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View Full Version : Letterman

10-05-2011, 12:33 AM
The left spends and inordinate amount of time hammering Fox News, ignorantly going after op-eds and trying to say they are reported as news yet I never here them say one word about that fool, Letterman. If he and Brian Williams had given each other hand jobs on the set I wouldn't have been surprised.

The latest case of wasting an hour of my life I'll never get back was actually watching his show last night. I don't think he managed to say one sentence without taking some underhanded shot at the right/GOP. Oh, and not to mention he had to get a dig in on Bill OReilly. He actually can be funny. Too bad he's stupid. And guess who his guest was tonight that I didn't tune in for? George Clooney (who will never make another dime off of me). Shocker, huh?

Rant over.