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10-12-2011, 04:47 PM
the nation's only organization of Republicans who support fairness, freedom, and equality for gay and lesbian Americans. Log Cabin has state and local chapters nationwide, full-time staff in Washington, DC, a federal political action committee, and state political action committees.

What We Believe

We are loyal Republicans. We believe in limited government, strong national defense, free markets, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Log Cabin represents an important part of the American family—taxpaying, hard working people who proudly believe in this nation's greatness. We also believe all Americans have the right to liberty and equality. We believe equality for gay and lesbian people is in the finest tradition of the Republican Party. We educate our Party about why inclusion wins. Opposing gay and lesbian equality is inconsistent with the GOP's core principles of smaller government and personal freedom.

Why We Exist

Log Cabin Republicans work to make the Republican Party more inclusive, particularly on gay and lesbian issues. Equality will be impossible to achieve without Republican votes. Working from inside the Party—educating other Republicans about gay and lesbian issues—is the most effective way to gain new Republican allies for equality. Log Cabin also exists as a voice for GOP values among members of the gay and lesbian community.

Creating Change

We are first and foremost a grassroots organization. Thousands of members in dozens of chapters across the country work inside the GOP to change hearts and minds. One person at a time, we are building a stronger Republican party and a better America.

Aside from our growing membership base spread around the nation, Log Cabin boasts an experienced political staff in our nation's capital. The office serves as an important link to Republican Party leaders. We are gaining new allies for equality everyday in Washington and around the nation.

To achieve a more inclusive GOP, it is important for gay and lesbian Americans participate in the Republican Party, educating those who fail to understand the need for civil equality and equal protection under the law. LGBT Republicans are shattering stereotypes and educating the GOP's rank-and-file about the importance of fairness and equality for all Americans, including gay and lesbian Americans. We are on the path to progress.


LGBT are shattering stereotypes

One of the stereotypes is that Gays segregate themselves :rolleyes:

10-12-2011, 06:56 PM

LGBT are shattering stereotypes
One of the stereotypes is that Gays segregate themselves :rolleyes:

Exactly, chloe, but you can see by the awful things that are often said right here on this board about and towards gays and lesbians why they might shy away from outing themselves in an unfriendly environment and the republican party is certainly a terrible place to be queer.

You're sharper than the average bear, booboo.



10-12-2011, 07:30 PM
Exactly, chloe, but you can see by the awful things that are often said right here on this board about and towards gays and lesbians why they might shy away from outing themselves in an unfriendly environment and the republican party is certainly a terrible place to be queer.

You're sharper than the average bear, booboo.



Ohhh Yogi !!! So you don't think my gay hairdresser dad will switch parties? .........I don't even think he votes ;)


10-13-2011, 03:46 PM
Ohhh Yogi !!! So you don't think my gay hairdresser dad will switch parties? .........I don't even think he votes ;)


I can't speak for that, chloe, other than to say I find it rather ludicrous for any homosexual to belong to a political party that is so openly hostile to them. That is the definition of insanity, IMHO.


10-13-2011, 04:04 PM
I can't speak for that, chloe, other than to say I find it rather ludicrous for any homosexual to belong to a political party that is so openly hostile to them. That is the definition of insanity, IMHO.


The GOP is not openly hostile to gays. Even if it was, not sure if that would be worse than being pandered to for a vote and a promise the Dems can't fulfill.

10-13-2011, 08:57 PM
Exactly, chloe, but you can see by the awful things that are often said right here on this board about and towards gays and lesbians why they might shy away from outing themselves in an unfriendly environment and the republican party is certainly a terrible place to be queer.

You're sharper than the average bear, booboo.



and yet, they disagree not only with your judgments, but how you got there. Go figure!

10-13-2011, 10:00 PM
I can't speak for that, chloe, other than to say I find it rather ludicrous for any homosexual to belong to a political party that is so openly hostile to them. That is the definition of insanity, IMHO.


Well they definately do and they are calling themselves Log Cabin Republicans. I think it is a positive move to lean a bit on the conservative side.

Just because a person is gay in there sexual preference does not mean they have to support abortion, illegal immigrants, individual or corporate welfare.

The Log Cabin Republicans are simply Gays that lean more conservative in there Political beliefs.

I heard Martin Luther King Jr. was also a registered Republcian.

Hugs to you Yogi;)

10-14-2011, 04:43 AM
Well they definately do and they are calling themselves Log Cabin Republicans. I think it is a positive move to lean a bit on the conservative side.

Just because a person is gay in there sexual preference does not mean they have to support abortion, illegal immigrants, individual or corporate welfare...

doesn't mean they have to support gay marriage, or 'homosexuality is due to biological hard-wiring', either...

10-14-2011, 06:09 AM
Obama has pushed just about anyone that can think for themselves to go Republican , Whether Gay or otherwise people just aren't stupid enough to fall for his change again

But I do find the name they are calling themselves a bit interesting :laugh:

10-14-2011, 08:48 AM
I agree with Jeff in the sense that 'those who can think for themselves' are not the sheep that PB is hoping for. The whole idea that one should vote a certain way because of skin hue, sexual preferences, religion, etc., is for those that can't think for themselves or somehow think that one political party is immune from being the political class.

10-14-2011, 04:18 PM
Well they definately do and they are calling themselves Log Cabin Republicans. I think it is a positive move to lean a bit on the conservative side.

Just because a person is gay in there sexual preference does not mean they have to support abortion, illegal immigrants, individual or corporate welfare.

The Log Cabin Republicans are simply Gays that lean more conservative in there Political beliefs.

I heard Martin Luther King Jr. was also a registered Republcian.

Hugs to you Yogi;)

I don't believe for one second that homosexuality is a "sexual preference". Love them or hate them, gays and lesbians are what they are and many times know that they are before they even understand what gender differentiation is all about. I know no one that actually "supports", in any classic sense, "abortion". Abortion is indeed a dreadful and horrendous but sometimes necessary medical procedure. The true conservative view of abortion is that it should be safe, legal and rare. I support that view.

Your confusion about "illegal immigrants" is understandable. You've been inundated with lies, hate, fear and a lot more for years concerning them. But, it is conservatives that are the primary employers of them. They like the cheap labor and to use them to divide an otherwise content labor force. That's why the conservatives have always been against and always will be against comprehensive immigration reform. I know. It's complicated and I'll be glad to explain more if you want me to.

