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View Full Version : 46% of Americans Favour Recognizing Palestine; 65% Want to Stay Out of It

09-24-2011, 12:54 PM
This according to a Pew poll, as reported by Polling Report (http://www.pollingreport.com/israel.htm)


"Do you think the United States should or should not recognize Palestine as an independent nation?"



Should not





So where do you stand: Peaceful 2-state solution? Or should we leave them at the mercy of the occupying forces and then act surprised when they use whatever means available to them to fight back?

09-24-2011, 01:11 PM
This according to a Pew poll, as reported by Polling Report (http://www.pollingreport.com/israel.htm)


"Do you think the United States should or should not recognize Palestine as an independent nation?"



Should not





So where do you stand: Peaceful 2-state solution? Or should we leave them at the mercy of the occupying forces and then act surprised when they use whatever means available to them to fight back?

37% of Americans can't even locate our country on a map, so I put little stock in what they think on matters of import. And yes I know this survey is 3 years old, but we both know that Americans haven't suddenly became smarter since then.

Washington, D.C. -- According to a Gallup/Harris poll released Monday, a full 37 percent of American citizens are incapable of identifying their home country on a map of the United States.

09-24-2011, 01:18 PM
37% of Americans can't even locate our country on a map, so I put little stock in what they think on matters of import. And yes I know this survey is 3 years old, but we both know that Americans haven't suddenly became smarter since then.

Washington, D.C. -- According to a Gallup/Harris poll released Monday, a full 37 percent of American citizens are incapable of identifying their home country on a map of the United States.

Editor's note: This post is a satire.


09-25-2011, 01:05 AM
No. I favour the two-state solution, but this is not the time (please explain when it ever will be)

When the Palestinians build the necessary functions and institutions of effective government and are able to live peacefully with their neighbors.

09-25-2011, 01:35 AM
No. I favour the two-state solution, but this is not the time (please explain when it ever will be)

When the Palestinians build the necessary functions and institutions of effective government and are able to live peacefully with their neighbors.

Agree, with the caveat that they agree that the borders that are set, are set. Sticking point. Note that isn't the 'right of return' as the leadership has already stated the same as Israel did regarding those. The population would be too high. Problem.

09-25-2011, 02:38 AM
No. I favour the two-state solution, but this is not the time (please explain when it ever will be)

When the Palestinians build the necessary functions and institutions of effective government and are able to live peacefully with their neighbors.

so you want them to have a government before they even have a country ???

09-25-2011, 05:36 AM
No. I favour the two-state solution, but this is not the time (please explain when it ever will be)

When the Palestinians build the necessary functions and institutions of effective government and are able to live peacefully with their neighbors.

What institutions are they lacking that you'd have them put together before they're even allowed to truly govern themselves instead of being ruled under a Zionist-controlled bureaucracy? And what neighbor do they any problems with who isn't building illegal settlements on their lands and bulldozing their homes?

09-25-2011, 10:00 AM
so you want them to have a government before they even have a country ???

They have a form of government now do they not?

What institutions are they lacking that you'd have them put together before they're even allowed to truly govern themselves instead of being ruled under a Zionist-controlled bureaucracy? And what neighbor do they any problems with who isn't building illegal settlements on their lands and bulldozing their homes?

They are not building institutions that result in the freedoms of its own people. Freedom is what will lead to a peaceful existence rather than roiling up the populace to distract from their own failures of leadership.

09-25-2011, 11:48 AM
Not giving an answer because I know I know nowhere near enough about the situation. But inknow it's is the general concencus that a two state solution is the wy to move forward, so I'd defer to them.

09-25-2011, 02:07 PM
They are not building institutions that result in the freedoms of its own people.

What institutions, exactly, do you want them to build in the middle of an occupation and ongoing invasion? Oh yeah, there's also a blockade (you know, an act of war under international law) which denies the Palestinians (among other things) building materials necessary to develop meaningful infrastructure, restrictions on travel, and and the refusal of education to Palestinian children (as well as to ethnic minorities within Israel).

Freedom is what will lead to a peaceful existence

Agreed. But the Zionists don't think that way and have no intention of ending the oppression of the Palestinians.

09-25-2011, 05:05 PM
They have a form of government now do they not?

