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View Full Version : Attack Marco Rubio Unify GOP Candidates

10-05-2011, 05:01 AM
Just when it looked like there was too much bloodletting; the Spanish speaking outlet tried to force a quid pro quo, it backfired:


Herman, Cain, Rick Perry, Jon Huntsman, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney to boycott Univision debate over Rubio report Five Republican presidential candidates are boycotting a proposed Univision debate due to allegations that the Spanish-language media giant tried to strongarm Sen. Marco Rubio, a vice-presidential shortlister, with a controversial story about a relative.

Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Jon Huntsman and Michele Bachmann all issued statements saying that Univision needed to make amends before they would appear at the debate, tentatively scheduled for two days before Florida's Jan. 31 primary.

The five made their separate announcements throughout the day at the behest of three Florida Hispanic Republican lawmakers who noted that the senator’s office and Univision insiders said Univision publicized an embarrassing story about Rubio’s brother in law because he wouldn’t sit down for an interview on the show Al Punto, which has espoused a liberal line on the hot-topic of immigration...

Read more: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2011/10/perry-and-huntsman-boycott-univision-debate-over-rubio-report.html#ixzz1ZtrgBpPW