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View Full Version : ABC Spikes Tappers Questions to Obama On Fast and Furious

red states rule
10-20-2011, 03:31 AM
While ABC had no issue with airing Obama's knowledge of childrens books, they did not want their viewers to hear about Fast and Furious

Mr Tapper will be called into his manager's office and given a stern warning about committing this random act of journalism

<IFRAME title="MRC TV video player" height=360 src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/106691" frameBorder=0 width=640 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

Though the Fast and Furious scandal of allowing of guns to be sold and taken into Mexico didn't make it to air, the transcript can be found on ABCNews.com (http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/transcript-abc-news-jake-tappers-exclusive-interview-president/story?id=14764446). (It was also promoted (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/10/obama-on-fast-and-furious-people-who-have-screwed-up-will-be-held-accountable/) on ABC News' website.) Tapper quizzed, "The Justice Department, the ATF was moving guns and some of them were tied to crime scenes. What was your response when you first heard about it?"

The President gave a lengthy answer, stonewalling responsibility: "This is not something we were aware of in the White House and the Attorney General it turns out wasn't aware of either. Obviously Eric Holder has launched a full investigation of this, it is not acceptable for us to allow guns to go into Mexico."

Read more: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2011/10/19/abc-touts-tappers-question-obama-childrens-books-spikes-his-fast-and#ixzz1bJDAcUOK