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View Full Version : Naomi Wolf Arrested at OWS for calmly obeying the protest permit...

10-23-2011, 12:22 PM
Naomi Wolf Arrested at OWS for calmly obeying the protest permit...
Wasn't even part of the group but were guest at a party where Bloomberg was and talked to the protesters on the way and out and found that they were moved Illegally away from a public space where they were NOT obstructing traffic or being to loud.. She Checked the permit and found It was COMPLETELY legal for them be there. she moved with 12 or so others who walked single file on the public sidewalk in near silence then they were arrested and put in cells. She had tried to calmly explain to the police that it was LEGAL for them to be there but the deaf cop Arrested her anyway. But they had to release because WELL,SHE WAS LEGALLY PROTESTING. But as she left she was Told (threatened) by the Cops that if she's caught again there (OBEYING the law) she'll be aressted FOR REAL, printed and her named put in a special criminal database.
And That Cops can Arrest if they FEEL there's a danger (of people quietly walking down the street).
in NY a real BS CYA law for the cops that stifles ANY real or effective Protest or life activity the cops don't like at the time. Police rule. not rule of law.
Are cops punished for misuse of authority? maybe a few hours of inconvenience in the same cells they put others without cause would help.

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10-23-2011, 12:45 PM
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/fM82Ugl7ts4?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fM82Ugl7ts4?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>

10-23-2011, 03:41 PM
The people support the tax. Cuomo does not and sides with the millionaires. She leaves, sides with the people AND if she does it again then she wins a slot in a "special criminal" database. Sweet. Obey the law go to jail.

red states rule
10-24-2011, 04:23 AM
Is this the same women who was paid big bucks to tell Al Gore how to dress during the 2000 election?

Who takes this women seriously anymore besides herself?

10-24-2011, 09:35 PM
Yeah, she should have been arrested for the Al Gore/alpha male thing anyway so it's pretty much delayed justice.

10-24-2011, 11:45 PM

Have they had any luck with arresting the rapists or maybe the ones calling for violence?

red states rule
10-25-2011, 03:28 AM
Yeah, she should have been arrested for the Al Gore/alpha male thing anyway so it's pretty much delayed justice.

The "earth tone" stuff was comical

But not as comical as Al's campaign

10-25-2011, 07:28 AM
The "earth tone" stuff was comical

He does seem to have a certain relationship with dirt.

10-25-2011, 07:38 AM
FJ Red State , it could have been you.

But Naomi Wolf's past and current leftist work i won't speak for but she written 2 OUTSTANDING books on liberty recently. She's come to understand that both parties have contributed to a more authoritarian and less republican form of gov't.
But if you want to blow her off as a just a left wing person that "deserves" to go jail and not be taken seriously because she says bad things about Bush, that's fine, just cover your ears and run in circles. Many on the left do the same when they heard Limbaugh etc.. That's the way we've been trained to act. keeps us busy.


"Give Me Liberty is a splendid introduction to the historical meaning of American citizenship -- and the challenge of sustaining its promise in a new century." -- Bruce Ackerman, Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science, Yale University

"[A] primer on how to become a citizen activist" -- Suki Casanave, The Washington Post

"A passionate, practical guidebook to reclaiming and reinvigorating participatory democracy." -- Dennis J. Seese, Library Journal

Product Description As the practice of democracy becomes a lost art, Americans are increasingly desperate for a restored nation. Many have a general sense that the "system" is in disorder -- if not on the road to functional collapse. But though it is easy to identify our political problems, the solutions are not always as clear. In Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries, bestselling author Naomi Wolf illustrates the breathtaking changes that can take place when ordinary citizens engage in the democratic system the way the founders intended and tells how to use that system, right now, to change your life, your community, and ultimately, the nation.

Really shows how both parties and politicians have, in general, closed off access to political power via traditional democratic routes and created a labyrinthine system that narrows control to the major parties and those with influence rather than the average Joe's and JoAnn's. And she shows the holes that are still open to exploit and where that system needs to be challenged and changed.


In authoritative research and documentation Wolf explains how events of the last six years parallel steps taken in the early years of the 20th century‚'s worst dictatorships such as Germany, Russia, China, and Chile.

The book cuts across political parties and ideologies and speaks directly to those among us who are concerned about the ever-tightening noose being placed around our liberties.

In this timely call to arms, Naomi Wolf compels us to face the way our free America is under assault. She warns us‚-with the straight-to-fellow-citizens urgency of one of Thomas Paine‚'s revolutionary pamphlets‚-that we have little time to lose if our children are to live in real freedom.

