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View Full Version : Joe Biden Stands By Rape Reference to GOP

red states rule
10-20-2011, 02:50 AM
Like most liberals here, Joe Biden gets very huffy when he is asked to defend what he says. He gets into a heated exchange with a reporter who dared to ask him to defend his rape comments while pushing Obama's latest "jobs" bill

His staff quickly ushered Joe out when the questions continued

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fxxotkX9ZOo" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

10-20-2011, 08:17 AM
"So Mr. VP, since murders and rapes have risen since the passage of the first stimulus bill are we free to assume that the passage of that legislation has caused those additional rapes and murders?"

Seems clear to me that anyone opposed to rape and murder should oppose this jobs bill.

10-20-2011, 10:47 AM
Like most liberals here, Joe Biden gets very huffy when he is asked to defend what he says. He gets into a heated exchange with a reporter who dared to ask him to defend his rape comments while pushing Obama's latest "jobs" bill

His staff quickly ushered Joe out when the questions continued

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/fxxotkX9ZOo" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

So Joe Biden is an idiot. Where is the news in that little tidbit?

10-20-2011, 11:25 AM
"So Mr. VP, since murders and rapes have risen since the passage of the first stimulus bill are we free to assume that the passage of that legislation has caused those additional rapes and murders?"

Seems clear to me that anyone opposed to rape and murder should oppose this jobs bill.

Clearly the VP has confused a condition with the problem. Govt manipulation of financial markets=> Inflationary bubble=>financial crisis=>job loss =>frustration among the public=> rise in violent crime. The problem isn't job loss,(that's a condition), but rather the market manipulation by govt. This is a blatant attempt by VP Biden to vilify the small-govt, tea-party policies as promoting violence. Yet again, we see first-hand the administration's continued undermining of the free-market, obfuscation of the administrative causes of our stunted growth and any attempt to get to the crux of the issue--- the price of tea in China. :coffee:

red states rule
10-21-2011, 02:38 AM
I am sure there are liberals who actually think if the Dems get their way and spend $35 billion today, murder and rape will end in America

The sad thing is, some of these libs vote

red states rule
10-21-2011, 04:28 AM
Will Joe hit the road warning of a coming nationwide crime wave?

President Barack Obama and his allies in the Senate promise to press ahead with separate votes on pieces of his failed $447 billion jobs measure despite unanimous opposition from Republicans. But there also are signs of slippage among Democrats and evidence the strategy isn't working with voters.
Future votes on individual pieces of the measure, however, aren't likely to fare better than a pared-back jobs measure designed to boost hiring of teachers and first responders that Republicans and a handful of Democrats scuttled on Thursday.

Obama's revised plan failed on a 50-50 test vote that fell well short of the 60 needed to break a filibuster. Three Democrats abandoned Obama on the vote and two more who voted with the president said they couldn't support the underlying Obama plan unless it's changed.
Thursday's $35 billion measure combined $30 billion for state and local governments to hire teachers and other school workers with $5 billion to help pay the salaries of police officers, firefighters and other first responders. The White House says the measure would "support" almost 400,000 education jobs for one year. Republicans call that a temporary "sugar high" for the economy and say it's a taxpayer-funded bailout of state and local governments.

Obama and his Democratic allies are acting like they've found a winning issue in repeatedly pressing popular ideas such as infrastructure spending and boosting hiring of police officers and firefighters. The sluggish economy and lower tax revenues have caused many teachers' jobs to be cut over the past several years


10-21-2011, 11:52 AM
"So Mr. VP, since murders and rapes have risen since the passage of the first stimulus bill are we free to assume that the passage of that legislation has caused those additional rapes and murders?"

Seems clear to me that anyone opposed to rape and murder should oppose this jobs bill.

These two are so funny.
The libs tried so hard to paint Bush as an idiot, but Obama and Biden have scaled beyond anything Bush was capable of.

obama and biden,,,, DUMB AND DUMBER, only question is, which is dumb, and which is dumber?

Abbey Marie
10-21-2011, 01:40 PM
Dopey on Joe's part, but I really hate the way every word said these days is micro-analyzed for offense. Whatever side is doing it.

