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View Full Version : The DeLauro DIAPER Act

red states rule
10-22-2011, 04:19 AM
Libs never cease to amaze me with their insane big government (and expensive) ideas

An economic recovery bill authored by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D.-Conn.) seeks to empower struggling families by directing the federal government to distribute free diapers through day care centers.

The Diaper Investment and Aid to Promote Economic Recovery Act (DIAPER Act) would “relieve some of the stress on families facing hardship in this economy” by providing this direct service, DeLauro said in a letter to congressional colleagues urging them to co-sponsor her bill.

Without diapers, children are not allowed to attend day care, said DeLauro, who described those in need as a “lost generation of Americans.”

“In fact, over one in five mothers have had to skip an obligation and stay home with their child because of lack of diapers,” DeLauro said. “And losing out on day care makes it even harder for parents to put in a full day’s work.”

“We all believe that nothing we do in government is as important as ensuring the next generation has the tools they need to thrive. But for our children and our nation to succeed, we have to support their development, their families, and the public policies that ensure opportunity. Ensuring that low-income families have access to diapers through the DIAPER Act is one of those policies that will make a difference, and I urge you to become an original co-sponsor,” DeLauro wrote in the Oct. 5 letter.

Critics of the bill say it exemplifies the type of cradle-to-grave, nanny-state legislation supported by Democrat lawmakers that the government can’t afford.

“This is a literal push for the nanny state,” said Robert Gordon, senior adviser for strategic outreach at The Heritage Foundation. “With no regard for the Constitution and regardless of our deficit and debt, there’s no issue too local or too small for liberals to find a role for the federal government.”


10-22-2011, 06:23 AM
If it makes the Concerned Women for America and the Heritage Foundation upset then it is probably a wise idea. Unfortunately, I don't think that diapers is going to help resolve the matter. It is a rather small dose of helpfulness.

10-22-2011, 06:45 AM
Unfortunately, I don't think that diapers is going to help resolve the matter. It is a rather small dose of helpfulness.

It is a completely stupid idea which will need to be followed up with the Q-TIP Act, the DESITIN Protection Act... would you care to tell me the logical place the newly created bureaucracy would most likely stop?

10-22-2011, 07:02 AM
It is a completely stupid idea which will need to be followed up with the Q-TIP Act, the DESITIN Protection Act... would you care to tell me the logical place the newly created bureaucracy would most likely stop?

There wouldn't be any new bureaucracy. It would simply be added into that which is already in existence.

10-22-2011, 07:06 AM
There wouldn't be any new bureaucracy. It would simply be added into that which is already in existence.

Well that just makes it better then. So there wouldn't be a new Office of Diaper Distribution with a Director, a Congressional Liaison, a warehouse to house the Government Diapers, an Officer of Diaper Standards... I'm sure YOU can tell me coherently where it would stop. :rolleyes:

10-22-2011, 07:14 AM
Well that just makes it better then. So there wouldn't be a new Office of Diaper Distribution with a Director, a Congressional Liaison, a warehouse to house the Government Diapers, an Officer of Diaper Standards... I'm sure YOU can tell me coherently where it would stop. :rolleyes:

It would be allocated in any funding that they already receive. Really, really. As I already stated, this does not go far enough. I can file this away in the "least that can be done" section. :rolleyes:

10-22-2011, 08:40 AM
It would be allocated in any funding that they already receive. Really, really. As I already stated, this does not go far enough. I can file this away in the "least that can be done" section. :rolleyes:

I guess you're right. What other basic necessities of life can we now have the Federal Government provide?

10-22-2011, 08:50 AM
I guess you're right. What other basic necessities of life can we now have the Federal Government provide?


10-22-2011, 08:52 AM


10-22-2011, 09:07 AM

Yes. Indeed. If you have someone that says the least that we can do is to provide diapers then that should be the first recognition that they have no intention of providing all of the necessities of life.

10-22-2011, 09:11 AM
Yes. Indeed. If you have someone that says the least that we can do is to provide diapers then that should be the first recognition that they have no intention of providing all of the necessities of life.

Don't understand the nature of government and politicians do you? Do you REALLY think DeLauro has zero intention of expanding government provided necessities of life beyond diapers?

10-22-2011, 09:30 AM
Don't understand the nature of government and politicians do you? Do you REALLY think DeLauro has zero intention of expanding government provided necessities of life beyond diapers?

I understand both quite well.

10-22-2011, 01:14 PM
I understand both quite well.

Then this statement is wrong.

Yes. Indeed. If you have someone that says the least that we can do is to provide diapers then that should be the first recognition that they have no intention of providing all of the necessities of life.

