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View Full Version : Hertz Suspends Muslim Drivers for Praying on Company Time

red states rule
10-09-2011, 04:33 AM
and of course the Teamsters union backs the Muslims. Yes, these people think they should be PAID to pray

Thirty-four Muslim drivers for Hertz claimed they were suspended for praying during work hours, but the company contended they were reprimanded for abusing break times.

Backed by their union, the drivers protested Wednesday outside the Hertz counter at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, where they are based.

"This is an outrageous assault on the rights of these workers and appears to be discriminatory based on their religious beliefs," Tracey A. Thompson, secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 117, said in a statement.

Observant Muslims pray five times a day.

Hertz said the workers suspended last week were violating provisions of a collective bargaining agreement and a settlement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reached two years ago.

"The breaks were getting extended way beyond prayer time," said Rich Broome, a spokesman for Hertz Global Holdings Inc. "It's important to understand that several Muslim employees who are complying were not suspended. It's not about prayer, it's not about religion; it's about reasonable requirements."

Broome said employees are required to clock out to keep breaks within the 10-minute limit. Those who were suspended had not been doing so, he said.


10-09-2011, 06:45 AM
Thirty-four Muslim drivers for Hertz claimed they were suspended for praying during work hours, but the company contended they were reprimanded for abusing break times.

Backed by their union, the drivers protested Wednesday outside the Hertz counter at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, where they are based.

"This is an outrageous assault on the rights of these workers and appears to be discriminatory based on their religious beliefs," Tracey A. Thompson, secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 117, said in a statement.

Observant Muslims pray five times a day.

Hertz said the workers suspended last week were violating provisions of a collective bargaining agreement and a settlement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reached two years ago.

"The breaks were getting extended way beyond prayer time," said Rich Broome, a spokesman for Hertz Global Holdings Inc. "It's important to understand that several Muslim employees who are complying were not suspended. It's not about prayer, it's not about religion; it's about reasonable requirements."

Broome said employees are required to clock out to keep breaks within the 10-minute limit. Those who were suspended had not been doing so, he said.

It seems that they were not suspended for praying as your thread title suggests, but for abusing the time allotted and not clocking out

red states rule
10-09-2011, 06:49 AM
Thirty-four Muslim drivers for Hertz claimed they were suspended for praying during work hours, but the company contended they were reprimanded for abusing break times.

Backed by their union, the drivers protested Wednesday outside the Hertz counter at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, where they are based.

"This is an outrageous assault on the rights of these workers and appears to be discriminatory based on their religious beliefs," Tracey A. Thompson, secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 117, said in a statement.

Observant Muslims pray five times a day.

Hertz said the workers suspended last week were violating provisions of a collective bargaining agreement and a settlement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reached two years ago.

"The breaks were getting extended way beyond prayer time," said Rich Broome, a spokesman for Hertz Global Holdings Inc. "It's important to understand that several Muslim employees who are complying were not suspended. It's not about prayer, it's not about religion; it's about reasonable requirements."

Broome said employees are required to clock out to keep breaks within the 10-minute limit. Those who were suspended had not been doing so, he said.

It seems that they were not suspended for praying as your thread title suggests, but for abusing the time allotted and not clocking out

So what were the employees doing? They were praying!

Are you calling the union a liar for their defense of the Muslims?

"This is an outrageous assault on the rights of these workers and appears to be discriminatory based on their religious beliefs," Tracey A. Thompson, secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 117, said in a statement.

10-09-2011, 06:58 AM

It dosn't matter that they were praying as they were given the time to do, which may possibly even be be deducted from their break times. It was that they abused the time limit and did not clock out regardless what the union or you claim. The people that followed the rules were not suspended.

red states rule
10-09-2011, 07:01 AM

It dosn't matter that they were praying as they were given the time to do, which may possibly even be be deducted from their break times. It was that they abused the time limit and did not clock out regardless what the union or you claim. The people that followed the rules were not suspended.

I know and I posted that

The fact is, the ones who were suspended were the ones who thought they should have been paid for praying

Another example of Muslims expecting special treatment

Case closed

10-09-2011, 07:02 AM
Yeah, ignorant to the end! :laugh:

red states rule
10-09-2011, 07:04 AM
Yeah, ignorant to the end! :laugh:

As usal, when confronted with the facts and losing the debate - you fall back on insults

How typical of you SD

10-09-2011, 07:05 AM
Now how typical of you to twist things to your narrow vision!

red states rule
10-09-2011, 07:07 AM
Now how typical of you to twist things to your narrow vision!