They are not building institutions that result in the freedoms of its own people. Freedom is what will lead to a peaceful existence rather than roiling up the populace to distract from their own failures of leadership.

institultions will result in the freedom of its own people ???, i think the one who is responsible for taking away their freedom and land is the occupier, not the some sort of government you are talking about.

so until they build another sort of government that can satisfy you, you will be okay with the illegal settlements that israel builds on the palestinain occupied lands, and you will be okay with the ongoing occupation ?

09-25-2011, 06:38 PM
What institutions, exactly, do you want them to build in the middle of an occupation and ongoing invasion? Oh yeah, there's also a blockade (you know, an act of war under international law) which denies the Palestinians (among other things) building materials necessary to develop meaningful infrastructure, restrictions on travel, and and the refusal of education to Palestinian children (as well as to ethnic minorities within Israel).

Agreed. But the Zionists don't think that way and have no intention of ending the oppression of the Palestinians.

I'm amazed that you think so little of the Palestinians that they are unable to build a society that rewards freedom and encourages economic growth and focuses attention on bettering their society and not focused on the destruction of their "occupier." Apparently I think they are more capable than you think they are.

institultions will result in the freedom of its own people ???, i think the one who is responsible for taking away their freedom and land is the occupier, not the some sort of government you are talking about.

so until they build another sort of government that can satisfy you, you will be okay with the illegal settlements that israel builds on the palestinain occupied lands, and you will be okay with the ongoing occupation ?

Is economic growth encouraged and fostered? Or do they essentially have the same form of corrupt governments that occupy most of the African continent, not to mention many other parts of the world? I think the same sort of thing needs to happen in your own country, the well being of a people is dependent on their own government.

09-29-2011, 05:36 PM
This according to a Pew poll, as reported by Polling Report (http://www.pollingreport.com/israel.htm)


"Do you think the United States should or should not recognize Palestine as an independent nation?"



Should not






So where do you stand: Peaceful 2-state solution? Or should we leave them at the mercy of the occupying forces and then act surprised when they use whatever means available to them to fight back?

Palestine, as it currently exists should NOT be recognized as a sovereign nation. It is a bunch of Arabs who when given the chance, chose to be recognized to the world by a government comprised of an internationally recognized terrorist organization. IMO, they had their chance and blew it.

09-29-2011, 06:03 PM
Palestine, as it currently exists should NOT be recognized as a sovereign nation. It is a bunch of Arabs who when given the chance, chose to be recognized to the world by a government comprised of an internationally recognized terrorist organization. IMO, they had their chance and blew it.

Yep, my bet is that 42% assumed that conditions were met for Palestinians to get that state. It's been offered how many times?

09-29-2011, 06:15 PM
Yep, my bet is that 42% assumed that conditions were met for Palestinians to get that state. It's been offered how many times?

Same old story. J.T and his ilk want to identify with "the victim" without evening knowing who "the victim" is. A bunch of Jews nobody -- Europe, the Soviets, the US -- wanted, with leftover weapons were given a chunk of land nobody wanted and didn't really matter. Then they had to fight the Arab Nation to keep it. Along comes an Egyptian terrorist calling himself a "Palestinian" and suddenly there are NO rules. Got to say one thing for longevity and the J.T crowd, they gave the Grandaddy of all modern-day Arab terrorists, Yasir Arafat, the Nobel Peace Prize.

These people are not Palestinians. They're Arabs. They lived in a state within Transjordan. By our standards (we are Americans), that would actually make them transjordanians, right? Oh, and Arabs are free to traverse the entire Arab Nation at will. Had the parents or grandparents of today's whiny terrorists got on with it and gotten jobs back when, this wouldn't be an issue.

Yet J.T will come along in awhile or a few days and post the same old BS with a different title like he never has been spanked each and every time on the topic.

09-30-2011, 03:42 PM
Three times Israel has offered them land, recognition of a Palestinian sate, and peace.

And three times the Palestinians walked away from it.

09-30-2011, 03:48 PM
Three times Israel has offered them land, recognition of a Palestinian sate, and peace.

And three times the Palestinians walked away from it.

Because then they could no longer be the victim of the meal old Zionists and might actually have to take responsibility for their own plight.

10-07-2011, 04:57 AM
Three times Israel has offered them land, recognition of a Palestinian sate, and peace.

And three times the Palestinians walked away from it.

Peace would mean all these idiots making a living off of war would have to get real jobs. That would mean work. Can't have THAT.