For a simple glib sentence, this seems a bit extreme, but without more facts, there's just no way to comment on it.

That's about my stance on it. ISS seems a little extreme, but on the other hand, schools don't have a lot of options when it comes to discipline. In my day if you talked in class without permission you got your ass busted by the teacher. That is pretty much off the table now.

09-24-2011, 03:25 PM
There is a larger article about this that was posted a couple of days ago. In a nut shell the "teacher" uses his class to push the homosexual agenda, that is what was being discussed in the "German language" class at the time. The student said that with his religious beliefs he felt homosexuality was wrong. The teacher who I am going to assume is gay due to the information in the other article, lost it and marched the child to the office and demanded he be suspended for disruption of class. After the child was sent home and further investigation calmer and saner heads prevailed. This child was give 2DAYS of OSS with 1 DAY of ISS for giving his opinion on a topic very dear to the teacher. Now if you cant express your opinion in a class asking for it than where the hell can you..

The teacher has a poster on the wall of 2 men kissing and tells his students that is the world you live in deal with it!!!!!

I am trying to locate the article...

Here we go


When the teacher overheard Ary’s comment, he was written up and sent to the principal’s office. The discipline referral form says the comment was out of context, even though the lesson for the day was on religious beliefs. The teacher charged Ary with "possible bullying" and said, "It is wrong to make such a statement in public school."

"Just because you walk through the schoolhouse doors doesn't mean you shed your First Amendment rights,” says Matthew Krause, litigation counsel for Liberty Counsel, who along with Dakota's mom, Holly Pope, met with school administrators Wednesday morning. “Dakota wasn't disrupting class. He wasn't bullying or harassing anybody. He was just stating his personal opinion on a topic somebody else brought up and in a civil and respectful manner."
Noteworthy is the fact this same teacher last week displayed a picture of two men kissing on a "World Wall" and told the students that homosexuality is becoming more prevalent in the world and that they should just accept it. Many of the students were offended by the teacher's actions and his continually bringing up the topic of homosexuality in a German language class.

09-24-2011, 03:35 PM
There is a larger article about this that was posted a couple of days ago. In a nut shell the "teacher" uses his class to push the homosexual agenda, that is what was being discussed in the "German language" class at the time. The student said that with his religious beliefs he felt homosexuality was wrong. The teacher who I am going to assume is gay due to the information in the other article, lost it and marched the child to the office and demanded he be suspended for disruption of class. After the child was sent home and further investigation calmer and saner heads prevailed. This child was give 2DAYS of OSS with 1 DAY of ISS for giving his opinion on a topic very dear to the teacher. Now if you cant express your opinion in a class asking for it than where the hell can you..

The teacher has a poster on the wall of 2 men kissing and tells his students that is the world you live in deal with it!!!!!

I am trying to locate the article...

Here we go


WHy is the school allowing teachers to have posters of ANYONE kissing, especially one that is making a political statement.

09-24-2011, 03:37 PM
WHy is the school allowing teachers to have posters of ANYONE kissing, especially one that is making a political statement.You tell me brother!?!?!?!? This teacher has an agenda and that is all there is to this story. He is trying to intimidate the students into listening to his indoctrination...

maybe because the last people in the US that can be vilified are white middle class Christians

09-24-2011, 03:40 PM
There is a larger article about this that was posted a couple of days ago. In a nut shell the "teacher" uses his class to push the homosexual agenda, that is what was being discussed in the "German language" class at the time. The student said that with his religious beliefs he felt homosexuality was wrong. The teacher who I am going to assume is gay due to the information in the other article, lost it and marched the child to the office and demanded he be suspended for disruption of class. After the child was sent home and further investigation calmer and saner heads prevailed. This child was give 2DAYS of OSS with 1 DAY of ISS for giving his opinion on a topic very dear to the teacher. Now if you cant express your opinion in a class asking for it than where the hell can you..

The teacher has a poster on the wall of 2 men kissing and tells his students that is the world you live in deal with it!!!!!

I am trying to locate the article...

Here we go


The irony is that my buddy hector just saw this article, is gay, and is angry at the teacher. A quick chat with my dad, also gay, and he's calling bullshit on the teacher for that as well. Their arguments basically break down to the fact that a German language class was not the place for a discussion about homosexuality, and rubbing it in the kids faces, especially in a place like TX where the crowd is very much more conservative, is just adding insult to the whole run.