That is like telling your wife I did not get a ticket for speeding

I got a ticket for a violation Section 88.3 of the State Motor Vehicle law

10-09-2011, 07:09 AM
C'mon red, that Echo can't even get to highway speed. :laugh:

red states rule
10-09-2011, 07:11 AM
C'mon red, that Echo can't even get to highway speed. :laugh:

I was talking about you and your lame explantion of spinning you getting a ticket

If I was running Hertz I would solve this problem by using pig skin on the driver seats of all buses

Problem solved

10-09-2011, 07:29 AM
As usal, when confronted with the facts and losing the debate - you fall back on insults

How typical of you SD

Geez red I can read the FACTS of what you posted and even highlighted them in red. The facts seem clearly listed and I only go by facts in lieu of agenda. And the neg rep from you just means you are a sore loser!

red states rule
10-09-2011, 07:36 AM
Geez red I can read the FACTS of what you posted and even highlighted them in red. The facts seem clearly listed and I only go by facts in lieu of agenda. And the neg rep from you just means you are a sore loser!

The workers were suspended for praying on company times SD. The neg rep was in response to you going to the insults as you always do (and your liberal buddies) when the facts get in the eay of your spin

Why not admit you will not side against the Muslims since that would make you a racist as the left has always said on all issues when Muslims are involved

10-09-2011, 08:06 AM
I know and I posted that

The fact is, the ones who were suspended were the ones who thought they should have been paid for praying

Another example of Muslims expecting special treatment

Case closed

No, they were the ones who decided not to clock in and abuse break times. It's not always about religion, since there are other Muslims still working there, who apparently can follow the break time rules. They still should have been fired, and the union's wrong to fuck around with this one, but still, the reason for the firing is completely different than you let on.

10-09-2011, 08:14 AM
Yes the article does state that they have time to pray on the job. It does not say where that time comes from. If they must "clock out" clock out to pray it may very well be that it is not paid time. By not clocking out and lengthening the time alloted to them violates provisions of a collective bargaining agreement and a settlement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reached two years ago. This is why they were suspended and not the others that followed the provisions of their contract.

It reads clear as a bell to me. You tend to disregard why they were suspended and just say it was for praying.

As for my liberal buddies and you usual lumping together people as you say, "your ilk". It is again your baseless and wrong assumptions.

If you want to act like a clown on the dump tank talking trash in a most condescending manner, expect people to pay a buck & dunk you!

10-09-2011, 10:13 AM
A little additional information that maybe you hadn't heard about.

Don’t applaud dhimmi car rental company Hertz for this, as it took a federal lawsuit by non-Muslims to reach this result. Two years ago, I told you about non-Muslims who sued Hertz in federal court because Hertz gave at least a half-hour in paid breaks (and other special privileges) to Muslims for prayers, but didn’t give non-Muslims the same paid breaks and privileges (http://www.debbieschlussel.com/13137/now-this-is-the-lawsuit-ive-been-waiting-for/). After they filed their class-action suit, the non-Muslims, Katie Barkley, Shirley Harris, and a class of other non-Muslim Hertz employees, surprisingly got the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission to finally intercede, and Hertz agreed to require Muslims to clock out and take non-paid breaks for prayer. Since many of Hertz’s Muslim bus drivers continue to pray on the job and won’t clock out, today Hertz was forced to suspend those workers (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2016429949_hertz07m.html). Again, this isn’t a “Yay, Hertz!” moment, as one reader suggested it was. It’s something Hertz had to do after years of pandering to Muslims, because if the pandering continued, there would be more lawsuits against Hertz and steeper penalties.


There's always news behind the news.

10-09-2011, 02:26 PM
A little additional information that maybe you hadn't heard about.


There's always news behind the news.

Or no news behind the news.

10-09-2011, 02:31 PM
I wonder if this is a religious issue or an issue of people just think they can do whatever the fuck they want to do. Oh I think I want to take a 20 minute break instead of a 10 minute break, no problem..............

red states rule
10-10-2011, 04:01 AM
I wonder if this is a religious issue or an issue of people just think they can do whatever the fuck they want to do. Oh I think I want to take a 20 minute break instead of a 10 minute break, no problem..............

With Muslims, many believe they can do whatever they want whenever they want. I have read stories about Muslims hired as cashiers who refuse to touch pork products. Or Muslim cabbies who refuse to take passengers with seeing eye dogs

10-10-2011, 09:40 AM
A little additional information that maybe you hadn't heard about.


There's always news behind the news.

Yeah,. but it's still really not about Muslims, it's about Hertz protecting it's own ass, come right down to it. They likely let the breaks thing slide for so long, ironically, because they were worried about getting sued for EEO violations.