Like many conservatives only claim to be, I am genuinely against corporate welfare. Corporate welfare is why we have a tea party and now the occupiers of Wall Street. Although, again, the teabaggers have been whipped into an idiotic frenzy against the #ows they actually share platforms in a very large way. Most conservatives couldn't even exist without corporate welfare. That is their lifeblood for holding political office, period. But, dems are just as bad. Again, that's why we have a tea party and the #ows, occupiers of Wall Street. I could write you a book on what I know and think about personal welfare. Suffice it to say that I support the legitimate use of any personal safety net anyone that finds themselves in distress might also find available to them.

I lean more conservative than most dems and have voted republican many times. I got sick of being lied to and cheated on so I left them for good in 1992. But, I still vote as conservatively as I can as a Democrat. If any or most of what you hear from conservatives like rsr and a few others around here were in any way true we would not have a Democratic Senate or a Democrat in the White House or so many Democrats in the House of Representatives.

And, you are absolutely correct about Martin Luther King, Jr. being a registered Republican prior to 1960. He kept his political options open for some years but in 1964 found he could get no support whatsoever from the republican party for the proposed civil rights bills so he openly became a Democrat even though he vehemently opposed American involvement in Viet Nam. Again it's complicated and cloudy. There are certainly others that can fill you in much better than myself about all that but I don't think you'll find them around here. Check out your local library or use Wikipedia online or any other credible source you can find.

Back at 'cha, BooBoo ;)


10-14-2011, 04:28 PM
I don't believe for one second that homosexuality is a "sexual preference". Love them or hate them, gays and lesbians are what they are and many times know that they are before they even understand what gender differentiation is all about. I know no one that actually "supports", in any classic sense, "abortion". Abortion is indeed a dreadful and horrendous but sometimes necessary medical procedure. The true conservative view of abortion is that it should be safe, legal and rare. I support that view.

Your confusion about "illegal immigrants" is understandable. You've been inundated with lies, hate, fear and a lot more for years concerning them. But, it is conservatives that are the primary employers of them. They like the cheap labor and to use them to divide an otherwise content labor force. That's why the conservatives have always been against and always will be against comprehensive immigration reform. I know. It's complicated and I'll be glad to explain more if you want me to.

Like many conservatives only claim to be, I am genuinely against corporate welfare. Corporate welfare is why we have a tea party and now the occupiers of Wall Street. Although, again, the teabaggers have been whipped into an idiotic frenzy against the #ows they actually share platforms in a very large way. Most conservatives couldn't even exist without corporate welfare. That is their lifeblood for holding political office, period. But, dems are just as bad. Again, that's why we have a tea party and the #ows, occupiers of Wall Street. I could write you a book on what I know and think about personal welfare. Suffice it to say that I support the legitimate use of any personal safety net anyone that finds themselves in distress might also find available to them.

I lean more conservative than most dems and have voted republican many times. I got sick of being lied to and cheated on so I left them for good in 1992. But, I still vote as conservatively as I can as a Democrat. If any or most of what you hear from conservatives like rsr and a few others around here were in any way true we would not have a Democratic Senate or a Democrat in the White House or so many Democrats in the House of Representatives.

And, you are absolutely correct about Martin Luther King, Jr. being a registered Republican prior to 1960. He kept his political options open for some years but in 1964 found he could get no support whatsoever from the republican party for the proposed civil rights bills so he openly became a Democrat even though he vehemently opposed American involvement in Viet Nam. Again it's complicated and cloudy. There are certainly others that can fill you in much better than myself about all that but I don't think you'll find them around here. Check out your local library or use Wikipedia online or any other credible source you can find.

Back at 'cha, BooBoo ;)


Ok fair enough.

Not ALL gay people are born gay, some maybe even the majority are, but for some like my dad it is a preference as he goes both straight & gay.

I am glad to see the Gay community embrace more conservative views, I don't see it as all that bad.

I don't hate Republcians and I don't hate Democrats.

I vote based on what I comprehend and agree with that the Candidate seems to stand for.

I don't think it is helpful to hate on either party as both disappoint me from time to time.

We both agree on being against Corporate welfare.
Thanks for you informational post Psycho.:salute:

10-14-2011, 06:47 PM
Your dad may be a bi-sexual as those also exist but they, too, are queer or the more acceptable nomenclature of gay. I know many gay people and have known many more through the years. I have never met a single one that would declare they had "chosen" to be gay. Not one.


10-14-2011, 07:19 PM
I lived/trained with two gay men. Both declared their choice. Hated the idea - then gaining traction - that they were somehow 'victims' of their biology. Since homosexuality is defined solely by one's behaviour, of course it's a choice. Now, our inclinations and what-not..sure, there's environmental / social pressures to shape that, so it FEELS like it's biology. (shrug).

10-14-2011, 07:57 PM
Your dad may be a bi-sexual as those also exist but they, too, are queer or the more acceptable nomenclature of gay. I know many gay people and have known many more through the years. I have never met a single one that would declare they had "chosen" to be gay. Not one.


Of course if your experience with Gay people is they ALL feel they were born gay then I accept that.

I can promise you this, my dad would openly admit any sex he does is a choice he consciously made but then he is a bit odd and not like the majority of gay or straight people I know.

That is all I have to say about that. :salute:

Wind Song
11-05-2011, 09:11 PM
The GOP is not openly hostile to gays. Even if it was, not sure if that would be worse than being pandered to for a vote and a promise the Dems can't fulfill.

Any gains that gays have experienced has come INSPITE OF republicans.

11-05-2011, 09:15 PM
The more gay Republicans, the better.

11-05-2011, 09:17 PM
Any gains that gays have experienced has come INSPITE OF republicans.

Still doesn't mean the dems aren't using you, just like many republicans are using the very religiously minded folks. Notice they all say they're "Christian"? Funny, but there is not one faction of Christianity called Christians. In normal parlance, they would identify themselves as Baptists, Lutherans, or in my case, Catholics. Ah, but that would be appeal to a smaller audience, and so they play the Christian card to win votes. For many, this also means standing against gay marriage.

Hell, now you've got Dems that are claiming that conservative blacks "aren't really black". They play to the minorities, and to the gay & lesbian community just as much as the Republicans. So really, you're being screwed either way, and I doubt highly that either side really gives a shit like they want us to think they do.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 01:52 AM
Still doesn't mean the dems aren't using you, just like many republicans are using the very religiously minded folks. Notice they all say they're "Christian"? Funny, but there is not one faction of Christianity called Christians. In normal parlance, they would identify themselves as Baptists, Lutherans, or in my case, Catholics. Ah, but that would be appeal to a smaller audience, and so they play the Christian card to win votes. For many, this also means standing against gay marriage.