10-22-2011, 01:45 PM
Then this statement is wrong.

No. It is not. Go back and reread it. Do so on the other thread if necessary.

10-22-2011, 11:49 PM
An economic recovery bill authored by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D.-Conn.) seeks to empower struggling families by directing the federal government to distribute free diapers through day care centers

Free???? Do people really believe the diapers just materialize out of thin air and that no money (tax money) was expended by anyone when those diapers appear in the day care centers?

Why don't they use cloth diapers that they can take home every day and wash and bring back the next day with the baby...a one time investment and some extra work at the end of the day or week, but not the government's (read "me") responsibility to provide diapers.

10-22-2011, 11:53 PM
Yes. Indeed. If you have someone that says the least that we can do is to provide diapers then that should be the first recognition that they have no intention of providing all of the necessities of life.

The least we can do? Giving out condoms so people quit having babies was the "least we could do" and that didn't work so now we are obligating ourselves to give out diapers??? Where does it stop? Are we going to provide free braces so the kids don't grow up with diminished self-esteem issues?

10-23-2011, 12:19 AM
The least we can do? Giving out condoms so people quit having babies was the "least we could do" and that didn't work so now we are obligating ourselves to give out diapers??? Where does it stop? Are we going to provide free braces so the kids don't grow up with diminished self-esteem issues?

I, for one, hopes so. The health and self esteem of the American population are national security issues. And especially so for the poor and underprivileged amongst us.


10-23-2011, 12:22 AM
I, for one, hopes so. The health and self esteem of the American population are national security issues. And especially so for the poor and underprivileged amongst us.


Do you really think giving away condoms, diapers and braces will make us a more secure nation?

10-23-2011, 12:25 AM
I, for one, hopes so. The health and self esteem of the American population are national security issues. And especially so for the poor and underprivileged amongst us.


Why them? Plenty of parents both working, making 45-55k cannot afford to get their kids braces. Why? Not enough money. So should the government dole it out?

10-23-2011, 12:36 AM
Do you really think giving away condoms, diapers and braces will make us a more secure nation?

I think that the good health and self esteem of the American population in general is indeed a national security issue. Absolutely. But, I never said a single thing about giving away as in "free". Nothing is free but the nation owes it to itself and for itself to ascertain the good health and happiness of it's population at large. I was raised to believe that and at age 61 I still believe that. This is the America that I grew up with.


10-23-2011, 12:47 AM
Why them? Plenty of parents both working, making 45-55k cannot afford to get their kids braces. Why? Not enough money. So should the government dole it out?

I believe means testing might be in order in your example but you must understand that I am in complete favor of universal healthcare including dental and I think that would solve the problems well enough for the vast majority of the American population and they would be supportive and grateful for it. It's about time we as Americans stepped up to the plate and become world leaders in the general health and well being of our population.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 04:34 AM
Free???? Do people really believe the diapers just materialize out of thin air and that no money (tax money) was expended by anyone when those diapers appear in the day care centers?

Why don't they use cloth diapers that they can take home every day and wash and bring back the next day with the baby...a one time investment and some extra work at the end of the day or week, but not the government's (read "me") responsibility to provide diapers.

SL then the enviro wackos will bitch how they are wasting water, how the soap is making its way into the lakes/streams/ and how much energy is being used to run the washers

Trust me, libs will think of something to whine about and thus make more insane demands on those of us still lucky enough to have a job in the Obama economy

red states rule
10-23-2011, 04:37 AM
I think that the good health and self esteem of the American population in general is indeed a national security issue. Absolutely. But, I never said a single thing about giving away as in "free". Nothing is free but the nation owes it to itself and for itself to ascertain the good health and happiness of it's population at large. I was raised to believe that and at age 61 I still believe that. This is the America that I grew up with.


I can see you out there right now PB with the hippies demanding "free" diapers for the poor. Gives new meaning to the phrase pampering the voters

Like home ownership, and health care - having diapers is a right and the "rich" will have to pay their fair share to finance this do gooder liberal idea

10-23-2011, 04:51 AM
No. It is not. Go back and reread it. Do so on the other thread if necessary.

It is quite correct as your comrade PB is bearing out.

10-23-2011, 04:53 AM
Do you really think giving away condoms, diapers and braces will make us a more secure nation?

Of course SL, the fall of the British empire is clear now; if they had single-payer braces they would still be the only world superpower.

red states rule
10-23-2011, 05:05 AM
and if the "poor" moms can't afford diapers, what do the kids wear when they are home?

