View Full Version : How Many Ways To Lie? Or DP and I Hate Politics

10-08-2011, 03:55 PM
Another point of order. A riot isn't a peaceful demonstration simply because YOU declare it so. Also , as much as you prefer they didn't. I happen to think the police are obligated to watch over such a large event to make sure things don't get out of hand. As much to protect the "protesters" as to protect society from them.

Oh, one other thing. Your plan of using large words in order to try to make yourself look more intelligent than you are is clearly backfiring. Half the time you use the wrong words, and the other half of the time you use them in ways that just don't make sense. Your posting MIGHT be more effective if you just tried to post your opinions without trying to impress anyone with a fake eloquence.

And the peaceful demonstrations aren't riots just because YOU declare it so. The cops in NYC went way over board to stifle freedom of speech and society was NEVER under any threat from the protesters except in the twisted, weak and paranoid minds of a very few reichwing bullies. Fearmongering at it's best.

Oh, one other thing. If my vocabulary is intimidating you I suggest you get yourself an eighth grade education or possibly an elementary dictionary. Now, point out some of that back-firing bullshit you're claiming. I do make mistakes as good writing is not easy. But I often re-read and re-write at least sufficiently, in my mind, to suit the intended audience. I never intended to have a fucktard like you reading anything that I may write.



10-08-2011, 04:03 PM
And the peaceful demonstrations aren't riots just because YOU declare it so. The cops in NYC went way over board to stifle freedom of speech and society was NEVER under any threat from the protesters except in the twisted, weak and paranoid minds of a very few reichwing bullies. Fearmongering at it's best.

Unless you seek out other venues than the idiots that speak to the liberal/democrats. The "protesters" are editing videos, and in reality many of the cases they are provoking the police and attacking them. Here's a video of your fellow idiots even counting down before they attempt to attack the police, before the cops rightfully smash around a shitload of these dipshits with clubs. Does my aging heart well to see instigators getting a club upside the head!!

<object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value="http://www.liveleak.com/e/6f0_1318015121"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.liveleak.com/e/6f0_1318015121" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="always" width="450" height="370"></embed></object>

10-08-2011, 04:05 PM
And the peaceful demonstrations aren't riots just because YOU declare it so. The cops in NYC went way over board to stifle freedom of speech and society was NEVER under any threat from the protesters except in the twisted, weak and paranoid minds of a very few reichwing bullies. Fearmongering at it's best.

Oh, one other thing. If my vocabulary is intimidating you I suggest you get yourself an eighth grade education or possibly an elementary dictionary. Now, point out some of that back-firing bullshit you're claiming. I do make mistakes as good writing is not easy. But I often re-read and re-write at least sufficiently, in my mind, to suit the intended audience. I never intended to have a fucktard like you reading anything that I may write.



Sticking with just one point. Would you like to compare curriculum vitae with me?

Here, I'll start

Bachelor's History College of the Ozark
Bachelor's Library Science College of the Ozarks
Bachelor's History Georgia Tech
Master's History University of Arkansas

PhD Kicking Ass US Army

your turn

10-08-2011, 04:11 PM
PhD Kicking Ass US Army

If memory serves me correctly, PB has served in 3 out of the 4 branches and has put in some time in every war since WWI. I'm sure he'll correct me with another cool story though! :coffee:

10-08-2011, 04:18 PM
If memory serves me correctly, PB has served in 3 out of the 4 branches and has put in some time in every war since WWI. I'm sure he'll correct me with another cool story though! :coffee:

LOL Reminds me of my mom's grandfather years ago before he passed. He swore up and down that he once pitched in a World Series game between the Cardinals and Royals. FOR BOTH TEAMS. L

10-08-2011, 04:20 PM
If memory serves me correctly, PB has served in 3 out of the 4 branches and has put in some time in every war since WWI. I'm sure he'll correct me with another cool story though! :coffee:

:laugh2: Please don't exaggerate my history, jim. It makes you look so afraid!!!!!!



10-08-2011, 04:21 PM
I never even intimated that you couldn't find a few instances of dumbassedness, jimbo. But how do you know that isn't just another staged event by deranged reichwingers trying to horn in on the media's attention or just create havoc in an otherwise peaceful demonstration of disgust and disdain for Wall Street, our governments involvement with Wall Street and First Amendment rights? I hate to get into the, "well, you did it, too" argument but that's exactly what we hear from reichwingers all the time. Once again, the teabaggers. Do I need to say more?