Hell, now you've got Dems that are claiming that conservative blacks "aren't really black". They play to the minorities, and to the gay & lesbian community just as much as the Republicans. So really, you're being screwed either way, and I doubt highly that either side really gives a shit like they want us to think they do.

Democrats aren't "using" me. I've voted Democratic my whole life, although I've often been registered Independent.

You've got some stereotype going if you think that Democrats think Conservative Blacks aren't really Black or that Log Cabin Republicans aren't really gay.

Gay people come in all kinds of political persuasions, just like heterosexuals do.

Democrats are varied in their views on specific issues. I lean very left politically. I voted for Kucinich.

11-06-2011, 03:26 AM
Democrats aren't "using" me. I've voted Democratic my whole life, although I've often been registered Independent.

You've got some stereotype going if you think that Democrats think Conservative Blacks aren't really Black or that Log Cabin Republicans aren't really gay.

Gay people come in all kinds of political persuasions, just like heterosexuals do.

Democrats are varied in their views on specific issues. I lean very left politically. I voted for Kucinich.

Then you're not an Independent. If you vote for the Democrats your whole life, you're a Dem, period. If I voted Republican my whole life, then I'm a republican. And if Dems are so strongly in favor of Gay Rights, then please tell why they didn't pass Gay Marriage when they had majorities in both House and Senate, with an automatic rubber Stamp from the President, who is also a Dem that supports Gay Rights? Bush may have been one of our shittier presidents, but at least the man realized that when you have the royal flush, you bet the hell into it.

When did I ever say anyone wasn't gay?

1) My Dad is gay. Also conservative, and a Republican, though less than happy with the party the last ten years. He struggled with it for most of his life, and tried to hide in marriage to my mom, to fake it till he was "really" straight.
2) I support Gay marriage. The Federal Government has no right to say who you can love

There is also a whole thread on this board about Dems stating as I quoted. Just as stupid as when Republicans called small town America the "real American", like the coasts have just been faking it this whole time.

This seems like another instance of you taking umbridge where there was no need to. You really need to chill, Sky. I wasn't attacking you, or gay people, and if you'd stop treating me like I am, we could possibly have an interesting debate, but that requires you to not take everything I say in the worst possible way, or put words in my mouth.

11-06-2011, 08:44 AM
Any gains that gays have experienced has come INSPITE OF republicans.

Bullshit. Any gains gays have made have come from the politically correct, afraid to call people what they are crowd. Republicans have done nothing to hold gays back. They just have enough common sense and logic to not write a Federal law that panders to a single, aberrant minority based solely on its behavior.

I also find it interesting that same as a black or Hispanic Republican, the left is the quickest to lash out at gay Republicans. Meaning, they're being used for a vote and if they aren't voting Dem, they're as evil as everything else on the right and get bashed as bad or worse than Herman Cain at a KKK rally.

But dupes like you buy right into the same old lies. Every time. You're so blind to your own selfish, self-serving desires that you are oblivious to the big picture.

Abbey Marie
11-06-2011, 12:45 PM
Still doesn't mean the dems aren't using you, just like many republicans are using the very religiously minded folks. Notice they all say they're "Christian"? Funny, but there is not one faction of Christianity called Christians. In normal parlance, they would identify themselves as Baptists, Lutherans, or in my case, Catholics. Ah, but that would be appeal to a smaller audience, and so they play the Christian card to win votes. For many, this also means standing against gay marriage.

Hell, now you've got Dems that are claiming that conservative blacks "aren't really black". They play to the minorities, and to the gay & lesbian community just as much as the Republicans. So really, you're being screwed either way, and I doubt highly that either side really gives a shit like they want us to think they do.

Since Christian means a follower of/believer in Christ, these people are hardly dissembling to call themselves Christians. In this case, and these days especially, that which unites us is far greater than that which divides. Even if certain groups wish fervently it were not so.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 12:46 PM
Bullshit. Any gains gays have made have come from the politically correct, afraid to call people what they are crowd. Republicans have done nothing to hold gays back. They just have enough common sense and logic to not write a Federal law that panders to a single, aberrant minority based solely on its behavior.

I also find it interesting that same as a black or Hispanic Republican, the left is the quickest to lash out at gay Republicans. Meaning, they're being used for a vote and if they aren't voting Dem, they're as evil as everything else on the right and get bashed as bad or worse than Herman Cain at a KKK rally.

But dupes like you buy right into the same old lies. Every time. You're so blind to your own selfish, self-serving desires that you are oblivious to the big picture.

Civil rights for gays have come out of our own struggle for those rights which began with Stonewall. I am proud of the way the country has changed and sees gays and lesbians as equal citizens. Most people I know want gays to be able to marry, just like they do.

Try writing an essay on this topic without all the ad hominem. It will make a stronger argument.

I am liberal and I don't lash out at Log Cabin Republicans.

I vote Democratic for many reasons. I'm not a single issue voter. Are you?

11-06-2011, 12:50 PM
Civil rights for gays have come out of our own struggle for those rights which began with Stonewall. I am proud of the way the country has changed and sees gays and lesbians as equal citizens. Most people I know want gays to be able to marry, just like they do.

Try writing an essay on this topic without all the ad hominem. It will make a stronger argument.

I am liberal and I don't lash out at Log Cabin Republicans.

I vote Democratic for many reasons. I'm not a single issue voter. Are you?

When you get an argument, let me know. I can destroy ANY argument YOU have, and have done so countless times. New board, same old argument for you. You'll lose. As usual.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 12:50 PM
Then you're not an Independent. If you vote for the Democrats your whole life, you're a Dem, period. If I voted Republican my whole life, then I'm a republican. And if Dems are so strongly in favor of Gay Rights, then please tell why they didn't pass Gay Marriage when they had majorities in both House and Senate, with an automatic rubber Stamp from the President, who is also a Dem that supports Gay Rights? Bush may have been one of our shittier presidents, but at least the man realized that when you have the royal flush, you bet the hell into it.

When did I ever say anyone wasn't gay?

1) My Dad is gay. Also conservative, and a Republican, though less than happy with the party the last ten years. He struggled with it for most of his life, and tried to hide in marriage to my mom, to fake it till he was "really" straight.
2) I support Gay marriage. The Federal Government has no right to say who you can love

There is also a whole thread on this board about Dems stating as I quoted. Just as stupid as when Republicans called small town America the "real American", like the coasts have just been faking it this whole time.