10-23-2011, 05:07 AM
I can see you out there right now PB with the hippies demanding "free" diapers for the poor. Gives new meaning to the phrase pampering the voters

Like home ownership, and health care - having diapers is a right and the "rich" will have to pay their fair share to finance this do gooder liberal idea

Having diapers available in day-care centers is really a very good idea, rsr. Do you really know anything at all about the proposed legislation by Rep. DeLauro? Even right here in backwards assed Mississippi most government sponsored day care centers furnish diapers.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 05:10 AM
Having diapers available in day-care centers is really a very good idea, rsr. Do you really know anything at all about the proposed legislation by Rep. DeLauro? Even right here in backwards assed Mississippi most government sponsored day care centers furnish diapers.


This diaper bill will end up in the diaper bin PB where it belongs. This is another example of the left trying to spread the wealth around, and it stinks worse then a shit filled diaper

10-23-2011, 05:11 AM
Even right here in backwards assed Mississippi most government sponsored day care centers furnish diapers.

Then let the states figure it out.

10-23-2011, 05:11 AM
This diaper bill will end up in the diaper bin PB where it belongs. This is another example of the left trying to spread the wealth around, and it stinks worse then a shit filled diaper

That post just writes itself. :laugh:

red states rule
10-23-2011, 05:14 AM
That post just writes itself. :laugh:

and this is another example of libs wanting others to buy diapers to help the very families who shouldn't be having babies they can't afford.

Liberal logic at it's "best"

10-23-2011, 05:41 AM
This diaper bill will end up in the diaper bin PB where it belongs. This is another example of the left trying to spread the wealth around, and it stinks worse then a shit filled diaper

In one form or another, rsr, it will succeed far beyond your expectations or desires for it. This is an easy one.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 05:44 AM
In one form or another, rsr, it will succeed far beyond your expectations or desires for it. This is an easy one.


Yea, like the stimulus bill

Cash for Clunkers

the green energy loans

Fast and Furious

Obama's various programs to keep people in homes they could not afford

You mean that same kniod of success PB?

10-23-2011, 06:03 AM
In one form or another, rsr, it will succeed far beyond your expectations or desires for it. This is an easy one.

I kind of have to agree with you here, it will succeed as designed. It just wasn't designed to fulfill its stated goals.

10-23-2011, 06:25 AM
I kind of have to agree with you here, it will succeed as designed. It just wasn't designed to fulfill its stated goals.

It won't be all that Rep. DeLauro or even I hope for but I'll be happy for what it does get accomplished even if nothing more than to bring national political attention to a "stinking" and urgent problem. You just gotta love them babies.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 06:28 AM
It won't be all that Rep. DeLauro or even I hope for but I'll be happy for what it does get accomplished even if nothing more than to bring national political attention to a "stinking" and urgent problem. You just gotta love them babies.


So if anyone opposes this shity bill you hate babies? Wow

Look at the approval numbers of Obama PB. The voters know damn well what stinks in DC

Him and his policies

10-23-2011, 06:51 AM
So if anyone opposes this shity bill you hate babies? Wow

Look at the approval numbers of Obama PB. The voters know damn well what stinks in DC

Him and his policies

Why, oh why do you hate the babies, rsr? What a freaking jerk!!!!!!!!!


red states rule
10-23-2011, 06:54 AM
Why, oh why do you hate the babies, rsr? What a freaking jerk!!!!!!!!!


I do not hate you PB. I damn near pity you

Look at the approval numbers of Obama PB. The voters know damn well what stinks in DC

Him and his policies

10-23-2011, 07:22 AM
I do not hate you PB. I damn near pity you

Look at the approval numbers of Obama PB. The voters know damn well what stinks in DC

Him and his policies

This thread is not about President Barack Hussein Obama, my friend. This thread concerns a national health concern for which you are not equipped or even concerned enough to intelligently discuss. I haven't said anything about you hating me, either. You intimated that you somehow hated the babies. Why? They didn't ask to be brought into this big ol' cruel world.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 07:26 AM
This thread is not about President Barack Hussein Obama, my friend. This thread concerns a national health concern for which you are not equipped or even concerned enough to intelligently discuss. I haven't said anything about you hating me, either. You intimated that you somehow hated the babies. Why? They didn't ask to be brought into this big ol' cruel world.


YOU posted how anyone who would oppose more deficit spending for this bill must hate babies

Of course it would NEVER occur to you a better way for mothers to afford diapers would be to cut taxes, grow the private sector, and they would have more money to spend thus they could buy their own diapers

10-23-2011, 08:04 AM
YOU posted how anyone who would oppose more deficit spending for this bill must hate babies

Of course it would NEVER occur to you a better way for mothers to afford diapers would be to cut taxes, grow the private sector, and they would have more money to spend thus they could buy their own diapers

I have not said a single word about deficit spending in this thread or in any other concerning this issue, rsr. Why do you insist on your perpetual lying?

