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View Full Version : Occupy Wall Street’ Is Creating Jobs

red states rule
10-10-2011, 02:57 AM
If you have the time and want to earn some extra money you get paid to protest. At the same time you will get glowing coverage from the liberal media and warm hugs from the Dems

The jobs are with the Working Families Party.
What is the Working Families Party (http://www.workingfamiliesparty.org/)? WFP is a New York-based, left leaning political party that had strong ties to ACORN and also receives substantial financial support from large unions like SEIU. The New York Times describes them this way (http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/organizations/w/working_families_party/index.html);

The Working Families Party was formed in 1998 by a coalition of labor unions and community groups as a way of prodding Democratic candidates to pay more attention to the organizations’ needs.
And the WFP is also hiring people to work at the protests on Wall Street.
The following was taken from two different ads on Craigslist, the first one appeared on September 21;
The next ad ran on September 26th;
(Yes, we realize that “DIFFERNENCE” should be spelled differently, the image above is a screen capture of the Craigslist help-wanted ad.)
Can this company really be PAYING people to protest? Yes!
And you don’t even need experience – they are willing to train you, and it is a paid training program.


red states rule
10-10-2011, 03:43 AM
Before anyone posts how this is a fake story, I got this from the websight of Woking Families

You can't make this stuff up folks

Multiple Positions AvailableEverything from internships to campaign management, community organizing to policy and communications:

Full Health Benefits
Paid vacation / Sick Days
Full Training Provided
Work in a Friendly, Inspiring setting fighting for justice for working people

red states rule
10-11-2011, 03:08 AM
Of course if you oppose the hippies you are a racist. This has been the usual response from the left for the last 4 years

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=360 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/106423" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

red states rule
10-12-2011, 04:15 AM

10-12-2011, 02:03 PM
Of course if you oppose the hippies you are a racist. This has been the usual response from the left for the last 4 years

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=360 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/106423" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Over 50,000 Americans died in Vietnam? Good lord, I knew the number was high but never that high.

Anyways, as regards what the guy quoted said, assuming he was talking about the civil rights marches etc, then being opposed to an equality march for civil rights of a race is racist. Would you not agree?

red states rule
10-13-2011, 01:59 AM
Over 50,000 Americans died in Vietnam? Good lord, I knew the number was high but never that high.

Anyways, as regards what the guy quoted said, assuming he was talking about the civil rights marches etc, then being opposed to an equality march for civil rights of a race is racist. Would you not agree?

Noir, no matter what the issue - if you oppose what the left supports you are tagged a racist. This dispite the fact the left claimed the election of Obama would "heal" race relations in America

Over the last 3 years, the left and liberal media have played the race card nearly every day attacking those who disagree with Obama and the Dems on a wide range of issues

It has become a habit with them by now

10-13-2011, 07:13 AM
Noir, no matter what the issue - if you oppose what the left supports you are tagged a racist. This dispite the fact the left claimed the election of Obama would "heal" race relations in America

Over the last 3 years, the left and liberal media have played the race card nearly every day attacking those who disagree with Obama and the Dems on a wide range of issues

It has become a habit with them by now

Answer me this, with a Yes sir No.

Regardless of anything else going on in the world - If someone was (and still is) against the movement for race equality and the abolition of segregation etc, are they racist?

red states rule
10-14-2011, 01:58 AM
Answer me this, with a Yes sir No.

Regardless of anything else going on in the world - If someone was (and still is) against the movement for race equality and the abolition of segregation etc, are they racist?

Noir you are falling into the trap. This has NOTHING to do with racial equality. It has everything to do with liberals and their anti capitalist agenda

Ever since Obama started running for office, the left has played the race card in attempt to shame people into silence.

If you opposed Obama for President you are a racist

If you opposed Obamacare you are a racist

If you attended to the Town Halls to confornt Dems on Obamacare you are a racist

If you are a member of the Tea Party you are a racist

If you supported AZ immigration law you are a racist

If you opposed the Ground Zero mosque you are a racist

If you opposed raising the debt limit as Obama wanted you are a racist

Do you see the pattern here Noir?

