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View Full Version : CBS Poll: More people approve of Obama than Congress.

10-26-2011, 02:04 AM
This is interesting. Job approval of Congress is the lowest (9%) it's ever been since the poll began asking the question (1976).

http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20125482-503544/congressional-approval-at-all-time-low-of-9-according-to-new-cbs-news-new-york-times-poll/?tag=contentMain;contentBody (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20125482-503544/congressional-approval-at-all-time-low-of-9-according-to-new-cbs-news-new-york-times-poll/?tag=contentMain;contentBody)

red states rule
10-26-2011, 02:06 AM
Congress had low approval ratings prior to the 2010 election as well. So what is your point LR?

10-26-2011, 02:29 AM
Congress had low approval ratings prior to the 2010 election as well. So what is your point LR?

I guess I didn't really make one; kinda wanted to see what others thought. But since you asked...

Congress has become very entrenched; to the point they're not doing what we put them there to do. It seems to me Obama's plans have been thwarted by Congress, more so after the 2010 election, and we're seeing the approval rating of Congress slip as a result. Now don't take this to mean Obama's approval rating is great, or even his policies, but having his plans thwarted by Congress doesn't give them a chance to work (or fail). It seems Congress has become so concerned about Obama not getting his way, that very little substance has been passed-- and the people disapprove of this, even more than they do Obama.

10-26-2011, 02:32 AM
I would imagine if you asked citizens about their particular rep they would have an approval rating around BO's as a bottom. At that point it becomes easy to blame the generic "Congress" as a scapegoat.

red states rule
10-26-2011, 02:34 AM
I guess I didn't really make one; kinda wanted to see what others thought. But since you asked...

Congress has become very entrenched; to the point they're not doing what we put them there to do. It seems to me Obama's plans have been thwarted by Congress, more so after the 2010 election, and we're seeing the approval rating of Congress slip as a result. Now don't take this to mean Obama's approval rating is great, or even his policies, but having his plans thwarted by Congress doesn't give them a chance to work (or fail). It seems Congress has become so concerned about Obama not getting his way, that very little substance has been passed-- and the people disapprove of this, even more than they do Obama.

LR if my memory serves be correctly, people fired Dems in record numbers to 2010 becuase they were pissed off at the agenda they were ramming thru

R's ran on opposing Obama's agenada. Many ran on promising to repeal Obamacare, stopping the spending (which they have not done) and growth of government

So if you think the voters are pissed off that the R's are blocking Obama, you are dead worng. they may be pissed the R's have caved to much and are letting Obama continue to spend us into oblivion

BTW, it is Dems who are also voting against some of Obama's spending and tax plans

10-26-2011, 02:58 AM
LR if my memory serves be correctly, people fired Dems in record numbers to 2010 becuase they were pissed off at the agenda they were ramming thru

R's ran on opposing Obama's agenada. Many ran on promising to repeal Obamacare, stopping the spending (which they have not done) and growth of government

So if you think the voters are pissed off that the R's are blocking Obama, you are dead worng. they may be pissed the R's have caved to much and are letting Obama continue to spend us into oblivion

BTW, it is Dems who are also voting against some of Obama's spending and tax plans

Your memory is of that which you are concerned; not necessarily that of all voters. I think if you asked what people were upset about-- the overwhelming response then, as now, would be the economy.

But you're right on the R's-- who ran on opposing Obama agenda alone. I believe there's a name for such a stance-- nihilism.
I didn't say people are pissed off for blocking Obama's policies-- its not creating policies which help...period.

Cuz if memory serves me correctly, it is CONGRESS who passes laws on spending or otherwise, that's their job; not the President's-- he just writes the checks. hence, why more people disapprove of Congress, than Obama.

red states rule
10-26-2011, 03:02 AM
Your memory is of that which you are concerned; not necessarily that of all voters. I think if you asked what people were upset about-- the overwhelming response then, as now, would be the economy.

But you're right on the R's-- who ran on opposing Obama agenda alone. I believe there's a name for such a stance-- nihilism.
I didn't say people are pissed off for blocking Obama's policies-- its not creating policies which help...period.

Cuz if memory serves me correctly, it is CONGRESS who passes laws on spending or otherwise, that's their job; not the President's-- he just writes the checks. hence, why more people disapprove of Congress, than Obama.

Dems lost 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats - and about 600 elected offices nationwide. Dems has not suffered an election loss of that size since the 1930's

Recently a NY district elected a Republican - the first time since the 1920's

Time will tell, but I heard the same thing prior to the 2010 midterm that voters were pissed off at both parties, but the R's creamed the Dems anyway

Right now, it is looking like the Dems will lose the Senate and may lose a few seats in the House

The economy will not improve anytime soon as long as Obama continues to look at the private sector and the enemy and successful people as a renewable money source

10-26-2011, 05:01 AM
I guess I didn't really make one; kinda wanted to see what others thought. But since you asked...

Congress has become very entrenched; to the point they're not doing what we put them there to do. It seems to me Obama's plans have been thwarted by Congress, more so after the 2010 election, and we're seeing the approval rating of Congress slip as a result. Now don't take this to mean Obama's approval rating is great, or even his policies, but having his plans thwarted by Congress doesn't give them a chance to work (or fail). It seems Congress has become so concerned about Obama not getting his way, that very little substance has been passed-- and the people disapprove of this, even more than they do Obama.

Obama has the lame stream media helping him spread his lies. He was unfettered for his first two years, and his plans(policies) failed miserably. He blew a trillion and got a huge goose egg for a result. It would be insane for any congessman to suggest we let him have another "chance" because he(Obama) says it'll work this time.

10-26-2011, 06:13 AM
The poll result is like saying more people prefer athlete's foot fungus to warts.

red states rule
10-27-2011, 04:25 AM
Obama has the lame stream media helping him spread his lies. He was unfettered for his first two years, and his plans(policies) failed miserably. He blew a trillion and got a huge goose egg for a result. It would be insane for any congessman to suggest we let him have another "chance" because he(Obama) says it'll work this time.

and the liberal media's attempts are failing

President Obama Job ApprovalPolling Data
<TBODY sizset="137" sizcache="0">
<TH class=noCenter>Poll</TH><TH class=date>Date</TH><TH>Sample</TH><TH>Approve </TH><TH>Disapprove </TH><TH class=spread>Spread</TH>

RCP Average
10/13 - 10/25

Gallup (http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/Gallup-Daily-Obama-Job-Approval.aspx)
10/23 - 10/25
1500 A

Rasmussen Reports (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/obama_approval_index_history)
10/23 - 10/25
1500 LV

CBS News/NY Times (http://www.cbsnews.com/)
10/19 - 10/24
1650 A

Democracy Corps (D) (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/docs/2011/Democracy_Corps_102011.pdf)
10/15 - 10/18
1000 LV

Associated Press/GfK (http://surveys.ap.org/data/GfK/AP-GfK%20Poll%20October%202011%20Topline%20FINAL_Obam aJobsEconomy.pdf)
10/13 - 10/17
1000 A

CNN/Opinion Research (http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/10/17/oct17.poll.economy.pdf)
10/14 - 10/16
1007 A

See All President Obama Job Approval Polling Data (http://www.debatepolicy.com/#polls)


red states rule
10-28-2011, 04:15 AM
It is amazing how libs rewrite history, invent facts, and try to blame others for the failures

<IFRAME height=315 src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/TK4agoqLLLE" frameBorder=0 width=560 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>