I love the way his people rushed him off before he could say something even dumber, lol.

10-22-2011, 12:24 AM
Joe simply said that if first responders and law enforcement budgets are cut and we lose the individuals whose jobs are to keep us safe are eliminated that serious crimes will rise and continue to rise is exactly spot on. Are we going to return to the wild west where idiots can hang anyone they don't like and excuse others they do like? We continue to have a similar system but it really is getting better. Especially with justice advocates like Vice President Joe Biden.


10-22-2011, 01:02 AM
Dopey on Joe's part, but I really hate the way every word said these days is micro-analyzed for offense. Whatever side is doing it.

I love the way his people rushed him off before he could say something even dumber, lol.

I completely agree when they do some real nitpicking. And then those same nitpickers bitch that no candidates are real or genuine, but when they try to be, the nitpickers are all over it.

But in this case I think nitpicking doesnt apply. I mean, it wasnt one sentence, or one word he used, it was the entire concept, and he re iterated the nonsense later.

10-22-2011, 01:05 AM
Joe simply said that if first responders and law enforcement budgets are cut and we lose the individuals whose jobs are to keep us safe are eliminated that serious crimes will rise and continue to rise is exactly spot on. Are we going to return to the wild west where idiots can hang anyone they don't like and excuse others they do like? We continue to have a similar system but it really is getting better. Especially with justice advocates like Vice President Joe Biden.


ITs an emotional laden arguement intended to incense people to think republicans dont care about women. Which simply isnt true even though you are going to respond saying it is true.

how often has a cop showed up to stop a rape?:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::la ugh:
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:: laugh::laugh:

I mean, really Joe, you are the vice president of the freaking united states of america, and you cant come up with a better one than that?

red states rule
10-22-2011, 02:20 AM
Joe simply said that if first responders and law enforcement budgets are cut and we lose the individuals whose jobs are to keep us safe are eliminated that serious crimes will rise and continue to rise is exactly spot on. Are we going to return to the wild west where idiots can hang anyone they don't like and excuse others they do like? We continue to have a similar system but it really is getting better. Especially with justice advocates like Vice President Joe Biden.


PB, you really should get a show at MSNBC

First, Biden was doing what libs do best. They run on fear

Second, violent crime went down for the 4th year in a row. This is a pesky fact the liberla media is ignoring

According to the figures released today by the FBI, the estimated number of violent crimes in 2010 declined for the fourth consecutive year. Property crimes also decreased, marking this the eighth straight year that the collective estimates for these offenses declined.

The 2010 statistics show that the estimated volumes of violent and property crimes declined 6.0 percent and 2.7 percent, respectively, when compared with the 2009 estimates. The violent crime rate for the year was 403.6 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants (a 6.5 percent decrease from the 2009 rate), and the property crime rate was 2,941.9 offenses per 100,000 persons (a 3.3 percent decrease from the 2009 figure).


red states rule
10-22-2011, 03:02 AM
ITs an emotional laden arguement intended to incense people to think republicans dont care about women. Which simply isnt true even though you are going to respond saying it is true.

how often has a cop showed up to stop a rape?:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::la ugh:
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:: laugh::laugh:

I mean, really Joe, you are the vice president of the freaking united states of america, and you cant come up with a better one than that?

Even the Washington Post called Joe out on this

The Pinocchio Test

Biden, when he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1994, was author of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the largest crime bill in U.S. history. On the face of it, a threefold increase in rape in two years—when other violent crime statistics show relatively modest increases in the same city—should raise serious questions for anyone knowledgeable about crime or statistics. Clearly, the city of Flint supplied bad data, and either Biden or someone in Biden’s office should have caught it.

In any case, the vice president should know better than to spout off half-baked facts in service of a dubious argument. Even if one believes there is a link between crime and the number of police—which is debatable and subject to many caveats—there is no excuse to make the dramatic claim that more people will die or be raped without additional funds for police. When making such a breathtaking charge, you had better have your facts straight.
Four Pinocchios


red states rule
10-22-2011, 03:54 AM
"So Mr. VP, since murders and rapes have risen since the passage of the first stimulus bill are we free to assume that the passage of that legislation has caused those additional rapes and murders?"