This seems like another instance of you taking umbridge where there was no need to. You really need to chill, Sky. I wasn't attacking you, or gay people, and if you'd stop treating me like I am, we could possibly have an interesting debate, but that requires you to not take everything I say in the worst possible way, or put words in my mouth.

Voting Democratic is not the same as being registered with the Democratic Party. Please show me exactly where you think I personally attacked you.

We share the same views about marriage equality. My gad, also was gay.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 12:51 PM
When you get an argument, let me know. I can destroy ANY argument YOU have, and have done so countless times. New board, same old argument for you. You'll lose. As usual.

My argument is that gay citizens are best served voting Democratic, if they're only voting on a single issue. Most Democratics do not vote single issue. Check out the Texas Republican platform. Not gay friendly at all.

New board, same hostility from you.

11-06-2011, 12:51 PM
Voting Democratic is not the same as being registered with the Democratic Party. Please show me exactly where you think I personally attacked you.

We share the same views about marriage equality. My gad, also was gay.

Voting Democratic means you're a mindless sheep.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 01:00 PM
Voting Democratic means you're a mindless sheep.

That's your opinion, not a statement of fact. It's flame bait.

My argument is that gay citizens are best served voting Democratic, if they're only voting on a single issue. Most Democratics do not vote single issue. Check out the Texas Republican platform. Not gay friendly at all.
Texas GOP platform wants to criminalize sodomy and outlaw gay marriage.
GOP POTUS candidates have domionist views. Not all Christians are dominionists, but all domionists claim Christianity. That would be making the Bible the law of the land instead of the Constitution.

Abbey Marie
11-06-2011, 01:03 PM
I have a question, and I want to put this as delicately as possible: In this case, is Log Cabin a euphemism?

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 01:08 PM
It is the GOP party that endorseS DOMA.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 01:42 PM
DOMA repeal unlikely to find a single GOP vote in committee
All 10 Democrats on the 18-member panel are supporters of DOMA repeal, so the legislation should have no trouble (http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/04/26/votes-lined-up-in-senate-committee-for-doma-repeal/)moving out of committee. But LGBT advocates are dubious about finding support from any Republicans on the panel.

11-06-2011, 02:02 PM
DOMA repeal unlikely to find a single GOP vote in committee

All 10 Democrats on the 18-member panel are supporters of DOMA repeal, so the legislation should have no trouble (http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/04/26/votes-lined-up-in-senate-committee-for-doma-repeal/)moving out of committee. But LGBT advocates are dubious about finding support from any Republicans on the panel.

I could register as a Narco-Cyniclist Commune (points for those that get this reference). If I vote one party my whole life, I'm that party, period.

You take a combative stance when you post, and I don't think you see it. when you accuse someone of stereotyping by putting words in their mouth, that comes across as an attack. You seriously need to mind how you're saying things, WS.

Now, in reference to this point, "Oh no, Republicans might shoot down a Democratic proposal!". Some of this is really childish Rep-Vs.-Dem mentality, where it wouldn't matter what was in the bill, as long as it has "the other team's" name on it, it will get opposed. But honestly, Dems had their chance to repeal this, and every other Bush era bill when they took office and had an unbeatable majority across the board. They could have had a conga line of bills going, and they dropped the ball horribly. The DOMA, the NCLB, The Patriot Act, and more all could have been taken down in a matter of couple months of Obama taking office.

11-06-2011, 02:20 PM
Bill Clinton signed DOMA into law. He has on numerous occasions reiterated marriage is between a man and a woman. Even in 2009, when Obama decided that he'd switch to repeal of DOMA, Clinton said that he still thought marriage should be a man and woman, but wanted the feds out of it. Obama too has been all over the place, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/3375059/Barack-Obama-marriage-is-between-a-man-and-a-woman.html

I'm pretty much with Clinton on keeping the feds out of it, schools too for that matter. ;)

I think 'marriage' is best left to the religious sectors and all else should be civil unions.

11-06-2011, 03:01 PM
Any gains that gays have experienced has come INSPITE OF republicans.

As for any group, any gains have come because of themselves and not because of any political party.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 03:24 PM
I could register as a Narco-Cyniclist Commune (points for those that get this reference). If I vote one party my whole life, I'm that party, period.

You take a combative stance when you post, and I don't think you see it. when you accuse someone of stereotyping by putting words in their mouth, that comes across as an attack. You seriously need to mind how you're saying things, WS.

Now, in reference to this point, "Oh no, Republicans might shoot down a Democratic proposal!". Some of this is really childish Rep-Vs.-Dem mentality, where it wouldn't matter what was in the bill, as long as it has "the other team's" name on it, it will get opposed. But honestly, Dems had their chance to repeal this, and every other Bush era bill when they took office and had an unbeatable majority across the board. They could have had a conga line of bills going, and they dropped the ball horribly. The DOMA, the NCLB, The Patriot Act, and more all could have been taken down in a matter of couple months of Obama taking office.

The feedback I am getting from all of you is that my posts come across to you as combative. It's not my intention. It makes me feel as though I have to walk on eggshells.

It's not working. Nobody's fault. I just won't post anymore.


Abbey Marie
11-06-2011, 03:54 PM
The feedback I am getting from all of you is that my posts come across to you as combative. It's not my intention. It makes me feel as though I have to walk on eggshells.

It's not working. Nobody's fault. I just won't post anymore.


All of you? I never said anything of the sort. I didn't think you were being any different than most people.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 04:02 PM
All of you? I never said anything fo the sort. I didn't think you were being any different than most people.

OK. Thanks for clarifying that.

11-06-2011, 05:17 PM
The feedback I am getting from all of you is that my posts come across to you as combative. It's not my intention. It makes me feel as though I have to walk on eggshells.

It's not working. Nobody's fault. I just won't post anymore.


It's not "walking on egghells". It's simple, polite conversation rules. Don't put words in people's mouths, just like you don't want us doing to you. Make sure you fully read the thread you're posting in before you post, so that you know what the thread's really about.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 06:56 PM
It's not "walking on egghells". It's simple, polite conversation rules. Don't put words in people's mouths, just like you don't want us doing to you. Make sure you fully read the thread you're posting in before you post, so that you know what the thread's really about.

It feels that way to me. I feel as though I have to stifle myself, not be passionate about any view, ask permission to write something. Any problem with THIS post?