Hmm, you just now sound suspiciously like the champions of Islam who say that the many instances of terrorist acts committed by Muslims doesn't mean anything, it's just a few trouble makers.

Conversely if you can post a single video of any "teabaggers" committing acts of violence, I'd be happy to condemn them.dddcfffffffx

10-08-2011, 04:31 PM
Sticking with just one point. Would you like to compare curriculum vitae with me?

Here, I'll start

Bachelor's History College of the Ozark
Bachelor's Library Science College of the Ozarks
Bachelor's History Georgia Tech
Master's History University of Arkansas

PhD Kicking Ass US Army

your turn

All that and you complain about not being able to keep up with my very limited vocabulary and writing ability? Wow, you must've been the dumbest fuck in school!!!!!!! I asked your stupid ass to point out some of the "big" or mis-used" or otherwise difficult to understand words or things that I have written. I don't give a flat fuck about your education. Education has nothing whatsoever to say about your intelligence or your ability to grasp even simple things. Without doubt your parents wasted their money sending you to school.


10-08-2011, 04:31 PM
PB your academic credentials?

10-08-2011, 04:32 PM
All that and you complain about not being able to keep up with my very limited vocabulary and writing ability? Wow, you must've been the dumbest fuck in school!!!!!!! I asked your stupid ass to point out some of the "big" or mis-used" or otherwise difficult to understand words or things that I have written. I don't give a flat fuck about your education. Education has nothing whatsoever to say about your intelligence or your ability to grasp even simple things. Without doubt your parents wasted their money sending you to school.


Jim can you move this part to the Steel Cage so we can continue this discussion without derailing the actual topic? Thanks.

10-08-2011, 04:35 PM
I agree with your logic 100%, Psycho. I never made it past the 6th grade and I annihilate you in every discussion/debate we have had for years now. :lol:

I'd like to see where I have claimed that I couldn't understand what the dipshit was saying, oh guess he doesn't read so well since all I ever said was that he tries too hard and it backfires on him.

10-08-2011, 04:45 PM
And how do you know what you claim about the police are not staged and/or edited events by the protesters? I've seen nothing but violence and antagonizing by protesters in EVERY video I've seen thus far but one. I don't think I've seen any instances at all of tea party protesters attacking or antagonizing the police, and where are the hundreds of arrests like is taking place in NY? Face it, it's a bunch of kiddy fucking idiots down there looking for trouble - with a handful of peaceful protesters tossed in.

WTF are you watching? Many in the crowd ARE teabaggers as they share many of the complaints and concerns of the protesters that you seem to despise to the extent you would lie or pass on lies about them. I watch CBS, NBC, ABC, Bloomberg, CNN and a few others and I'm not seeing anything like what you are describing. Yes, you can always cherry pick some idiots to point out but they are NOT representative in any way of the protesters at large or of the concerns of various groups in the protests. This is Amurika, jimbo. Love it or leave it.


10-08-2011, 04:50 PM
I agree with your logic 100%, Psycho. I never made it past the 6th grade and I annihilate you in every discussion/debate we have had for years now. :lol:

Now, that's the old jim that I know and I love the new found spirit!!!!!!!!!!



10-08-2011, 04:56 PM
I'd like to see where I have claimed that I couldn't understand what the dipshit was saying, oh guess he doesn't read so well since all I ever said was that he tries too hard and it backfires on him.

Let me write this real slow and real big so you might be reminded of your own ignorance and what you said to me about your inability to understand. Check your post #6 in this thread.

But, like you I think the subject deserves attention much more than either of our idiocies. You're it.


10-08-2011, 05:29 PM
Let me write this real slow and real big so you might be reminded of your own ignorance and what you said to me about your inability to understand. Check your post #6 in this thread.

But, like you I think the subject deserves attention much more than either of our idiocies. You're it.


You DO understand that there is a difference in not being able to understand things that are gibberish, and not being able to understand things that are written at a high level , don't you? I write at a medium high level, you write gibberish. See the difference?

10-08-2011, 06:57 PM
You DO understand that there is a difference in not being able to understand things that are gibberish, and not being able to understand things that are written at a high level , don't you? I write at a medium high level, you write gibberish. See the difference?