Seems clear to me that anyone opposed to rape and murder should oppose this jobs bill.


10-22-2011, 08:56 PM
ITs an emotional laden arguement intended to incense people to think republicans dont care about women. Which simply isnt true even though you are going to respond saying it is true.

how often has a cop showed up to stop a rape?:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::la ugh:
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:: laugh::laugh:

I mean, really Joe, you are the vice president of the freaking united states of america, and you cant come up with a better one than that?

So, you're cool with cutting out the cops and other first responders even though it is without doubt going to allow crimes to increase exponentially? I see. How does that make you feel?


10-22-2011, 11:11 PM
Biden's Whopper!


Home (http://www.factcheck.org/) • The FactCheck Wire (http://www.factcheck.org/the-factcheck-wire/) • Biden’s Whopper in Flint, Mich.
Biden’s Whopper in Flint, Mich. Posted on October 20, 2011 , Updated on Oct. 21, 2011
http://cache.addthis.com/cachefly/static/btn/v2/lg-share-en.gif (http://addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250)
Joe Biden falsely claimed on multiple occasions that the number of reported rapes in Flint, Mich., has skyrocketed since 2008 — providing different accounts at different events that do not square with FBI data. He started at a 152 percent increase, and since then has said rapes in Flint have tripled and even “quadrupled.” But FBI data show the number of rapes in Flint has gone down 11 percent, from 103 in 2008 to 92 in 2010.
Biden also said the city’s murder rate has “tripled.” The city says there were a record-high 66 murders last year — double, not triple, the 32 murders that occurred in 2008.
Rapes Haven’t ‘Quadrupled’
The vice president has been touring the country delivering his pitch for the American Jobs Act, President Barack Obama’s $447 billion plan (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/09/08/fact-sheet-american-jobs-act) that includes $35 billion to prevent the layoff of police, firefighters and teachers. On Oct. 12, Biden visited Flint, Mich., which has had the highest violent crime rate (http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2011/05/the-10-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/239513/#slide10) in the nation for the last two years. The city’s violent crime rate has increased from 20.2 violent crimes per 1,000 residents in 2008 (http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2008/data/table_08_mi.html) to 22.1 in 2010 (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/table-8/10tbl08mi.xls), a jump of about 9 percent, our analysis of FBI reports shows...


We also calculated the rate of reported rapes per 1,000 residents to account for the city’s declining population. Even then, the rate has declined from .91 rapes per 1,000 residents in 2008 to .84 rapes per 1,000, a decline of 8 percent.
We asked the vice president’s office to explain such a gross discrepancy. It referred us to the Flint mayor’s office — saying the figures came from the city. In response to our questions, Flint Public Safety Director Chief Alvern Lock put out a statement saying the city “stands behind the crime statistics provided to the Office of The Vice President.” It also said: “The discrepancies with the FBI and other sources reveal the differences in how crimes can be counted and categorized, based on different criteria.”
The statement falls short of supporting Biden’s various claims, however. For several reasons:

The city didn’t specify what rape figures it gave Biden, and he’s given at least three different and conflicting accounts. He said variously that the increase from 2008 was 152 percent, that it tripled and that it “quadrupled.” At least two of those claims must be wrong.
It’s true that rapes are notoriously underreported, as the vice president’s office pointed out to us. But Biden was talking about reported rapes. In fact, he used the FBI data when he said that there were 103 rapes in Flint in 2008. So why was the FBI report accurate in 2008 but not accurate in 2010? The city didn’t explain that.
The FBI gets its data from the city, because Uniform Crime Reports are voluntary and self reporting (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/aboutucrmain). If there was a mistake on the rape data, then it was the city’s fault. But the city, in its statement, does not acknowledge making a mistake in reporting rape data to the FBI.
The city did admit that it made a mistake in reporting the number of murders that occurred in 2010. It did so immediately — on the day the FBI report came out in May — and it did so again in the statement released in response to our questions. But it did not admit to making any reporting mistakes on rapes, then or now.