09-24-2011, 03:42 PM
That's about my stance on it. ISS seems a little extreme, but on the other hand, schools don't have a lot of options when it comes to discipline. In my day if you talked in class without permission you got your ass busted by the teacher. That is pretty much off the table now.

for me, you might score detention, or in one memorable one, my physics teacher had a student stand at the front of the class and hold a pen horizontally between index fingers with his arms stretched out at shoulder height for the class.

09-24-2011, 03:43 PM
You tell me brother!?!?!?!? This teacher has an agenda and that is all there is to this story. He is trying to intimidate the students into listening to his indoctrination...

maybe because the last people in the US that can be vilified are white middle class Christians

I have been saying that for about two years now. Christians are the last group that it is considered acceptable to attack in the US.

I know at the school I'm on the board of that teacher would have been given ONE warning to get rid of that poster.

09-24-2011, 03:52 PM
“We were talking about religions in Germany. I said, ‘I’m a Christian. I think being a homosexual is wrong,’” he said. “It wasn’t directed to anyone except my friend who was sitting behind me. I guess [the teacher] heard me. He started yelling. He told me he was going to write me an infraction and send me to the office.”

I read the article and all it implies is they were talking about religions in germany......the kid somewhere decided to say he's a christian and gay is wrong, no where did that article say the teacher is gay or talked about gays at all, the kid seems to have brought the gay issue up under the guise of religion. Why are they teaching about religion in public school is my question not that I have a problem with I just though they arent allowed to.

09-24-2011, 03:57 PM
I read the article and all it implies is they were talking about religions in germany......the kid somewhere decided to say he's a christian and gay is wrong, no where did that article say the teacher is gay or talked about gays at all, the kid seems to have brought the gay issue up under the guise of religion. Why are they teaching about religion in public school is my question not that I have a problem with I just though they arent allowed to.

You're allowed to talk about religion as it applies to historical or anthropological studies.

09-24-2011, 03:59 PM
You're allowed to talk about religion as it applies to historical or anthropological studies.

oh so the gay thing had no relevance except the kid took an opportunity to bring it up.

09-24-2011, 04:21 PM
oh so the gay thing had no relevance except the kid took an opportunity to bring it up.

We just don't know. If the teacher has a poster of two queers kissing on his wall, I am going to assume that he probably brings the subject up to his students. IMO if you bring it up, you don't then get to cry foul when a student voices his opinion that it is wrong.

But no, that poster , if it is really there, has NO business being in a classroom.

09-24-2011, 04:27 PM
We just don't know. If the teacher has a poster of two queers kissing on his wall, I am going to assume that he probably brings the subject up to his students. IMO if you bring it up, you don't then get to cry foul when a student voices his opinion that it is wrong.

But no, that poster , if it is really there, has NO business being in a classroom.

oh i didnt see that in the original article about the teacher having aposter of two men kissing.

09-24-2011, 06:44 PM
I've had a few drinks here folks so please point me in the direction of the teacher's name. I missed it. I know the student's name.

09-24-2011, 07:40 PM
Although I am in total agreement with the many here that have posted concerning the lack of 1st amendment rights of students in a public school, I am also in agreement there are far too few verifiable facts being reported to justify an opinion other than this simply appears to be more fearmongering from the religious right and right wing rags. If the truth ain't bad enough to justify your bullshit just make up something is modem operandi of all those that pretend to be journalists but insist on maintaining their agendas, right or wrong, lie or not.

Do some source checking and some more penetrating investigation on your own, my friends. Especially when it comes to what appears on it's face to be overblown if not total bullshit.


09-24-2011, 07:53 PM
Although I am in total agreement with the many here that have posted concerning the lack of 1st amendment rights of students in a public school, I am also in agreement there are far too few verifiable facts being reported to justify an opinion other than this simply appears to be more fearmongering from the religious right and right wing rags. If the truth ain't bad enough to justify your bullshit just make up something is modem operandi of all those that pretend to be journalists but insist on maintaining their agendas, right or wrong, lie or not.

Do some source checking and some more penetrating investigation on your own, my friends. Especially when it comes to what appears on it's face to be overblown if not total bullshit.


That's why the second article was posted to the thread, to clear things up a bit, since it was better investigated, apparently.

09-24-2011, 07:54 PM
Although I am in total agreement with the many here that have posted concerning the lack of 1st amendment rights of students in a public school, I am also in agreement there are far too few verifiable facts being reported to justify an opinion other than this simply appears to be more fearmongering from the religious right and right wing rags. If the truth ain't bad enough to justify your bullshit just make up something is modem operandi of all those that pretend to be journalists but insist on maintaining their agendas, right or wrong, lie or not.