DOMA repeal unlikely to find a single GOP vote in committee

All 10 Democrats on the 18-member panel are supporters of DOMA repeal, so the legislation should have no trouble (http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/04/26/votes-lined-up-in-senate-committee-for-doma-repeal/)moving out of committee. But LGBT advocates are dubious about finding support from any Republicans on the panel.
http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/...-in-committee/ (http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/11/02/doma-repeal-unlikely-to-find-a-single-gop-vote-in-committee/)

I have no problem being polite. Is it polite for Gunny to say that anyone who votes Democratic is a "mindless sheep" ? Apparently, Gunny can say any number of untrue ugly things and no one calls him on it.

It's true I don't always read ever post in a thread before posting. You're indicating I should.

Do you have any liberal posters here besides me?

11-06-2011, 07:03 PM
It feels that way to me. I feel as though I have to stifle myself, not be passionate about any view, ask permission to write something. Any problem with THIS post?

DOMA repeal unlikely to find a single GOP vote in committee

All 10 Democrats on the 18-member panel are supporters of DOMA repeal, so the legislation should have no trouble (http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/04/26/votes-lined-up-in-senate-committee-for-doma-repeal/)moving out of committee. But LGBT advocates are dubious about finding support from any Republicans on the panel.
http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/...-in-committee/ (http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/11/02/doma-repeal-unlikely-to-find-a-single-gop-vote-in-committee/)

I have no problem being polite. Is it polite for Gunny to say that anyone who votes Democratic is a "mindless sheep" ?

It's true I don't always read ever post in a thread before posting. You're indicating I should.

Do you have any liberal posters here besides me?

Oh surely you aren't going to use Gunny as an example of not polite. He's an old cranky ass Marine Gunny they were born impolite. Only to be let out of their cages under certain circumstances lol.

Just post and don't worry about it. Don't take every response to one of your posts as an attack on your person. Seriously Sky your blood pressure must be through the roof.

11-06-2011, 07:14 PM
That's your opinion, not a statement of fact. It's flame bait.

My argument is that gay citizens are best served voting Democratic, if they're only voting on a single issue. Most Democratics do not vote single issue. Check out the Texas Republican platform. Not gay friendly at all.
Texas GOP platform wants to criminalize sodomy and outlaw gay marriage.
GOP POTUS candidates have domionist views. Not all Christians are dominionists, but all domionists claim Christianity. That would be making the Bible the law of the land instead of the Constitution.

Same old song and dance from you.

"Citrizens" are best served voting Republican as the lesser of two evils. Most Democrats vote for whatever has a "D" after its name. No one in their right mind would have voted for Obama otherwise.

Who gives a f*ck who is and is not "gay friendly"? Who are YOU that you think your aberrant lifestyle should control the majority?

The rest of what you posted is just drivel. Conjecture and bullshit rhetoric.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 07:15 PM
Oh surely you aren't going to use Gunny as an example of not polite. He's an old cranky ass Marine Gunny they were born impolite. Only to be let out of their cages under certain circumstances lol.

Just post and don't worry about it. Don't take every response to one of your posts as an attack on your person. Seriously Sky your blood pressure must be through the roof.

Personal attack is personal attack. It's ad hominem. It's not good debate. I have no blood pressure problems. Sounds like a double standard. Liberals better post politely, conservative don't have to.

11-06-2011, 07:17 PM
Personal attack is personal attack. It's ad hominem. It's not good debate. I have no blood pressure problems. Sounds like a double standard. Liberals better post politely, conservative don't have to.

Wah. Most of your arguments are red herrings, bullshit rhetoric and/or ad hominems. Try not to be such the hypocrite that you are.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 07:19 PM
Same old song and dance from you.

"Citrizens" are best served voting Republican as the lesser of two evils. Most Democrats vote for whatever has a "D" after its name. No one in their right mind would have voted for Obama otherwise.

Who gives a f*ck who is and is not "gay friendly"? Who are YOU that you think your aberrant lifestyle should control the majority?

The rest of what you posted is just drivel. Conjecture and bullshit rhetoric.

Not all citizens are best served voting Republican. You really ought to stop making everything so personal. I get it that you can't stand gays. Leave USMB at USMB, or go back there.

Being gay is not the only consideration in my life. The US is founded on principles that protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority for just such anti-gay bigots as you.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 07:21 PM
Wah. Most of your arguments are red herrings, bullshit rhetoric and/or ad hominems. Try not to be such the hypocrite that you are.

Quite ironic of you to say most of MY posts are ad hominems while you deliver an ad hominem. Try studying debate again.

Try and post without personal insults, name calling, aka ad hominem attack.

My guess is you don't enjoy talking to anyone who challenges your assumptions. Hence, the only way you can relate to my posts is to attack me or my "lifestyle".

Give it up, Gunny. I'm a human being first, a citizen second, a married woman third, and a friend to many people from all walks of life and all political persuasions.

I have no problem with Log Cabin Republicans.

11-06-2011, 07:22 PM
Not all citizens are best served voting Republican. You really ought to stop making everything so personal. I get it that you can't stand gays. Leave USMB at USMB, or go back there.

Being gay is not the only consideration in my life. The US is founded on principles that protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority for just such anti-gay bigots as you.

You'll have to wait for the rest of your beatdown. I have a child to take care of.

11-06-2011, 07:22 PM
Not all citizens are best served voting Republican. You really ought to stop making everything so personal. I get it that you can't stand gays. Leave USMB at USMB, or go back there.

Being gay is not the only consideration in my life. The US is founded on principles that protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority for just such anti-gay bigots as you.

If being gay isn't all of who you are, why do you interject it into nearly every thread and or post you make? I'm being serious here. I don't know if you seen the thread where I talked about my children's godfather or not, but he's gay and you'd hardly know it to be around him, in fact you wouldn't know it unless he chose to let you know. I bet you Gunny could hang out with him for an entire weekend and not have ANY problems with him even if he knew he was gay before hand becuase the dude keeps his gay private just like he would ask Gunny to keep HIS sex life private .

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 07:31 PM
You'll have to wait for the rest of your beatdown. I have a child to take care of.

The "rest of my beatdown"? WTF are you talking about. Please take care of your child and your own inner baby.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 07:34 PM
If being gay isn't all of who you are, why do you interject it into nearly every thread and or post you make? I'm being serious here. I don't know if you seen the thread where I talked about my children's godfather or not, but he's gay and you'd hardly know it to be around him, in fact you wouldn't know it unless he chose to let you know. I bet you Gunny could hang out with him for an entire weekend and not have ANY problems with him even if he knew he was gay before hand becuase the dude keeps his gay private just like he would ask Gunny to keep HIS sex life private .