Update, Oct. 21: City spokeswoman Dawn Jones later explained to us that the 2010 figure provided to Biden included not just rapes that the city reports to the FBI but also “all cases of criminal sexual conduct.” That means the city and Biden were comparing reported rapes in 2008 (103) with all acts of criminal sexual conduct (229), including rape. That’s an apples-to-oranges comparison. And in any case those numbers don’t support Biden’s other inaccurate claims — that rape has tripled and quadrupled. Jones did not readily have the figure for criminal sexual conduct cases in 2008 and answers to other outstanding questions, but she promised to get back to us and we will update this item more fully when she does...

10-22-2011, 11:28 PM
Biden's Whopper!


So, the murders have only doubled instead of tripled? How does that make you feel, Kath?


10-22-2011, 11:48 PM
So, the murders have only doubled instead of tripled? How does that make you feel, Kath?


I feel bad for any murders, don't you? On the other hand, living close to a major met area, I'm fully aware of how those numbers ebb and flow. Has less to do with cops than the gangs.

10-23-2011, 12:00 AM
I feel bad for any murders, don't you? On the other hand, living close to a major met area, I'm fully aware of how those numbers ebb and flow. Has less to do with cops than the gangs.

So, you are another that believes that less law enforcement personnel means better and safer environments? How do you arrive at that conclusion? And of course I feel bad about any murders and I also feel bad about drunk drivers, speeders and general idiots causing much loss of life and treasures and a thousand other events or potential events that are lessened by the presence of adequate first responder and law enforcement personnel. Blowing off Vice President Joe Biden for advocating a strong policy of adequately and responsibly manning these positions is simple folly on it's face. Don't you agree, Kath?


10-23-2011, 12:16 AM
So, you are another that believes that less law enforcement personnel means better and safer environments? How do you arrive at that conclusion? You got that from where?
And of course I feel bad about any murders and I also feel bad about drunk drivers, speeders and general idiots causing much loss of life and treasures and a thousand other events or potential events that are lessened by the presence of adequate first responder and law enforcement personnel. ok.
Blowing off Vice President Joe Biden for advocating a strong policy of adequately and responsibly manning these positions is simple folly on it's face. Don't you agree, Kath?


Agree with your depiction of Biden? No. Agree with his lies? No. Forbes did fine in exposing those lies. Don't you agree?

10-23-2011, 12:28 AM
You got that from where? ok.

Agree with your depiction of Biden? No. Agree with his lies? No. Forbes did fine in exposing those lies. Don't you agree?

One's hyperbole is as bad as the other so no I don't agree. From where I got it that you are another that somehow thinks we are safer with less law enforcement and first response personnel is the underlying gist of your disapproval for points that the Vice President is trying to make.


10-23-2011, 01:35 AM
One's hyperbole is as bad as the other so no I don't agree. From where I got it that you are another that somehow thinks we are safer with less law enforcement and first response personnel is the underlying gist of your disapproval for points that the Vice President is trying to make.


Huh? Even if I were "another that somehow thinks we are safer with less law enforcement...", which I'm not on record of being, the rest is nonsense...

10-23-2011, 01:41 AM
Huh? Even if I were "another that somehow thinks we are safer with less law enforcement...", which I'm not on record of being, the rest is nonsense...

So, your post about Joe Biden telling "whoppers" was just blathering and that you don't really agree with the gist of it all? I would've never known.


10-23-2011, 01:44 AM
So, your post about Joe Biden telling "whoppers" was just blathering and that you don't really agree with the gist of it all? I would've never known.


Hardly, as was clear in each thread. Biden is Pinocchio writ large. He's a liar and incompetent, though not nearly as much as Obama.

10-23-2011, 02:00 AM
Hardly, as was clear in each thread. Biden is Pinocchio writ large. He's a liar and incompetent, though not nearly as much as Obama.