Just how are those mothers supposed to afford diapers with a tax cut when according to you and others they don't even pay taxes? Just what part of the government makes diapers? Wake up, asshole.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 08:07 AM
I have not said a single word about deficit spending in this thread or in any other concerning this issue, rsr. Why do you insist on your perpetual lying?

Just how are those mothers supposed to afford diapers with a tax cut when according to you and others they don't even pay taxes? Just what part of the government makes diapers? Wake up, asshole.


You support the bill; so how are we going to pay for it when we are running trillion dollar plus deficits every year.

In fact under Obama, next week out national debt will surpass the nations GDP. Another record set by the hope and change kid

If the economy grows PB, these people will then be able to find jobs. They will then be making money, and they can then buy their own diapers

But people like you never think like that. You want the government to "take care of them" and you are giving new meaning to pampering the voters

10-23-2011, 08:53 AM
You support the bill; so how are we going to pay for it when we are running trillion dollar plus deficits every year.

In fact under Obama, next week out national debt will surpass the nations GDP. Another record set by the hope and change kid

If the economy grows PB, these people will then be able to find jobs. They will then be making money, and they can then buy their own diapers

But people like you never think like that. You want the government to "take care of them" and you are giving new meaning to pampering the voters

This country has always had extremely rich people and extremely poor people, rsr, and that is not likely to change regardless of the tax plans by either political party. Even if the taxes were to return to in excess of 90% for some of the rich folks during republican administrations, they would remain here in the land of plenty, for them.

Insofar as the desperately poor are concerned, they sure as hell aren't going anywhere. Think about that, rsr. It places your thought processes in diametrically opposed considerations, doesn't it?


red states rule
10-23-2011, 08:57 AM
This country has always had extremely rich people and extremely poor people, rsr, and that is not likely to change regardless of the tax plans by either political party. Even if the taxes were to return to in excess of 90% for some of the rich folks during republican administrations, they would remain here in the land of plenty, for them.

Insofar as the desperately poor are concerned, they sure as hell aren't going anywhere. Think about that, rsr. It places your thought processes in diametrically opposed considerations, doesn't it?


So you admit the Dems "War on Poverty" that has been going on now since LBJ has been a total failure?

The $9 trillion is wealth transfers has been a waste of taxpayer money?

As far as the current tax system PB, the top 1% earn about 20% of the income yet pay about 40% of all federal income taxes. How much more do you demand they pay?

The so called rich is not a renewable money source PB

Again, how do you want to pay for this lasted liberal brainchild?

10-23-2011, 09:10 AM
This country has always had extremely rich people and extremely poor people, rsr, and that is not likely to change regardless of the tax plans by either political party. Even if the taxes were to return to in excess of 90% for some of the rich folks during republican administrations, they would remain here in the land of plenty, for them.

Insofar as the desperately poor are concerned, they sure as hell aren't going anywhere. Think about that, rsr. It places your thought processes in diametrically opposed considerations, doesn't it?


If they confiscated 100% of everything those who make $30,000,000 or more have, it wouldn't fund this government's budget for more than a couple months. We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. And before you try to deny it, ask yourself how many diapers could have been provided if the Obama admin hadn't pissed away $538,000,000 in the Solyndra fiasco. They sit up there playing fast and loose with our money and then after blowing through it all and more, insist WE need to hand over more.

red states rule
10-23-2011, 09:12 AM
If they confiscated 100% of everything those who make $30,000,000 or more have, it wouldn't fund this government's budget for more than a couple months. We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. And before you try to deny it, ask yourself how many diapers could have been provided if the Obama admin hadn't pissed away $538,000,000 in the Solyndra fiasco. They sit up there playing fast and loose with our money and then after blowing through it all and more, insist WE need to hand over more.

or the $3 BILLION for Cash for Clunkers?

10-23-2011, 09:30 AM
So you admit the Dems "War on Poverty" that has been going on now since LBJ has been a total failure?

The $9 trillion is wealth transfers has been a waste of taxpayer money?

As far as the current tax system PB, the top 1% earn about 20% of the income yet pay about 40% of all federal income taxes. How much more do you demand they pay?

The so called rich is not a renewable money source PB

Again, how do you want to pay for this lasted liberal brainchild?

