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View Full Version : 'L-Word' star kisses girl, gets escorted off plane for kissing

09-27-2011, 08:12 AM
She's on FB complaining to the world that the Airline is homophobic , she was discriminated against & a bunch of other crap. The truth is, passengers complained about their excessive kissing and show of affection. I've flown a shitload of times, airplanes are really not places for making out. There are old people, children and others just wanting to travel. They were asked to stop and I'll guarantee you that rather than comply they immediately made a fuss and refused, hence being lead off the plane. I say, too fucking bad to them. And you know what, I would say the same if the Airline had done the same to a normal couple.

A lesbian actress who starred in "The L-Word" said she kissed a girl — and got escorted off of a Southwest Airlines flight on Monday for doing it.

Leisha Hailey took to Twitter to call for a boycott of the carrier after a flight attendant told them other passengers had complained after witnessing the affection.

Her first tweet said: "I have been discriminated against." She later added, "Since when is showing affection to someone you love illegal?"

Southwest Airlines Co. responded on its website that Hailey was approached "based solely on behavior and not gender." The airline's four-sentence response said passengers were characterizing the behavior as excessive.

A discussion followed on the flight, and the airline said it "escalated to a level that was better resolved on the ground."


09-27-2011, 08:16 AM
Frankly, I'm sick of these people. Being a "minority" does NOT give you license to break the rules and then whine that it's discrimination when you get busted.

I'm with the people on the plane. I don't want to see that shit, I don't want to see two straight people making out. What's wrong with keeping that shit in private? My wife is the uber hot, yet somehow in 7 years of knowing her I've managed to not grope, or fondle her in public. If I can do it, so can a lesbian.

09-27-2011, 08:32 AM
What's wrong with keeping that shit in private? My wife is the uber hot, yet somehow in 7 years of knowing her I've managed to not grope, or fondle her in public. If I can do it, so can a lesbian.
That's called propriety and decorum, something this hedonist lesbian cannot comprehend apparently.

09-28-2011, 07:58 AM
it's an invasion of the privacy of the airplane seat.......

09-28-2011, 07:05 PM
She's just the embodiment of the attitudes of a lot of gays... they're gay and the world owes them... and the rest of us are supposed to genuflect and kiss their rears... whatever they want, they think they deserve and we should contort ourselves to give it to them... it will always be something with this group of people.. no matter what rights they have, it will always be lacking.... they will be complaining that they are an oppressed minority....

09-28-2011, 07:16 PM
She's just the embodiment of the attitudes of a lot of gays... they're gay and the world owes them... and the rest of us are supposed to genuflect and kiss their rears... whatever they want, they think they deserve and we should contort ourselves to give it to them... it will always be something with this group of people.. no matter what rights they have, it will always be lacking.... they will be complaining that they are an oppressed minority....

Yep. That's what I said about letting them go to churches and get married if they want. That wouldn't be good enough. They want YOUR church to have to "marry" them as well.