This is the only place where I voice my view on civil rights for gays and lesbians. You folks are lucky to have me since I see a TON of threads here that I did NOT start on the topic of homosexuality. If you folks didn't talk about it neither would I.

I live openly, but I do not announce my sexuality nor do I discuss my sex life in RL.

Gunny is a bigot. He does not support equal civil rights for gay people.

11-06-2011, 07:41 PM
This is the only place where I voice my view on civil rights for gays and lesbians. You folks are lucky to have me since I see a TON of threads here that I did NOT start on the topic of homosexuality. If you folks didn't talk about it neither would I.

I live openly, but I do not announce my sexuality nor do I discuss my sex life in RL.

Gunny is a bigot. He does not support equal civil rights for gay people.

You don't have to interject it into EVERY post is what I'm saying. THAT is Gunny's issue with you , you have to throw your gay in his face. Stop doing it. In threads about being gay, you bet , go for it. But you don't want our Christianity thrown in YOUR face at every turn do you?

Who cares if Gunny is a bigot? as long as all he is doing is voting against you or speaking against you , he is 100% within his rights to do so.

11-06-2011, 07:49 PM
The "rest of my beatdown"? WTF are you talking about. Please take care of your child and your own inner baby.

Meaning you don't have a legit argument. You never have. And you couldn't deal with my "inner anything" on your best day and my worse. I'm not a whining loser with a non-argument posting on the internet about what a freakin' victim I am.

11-06-2011, 07:50 PM
You don't have to interject it into EVERY post is what I'm saying. THAT is Gunny's issue with you , you have to throw your gay in his face. Stop doing it. In threads about being gay, you bet , go for it. But you don't want our Christianity thrown in YOUR face at every turn do you?

Who cares if Gunny is a bigot? as long as all he is doing is voting against you or speaking against you , he is 100% within his rights to do so.

By definition, everyone's a bigot. That label from the left is a waste of time, proves they're in denial, and hypocrites. All one has to do is make a decision and one discriminates. Simple as that.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 07:58 PM
You don't have to interject it into EVERY post is what I'm saying. THAT is Gunny's issue with you , you have to throw your gay in his face. Stop doing it. In threads about being gay, you bet , go for it. But you don't want our Christianity thrown in YOUR face at every turn do you?

Who cares if Gunny is a bigot? as long as all he is doing is voting against you or speaking against you , he is 100% within his rights to do so.

Who cares if Gunny is a bigot? I do. He never stops relating to me as someone of his hated class. I don't like that about him.

I don't have to. He's a homophobe.

11-06-2011, 07:59 PM
By definition, everyone's a bigot. That label from the left is a waste of time, proves they're in denial, and hypocrites. All one has to do is make a decision and one discriminates. Simple as that.

Well of course I realize that Gunny, but I was just using her own baby definition of bigot.

She is a text book example of one of those gays who isn't happy if you just leave her alone, no goddamit you MUST accept her being gay (actually she's bi as admitted last night) as being normal .

See my friend isn't like that. We could all get together and watch the Razorbacks kick the shit out of the Longhorns and you'd not give one though that he was gay. All you would think was "damn that fucker is eating all the nachos and drinking all the beer" LOL same with his SO. They don't put their gay in my face and so I don't even consider it when hanging out with him. I have a feeling that everyone of Sky's friends has to walk around on eggshells reassuring her that they are fine with her sexual choice the entire time they are with her.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:00 PM
Meaning you don't have a legit argument. You never have. And you couldn't deal with my "inner anything" on your best day and my worse. I'm not a whining loser with a non-argument posting on the internet about what a freakin' victim I am.

Clearly, you aren't worth talking to about any serious political subject.

11-06-2011, 08:00 PM
Who cares if Gunny is a bigot? I do. He never stops relating to me as someone of his hated class. I don't like that about him.

I don't have to.

You're quite correct. You no more have to be okay him being a crusty old redneck bigot than he has to be okay with you being gay. Do you see how that works Sky?

You're a bigot yourself Sky. Bigoted against Christians , so stop being a hypocrite .

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:02 PM
Meaning you don't have a legit argument. You never have. And you couldn't deal with my "inner anything" on your best day and my worse. I'm not a whining loser with a non-argument posting on the internet about what a freakin' victim I am.

Clearly, you aren't worth talking to about any serious political subject. All you want to do is act like an abusive ass and then call me a "victim" or a "whiner" if anyone objects to being treated like a piece of shit.

Bye. Good luck with that anger issue of yours.

11-06-2011, 08:05 PM
Clearly, you aren't worth talking to about any serious political subject.

Sure I am. I have a brain. You, on the other hand, voted for Obama. That makes YOU the bonehead here, not me.

Fact is, as long as I've known you, anyone who doesn't agree with your leftist BS isn't worth talking to, according to you.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:05 PM
You're quite correct. You no more have to be okay him being a crusty old redneck bigot than he has to be okay with you being gay. Do you see how that works Sky?

You're a bigot yourself Sky. Bigoted against Christians , so stop being a hypocrite .

I don't want to talk about religion. I don't disrespect anyone in RL, and I'm not interested in doing so on this forum either.I'm

I'm bigoted against racists, and homophobes, and religious extremism, no matter what the religion is.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:07 PM
Sure I am. I have a brain. You, on the other hand, voted for Obama. That makes YOU the bonehead here, not me.

Fact is, as long as I've known you, anyone who doesn't agree with your leftist BS isn't worth talking to, according to you.

I enjoy talking to people whose politics disagree with me. I don't talk to abusers.

11-06-2011, 08:08 PM
Clearly, you aren't worth talking to about any serious political subject. All you want to do is act like an abusive ass and then call me a "victim" or a "whiner" if anyone objects to being treated like a piece of shit.

Bye. Good luck with that anger issue of yours.

Good grief

11-06-2011, 08:12 PM
I don't want to talk about religion. I don't disrespect anyone in RL, and I'm not interested in doing so on this forum either.I'm

I'm bigoted against racists, and homophobes, and religious extremism, no matter what the religion is.

you take your homosexuality to an extreme.