Do some source checking and some more penetrating investigation on your own, my friends. Especially when it comes to what appears on it's face to be overblown if not total bullshit.


Oh shut up. The teacher is CLEARLY a liberal and no matter how you slice it, he acted poorly himself all the way around.

09-24-2011, 08:01 PM
That's why the second article was posted to the thread, to clear things up a bit, since it was better investigated, apparently.

I appreciated the 2nd article, DS72, but it appears to me to be as tainted as much as the first one. Too much biased and unreliable reporting/information IMHO.


09-24-2011, 08:16 PM
Oh shut up. The teacher is CLEARLY a liberal and no matter how you slice it, he acted poorly himself all the way around.

Who the fuck are you to tell me to "shut up" or that this teacher is clearly a "liberal", ch? I'm generally allowed to speak my mind on this board or are you, as a dickhead dumbass overbearing asshole conservative, trying to write board rules on your own? This teacher may or not be gay. As a teacher in Texas he is more than likely to be conservative. Possibly he may be gay but a card carrying Abraham Lincoln imitating Log Cabin Republican. Homosexuality in and of itself has no religion or political party but is more a conglomeration/representative of all parts of society. As is always the case, when these questionable issues come up it's more likely that the freaks/reichwingers will expose themselves for the hateful and willfully ignorant fools that they are.

You make a lot of dumbass assumptions, ch!!!!!!!!



09-24-2011, 08:28 PM
I appreciated the 2nd article, DS72, but it appears to me to be as tainted as much as the first one. Too much biased and unreliable reporting/information IMHO.


Which part was unreliable in the 2nd article, or biased? It seemed pretty straight forward form the point, and was more specifically in-depth.

09-24-2011, 08:34 PM
Who the fuck are you to tell me to "shut up" or that this teacher is clearly a "liberal", ch? I'm generally allowed to speak my mind on this board or are you, as a dickhead dumbass overbearing asshole conservative, trying to write board rules on your own? This teacher may or not be gay. As a teacher in Texas he is more than likely to be conservative. Possibly he may be gay but a card carrying Abraham Lincoln imitating Log Cabin Republican. Homosexuality in and of itself has no religion or political party but is more a conglomeration/representative of all parts of society. As is always the case, when these questionable issues come up it's more likely that the freaks/reichwingers will expose themselves for the hateful and willfully ignorant fools that they are.

You make a lot of dumbass assumptions, ch!!!!!!!!



Of course you can speak your mind (well within Jim's good graces) on this board, just as I can tell your dumb ass to shut up.

Care to point me to a single conservative hanging a poster of two guys kissing up ANYWHERE and telling people to deal with it?

09-25-2011, 11:32 AM
From the perspective of someone who often makes decisions regarding upholding suspensions.

The kid apparently turned around and was talking to his friend, it wasn't part of the general class discussion. That right there is a no no, children aren't allowed to have side discussions in a class, even if the class is a discussion type class.

Second, why was homosexuality brought up at all? Was the teacher discussing homosexuality and the kid just responded, or did he just blurt out that the thinks homosexuality is wrong completely out of the blue? if it was the former I would want to know why the teacher brought homosexuality into the discussion to begin with if it was the latter I question why the child felt it was appropriate to mention it.

In EITHER case, a teacher has of course complete discretion as to what may or may not be discussed in a classroom, AND the teacher is not the one who makes suspension decisions, not at any school that I know of anyway, so I would want much more information before declaring that the school acted wrong.

In the big picture though, children do NOT have complete freedom of speech in schools though. That is of course well documented.

A short comment to a student sitting right behind you should never result in a 2 day suspension.
Unless it is about committing violence.

09-25-2011, 11:34 AM
Oh shut up. The teacher is CLEARLY a liberal and no matter how you slice it, he acted poorly himself all the way around.

Now thats funny, telling someone to SHUT UP during a discussion of free speech rights.

09-25-2011, 01:59 PM
A short comment to a student sitting right behind you should never result in a 2 day suspension.
Unless it is about committing violence.

We have FAR too facts to determine if the punishment was overkill or not.

09-25-2011, 04:21 PM
We have FAR too facts to determine if the punishment was overkill or not.

Thats very True. However, I think for discussions sake, we can give our opinion based on the facts at hand, and when and if more info comes to light, we can adjust our opinion if needed, well, some of us can :) , besides, I doubt if we ever get the full story on anything.