And Barack Hussein Obama is the duly elected President of the United States of America and Joe Biden is his Vice President and obviously that is tearing your butt up and truth be damned along with the country and it's principles down the drain with the incessant and childish fit throwing by certain political entities that we now have. Pitiful. Just pitiful I tell ya.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 04:56 AM
So, you're cool with cutting out the cops and other first responders even though it is without doubt going to allow crimes to increase exponentially? I see. How does that make you feel?


This is the same BS the left tosses out on every "jobs" bill and "stimulus" bill they have offered up. It is a bailout to states that can't manage their money

We saw the trillion dollar stimulus go to keep union government workers on the payroll, the money runs out, and the Dems come back to the taxpayers for more

I am trying to understand how after a trillion dollars did not "solve" the problem, how another $450 billion will

BTW, when the Washington Post calls Biden a liar you know it is getting bad for the Obama administration

10-23-2011, 05:18 AM
I am trying to understand how after a trillion dollars did not "solve" the problem, how another $450 billion will

We needed 2 to 3 trillion from the get go. We got the best we could through compromise with a party that has no interest whatsoever in the health of the country as completely evidenced by their refusals to even vote in their own interests just because they think the President is also for the idea. The American people are not blind. We will be for certain to vote our better interests in 2012. You can be assured of that.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 05:21 AM
We needed 2 to 3 trillion from the get go. We got the best we could through compromise with a party that has no interest whatsoever in the health of the country as completely evidenced by their refusals to even vote in their own interests just because they think the President is also for the idea. The American people are not blind. We will be for certain to vote our better interests in 2012. You can be assured of that.


What compromise PB? Dems had 60 seats in the Senate and huge majoirty in the House. R's could do nothing to block anything Obama, Reid, and Pelosi wanted

Please tell us what R's did to rollback the "stimulus" bill

10-23-2011, 05:31 AM
What compromise PB> Dems had 60 seats in the Senate and huge majoirty in the House. R's could do nothing to block anything Obama, Reid, and Pelosi wanted

They had to compromise against some intransigent Dems. :laugh:

red states rule
10-23-2011, 05:36 AM
They had to compromise against some intransigent Dems. :laugh:

and with Obamcare they had to hand out bribes and waivers to Dems on the Senate floor to secure their votes

10-23-2011, 06:01 AM
They had to compromise against some intransigent Dems. :laugh:

And all of the racist and irresponsible repubs. :laugh:


red states rule
10-23-2011, 06:04 AM
And all of the racist and irresponsible repubs. :laugh:


PB, the Dems had 60 seats in the Senate. Please tell me how R's blocked anything

Remember these bribes?

Remember the Senate's anti-gun ObamaCare bill that was crammed full of billions of dollar of bribes:

* The Cornhusker Kickback?

* $300,000,000 of bribes to Louisiana's Senator Mary Landrieu?

* A new hospital in Connecticut for morally challenged Senator Chris Dodd?

* Roughly ten billion in community health centers to buy off Vermont's Bernie Sanders?

* An exemption of Bill Nelson's Florida constituents from the Medicare Advantage cuts applicable to everyone else?

* A threat to take away Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman's committee chairmanship unless he falls into line?


10-23-2011, 06:04 AM
And all of the racist and irresponsible repubs. :laugh:

Yeah, the ones who had no power to stop the legislation? You're really making no sense today (today?).

red states rule
10-23-2011, 06:06 AM
Yeah, the ones who had no power to stop the legislation? You're really making no sense today (today?).

Why should this day be any different from any other day?

10-23-2011, 06:31 AM
Yeah, the ones who had no power to stop the legislation? You're really making no sense today (today?).

It was and should have been a tough fight and I am very proud that the country prevailed. The particulars may be debated for time immemorial but the bill was passed into law and that is what is important. If you have suggestions for improvements to the Act I suggest you pass them along to your reps or Senators. They can do wonders in this respect.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 06:34 AM
It was and should have been a tough fight and I am very proud that the country prevailed. The particulars may be debated for time immemorial but the bill was passed into law and that is what is important. If you have suggestions for improvements to the Act I suggest you pass them along to your reps or Senators. They can do wonders in this respect.