I swear to God someone could start a thread in the lounge about their favorite flavor of ice cream and we'd all be having a good time and you would come in with something along the lines of " you guy's hate gays because we like fruity tuity ice cream" when in fact no one in that thread was even talking about gays.

You actively look for reasons to be offended.

Gunny is a bigot wah wah. tell him to fuck off and go chat with someone else. He'd probably respect you more for it, and I know the rest of us would think it was funny. :laugh2:

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:13 PM
Well of course I realize that Gunny, but I was just using her own baby definition of bigot.

She is a text book example of one of those gays who isn't happy if you just leave her alone, no goddamit you MUST accept her being gay (actually she's bi as admitted last night) as being normal .

See my friend isn't like that. We could all get together and watch the Razorbacks kick the shit out of the Longhorns and you'd not give one though that he was gay. All you would think was "damn that fucker is eating all the nachos and drinking all the beer" LOL same with his SO. They don't put their gay in my face and so I don't even consider it when hanging out with him. I have a feeling that everyone of Sky's friends has to walk around on eggshells reassuring her that they are fine with her sexual choice the entire time they are with her.

My friends do not "walk around eggshells" around me, because they accept me as a full human being. Someone they respect and enjoy who happens to be married to another woman.

I don't care if Gunny doesn't accept gay people. I care that he posts abusively to me. I don't take abuse from anyone.

I'm sorry you can't see the difference.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:16 PM
you take your homosexuality to an extreme.

I swear to God someone could start a thread in the lounge about their favorite flavor of ice cream and we'd all be having a good time and you would come in with something along the lines of " you guy's hate gays because we like fruity tuity ice cream" when in fact no one in that thread was even talking about gays.

You actively look for reasons to be offended.

Gunny is a bigot wah wah. tell him to fuck off and go chat with someone else. He'd probably respect you more for it, and I know the rest of us would think it was funny. :laugh2:

I talk about my views on marriage equality, women's rights, DADT, and so on. I've seen you and Gunny bring up my lesbianism when I have not. It's all you see.


11-06-2011, 08:16 PM
My friends do not "walk around eggshells" around me, because they accept me as a full human being. Someone they respect and enjoy who happens to be married to another woman.

I don't care if Gunny doesn't accept gay people. I care that he posts abusively to me. I don't take abuse from anyone.

I'm sorry you can't see the difference.

LOOK I defended you for being abused at the scow. Did I not? What you suffered there was abusive posting. What Gunny has done is not. It's THAT simple.

If you can't accept that then I don't even know why you changed boards, it's like you're happy to be abused and so when none really exists you manufacture it.

11-06-2011, 08:18 PM
I talk about my views on marriage equality, women's rights, DADT, and so on. I've seen you and Gunny bring up my lesbianism when I have not. It's all you see.


Wrong. I see a victim who happens to be gay.

11-06-2011, 08:19 PM
I enjoy talking to people whose politics disagree with me. I don't talk to abusers.

Fact is, you didn't learn your lesson 2-3 years ago. You couldn't argue with me on a leftwingnut dominated board. Now you want to try on a conservative board? How many times do you need to beat your thick skull against a brick wall before you figure out you ain't gonna' win? Not with me. You're a loser. Everything wrong with the left. You people need to leave this country because our Constitution and YOUR beliefs are polar opposites.

Instead, you join this board and in your supreme ignorant arrogance think you're going to troll my every post. I ignored your dumb ass on USMB, and I can do the same here. But if you want to come after me, I'll light your fairy ass up.

Are we clear?

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:20 PM
LOOK I defended you for being abused at the scow. Did I not? What you suffered there was abusive posting. What Gunny has done is not. It's THAT simple.

If you can't accept that then I don't even know why you changed boards, it's like you're happy to be abused and so when none really exists you manufacture it.

Go back and read the crap that Gunny posted to me. He's an abusive prig. He can't just talk about the topic, he must be insulting. Some kind of reflex army shit, but I'm not under his fucking command.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:22 PM
Fact is, you didn't learn your lesson 2-3 years ago. You couldn't argue with me on a leftwingnut dominated board. Now you want to try on a conservative board? How many times do you need to beat your thick skull against a brick wall before you figure out you ain't gonna' win? Not with me. You're a loser. Everything wrong with the left. You people need to leave this country because our Constitution and YOUR beliefs are polar opposites.

Instead, you join this board and in your supreme ignorant arrogance think you're going to troll my every post. I ignored your dumb ass on USMB, and I can do the same here. But if you want to come after me, I'll light your fairy ass up.

Are we clear?

We are clear. You don't talk to me. I don't talk to you.

I don't talk to people who use anti-gay slurs or make threats.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:23 PM
Wrong. I see a victim who happens to be gay. I see a strong woman with a high level of self-esteem who won't take any crap. I'm here to have fun.

11-06-2011, 08:26 PM
I see a strong woman with a high level of self-esteem who won't take any crap.

Sweetheart, you have NO self esteem and that's obvious to anyone who's spent more than 2 minutes looking at your posts.

11-06-2011, 08:27 PM
We are clear. You don't talk to me. I don't talk to you.

I don't talk to people who use anti-gay slurs or make threats.

You're so stupid. I haven't made an anti-gay slur, you dumbass. I called you a dumbass because you voted for that retard Obama. Nor have I threatened your useless ass. Last I checked, I let you stay on the board where we were when NO ONE, right or left, liked you. I just chose to not argue with you because it's pointless. You're dumb. Plain and simple.

And I'll respond to your posts anytime I get the urge. You couldn't out-argue my 6 years old, much less me. You're a loser. You want a law that caters solely to aberrant sexual BEHAVIOR, and you defend idiots on Wall Street who are losers and just wnat something they haven't earned. Typical leftist bullshit.

11-06-2011, 08:29 PM
Go back and read the crap that Gunny posted to me. He's an abusive prig. He can't just talk about the topic, he must be insulting. Some kind of reflex army shit, but I'm not under his fucking command.

You don't get it do you? I hate bullies and I'm not afraid of Gunny so if I thought he was bullying you I would speak up. But YOU brought it on yourself. I'll tell you the same thing I told that fat pig over at USMB. You don't get to start shit and then cry foul when retaliation happens.

Gunny, just so you know I'm still a little peeved that you didn't tell that idiot over there exactly that when she whined about me. You fag. :laugh:

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:30 PM
Sweetheart, you have NO self esteem and that's obvious to anyone who's spent more than 2 minutes looking at your posts.