Just more of your driveling obfuscations, rsr. What about the merits or demerits of the bill in question? This country has to set priorities with or without yours or even my permission.



red states rule
10-23-2011, 09:33 AM
Just more of your driveling obfuscations, rsr. What about the merits or demerits of the bill in question? This country has to set priorities with or without yours or even my permission.



YOU brought up the poor PB and how they will always be around. I am asking you what happened the the lefts War on Poberty and all the money that your side has redistributed "help" the poor

The bill is like a used diaper PB. It is full of it and it stinks

Any more questions?

10-23-2011, 09:58 AM
YOU brought up the poor PB and how they wil always be around. I am asking you what happened the the lefts War on Poberty and all the money that your side has redistributed "help" the poor

The bill is like a used diaper PB. It is full of it and it stinks

Any more questions?

As usual, you miss the point and try to be funny to cover up you ignorance. Try getting some books, rsr. They do wonders if not for your intellect at least your persuasiveness.


red states rule
10-23-2011, 10:00 AM
As usual, you miss the point and try to be funny to cover up you ignorance. Try getting some books, rsr. They do wonders if not for your intellect at least your persuasiveness.


So much for my attempt to have a discussion with our resident troll

10-23-2011, 10:12 AM
So much for my attempt to have a discussion with our resident troll

The discussion concerns the bill as proposed by Rep. DeLauro. Did you not get the memo? I got the neg, you fat-assed coward.


10-23-2011, 10:44 AM
The least we can do? Giving out condoms so people quit having babies was the "least we could do" and that didn't work so now we are obligating ourselves to give out diapers??? Where does it stop? Are we going to provide free braces so the kids don't grow up with diminished self-esteem issues?

Yes, when you target a population and the money will probably be allocated through funding the potential for fraud is certainly there. It fails to address the real needs and, therefore, is the least that can be done.
And actually, the correct thing to do is to remove funding through abstinence only programs and do a verbal smack down on every individual up for election that spews a woman's place is in the home birthin' babies. Wrong message to be sending. Every time someone starts spewing on about the morning after pill or losing the right to choose or numerous other things they need a verbal smack down.

It would be smart to fund those organizations that are willing to pay drug addicts for going through sterilization. Men and women. It is time that we also focus on men. Fatherhood is NOT the number of children that are born (Howard Veal) but rather the ongoing parental relationship with any child. We should equally fund paternity tests so that they aren't taken advantage of. We should not celebrate the Duggars or any large family and hold that up as our ideal. It is nice that they can afford 19 children.

Lastly, I ask, why is it that one can pay insurance on a monthly basis and go to the dentist and still pay $5,000 dollars for braces?

10-23-2011, 03:07 PM
The discussion concerns the bill as proposed by Rep. DeLauro. Did you not get the memo? I got the neg, you fat-assed coward.


Please stop whining about neg rep, that's about all you do anymore. Here's an idea, stop writing stupid shit that is neg worthy and you'll stop getting negged.

10-23-2011, 03:43 PM
Please stop whining about neg rep, that's about all you do anymore. Here's an idea, stop writing stupid shit that is neg worthy and you'll stop getting negged.

Good advice, though I'd say the time is past since he was banned hours ago and not by me. Save it for his return.

10-23-2011, 04:36 PM
Good advice, though I'd say the time is past since he was banned hours ago and not by me. Save it for his return.

I didn't even notice that he had been banned.

That's too bad, I hate to see someone get banned. I would much prefer to see them locked in a temporary cage where the rest of us could go point and laugh at them until their "sentence" was up. :laugh2:

Seriously , that is funny shit, a board I used to be on did that and most of the time the person would stick around and just post in there until their time was up and then they'd come back ; but every once inawhile someone would really melt down and have to be removed from the board entirely. I think PB wouldn't go that far.

10-23-2011, 04:39 PM
I didn't even notice that he had been banned.

That's too bad, I hate to see someone get banned. I would much prefer to see them locked in a temporary cage where the rest of us could go point and laugh at them until their "sentence" was up. :laugh2:

Seriously , that is funny shit, a board I used to be on did that and most of the time the person would stick around and just post in there until their time was up and then they'd come back ; but every once inawhile someone would really melt down and have to be removed from the board entirely. I think PB wouldn't go that far.

I think I know that board. But on this board, this is the last post regarding a banned member. ;)

10-23-2011, 04:47 PM
I think I know that board. But on this board, this is the last post regarding a banned member. ;)

Well , like I said I didn't know he was banned when I wrote that. Anyway I hope it's not perma ban, but eh whatever.

red states rule
10-24-2011, 02:55 AM
Next we will see the hippies take to the street for free diapers
