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View Full Version : It's time to get Tipsi fixed. Fixed? WTF?

09-29-2011, 10:59 AM
It sure doesn't take long to just fall completely in love with an animal that so immediately falls in love with you, does it? Tipsi's mother gave her and all her brothers and sisters up at 4 weeks and 1 day. I picked her up that day and I immediately understood. She had very small fishbone like teeth and mama dog said hell no!!!! Tipsi was born on April 13, 2011. They tell me she is ready to be "fixed". God, I hate it. Isn't it natural for a female to experience an overwhelming desire to bear offspring? I guess I'll do the urban thing and get her "fixed" but for chissake I hate it for her. She is such a joy for my wife and me.


09-29-2011, 12:18 PM
Oh dear God, you have a dog named Tipsy?

09-30-2011, 10:51 AM
It sure doesn't take long to just fall completely in love with an animal that so immediately falls in love with you, does it? Tipsi's mother gave her and all her brothers and sisters up at 4 weeks and 1 day. I picked her up that day and I immediately understood. She had very small fishbone like teeth and mama dog said hell no!!!! Tipsi was born on April 13, 2011. They tell me she is ready to be "fixed". God, I hate it. Isn't it natural for a female to experience an overwhelming desire to bear offspring? I guess I'll do the urban thing and get her "fixed" but for chissake I hate it for her. She is such a joy for my wife and me.


still waiting for pictures of your little darlin:salute:

10-17-2011, 12:27 AM
still waiting for pictures of your little darlin:salute:

I'm sorry for not getting them, chloe. I certainly have the equipment and now the knowledge. I am just a jerk for not doing so. But let me let you in on a very cute story. My wife was never a real "close" mother to our children. She took care of them very well but she never was the "loving" mother that my mother was. It's pretty much the same in our marriage. We love each other deeply and now our love deepens with every day. It hasn't always been so. I don't want to bore you with all that. But, this little dog is her baby. We go to bed at night and Tipsi falls into her arms and sleeps all night. I can't imagine anything like that ever happening with our kids. There is not a waking moment in our house that my wife is not totally concerned with where and what this little dog is doing. And Tipsi is the same with her. My contentment in these circumstances is beyond words.