"Recent history has profound lessons for us in the U.S. today about how fascist, totalitarian, and other repressive leaders seize and maintain power, especially in what were once democracies. The secret is that these leaders all tend to take very similar, parallel steps. The Founders of this nation were so deeply familiar with tyranny and the habits and practices of tyrants that they set up our checks and balances precisely out of fear of what is unfolding today. We are seeing these same kinds of tactics now closing down freedoms in America, turning our nation into something that in the near future could be quite other than the open society in which we grew up and learned to love liberty,‚" states Wolf.

Wolf is taking her message directly to the American people in the most accessible form and as part of a large national campaign to reach out to ordinary Americans about the dangers we face today. This includes a lecture and speaking tour, and being part of the nascent American Freedom Campaign, a grassroots efforts to ensure that presidential candidates pledge to uphold the constitution and protect our liberties from further erosion.

The End of America will shock, enrage, and motivate‚-spurring us to act, as the Founders would have counted on us to do in a time such as this, as rebels and patriots‚-to save our liberty and defend our nation.

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10-25-2011, 07:52 AM
FJ Red State , it could have been you.

But Naomi Wolf's past and current leftist work i won't speak for but she written 2 OUTSTANDING books on liberty recently.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm guessing her ideas do not extend to economic liberty.

10-25-2011, 08:05 AM
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm guessing her ideas do not extend to economic liberty.
I can't speak to exact position there, However I know that she has moved MUCH closer to that, as she's said she has realized that Gov't Power in ALL aspects of life is dangerous. she says she doesn't really consider herself leftist or rightist but trending more libertarian as she's been growing politically.

No policy difference between Obama and Bush Part 1- Lew Rockwell with Naomi Wolf - 5-26-2010

10-25-2011, 08:25 AM
I can't speak to exact position there, However I know that she has moved MUCH closer to that, as she's said she has realized that Gov't Power in ALL aspects of life is dangerous. she says she doesn't really consider herself leftist or rightist but trending more libertarian as she's been growing politically.

If true, good to hear. My quick check didn't provide a listing of her positions so it would be interesting to analyze those.

10-25-2011, 09:02 AM
If true, good to hear. My quick check didn't provide a listing of her positions so it would be interesting to analyze those.

I doubt she'll be anywhere near what you or I think in many respects but i think she's really gets the basic Idea that Limited gov't equals more freedom. Rathaer than the leftist dream of the Go'vt as Benevolent big mamma to the people. She probably still wants some form of gov't health care and is definitely still pro abort and a hard core feminist, but she now see that the gov't is "like fire" and can get out of control and see that the founders rightly understood it in their guts.
She's moved toward a more pro gun stance based on her growth at this point, who knows where she'll end up. but with more from the left and right like her we can imagine bringing the gov't to a constitutional place where we can legitimately fight about issues where the people will be the ones to decide withen the framwork of the constitution and state and local representation rather than special interest, foreign interest and the mega-corps persons.

red states rule
10-26-2011, 02:15 AM
I doubt she'll be anywhere near what you or I think in many respects but i think she's really gets the basic Idea that Limited gov't equals more freedom. Rathaer than the leftist dream of the Go'vt as Benevolent big mamma to the people. She probably still wants some form of gov't health care and is definitely still pro abort and a hard core feminist, but she now see that the gov't is "like fire" and can get out of control and see that the founders rightly understood it in their guts.
She's moved toward a more pro gun stance based on her growth at this point, who knows where she'll end up. but with more from the left and right like her we can imagine bringing the gov't to a constitutional place where we can legitimately fight about issues where the people will be the ones to decide withen the framwork of the constitution and state and local representation rather than special interest, foreign interest and the mega-corps persons.

Rev she is not what she is now claiming to be. She is a big government liberal who has a history of supporting other big government liberals.

On FOx News even the liberal Shep Smith called her on her what she said

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eg8LhxYqBJs" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

10-26-2011, 02:39 AM
Shep is a lib?!? On Fox?!? My world has been shaken to its core.

red states rule
10-26-2011, 02:41 AM
Shep is a lib?!? On Fox?!? My world has been shaken to its core.

You must not watch him much or you would know he has always leaned to the left on many issues

Fox News is not what its critics have painted them to be

10-26-2011, 02:57 AM
I haven't seen much of him in years and don't specifically recall his opinion coming out even when I did.

red states rule
10-26-2011, 03:04 AM
I haven't seen much of him in years and don't specifically recall his opinion coming out even when I did.

Here is one example of Shep's leaning left on the air

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NJBGWH222KI" frameBorder=0 width=420 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>