The left pissed off some black leaders when they played the race card in their desire to push same sex marriage by comparing it to the civil rights era. Again, the two issues have nothing in common

But it has become such a knee jerk reaction the left can't help but pull the race card from the bottom on the deck

10-14-2011, 09:04 AM
What a long winded way to avoid a question RSR =/

My question was a simple one, taking out all the other faffle;

Of someone said they opposed the civil rights marches for ratical equality, do you consider them racist, yes or no?

red states rule
10-15-2011, 02:20 AM
What a long winded way to avoid a question RSR =/

My question was a simple one, taking out all the other faffle;

Of someone said they opposed the civil rights marches for ratical equality, do you consider them racist, yes or no?

To answer your question Noir yes it is racist

Now answer mine

What does racial equality have to do with the topic at hand?

10-15-2011, 08:36 AM
To answer your question Noir yes it is racist

Now answer mine

What does racial equality have to do with the topic at hand?

Good (:

And I have no idea, but the guy quoted in the OP compared the two. Thus making it something to do with the topic at hand. So blame whoeever the guy quoted was for a) Makig a racist statement and b) needlessly comparing the 60s marches to today's.

10-15-2011, 11:39 AM
Good (:

And I have no idea, but the guy quoted in the OP compared the two. Thus making it something to do with the topic at hand. So blame whoeever the guy quoted was for a) Makig a racist statement and b) needlessly comparing the 60s marches to today's.

Just to be clear here: You find a red herring in an article, pick it up and throw it out, the rest of us now need to keep answering your remarks about it?

10-15-2011, 07:35 PM
Over 50,000 Americans died in Vietnam? Good lord, I knew the number was high but never that high.

Anyways, as regards what the guy quoted said, assuming he was talking about the civil rights marches etc, then being opposed to an equality march for civil rights of a race is racist. Would you not agree?

Over 58,000 Americans died in Viet Nam, Noir, and at least that many soldiers/veterans died in American hospitals during and shortly after that horrendous war as a result of their injuries and illnesses from there. And since that war there have been god only knows how many hundreds of thousands that have died as a result of injuries and illnesses associated with their service in SE Asia. I've lost 2 brothers due to their illnesses associated with that damned war. Their names are not on that black wall as are none of those that brought their bleeding selves home and died later. Pitiful, resentful, sad, rage, etc. I don't know which emotion is going to hit me at any given time.

BTW, I have discovered that in many if not most cases the (R) beside many names indicates more than republican.


10-15-2011, 09:27 PM
Just to be clear here: You find a red herring in an article, pick it up and throw it out, the rest of us now need to keep answering your remarks about it?

RSR made a post saying 'oppose the hippies and you're racist' and then provided a video, to go along with that theme...i picked it up from him and (amazingly) he agreed with the newscaster that what the guy said in opposing the 60s marches is racist (Which kinda makes his post seem a little silly)
and anyway both I and RSR agree the sixties marches have nothing to do with the Occupy Wall Street story.

RSR started the 'racist' discussion,
I continued from there, clear?

red states rule
10-16-2011, 03:19 AM
RSR made a post saying 'oppose the hippies and you're racist' and then provided a video, to go along with that theme...i picked it up from him and (amazingly) he agreed with the newscaster that what the guy said in opposing the 60s marches is racist (Which kinda makes his post seem a little silly)
and anyway both I and RSR agree the sixties marches have nothing to do with the Occupy Wall Street story.

RSR started the 'racist' discussion,
I continued from there, clear?

Nori, you are ignoring the main posint of that post. the left is desperate to give some shred of credibility to these hippies by trying to lay a gullt trip on anyone who sees them for what they are

A bunch of parasites who want others to pay for their wants and desires

Of course, what else could you expect from Sgt Schultz from DNCTV?

red states rule
10-18-2011, 03:41 AM
Liberal logic on display once again. The hippies destroy and trash private property and that is a good thing since it will cause an increase in construction jobs to repair the damage

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=360 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/106605" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>