I understand you are having trouble listing how the R's blocked the bill PB - since they were powerless to do so

The good news is, Dems own the economy and they own Obamacare

The economy continues to sink, the debt continues to grwo, and the USSC will toss out Obamacre as Obama is on the raod trying to defend it

10-23-2011, 06:38 AM
It was and should have been a tough fight and I am very proud that the country prevailed. The particulars may be debated for time immemorial but the bill was passed into law and that is what is important. If you have suggestions for improvements to the Act I suggest you pass them along to your reps or Senators. They can do wonders in this respect.

Taking into account those that support repeal, you might be right. Except my rep, he's an avowed idiot.

red states rule
10-23-2011, 06:40 AM
Taking into account those that support repeal, you might be right. Except my rep, he's an avowed idiot.

Many candidates who ran on repealing in 2010 were elected. That should tell PB something, but his blind loyality to Obama prevents that form happening

10-23-2011, 07:06 AM
Many candidates who ran on repealing in 2010 were elected. That should tell PB something, but his blind loyality to Obama prevents that form happening

I will maintain that the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act will be law for us for at least several decades or until such time as a more inclusive universal healthcare act can be accomplished. This is what the American people want and the healthcare system must have in order to curb the astronomical and steadily increasing costs for sub-par treatment as compared with that of other nations.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 07:09 AM
I will maintain that the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act will be law for us for at least several decades or until such time as a more inclusive universal healthcare act can be accomplished. This is what the American people want and the healthcare system must have in order to curb the astronomical and steadily increasing costs for sub-par treatment as compared with that of other nations.


Eh, cost are soaring now thanks to Obamacare

Why do you think the cost is going up and benefits are being reduced?

10-23-2011, 07:48 AM
Eh, cost are soaring now thanks to Obamacare

Why do you think the cost is going up and benefits are being reduced?

Your thinking is twisted and backwards, rsr. The soaring costs and poor care are the reasons FOR the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act. All that existed before the act was even considered making governmental action necessary. The free market refused to address the failures in the system to address the needs of the people.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 07:50 AM
Your thinking is twisted and backwards, rsr. The soaring costs and poor care are the reasons FOR the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act. All that existed before the act was even considered making governmental action necessary. The free market refused to address the failures in the system to address the needs of the people.


Lets see, Obamacare was passed in 2009 and it is now 2011 and the costs are soaring

You should have used Obama's excuse for his failed economic policies and dismissed the increased costs as simply a bump in the road

10-23-2011, 08:30 AM
Lets see, Obamacare was passed in 2009 and it is now 2011 and the costs are soaring

You should have used Obama's excuse for his failed economic policies and dismissed the increased costs as simply a bump in the road

I just can't wait for the full implementation of the law. It's going to have a drastic effect in lowering the costs of healthcare in this country, just like it was designed from the get go to do.



red states rule
10-23-2011, 08:31 AM
I just can't wait for the full implementation of the law. It's going to have a drastic effect in lowering the costs of healthcare in this country, just like it was designed from the get go to do.



To bad you will never get a chance to enjoy that wet dream PB. Obamacre will never get past the USSC

So if Obamacare is so great why are costs soaring, and why did the WH give out over one thousand waivers?

10-23-2011, 09:16 AM
To bad you will never get a chance to enjoy that wet dream PB. Obamacre will never get past the USSC

So if Obamacare is so great why are costs soaring, and why did the WH give out over one thousand waivers?

First off, you have no clue as to what the USSC might do in regards to the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act. One thing I can guarantee you is that they will not under any circumstances repeal it. At this point no one even approaches that level of legal redress.

As designed, waivers are routinely given to those that demonstrate their own plans meet or exceed the requirements and guidelines of the primary Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act. I don't have any problem whatsoever with that and don't understand why anyone else would. This consideration on it's own merits will go far in increasing solid competition as various entities seek to achieve their own waivers. That's like Business 101, don't you think?


red states rule
10-23-2011, 09:19 AM
First off, you have no clue as to what the USSC might do in regards to the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act. One thing I can guarantee you is that they will not under any circumstances repeal it. At this point no one even approaches that level of legal redress.