You don't know me very well then. NOONE who knows me in RL, thinks I have low self-esteem. But as long as you continue to be insulting we won't have much to talk about.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:31 PM
You don't get it do you? I hate bullies and I'm not afraid of Gunny so if I thought he was bullying you I would speak up. But YOU brought it on yourself. I'll tell you the same thing I told that fat pig over at USMB. You don't get to start shit and then cry foul when retaliation happens.

Gunny, just so you know I'm still a little peeved that you didn't tell that idiot over there exactly that when she whined about me. You fag. :laugh:

Bye boys.

11-06-2011, 08:32 PM
You don't know me very well then. NOONE who knows me in RL, thinks I have low self-esteem. But as long as you continue to be insulting we won't have much to talk about.

Just go back to USMB then Sky. I thought you might appreciate the chance for a fresh start, but noooooo....

I sure am glad I made the most of my fresh start here................. okay this is where the rest of you profess your love for me as a poster :laugh2:

11-06-2011, 08:34 PM
You don't get it do you? I hate bullies and I'm not afraid of Gunny so if I thought he was bullying you I would speak up. But YOU brought it on yourself. I'll tell you the same thing I told that fat pig over at USMB. You don't get to start shit and then cry foul when retaliation happens.

Gunny, just so you know I'm still a little peeved that you didn't tell that idiot over there exactly that when she whined about me. You fag. :laugh:

Which one?

Does Sky know any retaliatory response besides BS, baseless rhetoric?

If I was a bully, she'd have been gone LONG ago on USMB. Likewise, if anyone was a bully here, she'd be gone here. There are more than one of us that think she should duct tape her mouth to make her acceptable.

But she's been allowed to whine her whine. Nothing to bitch about here from what I see.

11-06-2011, 08:35 PM
Just go back to USMB then Sky. I thought you might appreciate the chance for a fresh start, but noooooo....

I sure am glad I made the most of my fresh start here................. okay this is where the rest of you profess your love for me as a poster :laugh2:

Some "fresh start". She started going right after my posts, and I had her pegged within 2-3 of them.:laugh:

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:37 PM
Bye guys. Thanks for the warm welcome and great send off.

Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:38 PM
Anyone else besides Gunny who wants to talk about the Log Cabin Republicans, I'm in.

11-06-2011, 08:38 PM
Some "fresh start". She started going right after my posts, and I had her pegged within 2-3 of them.:laugh:

Exactly what I was saying. She had the chance and blew it. That's all on her. Nothing for anyone here to feel guilty about.

11-06-2011, 08:40 PM
Exactly what I was saying. She had the chance and blew it. That's all on her. Nothing for anyone here to feel guilty about.


Wind Song
11-06-2011, 08:50 PM
Exactly what I was saying. She had the chance and blew it. That's all on her. Nothing for anyone here to feel guilty about.

I'll post with Shadow and some of the others here. Those who want to be abusive can talk to themselves and each other.

11-06-2011, 09:04 PM
I'll post with Shadow and some of the others here. Those who want to be abusive can talk to themselves and each other.

Wah, wah, wah ... abusive? You mean because I won't kiss your ass? Tough. I have no problem with Shadow. She doesn't play the victim.

Do I need to call the wah-mbulance for you?

11-06-2011, 10:07 PM
Exactly what I was saying. She had the chance and blew it. That's all on her. Nothing for anyone here to feel guilty about.

Well other than a strong defense push, including calling me a bully and sexually frustrated. Yeah, you're all good. Then bitching like her when negged. :rolleyes:

11-06-2011, 10:14 PM
Well other than a strong defense push, including calling me a bully and sexually frustrated. Yeah, you're all good. Then bitching like her when negged. :rolleyes:

Actually , I didn't call you a bully. I jokingly said you needed to get laid, oh and I laughed at you for negging me joking that you needed to get laid. Other than that, spot on analysis of the situation.

11-06-2011, 10:55 PM
Actually , I didn't call you a bully. I jokingly said you needed to get laid, oh and I laughed at you for negging me joking that you needed to get laid. Other than that, spot on analysis of the situation.

Funny thing, ha ha, whenever you are called out on something you say you're joking and the other person needs to get a sense of humor. Joke for you, you are a joke. Ha, ha!

11-06-2011, 10:58 PM
Funny thing, ha ha, whenever you are called out on something you say you're joking and the other person needs to get a sense of humor. Joke for you, you are a joke. Ha, ha!

As if I seriously know or care if you need to get laid Kath. It's just a common goof to say when someone is acting uptight.

11-06-2011, 11:25 PM
As if I seriously know or care if you need to get laid Kath. It's just a common goof to say when someone is acting uptight.

Right! Ha, ha! It's also common goof to say those that claim to 'be kidding' after the fact are in fact just flamers! Ha, ha!

11-06-2011, 11:26 PM
Right! Ha, ha! It's also common goof to say those that claim to 'be kidding' after the fact are in fact just flamers! Ha, ha!

I've already admitted to enjoying the flame game on occasion. So your claims here are irrelevant.

Wind Song
11-07-2011, 12:09 AM
Wah, wah, wah ... abusive? You mean because I won't kiss your ass? Tough. I have no problem with Shadow. She doesn't play the victim.

Do I need to call the wah-mbulance for you?

I have no problem with Shadow either. We have an actual conversation. We share similar views about people who act like assholes and then protest when someone calls them on it.

11-07-2011, 01:20 AM
Just a quick question ... why are the threads degenerating down to ConHog and Windsong discussing things that happened on another board?

I've looked at 3-4 threads now and it seems like I'm reading the same posts over and over again...Conhog telling Windsong this could be a new start over here ... just chill....and she's continuing stating that she is.

Can we not talk about USMB on this board? Seriously? There is a reason none of us post over there now and it seems to be bleeding into this board.

I know I'm being cranky but............the Steelers lost and I'm kinda pissy tonight.

11-09-2011, 01:12 AM
Just a quick question ... why are the threads degenerating down to ConHog and Windsong discussing things that happened on another board?

I've looked at 3-4 threads now and it seems like I'm reading the same posts over and over again...Conhog telling Windsong this could be a new start over here ... just chill....and she's continuing stating that she is.

Can we not talk about USMB on this board? Seriously? There is a reason none of us post over there now and it seems to be bleeding into this board.

I know I'm being cranky but............the Steelers lost and I'm kinda pissy tonight.

Frankly , I mentioned it a few times because I was disappointed that Sky proved her own behavior was her own behavior, and not due to that board. I have stopped trying to convince her to change or myself that she could change.