10-10-2011, 10:22 AM
I know and I posted that

The fact is, the ones who were suspended were the ones who thought they should have been paid for praying

Another example of Muslims expecting special treatment

Case closed

really stupid as usual, anyway, it would be stupid to expect anything less stupid from someone like you.

the company said in the post which you yourself posted, that many other muslims were not suspended because they do not abuse their pray time, so the company itself has no problem with giving muslims pray time, but they just suspended the muslims who abused that time.

but apparently an Islam Hater like you has got a problem with people praying, why do you care !!!, the company is satisfied with the people who pray while not abusing their time, so who are you to say otherwise !!!!

they have the right to get 1 hour break, and all they need is only 10 minutes in each pray, while the there can only be 3 prayers at most during the one shift, so all the time needed for prayers is only 30 minutes, divided into 3 breaks, 10 minutes each, so they still have 30 minutes.

so they are not being paid to pray.

so the people who were suspended must have done something wrong to abuse their break times, so they got suspended.

dont know when the people who are consumed by hatred like you will stop acting like that, you are no different than any radical muslims who hate americans, they hate you, while you did nothing for them, and you also hate all the muslims in the world even the ones who did nothing to you, you are just another stupid radical.

btw, you can neg rep me again as many as you want, since i don't really care about this little game at all, i am here to debate, not to gain rep power or thanks.

10-10-2011, 10:30 AM
dont know when the people who are consumed by hatred like you will stop acting like that, you are no different than any radical muslims who hate americans, they hate you, while you did nothing for them, and you also hate all the muslims in the world even the ones who did nothing to you, you are just another stupid radical.

btw, you can neg rep me again as many as you want, since i don't really care about this little game at all, i am here to debate, not to gain rep power or thanks.

Lets hope RSR doesn't strap some bombs to himself and go blow up some muslims. Oh, wait, it's only the muslims who do that...

btw - please stop with discussing rep on the board. shoot him a pm if u take issue with it.

10-10-2011, 03:46 PM
Lets hope RSR doesn't strap some bombs to himself and go blow up some muslims. Oh, wait, it's only the muslims who do that...

It's only the muslims who do that now Jim. Let's take a walk back to Vietnam, and the people who strapped satchel explosives to live animals, then spurred them into populated areas. Honestly, If I have to weigh the two thoughts on killing mass numbers, I'd say the suicide bomber is a bit less of a bastard since he's only killing himself, not inflicting it on a unsuspecting animal.

Further, abso has proven that he is not like the people you paint him as, just as Tea Party members are not all like PB paints them, and even as not all Occupy Wall Street people are resisting or baiting the cops. If we keep labeling everyone by the most extreme examples of them, then we're just not gonna get anywhere in any discussion, which is sort of against the entire idea of a debate board, when you come down to it.

10-10-2011, 04:14 PM
It's only the muslims who do that now Jim. Let's take a walk back to Vietnam, and the people who strapped satchel explosives to live animals, then spurred them into populated areas. Honestly, If I have to weigh the two thoughts on killing mass numbers, I'd say the suicide bomber is a bit less of a bastard since he's only killing himself, not inflicting it on a unsuspecting animal.

Further, abso has proven that he is not like the people you paint him as, just as Tea Party members are not all like PB paints them, and even as not all Occupy Wall Street people are resisting or baiting the cops. If we keep labeling everyone by the most extreme examples of them, then we're just not gonna get anywhere in any discussion, which is sort of against the entire idea of a debate board, when you come down to it.

Once again, you intervene to compare 2 different eras. I don't care what and where people did things in the long past, I'm a bit occupied worrying about our current times. Of course you are free to point out all of the non-muslims committing terror attacks all over the world and I will happily condemn them too. But as far as I know, the SUPER majority of them are muslims - and I will speak about it as much as I like until the attacks stop.

And I labeled muslims, not abso. Are ALL the threads on this board pertaining to Catholics about me? Nope, they are about Catholics, which I happen to be one of, and I don't find the discussions personally insulting. abso can talk shit about Catholics for the next 99 years and I won't take it personal at all. He's MORE than free to discuss the non-stop terror attacks by Catholics. Oh, wait...

And since some sissies will be offended that I might have gone off topic - I say fuck the muslims and don't let them pray at all. And the same goes for others. Let them do that shit on THEIR time.

10-10-2011, 08:25 PM
Once again, you intervene to compare 2 different eras. I don't care what and where people did things in the long past, I'm a bit occupied worrying about our current times. Of course you are free to point out all of the non-muslims committing terror attacks all over the world and I will happily condemn them too. But as far as I know, the SUPER majority of them are muslims - and I will speak about it as much as I like until the attacks stop.

And I labeled muslims, not abso. Are ALL the threads on this board pertaining to Catholics about me? Nope, they are about Catholics, which I happen to be one of, and I don't find the discussions personally insulting. abso can talk shit about Catholics for the next 99 years and I won't take it personal at all. He's MORE than free to discuss the non-stop terror attacks by Catholics. Oh, wait...

And since some sissies will be offended that I might have gone off topic - I say fuck the muslims and don't let them pray at all. And the same goes for others. Let them do that shit on THEIR time.

Jim to be fair, SOME of the Muslims were praying on their own time and those are not the ones who got fired.