View Full Version : Psychoblues - Here is your chance!

10-23-2011, 08:26 AM
Psychoblues - here's your chance. You continually call me a liar. Here's your chance to PROVE it.

Post PROOF I have LIED more than once, (lie: Blatant, knowing falsehood with intent to deceive. Liar: One who makes it practice or policy to lie). If you do, I'll step down as Admin.

The rest of the board will be the jury. If they say "dmp is a liar, based on the evidence PB put up" I'll step down.

IF you FAIL, you post a public apology in your signature. The comment MUST read: "I am generally full of shit. Don't believe most of what I say. If I lose an argument, I'll tend to focus my efforts on INSULTING the 'winner', rather than to use sound, rational thought."

red states rule
10-23-2011, 08:30 AM

Don't hold your breath DMP for any kind of rational response from PB

10-23-2011, 09:44 AM
And PB, if you choose to play your little games, do so in this thread where the rest of the board doesn't have to deal with you screwing up threads. Your non stop whining, baby name calling to staff & false accusations are making more and more threads as pain in the ass to read.

10-25-2011, 08:04 PM
And PB, if you choose to play your little games, do so in this thread where the rest of the board doesn't have to deal with you screwing up threads. Your non stop whining, baby name calling to staff & false accusations are making more and more threads as pain in the ass to read.

Isn't he a vet from the Civil War to present? I was just wondering how he can claim to be USAF when there wasn't one until the Korean War. Bet he was a 'double-nought spy" prior to that.:laugh2:

10-26-2011, 11:53 PM
Isn't he a vet from the Civil War to present? I was just wondering how he can claim to be USAF when there wasn't one until the Korean War. Bet he was a 'double-nought spy" prior to that.:laugh2:

Now now, the Air Force was officially established as its own branch in 1947 and it's perfectly believable that a guy who served in the Korean War also served in Panama, and Operation I'm Gonna Get Saadam For My Daddy.:laugh:

Hell, if he served that long, he must have retired as the US's first 18 star General.

11-17-2011, 11:20 PM
I have absolutely no clue how to adequately respond to this other than respectfully request that this entire thread be removed. Even if in the cage it is directed to me and is not in keeping with good and decent communications intent. On the other hand, if we can remain civil and fair I would be happy to address any specifics that the OP author might have.

In addition, there are several threads that have been seemingly authored by me here in the cage. They were NOT authored by me and I have given no one permission to use my name to author anything for me and especially so simply because they might disagree with me or just prefer to take statements out of context and re assume them in an entirely foreign context. Policy or not, those threads should be removed as well.

It's GREAT to be back!!!



11-18-2011, 04:32 AM
I have absolutely no clue how to adequately respond to this other than respectfully request that this entire thread be removed. Even if in the cage it is directed to me and is not in keeping with good and decent communications intent. On the other hand, if we can remain civil and fair I would be happy to address any specifics that the OP author might have.

In addition, there are several threads that have been seemingly authored by me here in the cage. They were NOT authored by me and I have given no one permission to use my name to author anything for me and especially so simply because they might disagree with me or just prefer to take statements out of context and re assume them in an entirely foreign context. Policy or not, those threads should be removed as well.

It's GREAT to be back!!!



When you make a post in another thread, and that single post gets moved to The Cage, it shows up as if you started a new thread. That's the way the software works. This thread stays, however. It's the cage. And, it likely would have been off the first page of display if you had not bumped it to the top w/ your reply ;) :)

11-18-2011, 10:47 AM
When you make a post in another thread, and that single post gets moved to The Cage, it shows up as if you started a new thread. That's the way the software works. This thread stays, however. It's the cage. And, it likely would have been off the first page of display if you had not bumped it to the top w/ your reply ;) :)

Those threads have names that someone gave them, not me. I've seen many threads wind up in the cage but in these instances it's asinine and juvenile to explain them away as if they were a software fluke. Including this one, dmp. I think you posted it as a poster, not a manager, and I fail to see any value of any kind in threads of this particular nature. Kinda reminds me of the old OCA/actsnoblemartin disagreements.

Leave it if you like, but I think it says far more about you than anything to do with me.



11-18-2011, 10:59 AM
Those threads have names that someone gave them, not me. I've seen many threads wind up in the cage but in these instances it's asinine and juvenile to explain them away as if they were a software fluke. Including this one, dmp. I think you posted it as a poster, not a manager, and I fail to see any value of any kind in threads of this particular nature. Kinda reminds me of the old OCA/actsnoblemartin disagreements.

Leave it if you like, but I think it says far more about you than anything to do with me.



The thread title is either the subject a user posted, OR a title given by the Admin or Moderator who moved the post. That's how it is, and how it will always be. Nobody says - EVER - threads moved to the Cage are 'software flukes'. If a moderator says that to you, tell me about it asap. We can't have the software messing up.

A thread like this had a LOT of value when you were being a straight asshole to, and about me. What this thread says, and I still mean it, by the way, what this thread says is "PB, if you insist on calling me a liar, back up your claims with data; with evidence - and let the REST OF THE BOARD be the jury. If you win, I'll step down.

11-18-2011, 03:24 PM
Those threads have names that someone gave them, not me. I've seen many threads wind up in the cage but in these instances it's asinine and juvenile to explain them away as if they were a software fluke. Including this one, dmp. I think you posted it as a poster, not a manager, and I fail to see any value of any kind in threads of this particular nature. Kinda reminds me of the old OCA/actsnoblemartin disagreements.

Leave it if you like, but I think it says far more about you than anything to do with me.

You were banned because of your admitted inability to control yourself at times. I unbanned your account with conditions. During that discussion, you asked about these threads. I told you that nothing was being deleted. Why are you now already bitching with staff again, instead of just moving forward and enjoying the board?

11-18-2011, 04:15 PM
I have absolutely no clue how to adequately respond to this other than respectfully request that this entire thread be removed. Even if in the cage it is directed to me and is not in keeping with good and decent communications intent. On the other hand, if we can remain civil and fair I would be happy to address any specifics that the OP author might have.

In addition, there are several threads that have been seemingly authored by me here in the cage. They were NOT authored by me and I have given no one permission to use my name to author anything for me and especially so simply because they might disagree with me or just prefer to take statements out of context and re assume them in an entirely foreign context. Policy or not, those threads should be removed as well.

It's GREAT to be back!!!



Psst - The owner of the board and his appointed moderators don't need your permission to move your threads to the appropriate forum.

Welcome back

11-18-2011, 07:06 PM
You were banned because of your admitted inability to control yourself at times. I unbanned your account with conditions. During that discussion, you asked about these threads. I told you that nothing was being deleted. Why are you now already bitching with staff again, instead of just moving forward and enjoying the board?

I have addressed this with dmp via pm and it is now completely over, I hope. Thank you for your concern, jimnyc. You will hear no more from me on this accord.