You write at an approximately 5th grade level and you wouldn't know gibberish from the gospel. Don't flatter yourself, ch. You just ain't all that.


10-08-2011, 07:13 PM
You write at an approximately 5th grade level and you wouldn't know gibberish from the gospel. Don't flatter yourself, ch. You just ain't all that.


The ONLY person who believes I write at a 5th grade level , is YOU. I am not concerned.

10-08-2011, 07:19 PM
Logical Fallacy. You attack the messenger as a way to distract from the message / so to avoid addressing the message.

It's like this (this is an EXAMPLE, PB. By "Example" i mean it's a verbal illustration of what your reply is LIKE, it is not saying you said this, okay? Just to be sure, I asked my 9 year old if he understood the difference of 'example' or associative illustration. He understood, so I think you MAY not fly off the handle):

Anybody: "Hitler says the sky is blue"
Psychoblues: "Hitler?? You are quoting HITLER??? Why would you believe such a shitbag??"

You clearly enjoy attacking the source of a message so you don't have to debate the facts contained IN the message.

It's all par for the course around here, *******. If you want to end attacks on the messengers I propose you make it a rule. How do you think you can enforce that? Ann Althouse is still a crazy assed hack and a demonstration is not a riot just because you or she or other hacks may say it is. The teabaggers? Now they had riots and packed heat and tried to intimidate anyone that disagreed with them and they continue to pull their bullying bullshit wherever possible. I may address a legit subject but I refuse to go along with blatant lies from a known hateful hack. I hope this clears up my position with you, dimpals, but I can make it clearer if you still aren't getting it.

I still call bullshit on your kid story. You really ought to be ashamed. And, if you'll start acting like and adult in these regards and conversations I will reconsider my very innocent nicknames for you. You really are the touchy and weak one in this instance. I get called all kinds of names. Sometimes I bitch and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I simply return the name calling but I never ever neg anyone for those infractions. In fact, for all practical purposes I don't neg anyone at all but I have gotten weak on a few occasions and my neg button over rode my better intents and purposes here.


Your above post was ANOTHER logical fallacy. This time, you used the fallacy of 'Red Herring'. Instead of addressing my post you attempt to change the subject.


10-08-2011, 07:21 PM
Your above post was ANOTHER logical fallacy. This time, you used the fallacy of 'Red Herring'. Instead of addressing my post you attempt to change the subject.


Exactly, just like he is scared to death to even touch the issue of what compelling reason could the government provide to take away a person's right to buy screwdrivers through the mail. Instead he tries anything to avoid answering.

10-08-2011, 07:22 PM
The ONLY person who believes I write at a 5th grade level , is YOU. I am not concerned.

Concerned or not, I am qualified to make that observation. You see, I've got a PhD from the College of Hard Knocks.

Dip shit.

Howzabout them purely American protesters? Just where would we be now had we not demanded that right in 1776?


10-08-2011, 07:27 PM
Concerned or not, I am qualified to make that observation. You see, I've got a PhD from the College of Hard Knocks.

Psycho, my dear friend, sue that college for assault as they obviously knocked you in the noggin way too fucking hard and for far too long! :laugh2:

10-08-2011, 07:32 PM
Concerned or not, I am qualified to make that observation. You see, I've got a PhD from the College of Hard Knocks.

Dip shit.

Howzabout them purely American protesters? Just where would we be now had we not demanded that right in 1776?


Yes, and let me inform you of something. EVERY one of those folks would tell you today that they were anything BUT peaceful protestors and that they KNEW what the reaction would be from the British and they did what they did anyway.

You can't name a single founding father who rebelled against the British and then cried like a bitch when the British responded in kind.

Let's debate history PB, you seem to enjoy being slapped about the ears.

10-08-2011, 07:40 PM
Your above post was ANOTHER logical fallacy. This time, you used the fallacy of 'Red Herring'. Instead of addressing my post you attempt to change the subject.


So you don't have any ability to address any of what I said there? I can understand that, for sure.


10-08-2011, 07:45 PM
Exactly, just like he is scared to death to even touch the issue of what compelling reason could the government provide to take away a person's right to buy screwdrivers through the mail. Instead he tries anything to avoid answering.

Not even close, snot nose, not even close. Why do you allow your exaggeration to exceed your intelligence? Oh, you ain't all that smart to begin with.