As designed, waivers are routinely given to those that demonstrate their own plans meet or exceed the requirements and guidelines of the primary Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act. I don't have any problem whatsoever with that and don't understand why anyone else would. This consideration on it's own merits will go far in increasing solid competition as various entities seek to achieve their own waivers. That's like Business 101, don't you think?


Libs are worried about the USSC PB. Why do you think they are bellowing for Justice Thomas to step aside? A 4-4 tie allows the law to stand

The government has no right to tell private citizens they must by a service/product under the threat of fines and jail

The waivers wer given as bribes to secure votes, and to appease some unions and Obama backers. Period

10-23-2011, 09:38 AM
Libs are worried about the USSC PB. Why do you think they are bellowing for Justice Thomas to step aside? A 4-4 tie allows the law to stand

The government has no right to tell private citizens they must by a service/product under the threat of fines and jail

The waivers wer given as bribes to secure votes, and to appease some unions and Obama backers. Period

Not a single waiver has been issued that hasn't been backed up by clear evidence that the entity applying for it was not providing insurance that met or exceeded that required in the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act. You are only acting as a ditto-head and parroting reichwing talking points that have credence with only those that do not care enough to search out the truth for themselves. Sad.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 09:40 AM
Not a single waiver has been issued that hasn't been backed up by clear evidence that the entity applying for it was not providing insurance that met or exceeded that required in the Patients Protection and Affordable Care Act. You are only acting as a ditto-head and parroting reichwing talking points that have credence with only those that do not care enough to search out the truth for themselves. Sad.


I knew that is what you would say PB, so I have this link for you to ignore

But that points to a number of larger problems in ObamaCare overall. First, those mini-med programs that comprise the bulk of the waivers provided low-cost coverage for part-time workers that couldn’t afford any other insurance. Furthermore, the plans actually incentivized cost control better than the comprehensive plans pushed by HHS and ObamaCare that hide price signals from the consumers. That will still be as true in 2012 and 2013 as it is in 2011, but after 2014 taxpayers will end up picking up most of the tab instead of the employers and employees that use mini-med plans now.

More insidiously, no one at HHS has explained how these organizations get waivers. There appears to be no set standard for them. Rep. Fred Upton, the chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, demanded such an explanation seven weeks ago (http://www.debatepolicy.com/archives/2011/01/20/house-begins-probe-into-222-waivers-for-obamacare/). None has been forthcoming, but HHS has managed to add over 800 waivers in those seven weeks.

That’s one of the fundamental dangers of ObamaCare. It’s government by whim, not by law. The entire act is filled with the phrase, “The secretary shall determine” or equivalents, meaning that HHS can essentially make up and change rules as they go along. No one knows what to expect from this vast expansion of regulatory power precisely because it’s based on executive whimsy rather than sound and objective law. Apart from all other aspects of ObamaCare, this is the most destructive quality in regard to the rule of law — and Congress had better act to stop it from proceeding for that reason alone.


10-23-2011, 11:41 AM
So, you're cool with cutting out the cops and other first responders even though it is without doubt going to allow crimes to increase exponentially? I see. How does that make you feel?


oh cmon PB, you can do better than that. I have been hearing that same ol lame arguement for 50 years now, its old, its dead, its not true, stick afork in it.

red states rule
10-24-2011, 01:58 AM
oh cmon PB, you can do better than that. I have been hearing that same ol lame arguement for 50 years now, its old, its dead, its not true, stick afork in it.

With somone like Joe Biden a heartbeat away from the Oval Offcie, libs are mocking the IQ of the Republican candidates?

red states rule
10-24-2011, 02:09 AM
Even CNN is talking about the stupid comment made by Biden

<IFRAME height=421 marginHeight=0 src="http://videos.mediaite.com/embed/player/?layout=&playlist_cid=&media_type=video&content=6SGB7V362JLF8Q5N&read_more=1&widget_type_cid=svp" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowTransparency marginWidth=0 scrolling=no></IFRAME>

red states rule
10-25-2011, 04:18 AM