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10-11-2011, 10:12 AM
Speak about drug use, alienation or repression - go to jail after receiving 90 lashes. Curiously, I don't see any other Islamic nations or leaders condemning such punishment towards women. Would the world not be outraged if the United States whipped a woman and sentenced her in such a manner, merely for being in a movie the leaders didn't like? We'd be condemned 1000x over. When are Islamic leaders around the world going to start condemning abuse of women and terrorism?

Iran reportedly sentences film actress to 90 lashes

An Iranian court has sentenced an Iranian actress to one year in jail and 90 lashes related to her role in an Australian-made film portraying social alienation, artistic repression and drug use in Iran, according to an Iranian opposition website.

"In an outcome that could have been lifted from the pages of the movie's script"--"My Tehran for Sale"--the film's lead actress, Marzieh Vafamehr, "was arrested in July and received her sentence at the weekend, according to reports quoting Iranian opposition website kalameh.com," the Sydney Morning Herald reported.


10-11-2011, 12:11 PM
Speak about drug use, alienation or repression - go to jail after receiving 90 lashes. Curiously, I don't see any other Islamic nations or leaders condemning such punishment towards women. Would the world not be outraged if the United States whipped a woman and sentenced her in such a manner, merely for being in a movie the leaders didn't like? We'd be condemned 1000x over. When are Islamic leaders around the world going to start condemning abuse of women and terrorism?


I expect abso will be here any minute to tell us that what Iran does isn't important.

10-11-2011, 12:26 PM
I expect abso will be here any minute to tell us that what Iran does isn't important.

Well, Muburak didn't do jack shit to fix terrorism or abuse of women, and I don't see the muslim brotherhood or any of the other "leaders" in Egypt doing a damn thing either. Maybe abso should run for office on the pledge of ridding all of Egypt of terrorism and the promise of equal rights to all women. I'd bet the house he wouldn't live to see election day.

10-11-2011, 12:47 PM
Well, Muburak didn't do jack shit to fix terrorism or abuse of women, and I don't see the muslim brotherhood or any of the other "leaders" in Egypt doing a damn thing either. Maybe abso should run for office on the pledge of ridding all of Egypt of terrorism and the promise of equal rights to all women. I'd bet the house he wouldn't live to see election day.

What we are seeing though is the Christians are being persecuted and the military is not protecting them:


October 11, 2011 Christians under siege in Egypt Rick Moran

I have an article up at FrontPage.com (http://frontpagemag.com/2011/10/11/christians-under-siege-in-egypt/)this morning about the terrible violence against Christians in Egypt that exploded in Sunday's riots that killed 25 and wounded more than 400. The violence is part of a region-wide attack on Christians by fundamentalist Muslims:

These scenes of destruction and murder have been repeated all over the Middle East. Whatever one can say about tyrants like Saddam Hussein​ and Hosni Mubarak​, they feared the Islamists and kept them from causing the kind of mayhem that is afflicting Christian populations across the region. And the destruction of churches and murders of Christians are not isolated incidents. There has been a systematic targeting of Christians in Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Iran, as well as Egypt. The attacks are inspired by extremist clerics, and condoned to one degree or another by authorities.

Despite Christians living and worshiping in the Middle East for 2,000 years, those communities are now in danger of disappearing. A report by the Egyptian Federation of Human Rights reveals that 100,000 Christians have fled Egypt since March, with 250,000 expected to leave before the end of 2011. In Iraq, it's even worse. A State Department report last year on religious freedom around the world showed that 50% of Iraqi Christians had left the country since the US invasion. And in Sudan, tens of thousands of Christians in the Nuba Mountains are being bombed daily by Sudanese military forces and suffer house to house raids at the hands of President Bashir's forces.

One is forced to confront an uncomfortable reality: if any other minority group - racial, ethnic, or tribal - was suffering from government-condoned persecution carried out by out of control mobs, the outrage in the Western press and from Western governments would be loud and sustained. So why don't Christians in the Middle East rate that kind of concern?

10-11-2011, 01:28 PM
What we are seeing though is the Christians are being persecuted and the military is not protecting them:


What a shocker. The Christians in Egypt have been used and abused for a long time now. Again, it'll be denied or downplayed - but the facts are there for all to see, as are the burned churches.

10-11-2011, 02:07 PM
What a shocker. The Christians in Egypt have been used and abused for a long time now. Again, it'll be denied or downplayed - but the facts are there for all to see, as are the burned churches.

Not to make light of their plight, but why would you stick around Egypt if you were a Christian ( well actually that question COULD be amended to read why would you stick around Egypt if you were anything OTHER than a fanatical brown Muslim man?)

10-11-2011, 02:50 PM
Not to make light of their plight, but why would you stick around Egypt if you were a Christian ( well actually that question COULD be amended to read why would you stick around Egypt if you were anything OTHER than a fanatical brown Muslim man?)Would you be forced from YOUR home just because you worship differently?? Would you let others tell you to leave your place of birth??

Regardless of the religious reasons it is still their home and somethings are worth fighting for, or are you telling us that only the land in America is worth fighting for??

10-11-2011, 05:57 PM
Not to make light of their plight, but why would you stick around Egypt if you were a Christian ( well actually that question COULD be amended to read why would you stick around Egypt if you were anything OTHER than a fanatical brown Muslim man?)

And that's coming from a guy that lives in Arkansas!

Home is where the family is I guess.

10-11-2011, 06:41 PM
So an evil regime did something evil? Not exactly hard evidence of it being Islam itself.

10-11-2011, 07:03 PM
So an evil regime did something evil? Not exactly hard evidence of it being Islam itself.

Islam performs lashings all the time, in accordance with Shariah Law. Just do a search on Sharia and canings/lashings if you don't believe me. Deny this one and you'll have thousands and thousands and thousands of others in Islamic countries to find another reason other than Shariah to blame it on.

This practice occurs in Islamic countries all over - is it because of evil regimes everywhere that it's practiced?

And what about sentences of stoning to death. Where else do you see these other than in Islamic countries?

But it's always, always anything but the poor picked on muslims. Or it's bad leaders. Or they're not true muslims.... blah, blah blah

red states rule
10-12-2011, 03:59 AM
More updates from the religion of peace

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2011.10.11 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Islamists send a mortar round into the maternity ward of a hospital, crushing a staff member.

2011.10.10 (Dangam, Afghanistan) - A road construction crew is the target of a vicious double bombing that leaves six dead.

2011.10.10 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Jihadi bombers murder thirteen Iraqis, including first responders, in a string of bombings.

2011.10.10 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) - Two Nigerians are killed by a Boko Haram bomb.

2011.10.09 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - At least a dozen civilians are killed during an al-Shabaab mortar attack on a residential area.

2011.10.08 (Kirkuk, Iraq) - Muslim gunmen shoot an elderly Christian and a woman.

