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10-12-2011, 09:06 AM
I was thinking about when I was married and my kids were little we also had my ex husbands Grandma living with us. We had put a new tv in her room and I was showing her how to use the cable remote, she was in her 80's and a pretty faithful mormon. She kept having insomnia and I wanted her to be able to watch tv in her room in the middle of the night if she couldn't sleep.

Anyway shortly after she became accustomed to using her new tv and remote she told me she had woke up in the middle of the night and started watching a movie called , "sister, dear sister", I waited for her to drone on in detail about the movie and instead and she just looked pained as she explained that while she began watching it she didn't have her hearing aid in and couldn't hear it but she didn't want to turn the tv too loud and wake us, so she watched it and tried to gather from the facial expressions the plot, then she wrinkled her nose up in disgust and clentched her fist to chest and said oh dear They were NOT sisters......

I said what do you mean grandma? she says dear they were laying in bed and the next thing I know.......:laugh2:

I was just thinking about that today he he he....funny the kind of things we remember about our loved ones.:salute:

10-12-2011, 09:22 AM
did she keep watching? :D

Once, while traveling to the store with my Grandpa driving, our car hit a dog. My grandpa said with a wink "If he ain't dead, we'll try to hit him again on the way home!"

10-12-2011, 09:32 AM
My grandma lived in vegas she was super spacey, she used to drive a real big cadillac, I remember driving in the car with her was freakin scary because she cut people off and didn't signal and was all over the place.

Anyway she lived in apartments and one time had to parallel park on the street and she asked me to get out of the car and see if she was too far out, so I got out and shook my head no and said, "no, your not far out" she got out and looked at me all butthurt and said "I'm not far out?" and I replied no, and she got all poubty, and I said what is the matter, she says all bummed out I guess I'm not far out.

I said, are you for real grandma ? You just asked me if you parked to far out and I answered you. She breaks into laughter and says oh I thought you mean't I'm not far out cool.

That was the pinpointing moment I realized she was getting alzheimers losing her mind, I said they don't even say "far out" anymore grandma but your always gonna be cool in my book.


10-12-2011, 09:38 AM
[QUOTE=dmp;498706]did she keep watching? :D


I believe she did keep watching, much to her dismay :laugh2:

10-13-2011, 08:11 AM
I believe she did keep watching, much to her dismay :laugh2:

"I've fallen and I can't stop the soft-core pron."

Where's First Alert when you need it.