09-25-2011, 04:34 PM
Thats very True. However, I think for discussions sake, we can give our opinion based on the facts at hand, and when and if more info comes to light, we can adjust our opinion if needed, well, some of us can :) , besides, I doubt if we ever get the full story on anything.

I doubt we will either. We'll just get enough soundbites to piss off the loons on either side.

Would I suspend a student for 2 days for talking in class? No of course not, but on the other hand like I said earlier in the thread, parents have largely taken other forms of punishment out of school's hands. Back in my day if you talked out loud in class the punishment was , and this always made a lot of sense NOT, you got to sit in a classroom during lunch and write " I will not talk in class" a hundred times or some such nonsense. And if you skipped that, then you got you ass busted. Well now, schools definitely can't paddle. And if you make a kid sit in a classroom over his/her lunch break the parents raise holy hell. So what do schools do with kids who misbehave?

And obviously with THAT discussion we are talking about much more than just this one case.

09-26-2011, 12:57 AM
Which part was unreliable in the 2nd article, or biased? It seemed pretty straight forward form the point, and was more specifically in-depth.

I think about all the article demonstrated was a very clear bias, DS72. It's written by an obviously only casually interested reporter and posted in a Holy Roller rag. I'm pretty sure it's not straight forward at all and definitely not in-depth.


09-26-2011, 01:44 AM
Under what authority does this teacher introduce religion in a German language class, composed of underclassmen no less. I could understand if it was a Hebrew class, or some other language inextricably linked to a specific religion. I had 4 years of Spanish in HS, which I think carries certain bias toward Catholicism, and never once remember religion being in the lesson. We would sing Esta son las mananitas, a birthday song, but never Feliz navidad. I think the teacher invited the comment, unnecessarily, by introducing religion where it didn't serve the primary mission of teaching students German.

So far as free speech in a school language class, my teachers always allowed us to speak freely, so long as it was in Spanish. Though I do remember sexual habits and innuendo, specifically those involving borregos (meaning:sheep):laugh:, being banned from class discussions and performances; but even that arose b/c of repeated and increasingly overzealous expressions, and not a knee-jerk response to commentary.

red states rule
09-26-2011, 02:46 AM
I appreciated the 2nd article, DS72, but it appears to me to be as tainted as much as the first one. Too much biased and unreliable reporting/information IMHO.


IOW way to many facts showing the teachers is pushing a liberal agenda in the classroom and passing off his opinions as facts. When the teacher hears the student disagreeing with those opinions the teachers send the kid to the office for punishment

red states rule
09-26-2011, 02:54 AM
Under what authority does this teacher introduce religion in a German language class, composed of underclassmen no less. I could understand if it was a Hebrew class, or some other language inextricably linked to a specific religion. I had 4 years of Spanish in HS, which I think carries certain bias toward Catholicism, and never once remember religion being in the lesson. We would sing Esta son las mananitas, a birthday song, but never Feliz navidad. I think the teacher invited the comment, unnecessarily, by introducing religion where it didn't serve the primary mission of teaching students German.

So far as free speech in a school language class, my teachers always allowed us to speak freely, so long as it was in Spanish. Though I do remember sexual habits and innuendo, specifically those involving borregos (meaning:sheep):laugh:, being banned from class discussions and performances; but even that arose b/c of repeated and increasingly overzealous expressions, and not a knee-jerk response to commentary.

This is not the first time liberal teachers have used the classroom to teach their liberal views as facts

I rememebr well the case of Jay Bennish who taught geography and called Bush Hitler, and pushed his anti Bush views on his students.

However one student recorded one of his rants and the tape made it to a local radio station

An Overland High School geography teacher was put on leave Wednesday while Cherry Creek Schools investigates whether he violated district policy that requires balanced viewpoints in the classroom.

Jay Bennish, who teaches 10th grade world geography, is being investigated for making biased, anti-President Bush comments in class during a discussion of the State of the Union speech last month.

“These are serious allegations and we’re very concerned about it,” said Tustin Amole, spokeswoman for Cherry Creek Schools. “This does not reflect the type of teaching that we want to see in Cherry Creek school district.”

Bennish could not be reached for comment Wednesday night.

On Feb. 1, Bennish, who has been at Overland High School since the fall of 2000, had a discussion in his class about the State of the Union address.

Sean Allen, a student in the class, taped the discussion, in which Bennish made a number of unfavorable comments about Bush that upset Allen’s father.