10-08-2011, 07:47 PM
Psycho, my dear friend, sue that college for assault as they obviously knocked you in the noggin way too fucking hard and for far too long! :laugh2:

Just their freshman syllabus put my ass in the hospital!!!!!



10-08-2011, 07:53 PM
Yes, and let me inform you of something. EVERY one of those folks would tell you today that they were anything BUT peaceful protestors and that they KNEW what the reaction would be from the British and they did what they did anyway.

You can't name a single founding father who rebelled against the British and then cried like a bitch when the British responded in kind.

Let's debate history PB, you seem to enjoy being slapped about the ears.

OMG Your confusion and misunderstandings are enormous, astounding, but mostly pitiful. The fathers did what they did to achieve what we inherited from them. This is the most wonderful government on earth, but it is still far from perfect. I have no clue why you are missing that.


10-08-2011, 07:58 PM
Psycho, my dear friend, sue that college for assault as they obviously knocked you in the noggin way too fucking hard and for far too long! :laugh2:

I dunno, he appears to have received a high degree of cerebral contusion.

10-08-2011, 08:02 PM
OMG Your confusion and misunderstandings are enormous, astounding, but mostly pitiful. The fathers did what they did to achieve what we inherited from them. This is the most wonderful government on earth, but it is still far from perfect. I have no clue why you are missing that.


Where did I say our government was perfect? Link, or this another of your lies?

10-08-2011, 08:54 PM
Where did I say our government was perfect? Link, or this another of your lies?

I'm not gonna chase ol' Shep with you any more in this thread. I've repeatedly kicked your ass to the curb and you keep coming back with something more ridiculous than before. Kath deserves an honest conversation about the protesters, ever how she might view them. I remain convinced the protestors are completely within their rights and 99% peaceful and 100% American. I don't have to agree with every one of them but I do agree that every one of them are exercising their Constitutional rights for public protest and freedom of speech.


10-08-2011, 08:55 PM
I'm not gonna chase ol' Shep with you any more in this thread. I've repeatedly kicked your ass to the curb and you keep coming back with something more ridiculous than before. Kath deserves an honest conversation about the protesters, ever how she might view them. I remain convinced the protestors are completely within their rights and 99% peaceful and 100% American. I don't have to agree with every one of them but I do agree that every one of them are exercising their Constitutional rights for public protest and freedom of speech.


If you're not willing to post links about what posters have said, then don't fucking claim they said things. See how simple that is?

10-08-2011, 09:12 PM
If you're not willing to post links about what posters have said, then don't fucking claim they said things. See how simple that is?

My, my, ch. Are you feeling ok? Are you worried about what "posters" are saying? I see. How does that make you feel?

See how simple that is?


Kath still deserves an honest jamm on this subject. Obviously you ain't up for it.


10-08-2011, 09:57 PM
Another thread I'm jumping out of unless PB either leaves on his own, or his thread banned. Yall enjoy.

10-08-2011, 10:34 PM
Another thread I'm jumping out of unless PB either leaves on his own, or his thread banned. Yall enjoy.

And once again ch jumps out because he can't deal with truth, justice and the American way. I really don't give a rat's ass about ch but if there are any others that would like to discuss the Wall Street Occupiers that are now spreading nationwide even though they are only 19 days old I am happy to indulge you.



10-08-2011, 11:07 PM
Here is something that I think may be useful to this conversation:

<object height="360" width="640">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1_X5NiGJBys&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="360" width="640"></object>

It's pretty cool, if you just think about it.


10-08-2011, 11:35 PM
Here is something that I think may be useful to this conversation:

<OBJECT width="640" height="360">

<EMBED height=360 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=640 src=http://www.youtube.com/v/1_X5NiGJBys&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3 allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></OBJECT>

It's pretty cool, if you just think about it.


Useful? Hardly! Some asshole liberal defining what he thinks the Tea Party stands for. What a useless fucking interview. Guess it's too much to actually ask a Tea Party member what they stand for. It makes spreading the mis-information so much easier though.

Abbey Marie
10-08-2011, 11:42 PM

10-09-2011, 02:04 AM
WTF are you watching? Many in the crowd ARE tea Party members as they share many of the complaints and concerns of the protesters that you seem to despise to the extent you would lie or pass on lies about them. I watch CBS, NBC, ABC, Bloomberg, CNN and a few others and I'm not seeing anything like what you are describing. Yes, you can always cherry pick some idiots to point out but they are NOT representative in any way of the protesters at large or of the concerns of various groups in the protests. This is Amurika, jimbo. Love it or leave it.


