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05-14-2007, 12:41 PM
I can't believe it, but I tweaked my back this weekend. This has happened before, probably a decade or so ago. My parents are remodeling (dad is in the ME, so all has stopped) and we slept on an airmattress. Nice one, those fancy tall ones from Costco (beware, if you are bigger than say, 5'8, the bed is not so good. Anyways, the mattress was cold, even with the mattress cover and Sat I fixed things around the house (not of course being worked on) that my Mom wanted fixed (not mothers day, but mother's "weekend") LOL, love my mom. And then last night my back froze up, mid back and today, can hardly move. I took meds, but, unless I keep a certain postition, PAIN.

Any advice or similar experiences?

05-14-2007, 01:49 PM
1. Foam mattress, with a sleep position where your back is straight (on my side with the bottom knee bent works for me).
2. Advils or generic.
3. Exercise to gain strength and flexibility in the affected muscles.

05-14-2007, 05:14 PM
Go to the drug store and get a back brace to wear. It keeps the muscles in place.

Mr. P
05-14-2007, 05:47 PM
I can't believe it, but I tweaked my back this weekend. This has happened before, probably a decade or so ago. My parents are remodeling (dad is in the ME, so all has stopped) and we slept on an airmattress. Nice one, those fancy tall ones from Costco (beware, if you are bigger than say, 5'8, the bed is not so good. Anyways, the mattress was cold, even with the mattress cover and Sat I fixed things around the house (not of course being worked on) that my Mom wanted fixed (not mothers day, but mother's "weekend") LOL, love my mom. And then last night my back froze up, mid back and today, can hardly move. I took meds, but, unless I keep a certain postition, PAIN.

Any advice or similar experiences?

Man, back pain is the worst pain I've ever had in my life!!! Down for three days years ago, I couldn't stand straight and could hardly get out of bed to hit the toilet..All that helped was pain med an muscle relaxers.

Good luck..I do 'feel your pain'.

05-14-2007, 06:05 PM
Heavy drinking cures all.