Alright, post a video. And make sure you have evidence that the folks causing the violence are tea party members, since that seems to be your assertion here. Otherwise, this is just more talking out of your ass. Every time we see these demonstrations by Occupy Wall Street, we see violent behavior, as well as purposefully baiting the cops while having some jackass videotape it badly. Surely, it should be a simple matter to post it if it so clear to you.

Every time there is even a single Tea Party member acting like an ass, we have to hear about it from you, and here, multiple videos are being shown where your own team are getting completely out of hand, and you just pass it off. Hell, a few times you've gone off on the Tea Party having a moderate reaction to people showing up to intentionally cause trouble at rallies and escorting them out.

As proof, I am a Tea Party member, PB. You call me a teabagger repeatedly, like above, already starting the conversation off on a defensive footing. Grow up, PB, and if your side of argument is so much morally superior, then try showing it in your discussions here. No one makes you write insults into your posts. It's all you on that note.

10-09-2011, 02:11 PM
Alright, post a video. And make sure you have evidence that the folks causing the violence are tea party members, since that seems to be your assertion here. Otherwise, this is just more talking out of your ass. Every time we see these demonstrations by Occupy Wall Street, we see violent behavior, as well as purposefully baiting the cops while having some jackass videotape it badly. Surely, it should be a simple matter to post it if it so clear to you.

Every time there is even a single Tea Party member acting like an ass, we have to hear about it from you, and here, multiple videos are being shown where your own team are getting completely out of hand, and you just pass it off. Hell, a few times you've gone off on the Tea Party having a moderate reaction to people showing up to intentionally cause trouble at rallies and escorting them out.

As proof, I am a Tea Party member, PB. You call me a teabagger repeatedly, like above, already starting the conversation off on a defensive footing. Grow up, PB, and if your side of argument is so much morally superior, then try showing it in your discussions here. No one makes you write insults into your posts. It's all you on that note.

That's a long post. Allow me to give a synopsis if I may.

PB you're al lying douchebag. Grow up.

10-13-2011, 05:35 PM
If memory serves me correctly, PB has served in 3 out of the 4 branches and has put in some time in every war since WWI. I'm sure he'll correct me with another cool story though! :coffee:

Funny you should mention that. I was just questioning the other day when PB did his sympathy thread on 9/11. He claimed he was a Gulf War vet. Last I heard before his return, I could swear he claimed to be a Vietnam vet.

BTW ... I WAS a Boy Scout. I tried like Hell to join the Girl Scouts but for some reason they took issue with this. I just thought the Girl Scouts had more to offer on the camp outs.:laugh:

AND ... I've fit in every war since I got killed at Thermopylae.

10-13-2011, 06:10 PM
Funny you should mention that. I was just questioning the other day when PB did his sympathy thread on 9/11. He claimed he was a Gulf War vet. Last I heard before his return, I could swear he claimed to be a Vietnam vet.

BTW ... I WAS a Boy Scout. I tried like Hell to join the Girl Scouts but for some reason they took issue with this. I just thought the Girl Scouts had more to offer on the camp outs.:laugh:

AND ... I've fit in every war since I got killed at Thermopylae.

This is Sparta!!!!

10-13-2011, 06:50 PM
This is Sparta!!!!

Damn. I KNEW I shouldn't have been a Persian demi-god of war ....:laugh:

10-13-2011, 07:13 PM
Damn. I KNEW I shouldn't have been a Persian demi-god of war ....:laugh:

Turns out PB was at Thermopylae as well, and I have a rare photograph that proves it.


Of course this isn't funny unless you've seen the movie 300.

10-16-2011, 06:36 AM
Turns out PB was at Thermopylae as well, and I have a rare photograph that proves it.


Of course this isn't funny unless you've seen the movie 300.

You kind of messed that up. I'd think the sell-out troll would be more in order .......

10-16-2011, 12:07 PM
You kind of messed that up. I'd think the sell-out troll would be more in order .......

That is the sell out troll isn't it? If not I simply posted the wrong picture because that is who I was referring to.

Awesome movie by the way.